Read Secured Mail Online

Authors: Kate Pearce

Secured Mail (9 page)

BOOK: Secured Mail
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Sven stopped his search to gaze down at Mick Jarvis’ animated face.

“I do not understand what you are talking about. All I intend to do is walk you back to the security gate, and allow your Earth police to take care of you. Unfortunately I am not allowed to kill or dismember you as is traditional for trespassers on Valhalla.”

Mick gave a nervous laugh. “That’s a joke, right?”

“I never joke, especially about the reputation of my queen.” Sven shoved him toward the main gate, careful to keep an eye on the man’s camera. Mick Jarvis kept talking.

“If you can just answer a few questions for me.”

“No, I cannot.”

Sven spoke into his wristband, saw the guards fanning out to meet him in the pool of light around the security center. All the good humor fled from Mick’s face as he grabbed Sven’s arm.

“I know what’s going on. Whether you cooperate or not, I’ll make sure you look real bad.”

Sven handed the man back his communication device and straightened his sleeve.

“Do what you must, but be very sure you are willing to face the consequences.”

Mick laughed. “Oh don’t worry about that. I’m a lot tougher than you think.”

Sven watched as the Earth security team surrounded the reporter and took him back to the gate. What was Mick hinting at? They had been very careful to appear as 48

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simply the queen’s bodyguards and not her pleasure servers. Had someone seen something they shouldn’t?

“Mr. Magnusson?”

He looked down to find Adams, the security team leader beside him.

“Do you want me to notify Ms. Cooper of the security infringement? She does like to be kept informed.”

Sven smiled into the darkness. “It’s all right. I’ll tell her myself.”

It seemed the compulsion to go to her was strong enough to overcome his scruples.

Before he could change his mind, he grabbed his leather coat and arranged for transport. Bron and Harlan were on duty tonight. As long as he returned by dawn he wouldn’t be missed.

Thea yawned at the salacious images on the holo-screen. Why did her favorite erotic movie suddenly seem so boring? The two men looked too thin and scrawny to service the woman who was designed to look like her. What the heroine needed was a big, strong virile, intergalactic Viking or two inside her.

Her wrist unit buzzed making her jump. Sven’s unsmiling face appeared in the view screen.

“My lady, there has been another security breech. I am bringing you my report.”

“In person?”

Thea squeaked and leapt off the bed. Her bedroom carpet was littered with candy wrappers and an abandoned tub of ice cream. After her frustrating sexual interlude with Sven, she’d come home to try all the old standard remedies to make herself feel better. Erotic movies, ice cream, her pleasure device; nothing had relieved the ache between her thighs and the almost physical longing to be fucked hard by a real live man.

And now that man was here, outside her door, waiting to be let in. She smoothed her hair down with trembling fingers. If she let him in her apartment they would have sex. Did she really want that?
Oh god, yes please

She opened the door. He filled the frame, his black leather coat unbuttoned to display his white open-necked shirt and tight leather pants. She continued to stare up at him as he slowly took off his sunglasses. His gaze flicked down her body.

“May I enter?”

“Of course, come on in.”

She stepped back and crossed her arms over her chest, suddenly aware that she wore only a thin silk nightshirt. Her nipples were already hard just from looking at him fully clothed. He stepped into her apartment which seemed to shrink around her until there was barely enough air to breathe. She gestured at his coat.

“Do you want to take that off?”


Kate Pearce

He smiled down at her as he removed his coat and laid it over the back of the couch. She reached out a hand to smooth the soft warm leather.

“So what happened at the compound that made it necessary for you to come all this way to see me?”

His eyebrow rose. “Yesterday you told me that I was to keep you informed of every security breach, however minor. I am simply obeying your orders.”

“Was anyone hurt?”

“No. I managed to restrain myself this time.”

Thea stared at him. “You could have told me about this over the com-link.”

He stepped closer until she had to raise her chin to look into his eyes.

“Com-links can be tampered with. I wanted to make sure you got the message. The man I apprehended gave me his name and the gossip rag he works for. I wanted to know if he was familiar to you.”

