Read Seducing Her Beast Online

Authors: Sam Crescent

Seducing Her Beast (10 page)

BOOK: Seducing Her Beast
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“You have a death grip on that thing,”
said, looking
perfect and graceful on his feet.

“Okay, well, I don’t actually skate. In fact
I’ve never skated before.” She felt her cheeks heating.

“You mean to tell me you’ve brought me on a
date, and you can’t even skate?” he asked. There was a smile on his face and an
ease that she hadn’t seen in a long time.

“I thought it was a good idea. You have to
admit this is a beautiful spot for a date,” she said.

He gazed around at the scenery. Lily smiled at
him seeing the ease slowly seep into his facial expression. “You’re right. This
is a beautiful place.”

“I know I’m right. I’m a woman. Now, help me
like all those kind men do in the movies.” She reached out to him only to slip
on the ice. Lily knew she was about to land on her butt.
caught her right in time.

“I’ve got you, baby.” He lifted her up then
circled round holding her hands out in front of her.

Lily kept her gaze on her feet.

“Don’t look at your feet. Look at me,” he said.

“Are you going to help me?” she asked.

“Yes. I won’t let you fall. Now, trust me.”

She held onto his hands as he began to move
backwards. Several times she tried to look down, but
stopped her with his firm grip.

“I should have known you’d be good at this,”
she said.

“And why is that?”

“You’re good at everything else, so why not be
good at ice skating?”

“I can’t bake, cook, or wrap a present without
it looking like some alien contraption. I can run a multi-million dollar
business and make love to my wife. Skating is a piece of cake, and you’ll get
there. I never knew how much fun this could be.”
smiled twirling her in his arms making
her squeal.

He stopped, and she was still on her feet. She
took in a few gulps of air to try to get everything working once again.

“When did you learn how to skate?” she asked to
try to distract herself from her possible death.

“Tony, Richard, and I used to spend most of our
free time growing up going skating on a frozen lake or going to an open ice
rink. That feels like a lifetime ago.”
smiled looking past her shoulder.

She saw the pleasure on his face and was happy
her idea had worked. “You’re an old man now, Wayne. It is pretty much a
lifetime ago.” Lily couldn’t help but tease.

“Be warned, baby, I’m the one holding you up.”

Lily smiled sweetly at him loving the way they
moved around the rink slowly.

“You look so adorable in your hat,” he said.

“What are you trying to say?”

He chuckled. “We need to do this more often.”

Go ice

“No, going
out on a date. I know we have the kids to consider, and if they were at home
we’d be taking them with us. I think we need to make some time for just us.” He
pulled her in close so her body was flush with his. Their thick jackets masked
any sensation. Lily went light-headed from the closeness. His presence still
had the power to stir her.

“I’d like
that. No work, no stresses, just you and me.” She leaned in for a kiss. He let
her go for a split second, and in that time, her foot skidded out. Before she
had chance to warn him a squeal escaped her as she grabbed onto his jacket for

wasn’t prepared, and they both went backwards onto the ice. Lily gasped as he
caught his weight in time. Her butt ached, but she couldn’t help but laugh.
stared down at her
with a smile on his lips.

she said.

“I don’t
find anything to oops about it.” He pressed his pelvis against hers making her
aware of his aroused state. Her laugh turned to a moan within a matter of
seconds. “I’m very happy.”
leaned down and claimed her lips.

wrapped her arms around his neck. Her pussy pulsed while her nipples hardened
at his contact.

His tongue
plunged inside her mouth. She wanted his cock plunging in her pussy. Lily
thrust up against him wishing for more. Everything around her disappeared. They
were the only two who existed in the world.

“Hey, no hanky-panky on the ice.
Not even at
Christmas,” a guy shouted.
broke off the kiss, and Lily saw one of the security guards waving his hands at

said, moving off her
body and helping her up. “It won’t happen again.”

Lily felt
a blush spreading up to her cheeks. Several couples were smiling at them. “I
can’t believe that happened.” She buried her face against his jacket. His arms
were around her like a
holding her steady.

“We were
going at it like a couple of teenagers who’d never done it before.” He

She hit
his chest then let him lead her around the rink.



Chapter Ten


led her around the rink several times. Every
time he tried to let her go on her own, she almost ended up on her ass. He knew
it would be several more visits and plenty of practice before she’d be able to
skate on her own.

He looked forward to teaching her. The time
they were sharing was developing a closeness he felt had been missing between
them for some time. When they had an hour left before they needed to get their
helped her out of the rink. He knelt before her to remove her skates and then
placed her own shoes on her feet.

“I can do that myself,” she said. There was a
smile on her face. He knew she liked his extra attention.

“I know. I don’t want to risk you hurting
yourself any more than you already have. How is your butt? Do you need me to
rub it better when I get home?”

I think my
whole body is sore. Would you rub it all better?”

