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Authors: Mia Watts

Tags: #Erotica

Scoring (3 page)

BOOK: Scoring
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Jay made a garbled yelp. “Ow, man.”

“Yes or no?” Martin asked.

“I—I don’t know.” He swung his head around, Jay’s wide brown eyes confused but excited. “Do it again?”

“In a minute. Relax a little.”




“I’m going to put my wide mouth all over your ass and taint.”

“Oh, God!”

“Imagine it while I do it. See it in your mind’s eye. I’m going to kiss and lick your hole with the mouth you can’t stop thinking about.”

Martin leaned in. He dragged his tongue over Jay’s strawberry-flavored hole, probed it, and peppered it with kisses. Jay shuddered and moaned, dropping his head into his folded arms.

“Mm, like strawberries and cream, baby,” Martin praised. He nipped the inside of both cheeks. “I love that you wax your ass.”

“Manscaping,” Jay offered on a chuckle.

“Makes it even better when I do this.” Martin parted his lips, dragging them back and forth over the sensitive inner cheeks and hole, down Jay’s taint where he carefully sucked the flesh between his lips.

Then he repeated the hook and pop with his finger. Jay’s hole clenched and released several times.

“Yes,” Jay said finally.

Martin rolled a condom over his cock and lubed it up. He applied more to Jay. Any intrusion would take adjustment. How much pain to give Jay with the penetration was something he would need to work out.

He reached around and grabbed Jay’s cock and balls in one hand. He rubbed them roughly, taking care not to squeeze the testicles into pain. Jay’s cock had already begun to fill. With the back of his hand, he slapped Jay’s butt.

“Yes or no?”

“Yes,” Jay answered again. His words came in thready gasps.

“Making love to you is going to be a helluva lot of fun,” he murmured, loud enough for Jay to hear.

Jay squirmed his ass, waggling it slightly in his enthusiasm to get going. It was cute, Martin thought. So needy and so virginal. God, there was nothing like knowing he was going to be the first to get in that. No one had touched his Jay until now, and if Martin had anything to say about it, no one else ever would. This was his man, his best friend, his lover.

He probed Jay with his finger, pushing it in and out. Martin was only as wide as two fingers so he pushed in a second one, making a point of rubbing over the hard knob of prostate.

“Does it always feel this good?” Jay asked.

“If you do it right.”

Once Jay began to push himself onto Martin’s fingers, Martin knew Jay was ready. He pulled his lover’s ass cheeks wider then positioned himself behind Jay. He savored the view for a moment. His pale cockhead touching the perfect pink ring that had never taken another man.

He’d remember this moment long after Jay had grown out of his experimental stage. He’d hang on to it, the sound of Jay’s heavy breathing, the feel of his thick hard cock and softer balls gripped in Martin’s hand. Yeah, this was the perfect moment. This one and the next one Martin decided.

“Remember to breathe,” he told Jay.

Martin pushed in. Jay’s anus widened around him like a tiny pink mouth. He loved the look of Jay’s stretched ring of flesh and the glistening lube circling it like strawberry lip-gloss.

“You have a gorgeous hole,” Martin praised.

“Who knew?” Jay’s whispery rasp answered.

“Breathe, baby. Push out while I push in.”

He felt Jay obey and slipped inside. Inch by inch, he sank into Jay, losing his heart the more Jay’s trusting body took him.


Martin’s cock pushed in. God, it was so fucking deep! His anus stung and throbbed. At first, his body didn’t know whether to accept or reject, yet once Martin filled him, Jay didn’t want to let him go. His hole squeezed around Martin, hanging on with the tenacity of a possessive lover.

Crinkly hair touched his stretched opening and cool balls tickled his taint and the top of his scrotum.

