Read Seduced by Two Online

Authors: Stephanie Julian

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Erotica, #Fantasy

Seduced by Two (7 page)

BOOK: Seduced by Two
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“Nica, are you—”

“Fine. I’m fine. Shut up and fuck me, Jensen.”

Her husky, lust-filled voice made him feel as if she’d wrapped a hand around his dick and pumped him.

He looked down, the dim glow from the outside streetlight allowing him to just barely see the sheen of moisture on her bare pussy.

With his feet, he widened her stance until he had a better view. Her sex was still a little swollen from earlier and he used two fingers to rub along her silky skin. Wet, hot. So fucking hot.

She moaned again and wiggled her ass as his fingers slid lower, brushing over her clit.

“Jensen, please. Just do me.”

“Absolutely, baby. Hold on.”

Taking his cock in hand, he aimed straight for her slick entrance, working himself in slow and easy. The tight fit of her pussy made him fight against the wicked urge to pound into her, to get off as hard and as fast as possible.

But he wanted to make sure she got off as well, wanted her to know what she would miss if she left. So he tunneled inside her with steady pressure as his fingers brushed over her clit.

She moaned his name as she tilted her hips, giving him more precious centimeters into her body. When he was seated fully, he stopped, absorbing the sensation. Goddamn, he wanted to stay right there, right on the brink of pleasure and pain. His body cried out for release but his soul wanted to stay wrapped around her, in her, covering her. His.

It was that thought that pushed him over the edge. His hips reared back and he began to thrust mindlessly, lost in the pleasure and in the sound of her moans egging him on.

She met each of his thrusts with her own, impaled herself on his cock as far as she could as her body began to convulse around his.

She cried out her release as he shouted his, his body tightening to the point of pain as his cum burst from his cock to bathe her sheath.

It took him several minutes to want to move, knowing if he didn’t, they’d make a mess on the couch and the floor.

Nica lay over the arm, her body limp but a smile on her lips.


Turning, Jensen saw Tanner behind him, holding out a towel.

His brother was bleary eyed and shaking his head, but he wasn’t angry. His expression showed tired amusement.

Had he watched? Probably. Damn, Jensen had been so far gone, he hadn’t noticed Tanner at all.

“Did we wake you?”

Tanner smiled. “Not me.” So yeah, he was watching. “But you probably woke the damn neighbors.”

Jensen pulled back, using the towel to wipe both himself and Nica before helping her to stand.

She met first his gaze then Tanner’s, biting her bottom lip. Was she afraid Tanner would be jealous?

Before Tanner could ask what they were doing down there, he rushed in to fill the silence. “Nica’s going to stay until Monday.”

A little more of the sleep cleared from Tanner’s eyes as his smile widened. “Glad to hear it.”

She frowned. “You’re sure I’m not messing up any plans—”

“No plans.” Tanner picked up her jeans and handed them to her, before he lifted her into his arms, startling her into a laugh. “But how about a shower then back to bed? I need a little more than an hour’s worth of sleep a night. And Jensen’s downright mean if he doesn’t get at least seven hours.”

Tanner headed for the stairs and Jensen watched Nica glance over his brother’s shoulder at him. Wary, a little worried.

He grinned and followed along.

She had nothing to fear. He and Tanner didn’t do jealousy. At least, not of each other.

She’d learn. They’d teach her.

Oh man, would they teach her.

Chapter Five


Tanner rolled out of bed Sunday morning around ten, already smiling.

He’d never felt better.

But he was hungry as hell.

A quick glance back at the bed showed Jensen and Nica still fast asleep, Jensen curled around her back, an arm and a leg thrown over as if she might get away.

They’d be hungry too, and since he was first up, he’d make breakfast. Besides, Jensen couldn’t cook to save his life.

After pulling on a pair of sweats, he headed for the kitchen and pulled together the ingredients for pancakes, a smile on his face as he worked.