“It would be my pleasure.” He got up and kissed

Once his own skates were removed he took her
hand and led her to a hot chocolate and burger stand. He loved the fact Lily
could eat. No matter where he went he didn’t have to worry about her offending
a chef with asking him to remove something from the dressing or the salad. She
was one hundred percent woman.

They took their food and sat in one of the
table and chairs provided near the rink. It was cold, and his butt was numb
from the cold seat; but he didn’t care. Lily looked happy. The time they were
spending together was bringing them closer than any therapy session could. At
least, he hoped it was. He’d never been to a therapy session, and he didn’t
plan to.

He sipped his chocolate finding the taste a
little sweet.
winced then put it down.

“What’s the matter?” she asked.

“You’ve been spoiling me all these years. Your
hot chocolate is way better than that.”

Lily laughed then took a sip of her own.
“Mine’s perfect.”

“Is it perfect because of our date?”

“Everything is perfect because of our date. I
don’t care about an overly sweet hot chocolate or my burnt burger or that the
cheese tastes wrong. To me, in this moment, nothing can spoil our time

“You really are an amazing woman,” he said.

She smiled. He reached out to take her hand as
they finished their food.
had only ever taken the time at Christmas because of Lily. He glanced around at
the decorations on the trees and the images of snowmen and Santa on the street
lights, and he felt a sparkle begin to build inside him. There were carols
being sung by a local choir down the street. They had some microphones for
their voices to be heard for quite a distance.

“You feel it, don’t you?” she asked.


“The Christmas
I feel it every year. I know you never have. You put
up the decorations and take part, but you’ve never felt it before. This is it,
. You’re happy.”

squeezed her hand. He’d not felt excited for
Christmas since he was a boy.
Before his parents had ruined
nearly every Christmas with their fighting and drinking.

He smiled, finally feeling something about this
time of year. “You’ve made me feel something, Lily. Not the Christmas
decorations or the music. Being here with you is what has opened up my mind.”

“You’re a charmer.”

“I’m a man in love.”

She blushed, her colour reminding him of her
sore ass.

“Come on. We’ll walk for the kids. It looks
like it’ll be snowing again soon.” He took their cups back to the stand and
thanked them. Lily waited for him outside of the park. Several couples passed,
but he got a chance to simply look at his woman. Her long brown hair fell
around her shoulders and down her back in spiralled curls. He loved spending
the time simply brushing out the length. Her body was obscured by her jacket,
but he’d memorised her curves. Her tits were large with dark nipples and had
nursed three of his children. He recalled the few stretch marks on her tummy.
She’d cried for days and wouldn’t allow him near her unless she wore something
to cover most of her body. His cock ached recalling the time he’d spent showing
her how much he adored those marks. She’d given birth to three human beings. To
him, those marks turned him on. They reminded him of the love she’d given him
along with the pleasure he’d given and taken from her body.

Her hips flared out then around to the fullest
ass he’d ever sunk his teeth into. He loved slapping her rounded cheeks and
seeing them
a nice blushing red. She turned
towards him then held her hand up for him to take.

took her offered hand, walking beside her
through the busy street. His cock thickened in his pants. He shut off all
thought of her glorious body.

There was so much he loved about her, that he
didn’t want to even consider living in a world without her in it.

He’d made a mistake, and now was his time to
rectify that. They collected the children and took them home to finish their
homework. While Lily cooked dinner,
sat with their kids.

When they were sat around the dinner table
couldn’t believe how
much he’d missed over the years. His children were growing up, and he was part
of a family. For twelve years, how had he missed that?

Tears stung his eyes as he looked at all of
them. He ate spoonfuls of sauce and pasta wondering what he’d been doing with
his life.

He was a good father, but an attentive one?
Shaking his head, he excused himself from the table.

didn’t watch where he was going until he was
at the bottom of the garden. He took in great gulps of fresh air. There were a
few sprinkles of snow falling. The tears he’d kept inside himself for so long
started to fall. They were not huge gut-wrenching sobs. They were silent, in
one long stream.

How had he gone through life almost missing his
own family? He started to feel alive as if he was waking up from sleeping for
far too long.


Lily watched
disappear out of the room. Blake looked
at her along with her other two children.

“Will you keep an eye on the others,
sweetheart? I’m going to go and see your father.” Lily kissed Blake’s head when
she passed. She followed the path to find
standing at the bottom of the garden.

She rushed towards him and stopped when she saw
him crying. “
What’s wrong?” she asked. They’d had a brilliant day together. They’d had a
brilliant week together. She didn’t understand why he was crying.

“I’m a failure.”

That was a word she never expected him to
utter. “How on earth are you a failure? You’re a successful businessman. You’re
respected by everyone you come into contact with. You can skate. Where are you
a failure?”

“I’ve spent the last twelve years being

Lily frowned. “I don’t understand.”

“I’ve been living life, Lily, but not actually

“Again, you’re not making any sense,
. How have you not
been living life?”

BOOK: Seducing Her Beast
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