SEAL Kissed: A Navy SEAL Military Romance (Hot Dirty SEALS Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: SEAL Kissed: A Navy SEAL Military Romance (Hot Dirty SEALS Book 1)
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Chapter Eight


t’s still
early evening when Emerson clocks out and we leave together. For all the attitude she’s throwing my way her body is telling me something else. The slight brush of her arm against me, the gentle bump of her hip on my thigh are subtle ways her body betrays her words. We get to her car and I use my size to back her up against the drivers door. I can’t believe she drives this piece of junk. There’s no way it can be safe.

She looks up at me with those big doe eyes and smart mouth. I know she’s about to say something, probably along the lines of telling me to screw off, but I’m not letting her get away that easy.

Caging her against the door with my arms I lean close enough to feel her heavy breath on my face. “And to clarify something I said earlier, I’m not an easy fuck. I make a woman beg for it first. And then I might fuck her if she suits my tastes.”

Emerson blinks rapidly every time I use the word fuck, like she’s offended or turned on. Good to know. Her small hand reaches up and starts to twirl her hair. I’m making her nervous.

“Um, Mr. I Make Women Beg For It,” she chokes out with a grim look on her face. “You can hold on to your dick, I’ve never begged any man for sex and I’m not going to start.”

She’s a fighter. I like that.

Her big brown eyes are searching my face, and there’s something in the way she looks at me that makes me want to wrap myself around her and keep her safe forever. Her thick glasses can’t hide the long lashes framing her innocent eyes as they grow wider and brighter. Her cheek quivers and something in my chest clenches.
What the fuck, am I dying?

step closer
, my knee between her legs with just enough space to let her nipples rub against my chest and cup her chin. “You’ve never begged a man to fuck you?”

o and I
’m not going to start.” Her voice is waving the white flag of surrender as her nipples pebble under the reserved blouse. The heat between us is palpable, the magnetic pull stronger than an M1 Abrams tank.

her up and down. She must be lying but she doesn’t even blink. Not once. “If you’re not begging then your boyfriend isn’t fucking you the right way.”

hat full bottom
lip of hers drops open and I have the urge to shove my dick down her throat just to shut her up. Her cheeks flame. Ah, now I’m getting somewhere. My cock feels victorious.

my thigh deeper between her legs. “So tell me, Emerson, has your pencil dick boyfriend ever made you scream?” Her breath hitches. There’s something about her I don’t understand. All women are a mystery but she’s the first one I’ve wanted to figure out.

“Do you come so hard it hurts but you still go back for more?”

I feather kisses from her temple to her collarbone, tasting and scenting her beautiful smooth skin. Her hips rock against my thigh, and I press myself harder into her, purposefully letting her rub her pussy against my leg. She smells like sunshine and wildflowers and it’s the hottest thing ever. My facial stubble rubs in the hollow of her neck and a faint moan escapes from that perfect little mouth of hers. Her sensitive skin is reddened and I swirl my tongue over the area and drag my jaw over the area again, alternating my rough skin with gentle licks of my tongue. She’s so damn sweet with her little moans and purrs. I could gobble her up right here in this parking lot.

, that feels so good” she rasps out and rolls her head to the side, allowing me more of her slender neck to sample. Delicious.

ou haven’t answered
my question,” I murmur into her ear. She’s melting under my touch. Molding her body against mine and dragging her hands down my back. “What question?” she asks breathlessly. Cupping her chin I tilt her head back. “Open your eyes Emerson. I want you looking at me.”

lowly her long lashes lift
, and I’m met with the familiar hot look of desire. She wants my cock. And there’s nothing I want more than to slam her against the car and bury myself balls deep. But I want her to beg. I need her to beg. I need to hear her scream my name when I make her come.

eaning closer
I press my forehead against hers, my hand cupping her delicate face. The subtle rolling of her hips is driving me crazy. The heat of her pussy is pressed against my thigh when it should be pressed against my face. I want to taste her so bad and fuck her even harder.

“Tell me pretty girl, does your boyfriend make you come?”

The red flush spreading across her cheeks makes my cock even harder. Her plump lips press together as she gives me an almost unperceivable shake of her head.

