Read Sea's Sorceress Online

Authors: Brynna Curry

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Contemporary

Sea's Sorceress (7 page)

BOOK: Sea's Sorceress
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“I want that too. She’s so headstrong and independent.”

“I raised her to be able to stand on her own two feet, but it doesn’t hurt to lean on someone now and again. Can I ask something of you?”

“Of course.”

“If you find you can’t hold her heart, please hand it back gently. She’s hurting so much. Already grieving. Don’t make it worse for her.”



Chapter 6


Morning light filtered through the lace curtains in her parents’ room. Once it had smelled of lavender and vanilla, her mother’s favorite scents, from the sachets under the pillows on the queen size bed. Now a sickly sweet medicinal smell covered up the fragrance.

Her Da lay bundled under layers of heavy quilts. They could never seem to get him warm enough. John O’Malley had never been a robust man. He was wiry and lean, with plenty enough strength to toss a drunk from the pub or to work his land. She’d been born to her parents late in life. Her Ma had been thirty-five; her Da over forty.
So frail. He’s almost like a stranger. He’s going so fast.

“Good morning, Da. You called for me?” She leaned down and kissed his papery cheek.

He cleared his throat. “There’s my baby girl. I heard voices in the kitchen. Who’s come to call?”

She smiled and brushed his sweat-matted hair off his forehead. “Only Skye. He baked muffins for you. Think you could eat just a little?”

“I’m not really hungry.”

Her heart gave a hard quick jerk and she felt Skye’s presence behind her before his hand rested on her shoulder.

“It’s alright. They’ll keep. How are you feeling today, John?” He clasped her father’s hand in the soft light with a firm, but gentle grip. “I’d like to talk to you, if you feel up to it.”

“Sure. Go tell your mama I’ll try to eat a bite.”

“Alright, Da.” She moved to leave the men to their conversation, but Skye caught her hand in his halting her steps. “See you later, Skye.”

“Don’t try to sneak off to the pub with that furniture, love. Wait for me and I’ll help you.”

“You don’t need to. I can manage on my own.”

“I know you can, but I like helping you. Wait for me.”

“Furniture? Who’s rented the apartment?” John asked.

“Rhiannon is going to use it for awhile until things settle down a bit.”

“Smart girl.”

“Let’s hope so.” Skye leaned over and gave her a quick, chaste kiss on her mouth before finally releasing her hand. “Wait for me.”

“Haven’t I always. I’ll be in the lorry.”

* * * *

“So, that’s the way of it, young Skye? Sparking after my Rhiannon, are you now?” John cleared his throat and scooted up in the bed.

Pain crossed his face with the movement, lashed out and echoed through Skye’s chest. He managed to hold back the scream in his throat, barely. Being so physically and emotionally close to someone in John’s kind of pain was sheer agony. More than the pain, was hopelessness.

“Aren’t there enough pretty lasses lined up on your doorstep?”

“Now, John. You’ve known me all my life.”

“Aye. I have, and I know your wild reputation. She’s hurting enough. While I have breath left in my body I will not lay here and watch you steal her heart and stomp it to shreds when you move on to the next.”

“I’ve no intention of hurting Rhia. She’s important to me.”

“You might not think so now, but you will. You’ll tire of her naiveté and find another willing lass.”

“She isn’t just another willing lass. It should shame you to say so.” He shoved his unsteady hands in the pockets of his jeans and walked to the window. How could he ask a dying man for his daughter’s hand when he hadn’t convinced the daughter to marry him? “I’ve worked alongside her for almost a year, been her closest friend most of our lives. This is just another level.”

“You’re too old for her.”

Thinking of the age difference between Kate and Ryan, Skye echoed Jack’s words. “Love doesn’t know age. Five years isn’t much of a difference.”

“She’s innocent.”

“Do you think I don’t know that? I love her, John. Rhia’s loyal, but she doesn’t value herself on any level. A fact that annoys me. She puts everyone else first, but has the worst temper I’ve ever seen on a woman. Whatever she does, it’s with her whole heart or not at all.”

“You really do love her, don’t you?”

“I do, and I feel like an idiot for not realizing it sooner.”

“I’m dying. I know it won’t be long. I can’t leave until I know my girls will be okay. Maggie has Molly to lean on, but Rhiannon has no one. She works too many long, hard hours. She’ll try to escape in that work.”

“She has me. She’ll always have me, John. Whatever happens, that won’t change.”

“I know you have gifts. The empathy and sight. I’d ask you something.”

“I’ll answer you if I can.”

“Tell me when. How long do I really have? You can see it. I know.”

“No. Not exactly.”

“Liar. How long?”

“A week maybe. A couple of weeks at the most. I’m sorry, John.”

His sob was a sharp sound slicing through the air carrying regret, pain and hopelessness. “It’s not enough. There’s so much left I want to do.”

“If a man has a thousand years, it still isn’t enough. It’s not the time you’re given, it’s how you spend it and who you spend it with. You’ve spent yours well.”

“That’s easy for you to say. You have a lifetime ahead of you. I want to watch my girl marry the man she loves and hold my grandchildren. I want to know Maggie will be okay, that I can leave this world without worry. I want those memories so much. Damned cancer. It hurts you to be here with me, to help Maggie with things around the house, because of your empathy.”