Moisture squeezed from the outer corners of Jay’s eyes. The things Martin did were beautiful. It should scare him, shouldn’t it? Martin should’ve been disgusted that Jay liked the sting of pain, the unusual abuse to his body. Martin’s acceptance weakened Jay’s defenses. He’d wanted Martin for an entire year. Now, Martin was taking him the way he’d always hoped. No, better than Jay had always hoped, and it sounded like maybe Martin would want to do it again.

Jay clung to that promise.

He didn’t know how to ask for what he needed, but Martin knew what he was doing, and it didn’t take words. He began to move, gripping Jay’s hips to hold him steady as Martin set a rhythm. Their bodies made obscene noises, accentuating Martin’s thrusts.

“Sounds gross,” Jay commented, trying to ease the tension with some humor.

Martin slapped his ass and lightly clawed the abused flesh. “Does it? Or does it sound fucking erotic?”

Jay didn’t know what to say. Two dudes, fucking? He didn’t have a precedent for it. Was there sex etiquette? Had his comment offended Martin? What did he have to say to get Martin to slap him again?

“Erotic,” Jay admitted finally.

His cock bobbed thickly. His balls swung. Martin’s bumped him, and Jay knew he’d never forget that feeling. It was—right. Perfect.

“Do it again,” Jay whispered.

Martin paused. Jay would have complained, but Martin pulled all the way out and flipped Jay over. Martin looked down at him, his eyes serious. The usual glint of humor and mockery had gone. Martin pushed Jay’s hands up over his head.

“Hold the headboard rungs,” Martin encouraged.

Jay did it, feeling the square wood bite his palms.

“Do it again?” Martin asked.

Jay prayed he wouldn’t have to explain it. He didn’t think he could verbalize the request. It would break the spell, return everything to normal, and he’d lose this. He didn’t want that. He only wanted Martin.

“You mean this?” Martin hooked Jay’s leg over Martin’s shoulder and kneeled up, lifting Jay’s ass off the bed. He slapped it. Martin’s gaze pierced Jay’s and seemed to read the pleasure easily enough.


Martin positioned Jay’s other leg to Martin’s opposite shoulder. He scraped his nails from Jay’s ass to the top of his thigh. Jay shuddered with pleasure. Martin’s smile slowly slid back into place.


“So you have a little kink in you, and you’re finally admitting it. Good for you,” Martin soothed.

He shifted his body and pushed inside Jay. Jay moaned at the welcome invasion. Martin lowered himself over Jay, gripping Jay’s ass with clawed fingers.

“Jay, don’t tell me this doesn’t feel right.”

“I wouldn’t.”

“Not even tomorrow or next week? Not when you grow out of whatever phase this is and decide to go straight again?”

Jay’s brow furrowed. “I—lied.”

Martin’s gaze searched his. “What about?”

“I’m not bi. I don’t think I’m bi. I mean, I’ve had girls, but it’s never been like this.”

“What’s it been like?”

“Too soft?” Jay said struggling for an explanation. “Too insubstantial?”

“A hole?” Martin asked directly.

Jay’s cheeks heated. “Yeah. Something that was a step up from my hand. And I like women. They’re great. They’re just not—what I want.”

“And men?” Martin pulled out and pushed in.

“Not men,” Jay said. There was nothing like what Martin made him feel. The drawing, the need, the intensity, the insanity of heated nerves shivering throughout his body.

“Not men?” Martin said.

He hadn’t meant to leave that statement to stand alone, but the movement of Martin inside him made words so unimportant. Jay tried to focus, to say what he meant and what Martin needed to know.

“Not men,” he repeated, picking up his thoughts where he’d dropped them. “You. Just you.”

Martin kissed him. Fingers dug into Jay’s ass as Martin’s cock continued to slide in and out of Jay’s body. Martin’s mouth tracked down, catching Jay’s nipple brutally between his teeth. Jay loved it. He arched to get more.

Martin let go. “Not women, not bi, not men. Me. What happens when you tire of

“Martin, I’ve had it for you since college. Just you. Can we stop talking and fuck now?”

Martin laughed. “Yeah, man, I can fuck you. The question is, how many times can you get fucked and still walk the next day?”

