Read Sculpt-Paige_Michaels-Becca_Jameson Online

Authors: Becca Jameson and Paige Michaels

Tags: #Erotic Contemporary Romance

Sculpt-Paige_Michaels-Becca_Jameson (3 page)

BOOK: Sculpt-Paige_Michaels-Becca_Jameson
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“I’ll go,” she said, her voice soft and uncertain, and it was like a different woman was in front of him than the confident one he’d had in his house a minute ago.

“You will not. You’ll give me your safe word. Then I’ll take those beads out, then I’ll teach you something about yourself, then I’ll eat your pussy until you’re screaming for me to feed you my cock. And then we’ll figure out if you want more.”

Her eyes glazed over at his description, and he knew he’d brought her back. “You want me, Theo? For real?”

He didn’t know what to make of her, this strange emotional whiplash that had come over her, full of bratty confidence one moment and ragingly insecure the next.

She tipped her head and met his gaze with clear eyes. “I don’t even care if there’s something wrong with you. I want what you said. For tonight, I want you to do all that.”

“Good. Safe word.”


He smiled. “Turn around, brat, and let me get these tiny beads out of your ass so I can introduce you to real anal beads and show you what you’ve been missing.”

Chapter Three

Lucinda swiveled and jutted her ass out so Theo could have easier access to the beads. Before she could even take a breath, he pulled them all out. She gasped and looked at him, a smirk on his face and the beads dangling from one finger.

“Sweetheart, where did you get these? They look like tiny pearls.”

“I haven’t done much ass play.”

He smoothed his free hand over her ass, and she shivered. His hands were massive, and there was nothing soft about them. “It’s a damn shame because this ass is perfection, and it deserves to be played with.”

She blushed. “Thanks. I think so too. So?”

He raised an eyebrow. “We’re going to need to have a conversation first. How much do you know about D/s?”


“And yet since the moment you’ve walked in, you’ve resisted giving me any control. Are you nervous, or are you always like this?”

She nibbled on her lip. “Well, I wouldn’t say I’m nervous. I mean, you’re big, but I’m not worried about that.” He swatted her ass hard, and her body buzzed. She felt liquid pool between her thighs and wondered if she was pushing him on purpose. “What’s wrong, Theo? Did I hurt your feelings?”

“Jesus, you’re fucking delicious. Everything. Every single word that you give me, it’s a tally etched in my mind about what I’m going to do to you to punish you for it.”

More heat pooled, and she had to squeeze her legs together so it wouldn’t drip down her legs. He was on her in a second, gripping her thighs and widening her stance.

“No, brat. You don’t get to hold all that juice in. I know it’s there. And I’m going to lap it all up as soon as you apologize for giving me attitude.”

She stilled. Shit. She liked giving him attitude. It was fun, and he was the first Dom she’d met who didn’t seem to mind. Plus, he promised punishment. But the idea of his tongue licking her pussy was too much to resist.

“I’m sorry, Sir,” she said.

“Good girl. Now, I’ll show you the rest of my house, and we’ll have a conversation.”

He grabbed her hand, but she dug her heels in. “What? You promised to eat my pussy. I wouldn’t have apologized if I knew I’d be stuck touring the grounds and meeting the staff.”

“Oh, you’re in such deep shit.” But he smiled when he said it, and she realized he didn’t want her to be impressed with his money. Which was probably good because she wasn’t. Guys who had money were usually dicks, and she never lasted with them. Of course, she never really lasted with anyone.

In one quick move, Theo scooped her up, draped her over his shoulder, and swooped her into the large living room next to the foyer. She lifted her head to glance around, wiggling and struggling before he slapped her ass to still her. A saddle-colored leather couch and dark chocolate leather armchairs circled a dark wooden coffee table in the center. But the carpet and walls were creamy white like the rest of the house.

“What in the hell are you doing? Put me down.”

“I’m going to put you down, brat. Right over my knee.”

She gasped then. She couldn’t help it, and before she could do anything to alter her reaction, he speared two of his fingers right into her pussy and she groaned.

“Yeah. You like that. You want me to spank you. Punish my little brat for mouthing off.”