I suddenly feel very pissed off. Only an asshole would fuck a beautiful girl like Emerson and not get her off. I want to punch the fucker.

any of your boyfriends made you come?” Something tightens in my stomach when I ask her this. I’m going to have to kick all their asses.

er breath hitches
. Her body tenses under mine. My thigh is tightly clenched between her legs and no way in hell am I taking that away.

’ve never had sex
,” she whispers and closes her eyes.

jump back
and immediately miss her heat pressed against me.

? Are you kidding me? Don’t tell me you’re a virgin. There’s no’re twenty-two years old. And gorgeous. Someone had to have you by now.” Too distracted to ask how I knew her age, I inwardly chastise myself for letting something like that slip.

er face is flushed
and she’s twirling her hair. Holy shit. I’m so pissed at myself right now for getting into this position. “Follow me,” I snap and lead the way through the parking lot and to my truck. No matter how mad I am at myself for hitting on an innocent I still want to give her something, just not my cock. Instead of breaking her heart with my bastardly ways I’ll let her have Marigold. My team is ramping up for another mission and knowing Marigold is being well cared for is a huge relief. After spending some time with the worst dog ever Emerson will be more than happy to give her back when I return. And if I don’t make it back she’ll feel too guilty to not keep her. It’s a perfect plan and is a hell of a lot better than leaving her at the doggie hotel for an extended period of time.

you turning me down just because I’m a virgin?” She’s embarrassed and holding back tears. I need to get the hell away from her. Adrenaline and desire pump through my veins and straight to my rock hard dick. An asshole like me will only break her heart. The thought of hurting her makes me feel sick. I’m not sure why I feel this way. I always fuck them and leave them. But never virgins. It’s my only rule. The golden rule. But Emerson is getting under my skin. I need to get rid of her and make sure she never comes back. Time to let my personality shine.

turn around
, my long strides forcing her to back up until she’s against my truck. “I fuck dirty, hard and fast. Is that what you want for your first time pretty girl?” I pause, giving my words time to sink in. “Just give the word and I’ll take you like a whore right now. I’ll bend that perfect little body of yours over my tailgate and bury my cock deep into you from behind. It will be rough, hard and fast. I give you my word that you’ll be sore and dripping my come for days.”

y thumb brushes
away the single tear sliding down her cheek. She winces at my touch. It takes every ounce of my willpower not to wrap my arms around her and hold her tight. She’s absolutely perfect. And I don’t deserve perfect. She’s probably been saving herself for Mr. Right and I’m a far cry from him. I need to show her the kind of bastard I really am. The kind of man who hunts terrorists and watches through the scope of a sniper rifle as their skulls split open. Every mission provides the probability of coming home in a body bag and I’ll be damned to eternal hell before I leave some poor heart broken widow blubbering for my sorry ass. She’s too good for me and I need her to hate me.

the word Emerson and I’ll push my cock so deep into that tight pussy of yours you’ll feel it in your throat.” Her body shudders. She’s scared. Of me. And that’s a good thing. She should be. Her tears are killing me but this is for her own good. I only bring heartbreak and misery into people’s lives and something in her eyes tells me Emerson has already experienced more pain than most. I don’t need to add to her sorrow. And that’s all I would do.

“I don’t fuck virgins and I don’t call the next day or the day after. I’m a one and done type of guy,” I say in a deep voice.

She cringes. The look on her face tells me everything I need to know. Emerson would never risk getting involved with a guy like me. Smart girl.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought. You need a suit and tie guy, the type who will screw you missionary style every Monday and Thursday, come on his third thrust and leave you lying there letting you believe it was great sex.”

hate you
,” she scolds between clenched teeth, long strands of hair whipping around her face as she comes undone. Her bottom lip quivers, causing an unfamiliar tightness to gather in my chest before sinking like an anchor into the dark abyss of my soul.

“Pretty girl, you’re not the first woman to tell me that and won’t be the last.” My fists clench at my sides. There’s nothing I want more than to reach out and pull her close. Keep her safe from all the ugliness of the world.

I’ve never been in love, don’t believe in the stuff. Any woman who has been with me knows what I am upfront, just a good time with no strings attached. I’m not going to call in the morning or send red roses with a handwritten poem the next day. I don’t do birthday’s, holidays or monthly anniversaries. I’m a SEAL; I conquer and move on. If jumping from a plane under the cover of night into an ice cold black ocean with ammunition strapped to my chest isn’t enough to fill my bottomless need for adrenaline I doubt just one woman ever could.