“Yes. I feel your pain as if it were mine.”

“Then why do you put yourself through the hell?”

“Because I want to help you and because I love Rhia. I didn’t come here to cause you more distress.”

“Speak your piece then.”

“I want to ask for your blessing to marry Rhiannon when she’s ready. I don’t know when that day will come, but I want to know we have your blessing.”

“You want to marry my daughter?
want to get married?” His grin was both pleased and wary.

“More than I want my next breath. I’d like your promise to keep this between us for now.”

John was silent for a moment, then smiled. “She’ll be a beautiful bride, and if you are what my baby girl wants, then you have my blessing and my sympathy. Lord, I love that child, but she’s a feisty one.”

* * * *

Seeing Skye didn’t need any help to carry in the heavy iron frame and rails, Rhiannon immediately set about unpacking the boxes of clothes and treasures she’d taken from home, thinking about her dorm room at university as she’d put them away. She had carried just enough with her then to manage the homesickness, leaving the rest behind to ground her at home.

Skye called to her from the bedroom. “Rhia, got any tools up here?”

She pulled a small box with different sockets out from under the bathroom sink and walked back into the open space that served as both a bedroom and living area. The room had once been used as attic storage, but had been renovated as an apartment meant for a single person.

“Will these work?” Rhiannon handed him the kit.

“Hmm. Maybe. Thanks.”

“You’re welcome. So, what did you and Da talk about after I left?”

“Things. You and I. The weather. Hey, would you hold this up for a second?”

She held the rail steady while he fastened the bolts connecting it the headboard. “Skye. You’re holding out on me.”

“He asked me if it hurt to be around him, if I could feel his pain because of my gift. He wanted to know how much time he has left, if I could see when he would pass.”

“I’m sorry. He shouldn’t have done that.”

“Don’t be. I’d like to think when my time comes, I could face it head on. He’s leaving someone special behind.” He brushed a loose curl out of her eyes, his touch light.

“Do you know how long he…” She couldn’t stop the tears, didn’t want to. Tired of hiding the fear and worry, here with him she didn’t have to hide.

“I don’t want to tell you, Rhia. I know you are hurting. I feel your grief as strong as his pain. You think it will be easier to know, but it won’t. Knowing won’t change anything. Come here.”

Rhia went into his arms and clung to him. “Please. If you can tell me, I have to know.”

Skye sighed, cuddling her closer. “Soon. A couple of weeks. It feels like the pain is attacking every part of me when I’m near him.” When her legs gave out, Skye sank to the floor with her, pulling her into his lap.

She sobbed into his shoulder. “I’m not ready to let him go. It’s not right. Not fair. Why? Why, Skye?”

“I don’t know. I just don’t know. I wish I could take your pain away.”

“Just hold me for a bit. Will you?”

“We talked about one other thing, love.” Skye’s hand stroked her hair as though he were comforting a child. “I told your Da how much I love you, how important you are to me.”

“I’m glad of that. What did he say?”

“That I’m a rake who is too old to debauch his princess.”

Rhia laughed at that. “Oh, he did not!”

“He did sort of, but I changed his mind.”

“Oh really? And how did you do that?”

“I told him I want to marry you, when you’re ready, and that I’d like his blessing when the time comes.”

“You did what?”

“I’m serious about this, about us. I love you, Rhiannon O’Malley.”

“I love you too, Skye, but what about your art? You’ve put everything on hold to help me since Da got sick. You don’t need to work ten and twelve hour shifts to get by. When was the last time you painted something? Anything?”

“I paint in the middle of the night when I wake up thinking of you. You should see the mural I painted for Liv’s nursery and the painting I finished last night.”

“I plan on paying Liv and the babies a visit today. Your pocket is singing.” She smiled at the tinkly sound of the cellphone.

Skye pulled it out, looked at the screen and then his watch. “Forgot I’m supposed to be at Kate’s old place in a bit. Ryan wants it fixed up before they move in. Come over tonight. I’ll cook dinner.” Skye claimed her mouth in a soft, slow kiss that seemed to go on forever. “And stay with me.”

“I’ll come over. And think about staying the night.”




Chapter 7


“Well. The roof is solid, floors too. Looks like you just need to do some minor plumbing repair in the bathroom, cosmetics paint and such, and you’ll be ready to move in.” Skye clapped his brother Ryan on the back. “How are things? Feeling okay?”

“Never felt better. I asked Kate to marry me last night. She said yes.”

“That’s great news. I already count Kate as a sister. I know I haven’t had a chance to say it, but welcome home.”

“Something’s different about you today.”

“Not different. Just out in the open, I guess. I kissed Rhiannon.”

“She’s in a bad place in her life right now. Trying to build a relationship will be hard for both of you. Be careful.”

“I’m in love with her, Ryan.” Skye hooked his tape measure on his belt. “All the way in. I asked John for her hand.”

Ryan’s mouth fell open in shock. “You did not. No way.”

“I’ve never known you to be speechless. I did. Because of the circumstances, I wanted to have his blessing before he passes.” Skye jotted down the measurements for the bathroom cabinet and sink vanity.

“What did she have to say about that?” Ryan frowned and crossed his arms in front of his chest. Annoyance rippled in the air.

BOOK: Sea's Sorceress
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