My little brat
. Oh Jesus. She couldn’t stop the tremble that shook her body. She couldn’t stop the whimper that escaped her mouth. He dropped onto the couch and didn’t even wait for her to settle more comfortably, to adjust her nipples so the clamps weren’t brushing across his denim-clad thighs. He just started spanking her hard. Harder than any scene she’d ever done. A full-on cupped palm that stung and she knew would leave marks. He alternated sides and where he landed on each cheek, but her entire backside burned.

She moaned and whimpered and rubbed against him, trying to release the pressure that mounted in her clit with each swat on her ass. Every time she thought she was about to tumble over the edge, he’d stop, rub her skin in slow circles, whisper to her.

“Your ass is perfect, sweetheart. Looks so pretty with my handprints on it.”

“Please, Sir, let me come.” She squeezed her thighs together. Frustration curled around her, and she almost growled, rocking her body along his thighs, trying to do something, anything to release the ache inside. Her pussy was weeping juices all over him, but it wasn’t enough.

Theo smoothed his hand down from her ass to her thighs. “Spread your legs, brat. I decide when and if you come. Not you.”

Lucinda gasped but did as he said. Her exposed pussy nearly throbbed as the air from the room hit her. She gripped at nothing with her empty walls, needing anything inside her. The pressure was almost more than she could bear.

“You ready, sweetheart? I’m going hard now, and I know you’re gonna come, and I’ll take care of you after, but if you’re scared, we can stop.”

“No. Don’t you fucking dare stop.”

He chuckled, and she gazed up at him. Drops of sweat sheened along his forehead and down his torso. He looked like he’d run a marathon, but the tenor of his voice hadn’t changed the whole time.

“I told you you’d say no a lot.”

“Do it, Theo. For God’s sake, stop playing and do it.”

He pressed her head back down and smacked her so hard on the ass it burned. The pain was relentless, but it shot straight to her clit as though there were an imaginary connection between her burning ass and her needy pussy. But instead of tensing, she instinctively knew to relax, and that’s when he spanked her hard enough to pull the orgasm out of her. She squeezed her eyes shut as his palm landed on her one more time, hard, too hard, and just right. He might as well have thrust his fingers into her pussy because she fell over the precipice as though he’d slapped her G-spot instead of her ass. The pulsing that gripped her tore a moan from her lips. Several minutes of pleasure consumed her as she rode the orgasm. Her clit throbbed, pleading for more.

“That’s a girl,” he cooed, gently turning her and pulling her into his lap. Her ass was on fire, but she didn’t care. She shook with the orgasm aftershocks and burrowed her head into his warm, bare chest. “That’s what you needed.”

She nodded, not able to really think what he meant. She’d never done that before. Had an orgasm without someone touching her clit. She couldn’t explain it, and she didn’t want to think too hard about how this guy she barely knew had figured out how to do something to her she didn’t even know was possible.


She was gorgeous when she came. Like nothing he’d ever seen before. Stunning in her surprise and her desperate need. He rubbed a hand along her thigh and lifted her from the couch. She didn’t even react as he strode up the stairs into the guest bedroom. She just nuzzled deeper into his chest. He placed her gently on the bed and took the nipple clamps off her. She barely registered it she was flying so high. He dragged the sheet and comforter over her.

Her gaze cleared for a second, and she said, “Are my four hours up?”

He grinned. “Not hardly, sweetheart. I’m going to get you some water and let you rest a bit.”

“Mmm.” Her hum was soft and enticing and made him want to slip into the bed next to her and curl himself around her. But first he needed to take care of her. It was clear she hadn’t dropped into this kind of subspace before.

He walked to the attached bath and got her a cup of water. His palm burned and his cock ached as it pushed up against the fly of his jeans. He couldn’t wait to slip inside her wet heat, but she needed to be fully recovered first.

He tipped her head up and had her drink the water slowly. Then he put the cup to the side and turned her onto her stomach. The handprints were still bright red, so he pulled some arnica cream from his bedside table and began to smooth it over her skin. She moaned.

“Cold,” she whispered. He pulled the comforter back around her and snuggled close to her.

“You doing better?”

“Yes, but I’m tired.”

“Sleep then.”

She turned to look at him, and the softness in her gaze almost undid him. “Don’t want to waste my four hours.”

He grinned and tucked a red curl behind her ear. “I may be willing to add to our time together.”

She grinned back, and a flash of victory shone in her gaze. “Good.”

He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her back toward his chest. “I know what you did there, brat. Sleep now. You can face the consequences of trying to be clever when you wake up.”