I’ve been the unfortunate witness to men I consider brothers killed in action and have had the heart wrenching duty of being a pallbearer at their funerals. I’ve looked in the faces of widows and fatherless children and after two seconds of contemplation made the decision a long time ago to devote my life to my country. My heart isn’t big enough to be shared by both a woman and my SEAL team and I’ve been around enough of the married team guys to know all women eventually want to start a family. Bringing a child into this world with the knowledge he would most likely be attending my funeral before his first footsteps is something I don’t aspire to do. I watch Emerson stalk over to her car and it takes all my strength not to run after her.

Chapter Nine


ortification spills
from every cell in my body. The first time in my life my body reacts to a man and he shoots me down faster than a bug zapper on an August night. Pulling the heavy door open I toss my bag into the passenger seat and glide behind the wheel as fast as possible.

Never wanting to see him again I don’t even look up to see if he has the decency to wait for me to leave first. The thought of him leaving me behind in a dark parking lot and not caring for my safety frays my nerves. I’ve been walked over by too many people in my life to allow this domineering egotistical maniac to cast me aside like I don’t matter. I jam the key into the ignition and say a silent prayer.

Damn this piece of crap car. Of all the times not to start it chooses to die now. Thunder is rumbling in the distance and the smell of a summer storm hangs in the air. My crappy car is the most expensive thing I own and it’s worthless. Turning the key yet again I give it some gas in an attempt to spark some life into it. The engine sputters and chokes. For the grand finale it backfires and lurches forward, sending me face first into the steering wheel.

eed is tapping
on my window. He’s the last person I want to ask for help right now. As much as I can’t stand him I can’t dismiss the fact that he stayed in the shadows, making sure I left the parking lot safely. A little butterfly twitters inside, its fluttering wings providing me with a sense of calm as the tornado of a man presses his wide hands against my window.

I wish I could just curl up and ignore the world. Pretend that my virginal life is charmed and eating and paying rent doesn’t matter. The way my body reacted to the thought of being fucked over his tailgate makes me angry. The warm dampness between my legs is just a reminder of the power his words have over me. Logically my brain hates him but my body wants him. I feel like I’m at war and my common sense is losing.

my pity party I crack my window. “What do you want?” I can’t stand looking up at his dazzling white smile and perfect teeth. His lips look soft and kissable, the kind most women would drop their panties for. I want to run him over. It’s not fair someone can be so beautiful.

“Let me give you a ride home.” His big body leans into my car. I don’t know what to do. Not that I have many choices. Pulling out my cell phone I contemplate using my minutes to call Olivia. I have no one else to call. She is the lone name in my contact list. Pressing the phone symbol I silently hope she answers. The call goes directly to voicemail. Damn it. The bus doesn’t go anywhere near my apartment complex and I don’t know the schedule anyway. I could use UBER but I’ve been hearing in the news about drivers attacking unsuspecting women. Process of elimination leaves Reed. Ugh. This is what happens when you don’t let people into your life. You find yourself alone and having to settle with what the world throws your way. And the world has thrown me the biggest cockiest asshole of them all. And he just happens to make my insides sizzle and my heart race.

I take a few moments to convince myself that if he is a serial killer he would of murdered me by now. Unless he is the more sinister of killers and likes to create an emotional build up before ending someone’s life.

“Emerson. Get in my truck. Stop thinking about it. Trust me.” His words fill the car and I know he’s right. There’s no bad vibe I’m detecting and the hairs on the back of my neck aren’t standing up. It’s the way he makes me feel inside I don’t trust. Reed brings out the vulnerable girl I keep hidden from the world. I guess that’s my problem and not his. Big fat rain drops plop on my windshield. Even if my crappy car starts I can’t drive. It doesn’t have windshield wipers.

f course
he drives a Hummer with impossibly huge tires. There’s no step, and I have no idea how the heck I’m suppose to get into this monster of a thing. He must sense my predicament. I feel the heat radiating from his body. His hands grip my hips, hard. He holds me tight. My back to his front. I can feel his erection pressing above the curve of my ass. I’ve never heard of the virgin rule before and I wonder why he says he doesn’t want me when his body clearly says he does. His fingers grace my sides, gently communicating their complete control over me. His intensity frightens and arouses me, making my body ache for the dark unknown.