Last night… Hell, last night had been amazing. Nica was amazing and he’d never said that about another woman.

He’d never met a woman as sexually open or as sweet as Nica. She’d given herself over to them but hadn’t simply let them have her, like some women in a threesome did.

Just thinking about last night made his cock hard as he heated the griddle and mixed ingredients.

They still had questions, questions they needed answers to but—

“Can I give you a hand? Not that I don’t love seeing a man who knows his way around a kitchen…”

Tanner turned to see Nica standing at the end of the counter, watching him with a slight smile on her lips. He hadn’t heard her come downstairs but he’d turned on the TV on the counter and had one ear on CNN.

Her hair was mussed and fell in long, wavy strands around her shoulders. She wore Jensen’s Oxford shirt from last night, which was long enough to cover her almost to her knees.

She looked a little sleepy and a whole lot sexy and before he realized what he meant to do, he put down the whisk and the bowl and walked over to her.

Threading one hand through her hair, he dropped his mouth on hers for a rough, quick kiss. Not long enough to make him forget what he was doing, just enough to let her know he was happy to see her.

Which she could probably tell from the tent in the front of his sweats.

“I’ve got this under control. But I like company.”

Putting his hands around her waist, he lifted her onto the counter, close enough to touch but far enough away from the hot griddle. She gasped then laughed as she worked the shirt down under her bare ass, giving him a quick glimpse of the small triangle of curls on her pussy.

Fuck breakfast. He’d rather have her. But she needed to eat. “Hope you like pancakes.”

“I love pancakes.” She paused as she watched him. “Are you sure you don’t mind the company for today? I mean, if you have something better—”

“Believe it or not, honey, there’s absolutely nothing I’d rather do than spend today with you.” He slid a quick glance at her as he ladled pancake batter onto the hot surface. “I just hope you don’t find us too boring. We’re not exactly party animals.”

Which was probably truer than anything else he’d said. He and Jensen usually spent weekends working on the house, catching up on paperwork for the business or hanging out with friends.

They’d converted the basement into a guy cave, as one of the very few women they’d invited to spend the night had called it.

They called it a game room, complete with a home entertainment system, including a Wii and an Xbox, a card table, a vintage pinball machine and a sound system that could rattle pictures off the walls upstairs.

“Neither am I.” She paused again. “I’m not…I don’t normally do this. Spend the weekend with a guy I just met. Or two guys for that matter.”

He slid her a glance. “You’re not uncomfortable, are you? Because—”

She laughed, the husky sound rasping over his nerves. “Not uncomfortable, not at all. It’s just…” Sighing, she shook her head. “My life is about to change drastically and I feel like I can’t enjoy this too much because… Because I’ll never be able to have it again.”

Moving the first batch of pancakes off the griddle, he turned it off and gave her his full attention. He’d finish them later. There was something in Nica’s tone, something that made him think this woman was in trouble. And Tanner never turned away a damsel in distress.

Stepping over to her, he put his hands on either side of her hips and stared straight into those dark brown eyes.

“Are you in trouble, Nica?”


Nica’s lips quirked into a quick grin and she lifted one hand to Tanner’s cheek, rubbing her palm against his dark gold morning stubble, wondering what he’d do if she told him exactly what was going on in her life.

That she was a
, a witch who could read auras and work spells. That two nights ago, she’d wiped his and his brother’s memories clean after a madman had almost kidnapped her and killed Jensen.

“What would you do if I told you I was?”

His expression never changed. “I’d find a way to get you out of it.”

Her smile widened. “Wouldn’t that be nice? A knight in shining armor.”

Who would think she was crazy if she told him her trouble. But she so needed someone to talk to. “It’s my work situation. I’m changing positions on Monday and I’m not sure it’s what I want to do.”

“Is it mandatory?”


He shrugged naked, broad shoulders. “So renegotiate the terms of your contract. If they want to keep you, they’ll find a way to make it work for you. Does this job require you to move?”