“Who was it?” Damn, it was hard to think when Sven was so close.

“A man named Mick Jarvis from the
Daily Scream

“That guy is a pain in the ass. He’s known for breaking every civilized rule of privacy. You didn’t hurt him did you?”

“As I said, I restrained myself, although his insinuations were enough to make my blood boil.”

Thea held Sven’s gaze. “Mick Jarvis is a dangerous guy. Keep away from him.”

The corner of Sven’s mouth kicked up.

“Are you worried about my safety, my lady? He would not best me in a fight.”

“He wouldn’t fight fair. He’d use anything he could get against you.”

Sven frowned. “Then what can we do?”

Thea pushed a hand through her hair. “Nothing at the moment. Unless he turns up again or prints something outrageous.”

“Your planet lacks a good judicial system.”

“Innocent until proven guilty doesn’t work for you?”

Sven turned away to pace the room and was brought up short by the couch. “On Valhalla, the man would be incarcerated and sent before the king who would dispense justice.”

“And one man is more able to judge correctly than a jury of his peers?”

Sven swung around to glower at her. “If the man is worthy of his kingship, then yes.”

“Well, whatever you think, we’re on Earth and the home team rules apply.”

“The home team?”

“Let’s just say, Earth has the advantage on this one.”


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Sven sighed. “It is difficult to protect my king and queen when I do not fully understand your culture. I will be glad when we are back on Valhalla.”

“Really.” Thea walked toward the front door and grabbed the handle. “Well off you go, then. If everything is so much better on Valhalla, you’d better scurry off back to the palace where you can feel comfortable.”

“I do not scurry.”

Sven followed her, reached over her head and held the door shut.

“There are some things I would miss.”

“Like what?”

He leaned closer until his lips brushed her hair.

“The game of football, the taste of pizza…you.”

She tried to shrug. “I come in third behind pizza? Wow thanks.”

He kissed her forehead, then nuzzled her nose. “The scent of your woman’s pleasure, the feel of your mouth around my cock.” He kissed her cheek, nipped at her lower lip. “My cock filling you.”

Thea found herself leaning into him, her hand curving around his neck.

“You haven’t filled me with your cock.”

His tongue slid into her mouth and she forgot to breathe as he explored her with a sensitivity she would never have imagined he possessed. When she opened her eyes, she was in his arms, one of her hands wrapped in his thick red hair, the other on his shoulder.

She whimpered as his big hands roamed over her body, slipping under her nightshirt, pressing her against him, making her aware of every inch of his big hard cock. She pulled at his shirt, desperate to touch his skin. His fingers connected with her naked ass and cupped her cheeks.

Thea pulled hard on Sven’s hair until he was forced to look up at her.

“If you stay, you have to finish this time.” She said fiercely. “No walking away from me, do you understand?”

“I understand my lady. I would be honored to share your bed.”

He dropped to his knees, kissed the swell of her mound through the already damp satin. His tongue coaxed her clit into swelling and showing through the fabric. Thea gasped and shook his shoulder.

“Come to bed with me, now.”

Sven stumbled to his feet and followed her through to her bedroom. Thea groaned silently when she realized she’d left the holo-movie on. Sven strode up to the screen, crushing the wrappers and the ice cream tub underfoot as he passed.

“This woman looks like you.”

“Well that’s because she’s supposed to be me.”


Kate Pearce

Sven swung around and glowered at her. “You share your lovemaking with everyone?”

“Of course I don’t!”

He jabbed one finger at the screen. “This is an entertainment system. According to the queen, everyone on Earth has one; therefore everyone can see you having sex.”

Thea bit her lip. “Sven, I’m not appearing in a porno movie or anything.”

He folded his arms across his massive chest. “I do not understand.”

“Don’t you have porn on Valhalla?”

“If you mean, do we film ourselves making love and share it with the whole planet, then, no.”

“Then how do men and women get off?”

His frown darkened. “Get off what?”

She gestured at his groin. “You know, when they masturbate, how do they stimulate themselves?”

“Women always have a man available to them. They never need to use other stimulants.”

“And how about the men?”

