Read Seduced Bride-To-Be Online

Authors: June Richards

Seduced Bride-To-Be (5 page)

BOOK: Seduced Bride-To-Be
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that he kissed her one last time and Dinah run swiftly home. She undressed
quickly and, with her heart still beating wildly, fell into bed.


the dinner party, Dinah was so nervous that she could hardly eat anything.
Fortunately, the guests seemed too preoccupied to notice. Only her aunt Grahams
kept looking at Dinah with concern in her eyes. But, seated opposite the
formidable Lady Hornby, she hid her worries behind serene countenance.

sat between the vicar, who was very pompous, and her young cousin Mark, who was
very boring. Listening to their insignificant conversation and only murmuring ‘Mmm…’
every few minutes, she was free to study Lord Timsbury’s sister, Amelia, sitting
almost directly opposite her.

was a charmingly pretty girl, with becomingly arranged dark curls framing her
flawless face. The silver blue gown which she was wearing set off her dark blue
eyes. She looked as pained and bored as Dinah felt, with Mr Ford, the Bensons’
hunting obsessed neighbour and old doctor Grant to her right and left.

as if sensing Dinah’s gaze, Amelia lifted her eyes and smiled at Dinah. A
current of understanding passed between the two girls and Dinah felt slightly
more cheerful. It seemed that by marrying Lord Timsbury she would at least gain
an amiable sister.

conversation inevitably turned to Lord Timsbury. It was Dinah’s Uncle David,
married to her father’s sister, Jane, who first brought the subject.

is a pity that your cousin has not been able to join us tonight, Lady Hornby.
What is that business that is keeping him in Kent so long?’

Timsbury has been very busy ever since he left the army’ Lady Hornby answered.
‘It has emerged that he inherited not only from his father but also from his
great uncle, who died recently leaving him a considerable fortune. My cousin
has got a lot of property to manage at the moment.’

older lady’s tone was very poignant. It suggested clearly that Lord Timsbury
was much better off than Dinah expected. It meant, in fact, that he did not
need to marry money after all, since the wealth he acquired from his uncle
would be enough to restore his father’s neglected estate.

wonder he has been doing so much business with Papa, Dinah thought. He must
have been looking for good investments. But why, why did he want to marry me?

have heard that Lord Timsbury was injured in the battle’ said Aunt Jane
conversationally to Amelia.

young girl turned rather pale and sought her older cousin’s eyes, as if asking for
guidance. Lady Hornby answered for her.

he was rather badly injured. But he has mended well, thank goodness.’

words, Lady Hornby’ boomed Mr Benson. ‘The man looks as good as new. It is
amazing what you, doctors, can do this days, is it not, doctor Grant?’

at Amelia, Dinah had a feeling that the girl wanted to say something, but the
impression passed quickly. Soon, it was time for the ladies to move to the
drawing room.


Graham’s daughter, Louisa, was playing the pianoforte and Dinah, pretending to
listen, had time to think. If Lord Timsbury did not want to marry her for her
money, what were his motives, then? Could Alex have been right, when he
suggested that the Lord truly admired Dinah?

some reason, the thought made her uncomfortable. Till this moment, she had
thought about her planned marriage as a bargain. A title and position for her,
a generous dowry for him. A duty that her father expected her to do. But if her
prospect husband had some secret feelings for her, he probably hoped that she
would be able to reciprocate them. And that she would never be able to do.

she loved Alex.

Benson, she told herself, you are a fool. You’ve fallen for a man you have only
just met, of whom you know hardly anything.

she knew more about Alex than about Lord Timsbury. He shared his secret
thoughts with her last night. And much more than just the thoughts. They
belonged to each other!

a thought struck her, as clear and strong and a ray of sunshine. She would not
marry Lord Timsbury! She had not given her word yet. Well, she had not even
seen the man properly!

needed to go and find Alex. He would be waiting for her in the old gardener’s
shed. She would make her excuses and sneak out into the garden, pretending that
she needed to take some air. She was just rising up when she heard Lady
Hornby’s loud whisper.

of course, my cousin needs to marry. He has reached the right age for a man to
start his own family. I hoped that he would choose a well-bred young lady,

turned and looked into Lady Hornby’s cold blue eyes. Then she caught sight of
Aunt Grahams shocked face.

cannot bear it, she thought and she moved swiftly towards the French windows
leading to the garden. Before she reached it, Amelia blocked her way.

not pay attention to what my cousin says. Lady Hornby does not approve of
anyone who does not share their lineage with the Royal Family. I hope she did
not say anything to upset you.’

smiled weakly at her:

you, my lady, for your kindness. I am not upset… I think… I would like to be
alone for a moment!’

do call me Amelia. Why don’t you sneak out to the garden for a quarter of an
hour? I shall tell that you have a headache.’

would be most kind of you, Amelia. And could you, please, make sure that no one
follows me? I cannot bear to be in a company at the moment, but I shall be
quite recovered after my solitary walk.’



will be punished for telling such awful lies, thought Dinah, turning away from
the garden path and walking fast towards the old shed hidden behind the trees.
She lifted the skirt of her pale green muslin dress, praying that it would not
get dirty.  She knew that what she was doing was mad, but she was past caring.

crooked wooden door opened before she reached it. In a second Alex’s strong
arms pulled her inside. Although he had lit a candle and put it on the floor in
the corner, so it would not be seen from the outside, it was still very dark.
When he kissed her, he smelled of cigar smoke and horse. Despite her earlier
distress, Dinah melted in his arms.