He holds me by my hip, while his other hand graces my side and travels right under my shirt. His light touch is trailing a path of flames over my stomach and rib cage. My body shivers in anticipation. My eyes close and my head rolls back, giving his mouth access to my neck. “Mmmm,” I moan as he sucks and licks me. “Sweet girl, you feel so good against me...make me so hard...want to fuck you so bad…make me want to break my only rule...” and there is a hesitation before he inhales slow and deep, scenting me from behind my ear, across my jawline and down the slope of my neck before settling in the hollow of my collarbone. It’s the most sexually tantalizing thing I have ever experienced and a vision of him between my trembling thighs flashes behind my closed eyes.

of his mouth on my most private intimate parts make my knees wobble. His hand glides from my hip to my sex, pressing his fingers against my tightness. My inner muscles clench and his erection pushes into my back. The weight of my breast is supported in his hand as he expertly pinches and stretches my nipple between his thumb and forefinger. It feels exquisite. Over and over he repeats the pattern. Teasing my nipple, drilling his erection into my lower back and cupping my sex. All while kissing and licking my neck. It’s all so primal and new to me. I’m shocked by how much I like it. Suddenly I am turned, now gazing into his crystalline eyes. And then his mouth is on mine, devouring me as he plunges his tongue in and out, licking and tasting me like an animal. My lips are swelling from the pressure and his stubble rubs against my delicate skin. And it feels so good. He’s fucking my mouth. Fast. Hard. Dirty. Just like he said he would. He’s everything I never knew I wanted. And suddenly everything I feel I need.

His muscles flex under my touch, so hard. I pull back. “What are we doing?” I ask, as the soft rain rolls down us.

“Emerson, you tell me. Tell me what you want.” His hands move up to my shoulders, and I stand there speechless as they drop to his sides. He widens the space between us and now I’m chilled. The rain is picking up, making me look like a drowned rat while he looks sexier than ever. He’s angry. Tense. His large hands rub over the scruff on his face. He seems oblivious to his raging hardon. But I’m drawn to it. It’s magnificent. And I want it.

“Listen Emerson, just get in the truck.” In an instant I’m lifted and buckled in. The door slams and I watch in confusion as his long lean legs stride to the driver’s side door. The Hummer roars to life and the tires squeal as I’m left trying to figure out what the heck just happened. I stare out the window, clenching my thighs together as the pulse between my legs continues to pound in rhythm with my heart.

eed turns
on the radio and his long fingers are strumming the steering wheel to an unfamiliar heavy metal song as he drives. I try to relax but the rain is coming harder and faster. Bolts of lightning are flashing in the distance. I hate bad weather. Too many memories of being locked in the basement during thunderstorms without power or a flashlight. My thoughts are interrupted by barking in the back seat. “You have a dog?”

He keeps his eyes on the road but I can tell he’s smiling. “Why do you sound so surprised?”

“I didn’t think ego maniacs had enough room in their heart for anything else beside themselves.” I know I’m being bitchy but this storm and his mood swings have me on edge.

We’re at a red light and Reed reaches into the backseat for the ball of fur.

“Meet Marigold. She’s a two year old Pug.” Marigold shakes free from the blankets and starts licking my face. “Marigold?” I ask, expecting someone like Reed to have a horse-sized dog named Killer or Beast.

“My mom named her. And I love my mama,” he winks and continues, “makes the damned best five alarm chili in the great state of Texas.”

Oh, that’s interesting. The hard ass has a mother and he loves her.
And he’s from Texas.
“Hi Marigold, aren’t you a cutie?” She stares at me with bug eyes before nuzzling into my neck. She really is cute in an E.T. sort of way.

“Happy you think she’s cute. She’s your dog now.”

?” I must of heard him wrong. “I can’t have a dog.” I can barely take care of myself. Every minute of my day is carefully plotted and planned weeks in advance. Suddenly my life is about to change and it’s all because of Reed and his pugly looking dog who has already made a place in my heart. Reed gives me a sideways glance and asks, “why can’t you have a pet?”