Did he sound unhappy about that? Would he and Jensen want to continue see her after this weekend? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they could?

Not going to happen.

She nodded. “Not far but my li—time won’t be my own.”

His gaze narrowed. “Are you sure you want this job? I think you should seriously consider quitting and finding another one. If it makes you this miserable.”

Looking into Tanner’s pale blue eyes, Nica wished it were that easy.

Stroking her fingers along his jaw, she thought about how his rough whiskers would feel against her naked breasts.

She swallowed hard as desire flooded through her body and her lungs suddenly struggled to draw in air.

After last night, she would’ve thought she’d be sexually satisfied, at least for the morning.

But she wanted him.

Tanner and his brother had unlocked a sensuality she hadn’t known she possessed.

Or maybe it was her way of staving off the desperation she felt whenever she thought about taking over her mom’s position in the

At this moment, it didn’t matter because Tanner’s eyes narrowed down to slits of pale blue. His hands settled on her bare knees for a brief second before beginning a slow slide under her shirt, up her thighs.

His head lowered as if he were going to kiss her but he diverted at the last second to lay his lips along her jaw. He nipped her, a tiny bite that stung just as his fingers tunneled between her thighs to stroke the hair on her mound.

She drew in a sharp breath as every muscle in her body tightened with heated lust.

Her hand on his cheek slid back into his short-cropped hair while her other landed on his waist, just above his sweatpants. His warm skin felt like silk and she traced the elastic waistband around to the front before sliding her fingers beneath it.

His indrawn breath against her ear made her smile as she brushed against the tip of his cock, eliciting a shudder from him.



He kissed her then, his lips opening over hers and taking her down. His tongue slid into her mouth, enticing her with quick jabs and thrusts as his hands slowly spread her legs. The shirt she wore rode up her thighs, higher and higher until she felt the slightly cooler air of the kitchen brush against the bare, aching flesh of her pussy.

He had to be able to smell her desire. She could. Did it make him as horny as it did her?

Her fingers wrapped around his cock and squeezed. He groaned into her mouth before pulling his lips away but keeping his hands right where she wanted them.

“I want you.” His voice rumbled from his chest, making her sex tighten and ache.

“Then take me, Tanner.”

A second later, his fingers arrowed in on her clit, rubbing the little bundle of nerves with a steady motion that had her panting in seconds.

Her head fell back, resting against the cabinet behind her, and she moaned in surrender. She spread her legs even farther, letting Tanner get closer.

His fingers withdrew as his hips pressed in, still confined by his sweats.

Without releasing her hold around his cock, she grabbed his sweats in her other hand and shoved them down his thighs. He stopped for a brief second, breathing hard, his eyes burning into hers, questioning.

She didn’t want questions. She wanted oblivion. She released him and grabbed his hips.

“Tanner, please. Just—”

He thrust hard as he pulled her forward, filling her completely.

Wrapping one arm around her, he held her steady as he fucked her with an almost uncontrolled passion. One hand snaked into her hair, forcing her head forward so he could put his mouth over hers and ravage that along with her body.

The roughness of the act made her heart race. She gave herself up to it and let him have her.

Her sex, already tight from last night’s activities, felt every thrust and retreat of his cock with heightened sensitivity. She soaked up the sensation of his skin dragging against hers, let the slight pinch of overworked flesh keep her on the edge of orgasm.

She couldn’t seem to get enough air with Tanner’s insistent mouth over hers but the oxygen deprivation only made her hotter.

As her body strained toward climax, Tanner’s harsh groans answered her sobbing moans.

Finally, she snapped, her womb convulsing and sending devastating waves of pleasure through her body. She pulled away from his kiss to gasp in air and felt Tanner’s cock jerk and pump his seed into her.

She held onto him as her body struggled to regain equilibrium. Instead of feeling tired, she felt energized, electricity shooting through her body with little zings.