“They might be invited to watch a mating or they are usually expected to help stimulate a woman.”

A slow pulse throbbed between Thea’s thighs. “You mean everyone learns through personal experience rather than from watching a movie or a holo-show?”

He nodded, his expression still watchful. Thea walked across to touch his arm.

“On this planet, lovemaking is usually a very private thing between two consenting adults. What you see on the screen is my attempt to make up for the fact that I am alone and I still want sex.”

He shrugged her hand off. “So you allow your body to be used like this?”

“No, I made this up, purely for myself. It’s my own personal fantasy program. I can input any images or scenarios I want and replay them for myself when I’m feeling particularly…horny.”

Sven stepped back and stared at the two guys pictured with her image on the screen. “These men do not look worthy of you. This one is too slender and would not be able to wield a broadsword in your defense.” He pointed at the younger man. “His cock is small as well. He would hardly give you much pleasure.”

Thea fought a smile. “I was thinking about changing the program. How about a nice tall red-haired intergalactic Viking?”

Sven stepped closer and hooked a finger under her chin.

“Surely you would rather follow my planet’s example and experience such a man in the flesh?”


Secured Mail

Thea inhaled the scent of aroused male and warm leather. She placed her hand over his chest, felt the beat of his heart kick up.

“I’m still not sure if I’m doing the right thing…”

His mouth covered hers, cutting off her doubts and she responded to his kiss, standing on tip toe and wrapping her arms around his neck. He picked her up as if she weighed nothing and held her against him, her sex lined up against the hard ridge of his erection. His hand slid under her nightshirt and stroked her buttocks.

“I want this, Thea. I want to bring you pleasure.”

His hoarse words made her writhe against him, plucking at his shirt until he put her down and worked at his belt buckle. He groaned as she tugged on his shirt and drew it over his head. She stopped to admire his muscled chest and tight abs. A slight sheen of sweat covered his golden skin and she leaned in to taste him.

He caught her hands and drew them behind her back.

“There is no need to rush, my lady. I promise I will service you all night.”

She held his gaze. “Until you run out of come?”

His pupils dilated until they were almost all black. “If that is your wish.” He worked the buttons on her nightshirt free and pushed the silky garment to the floor.

With a guttural sigh, he fell to his knees.

“You are beautiful, my lady.”

Thea stared down at him, aware of the breadth of his shoulders and the strength of his muscled arms. All at her disposal for one night. Her sex flooded with cream at the thought of him pounding into her.

He leaned forward, licked her mound, sliding his tongue deep into the slit to find her clit. He spread her legs with his hands and delved deeper. She moaned as he lapped at her, the scrape of his stubbled chin a torment against the soft flesh of her inner thighs.

His tongue slid further in to caress her sex, rim her opening and stab inside her.

She clutched one hand in his thick red hair, one on his shoulder to steady her body against his sensual onslaught. He murmured his approval against her pussy making her quiver.

“Your body welcomes me. Your sex overflows with cream to ease my way.” He slid one thick finger inside her and her muscles tried to clench around it. He laughed softly.

“You need more than one finger to satisfy this ache, my lady.” He sucked on her clit and pushed two more fingers deep inside.

She gasped and dug her fingernails into his flesh as he started to move his fingers in and out. Each thrust, pushing her up onto her toes, destroying her ability to stand alone, making her clutch onto his broad frame. A climax tore through her and she whimpered, her knees suddenly weak as she leaned into him.

“That was very nice, my lady. But I’m sure you can give me more.”


Kate Pearce

He continued to hold her steady as he got to his feet, his lips shining with her cream. She let him back her up toward the bed and fall down on it with her. He frowned as he rolled to one side.

“What is this?”

He showed her the pink column of her pleasure-stick which she’d left in the bed to help her enjoy the holo-movie. She felt her skin heat with embarrassment.

“Um, it’s a pleasure device.”

He sat up, his visible erection straining against the front of his leather pants. He examined the pink synthetic tube, turned it on, stroked the pulsating rubbery surface with his fingers. He also opened the bottle of rose-scented lube and squeezed some onto his finger.

BOOK: Secured Mail
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