Jay didn’t bother to answer the question. He didn’t know the answer anyway. All he knew was that Martin was fucking him right now, and he needed that to continue. Any distraction from that goal—of every hot sexy inch of Martin ramming his hole—was a bad, bad thing.

Martin coasted forward, no longer holding back, but taking Jay’s ass the way they both needed him to. Martin closed his eyes, apparently lost in his own maelstrom of sensation. Jay held the rungs for dear life to keep from banging his head to the headboard in time to Martin’s thrusts.

The bed creaked. The wood conked against the wall. Their neighbors would be pissed. Fuck the neighbors.

Martin rocked harder, faster. Every lean muscle strained for release. He was beautiful to watch. Martin suddenly took Jay’s cock and pressed it to his own abdomen, using his six-pack and palm to jack Jay off.

“Come for me again, Jay.”

Martin slammed into him. Their bodies bounced, and the swing of Martin’s testicles between Jay’s legs paired with the sharp need on Martin’s face was all it took. Jay cried out, shooting jets of cum on Martin’s chest as Martin smiled his pleasure.

“Pretty,” Martin growled. “And all for me.”

He let go of Jay’s cock and rocked hard. Martin’s face tightened, and his mouth opened. He tensed and shouted as his hips jerked several times.

“I love you,” Jay whispered.

Martin’s eyes snapped to his. “Is that sex talking or you?”

Jay grinned. “It’s just me.”

“I’m not a fling? Think before you answer. It matters.” Martin looked wary.

“I don’t need to think. I’m in love with you. Why the fuck do you think I just let you come in my ass?”


“I’ve never been that curious,” Jay countered.

“I need to know.”

“And I’m telling you. Why are you so intense about all this?”

“Because I love you too. I fell for you a long time ago while you were dating women. Forgive me if I have some questions.” Martin slipped out of Jay.

Jay pulled him down on top before Martin could roll away. “And I’m telling you that I’m sure. A guy could get offended if you keep questioning him.”

Martin kissed the tip of his nose. “I just need to know that this wasn’t about scoring.”

Jay rolled, pinning Martin to the bed. “It’s not about scoring. It’s about finally trusting myself enough to know that what I want isn’t wrong. I want you, Martin. I was just too dumb to act on it sooner.”

Martin grinned, his wide full lips stretching until Jay couldn’t help but smile back. “So once again, I’m always right. Good to know.”

Jay swatted Martin’s ass. “No way, man. I was right. That game in there was boring as hell.
game is the only one worth watching.”

Jay seared his lover with a long, deep kiss.

Martin sighed against Jay’s lips. “Thank God for replays.”







About the Author



Mia makes her home in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where she divides her time between a job and spying on people. Mia enjoys long walks in Como Park, daisies, dancing in the snow...(Delete prior sentence, meant for personal ad)...

Mr. Perfect may apply in person for a thorough evaluation and trial. All others will be towed.





Also Available from
Resplendence Publishing


Mind F*cked
by Mia Watts

Sage has the ability to read minds, but only in high passion moments when thoughts transmit at a higher frequency. But the gift is double-edged. Sage is inordinately handsome. Some might even say he’s a walking orgasm. So what’s a half-breed to do when every person he meets seems intent on seducing him, and how will he know if the man he chooses will love him for more than his looks?

Joe has never been the object of anyone’s lust before. Now Sage, the hottest guy he’s ever laid eyes on, has Joe starring in his sexual fantasies. It would be perfect if only Sage could shut up for one minute, and quit talking about his own hotness—or about how he can read minds.

Meanwhile, Joe and Sage must secure the last three Zodiac Stones and prevent their theft while they wait for exhibition. Can they put their sexual tension aside long enough to stop a clever thief? And even if they do, will Joe’s heart be a casualty of their inevitable fling, or could Sage really be looking for more than a one-night stand?

BOOK: Scoring
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