She arched her back and pressed her ass into his aching cock.

“Go to sleep, brat. We’re going to go over a few rules when you wake up.”

He watched her drift into sleep and felt a deep contentment rise inside of him. She was going to be tough, but he guessed in the end it would be worth it. He would tame her and train her, and every step of the way it would be a fight.

Something he’d waited a long, long time for.

Chapter Four

Lucinda woke with a start and almost screamed. Where was she? Jesus. What the hell had she done?

“Shh, it’s okay,” a voice said from beside her and pulled her in closer. Theo. The man she was meant to spend only four hours with.

“What time is it?”

“After three,” he answered, not releasing his arm from the tight cinch around her waist.

“I should…” she started, but he cut her off and flipped her over to face him.

“No, sweetheart. We’re not starting that way. I’ll talk and you listen. Don’t argue, don’t sass, just listen. If you can keep your mouth shut for five minutes, I’ll reward you. If you can’t, I’ll get you dressed and send you on your way. No punishment, just dismissal. Am I clear?”

She nodded. A feeling of dread spread in her stomach at the idea of him dismissing her. Was this going to be another one of those nights where a Dom worked her over and then left her?

“Good. Now. We play well together. You’re new and haven’t been trained at all, but I can see a firm hand and some ground rules will make you into the right kind of submissive for me.”

Her nostrils flared. The right kind of submissive? What the hell did that mean? She’d let him spank her into an orgasm, and it wasn’t like she hadn’t been open to whatever he suggested. Mostly.

“Don’t get all worked up, brat. I’ve figured you out pretty well, and I promise you will not be disappointed if you stay with me. If you recall, you’re the only one of us who’s come so far, so if anyone is taking a gamble here, it’s me.”

Her gaze dropped down, and she could see the outline of his large cock pressing against the front of his jeans. She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t intrigued by the idea of figuring out what got him off, by the idea of playing with him and letting him play her.

He tilted her chin up so she was staring directly at his dark eyes. “Yes, you’ll get that too. But for now, I want to tell you what I’ll expect from this if you stay with me.”

Her mouth dropped open, and she almost spoke, but stopped herself in time. He sighed and shook his head. “Ask.”

“Are you saying you’ll stay with me? Like long-term?”

“Is that what you want?”

Yes. God yes. But maybe that was giving too much of herself away. “It depends what you have to offer.”

He tsked. “Always going to fight me, huh? Even on the most basic things. We’re going to need to work on that. I like the fight. Don’t get me wrong. Weak submissives who roll over and spread are not my thing. But there are times when I’ll want you to fight and times when I’ll want you to follow. If you can’t follow, there will be consequences, immediate and harsh. And I’m not talking about paddling you until you come. I know you want that. That’s not punishment, that’s reward.”

She inhaled a sharp breath, and he smiled.

“It’s a special kind of sub who comes just from spanking, sweetheart. I cannot wait to see what else I can make your body do.”

Warmth started at the bottom of her stomach and worked its way down. She wanted to spread her legs for him and offer him anything he desired. She also wanted to challenge him, ask him to prove it. But most of all, she wanted him, this, to be real. To last.

He dropped his hand down and cupped her pussy, and she couldn’t stop the whimper escaping her lips. “That’s right, brat. I’ll bet I can make you come just with my palm and my words.” He pressed his palm into her, and she ground against him until he eased off.


“No. We’re not done. Now, I’ve got your safe word, but we’re going to need to negotiate some things. I will push you as far as you think you can go, probably farther, so I need to know your hard limits. What won’t you do?”

Lucinda closed her eyes and thought about all she knew about D/s and all she’d researched. “Nothing. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do.”

His eyes widened. “That’s a bold statement, sweetheart. Everyone has a hard limit. Scat? Water play? Pegging? Fisting? Rape fantasies? Electrostim? Needles? I need you to be honest.”

She wanted to turn around, wanted to be facing the wall when she answered. But he gripped her chin and wouldn’t let her turn away. Finally, she said, “I don’t really know enough about all the different things, I guess. I’ve seen it all online, and it doesn’t scare me. I mean, even the scat, while not exactly a turn-on, doesn’t really make me think
no way
. If you wanted to try it, as long as I got to shower afterward…”

BOOK: Sculpt-Paige_Michaels-Becca_Jameson
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