I need to tell you something’ she whispered.

was his impatient answer. ‘God, I missed you!’

hands moved searchingly over her body.

careful! I cannot go back all ruffled!’

you’re right. I just want you so much that I fear I might explode if I have to
wait any longer.’

looked around and his eyes fell on a little wooden table. It looked a bit
unstable and was covered in dust, but he spread his riding coat over it. Than
he lifted Dinah, sat her on the top of it and kissed her, letting his tongue
run across her lower lip. When his fingers started to lightly caress her
breasts through the thin material of her bodice, she gave a loud moan.

he whispered. ‘Someone may hear you.’

he kneeled down and gently lifted her skirts and petticoat. Placing his hands
on her ankles, he trailed the length of her slim legs, parting them as he
reached the thighs. The way he was touching her, delicately and firmly at the
same time, made Dinah quiver with desire.

they were doing was so shocking, so scandalous! But she did not feel remotely
ashamed, only hopelessly excited as she watched Alex unbuttoning his breeches.
The need to feel him inside her was almost painful. But she did not have to
wait long.

he entered her, standing, grabbing the edge of the table for support, she felt
an almost instant pleasure, intensifying with his every thrust. Gasping, she
could not keep her voice down and, when Alex placed his hand on her mouth, she
bit into his fingers. She coiled one leg around his hips, urging him, bringing
him closer, forgetting everyone and everything that was not him.

the night seemed to explode in a white hot light behind her closed eyelids. She
heard Alex’s throaty groan and at the same time she tasted blood on his hand
where she bit it.

the sweetest injury I have ever got. I do hope there will be a new scar to add
to my collection. Something to remember you by.’

sorry’ she whispered, still breathless against his chest. ‘I could not control

Benson, what would the vicar say if he saw you now?’

stop it!’ she laughed, jumping down from the rickety table and smoothing her dress.
‘Tell me better if I look presentable.’

little flushed, but otherwise perfect’ he grinned at her. ‘That dress suits
you. Are you going to wear green tomorrow as well?’

but a slightly darker shade. I do love it so! I have got a lovely silk dress
made for me in London. But Alex, I would like to talk to you and I haven’t got
much time.’

is it?’ he took her hand, seeing her distress.

repeated him what Lady Hornby revealed about Lord Timsbury’s wealth.

does not need to marry me for money. And he seemed to be determined to do it
against his family’s wishes. I mean, the man does not even know me! It
frightens me, Alex. I cannot marry him. I will not!’

he drew her towards him. The warmth of his arms had a calming effect on Dinah.
She wished she could stay there forever, never go back to the guest in the
drawing room, never have to face the ball and Lord Timsbury.

cannot marry Lord Timsbury if he really has got any deeper feelings for me.
That changes everything.’

Alex asked in a hoarse whisper.

I would never make him happy. It would not be fair. Oh, Alex, why cannot we
just escape together?’

live happily ever after? Already chasing for a new adventure, are you?’

am in no mood for jokes. What shall I do? I want to be with you, not become
Lady Timsbury!’

knew that she was pushing too far. There was never any mention of a future
together between them. She had been open about her prospect marriage and he
never tried to change her mind. But what began as an adventure, her own secret
experience, turned into something much more serious, deeper and almost
frightening. For at this very moment she realised that she would not be able to
face the future without Alex. And now, what was he going to say?

tone was cautious and steady when he replied:

Dinah, listen carefully. You must go back home and carry on as if nothing

that was it. For him she was just a diversion and now he wanted her to carry on
with her life, so he could go back to his. And what was his life? She did not
even have time to ask him.

look at me’ he took her face in his hands and turned it towards him.

looked into his burning eyes, but in the darkness could not read their

inside now and act normal. Tomorrow get ready for you ball. And, please,
promise me to look more beautiful than ever.’

Alex! Will you come and see me tomorrow?’

will. I will see you tomorrow. Trust me. And now go!’

kissed her lingeringly and, reluctantly, she made her way back to the drawing
room. Each time they parted, she reflected, he asked her to trust him. And so
far he had not let her down. She clung to this thought and somehow struggled
through the rest of the evening.


looked at her departing silhouette and absentmindedly sucked at the little mark
where her teeth bit through his skin. Their passionate and rapturous lovemaking
was enough to leave him dazed. But Dinah’s readiness to throw everything and
elope with him stunned him. Could it be that she really cared for him? A
stranger with a face that made people look away?

preferred a life with him to the comfort and privilege of becoming Lady

tomorrow, Dinah!’ he whispered and hoped that all was going to turn out well.


afternoon Dinah was dressing for the ball. She remembered that Alex wanted her
to look especially beautiful, but she could not guess why. If he intended to
meet her somewhere in secret again, it hardly mattered what she wore. Still,
even she herself was pleased with her looks for once, despite a rather
disturbed night’s sleep.

night she managed to escape to her room early, pleading a headache. Everybody
was very understanding. The girl was to meet up with her prospect husband, no
wonder she suffered from nerves.

was a knock on the door and her maid came in. She carried a little package in
her hands.

is it, Betsy?’ Dinah turned away from the mirror.

BOOK: Seduced Bride-To-Be
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