Tanner’s heavy breathing brushed her ear for several long seconds until he finally stopped pulsing in her and lifted his head.

“Good morning to you too,” he said, dropping a quick kiss on her forehead before pulling back to look at her with a grin. “I think I better make more food. We’re gonna need to keep up our strength.”

* * * * *

Jensen walked into the kitchen a half hour later, took one look at Tanner and knew his brother had had Nica this morning.

They sat at the table in the kitchen, reading the paper and eating pancakes, but the smile on Tanner’s face revealed more than the headlines.

Nica looked bright-eyed and flushed, a patch of beard burn on her jaw from Tanner’s stubble. Oh yeah. They’d had sex.

Jensen stifled a grin. Hell, if they had to fuck her constantly today, it’d be worth it to keep her there. He’d gladly go to work catatonic on Monday.

“Did you leave me any food or do I have to fend for myself?”

Tanner didn’t bother to look up, just waved his fork toward the oven.

“I put aside a plate for you,” Nica said, her smile warm. “Otherwise, Tanner would’ve eaten yours.”

Jensen walked to the oven and liberated his still-hot plate before sitting down across from Nica. “Yeah, he’s a pig.”

Tanner snorted. “Who got up and cooked? Me, as usual. You’d starve if left to your own devices.”

“Bullshit. I can feed myself. That’s why God created take-out. But why should I bother when you’re so good in the kitchen?”

Tanner flipped him the bird, his gaze still hooked on the paper. But Nica’s laugh tore it away.

“Have you two always bickered like this?”

Jensen shrugged as he dumped syrup on his pancakes. “Pretty much.”

“Kinda comes with the territory.” Tanner put the paper down. “Don’t you have any brothers or sisters?”

Jensen forced himself to continue eating, even though he wanted to stop and force her to answer. He had a burning urge to know everything about this woman and he knew Tanner would too.

After a brief pause, she set her fork down and reached for a napkin from the pile in the center of the table. “I’m an only child. Just me and my mom but I never lacked for friends. I grew up in a…small town where there were lots of girls my age. My best friend, Tira, is my sister in every way but blood. We’re living together now but…not for long. I’m moving next weekend.”

Jensen’s head shot up. “Where are you going?”

She blinked, like a deer caught in the headlights. “Not far, actually. But I’ll be…out of touch for a while. Several weeks, actually. Training for my new position is intensive.”

Tanner leaned back in his chair, his laidback attitude casually deceptive. “You work in a doctor’s office now, right? Is your new job in healthcare?”

She nodded. “Yes, just not with the same company.”

Tanner nodded, as if he bought her explanation. He didn’t. Neither did Jensen. More secrets. This woman had a ton of them. And they’d asked her to stay in their house for the weekend.

But Jensen knew, absolutely, that she posed no threat to them. She was there for one thing only—the sex. She wasn’t a thief or a con artist. She wasn’t a psycho.

She was sweet and hot and she was telling them, without words, that she would never see them again after this weekend.

And that was not what he wanted to hear.

He opened his mouth to ask her flat out what was going on but Tanner, probably knowing exactly what he wanted to say, cut him off.

“So do you want us to run you home for some clothes or do you prefer to wear as little as possible? I have to say I prefer the latter.”

Nica laughed, genuinely amused, her smile bright and warm. “If you don’t mind me raiding your closets, then I think I’ll be fine.”

“We don’t mind,” Jensen answered. “At all.”

Anything to keep her there.

* * * * *

They finished breakfast and wouldn’t let her help with the dishes, so Nica sat and watched them.

It didn’t take them long to clean up because they knew exactly what the other would do. They had a system, she realized. They worked together well, which she knew from having them in bed together.

Just thinking about last night made her body heat. She wanted them again. Damn, maybe she was turning into a nymphomaniac. She wondered if that would toss her out of the running for the

BOOK: Seduced by Two
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