Shrugging my shoulders like it’s the most obvious answer in the world I continue, “She will need to be walked and entertained along with food and water. Shouldn’t I start out with a goldfish that I can flush down the toilet if it doesn’t work out?” Marigold looks up at me with sad eyes. I swear he trained her to do this.

The truck cabin is filled with Reeds laughter, and I realize it’s the first time I’ve seen him with his guard let down. His smile is genuine, exposing a boyhood charm I never noticed before.

’ve never had a dog
. What do I do with her?” Marigold turns in a circle and makes herself comfortable on my lap.

hat kind
of person has never had a dog?” Reed flashes me a look of disbelief.

person like me
,” I shrug my shoulders. “Actually, I’ve never had any type of pet. I’m not sure if I’m capable of taking care of her.” Secretly I’ve always wished for a puppy, just like any other kid growing up. But my wishes never came true. I accepted that fact a long time ago. And here I am, in a a truck with a man my brain tells me to hate but my body craves and he’s giving me something I’ve always wanted. My heart skips a beat.

ou don’t have
to do much. She’s already trained and housebroken. Just love her and feed her. And take her out for walks. But not too long, she doesn’t tolerate the heat well.” His dazzling emerald eyes dart between me and the highway.

hy are
you giving her to me? Don’t you want her?” Disbelief runs through me. My hands are buried in her warm fur and she’s licking at my face. Her happy bulging eyes are winning me over.

There’s a stretch of awkward silence and I fixate on his twitching jaw while he mulls over an answer. “My job makes me travel a lot, and I can’t keep her. If you don’t want her I’ll take her to the pound,” he declares, his tone tinged with an angry edge.

“What if I don’t take care of her and she dies?”

“I’m sure you will be fine. You don’t remind me of someone who would mistreat and abandon an animal.” He’s looking at me now, like he’s trying to judge my reaction. I try my best poker face, but the words mistreat and abandon are still bouncing around my head. This fur ball has only been in my life for five minutes and I already can’t imagine ever hurting her or leaving her in this world to fend for herself. I can’t allow her to become a cast away like me. She has my heart. Something no one else has never had. I wonder if my mom stuck around if she would of given me a puppy. It’s something I won’t know until I find her and ask her myself. There’s so many unanswered questions I have, like the reason for my abandonment and if she ever thinks of me. I’ve read the statistics of heroin addicts and know she is likely dead of a drug overdose. I cling to the hope of her being alive and drug free, searching for me as much as I’m searching for her. A dull heaviness begins to fall over me and I fight to push it away.

Just as my solitary pity party begins I’m distracted by the E.T. charlatan. Marigold is snorting and drooling and licking my hand. “I can't believe she likes me,” I giggle and scratch the top of her head before looking back up.

, I’ve always been by myself. What if I can’t do it?” My voice comes out softer than I anticipated. I’m not accustomed to people giving me things, let alone someone I barely know giving me a pet to take care of.

“You’re not alone anymore. Now you have Marigold.” His voice is kind and sincere. “She’s a good dog. Already housebroken. Just rub her belly and give her treats. Let her be your family.”

ou know
, five minutes ago I couldn’t stand you. Maybe you’re not so bad after all.”

is lips press
together and he squeezes the steering wheel, his knuckles paling under his strength. "Pretty girl, don't mistake my generosity for a kind heart. I’m a bastard and deserve every shit storm life throws my way."

Sadness flashes across his face and I wonder what could break such a confident man.

Headlights of passing cars illuminate his profile making him even more mysterious. His jaw is rough, the clean shaven man from the club replaced with the sexy as hell badass persona that he uses to hide an endearing sweet side and I oddly find myself liking this Reed more. He appears so raw right now, a sexual storm capable of sweeping me off my feet. Dismissing my thoughts, I kiss Marigold on top of her head.

et me have your cell
, I’ll put in my number in case you have any questions.” I do as he says, his tone always so strong and demanding.

eed calls
himself from my cell, programming my number into his phone. This arrogant cocky man doesn’t seem so intimidating anymore.

BOOK: SEAL Kissed: A Navy SEAL Military Romance (Hot Dirty SEALS Book 1)
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