Read Seducing Her Laird Online

Authors: Hildie McQueen

Seducing Her Laird (3 page)

BOOK: Seducing Her Laird
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Chapter Four




"Laird, are ye prepared to lose?" Dugan sauntered over to him, a smirk on his face, his eye twinkling with mirth. The giant loved a challenge and Calum would not give him the satisfaction of a retort.

Instead he shrugged. "There is little wind to affect the results of the stone
throw don't you think?" He watched a competitor from the northern McDougalls grunt as he twirled and shrugged a stone off his shoulder.

A shout rose across the field, t
he stone landed just past his man's. Calum nodded and waved to his cousins in concede.

Let’s prepare, our event begins next," Dugan urged him with a frown. “They won't beat us at the saber toss. They've yet to, since you and I have been competing.”

He'd not seen Meagan since the morning meal. It seemed his wife had remained inside all day.
Was she avoiding him? Making love to her had been like nothing else. She was passionate and beautiful when in the throes of lovemaking.

"I will return shortly," Calum made his way to
ward the keep.

Just as he reached the outer court,
Bertrice stepped from the side garden and blocked his path. "My laird." the attractive woman smiled at him. As usual, her bosoms threatened to spill when she leaned forward to greet him. "Is there anything you may need from me?" She licked her bottom lip to ensure he understood the nature of her offer.

"I do not require anything, thank you," Calum started to pass, but her hand on his forearm stopped him.

Pleading eyes met his. "I do so miss you in my bed, Laird." Her eyes slid away from his face to between his legs and she whispered, "It is apparent to everyone that your needs are not being seen to."

Meagan appeared behind the woman.
"Bertrice, would you please see about our guests in the great room." The wench straightened slowly, squared her shoulders and walked off without a reply.

His wife's beautiful large eyes met his without reproach. "I was coming to
watch you compete." She turned to look over her shoulder and watch Bertrice walk away. "Do you wish me present?"

Her question caught him off guard. "Why would I not
, Meagan?"

Instead of a reply she leaned over and studied a flowering bush, she nipped a wilted flower and dropped it to the ground.
Calum followed the flower’s descent, and wondered why his heart pounded so hard. What was Meagan thinking, asking if he wished her present?

A soft smile curved her full lips and his breath caught.
"Like Bertrice stated, we do not have a happy marriage. You don't hide the fact, which I suppose I should be grateful for. I cannot accuse you of ever leading me to think otherwise."

Why would she think that? Calum's mind whirled. If his wife planned to leave him, he would not allow it.
When she began blinking he realized she fought not to cry and he held back the urge to reach for her. "That is not true, Meagan, I..."

"Shhh," she held a finger over his lips. "Our marriage was arranged when we were young, I was a fool to think that because we kissed
a few times you cared for me." Meagan pointed to a nearby bench. "It was there, remember? Our first kiss."

Indeed he did, the day he thought himself the luckiest man to have
garnered her attention. "Aye, I do."

Once again she
was stunning, dressed in a low-cut gown, this one a silky moss green that enhanced her porcelain skin and waist length burnished hair. She looked toward the field. "We should go."

"Meagan," Calum took her hand.
Fear clutched his heart and he locked down his emotions.  In a tight tone, he managed, "I don't begrudge being married to you. You look beautiful today." He leaned to kiss her lips. At the last possible moment she turned her face and his lips pressed on her jaw.

Calum tensed before straightening. "Shall we."
He guided her to the field.

Something was a
foot, he'd not lose sight of her and if she and Ian left to be alone at any time, he'd ensure to follow.


He won the competition, edging Dugan by mere inches. It was a surprise as he'd been distracted the entire time. He kept one eye on his wife as she, along with his sister, stood on the sidelines waiting for him to leave the field. Cailyn clapped and waved at him. His clansmen slapped both his and Dugan's backs while he marched toward Meagan.

Ian came up alongside him.
"I also gave it a good try, but it seems you always win the prize. Congratulations, cousin." Calum pondered the meaning behind his words.

neared and kissed his cheek in congratulations rousing more chants from his clan.

Although her eyes were warm at meeting his, she brightened
more at noting Ian who pursed his lips. "You are a lucky man indeed, Calum. I for one have developed an appetite." His cousin nodded at Meagan and went towards the keep.

"I must go and see about the evening meal," Meagan turned to follow behind

the meal truly why you are anxious to go back to the keep? Or is it perhaps that you plan to meet with him in private," Calum snapped, his focus burned on Ian's retreating back.

Meagan's gasp and rounded eyes
jerked his attention back. Her hand flattened on her chest, she took a step back. "How dare you," her voice shook. Hurt, anger and disappointment flashed from her eyes. She picked up her skirts and ran.

"What did you do?" His sister neared, her eyes narrowed.
"Why are you always so hard, so cross with her?"

Calum clenched his jaw and drew Cailyn from the group.
"I merely stated the obvious. My wife hangs on every word Ian expels. Whenever I look, he is around her."

"You are a stupid man," Cailyn slapped his arm. "You rarely pay Meagan any attention. Most of the time
you act as if she's invisible." His sister looked toward the garden where Meagan had stopped and now stood, seeming to be at a loss to where to go. "In the two years since you married, Meagan's gone from the bright happy beauty to a sullen, bitter woman."

His sister spoke the truth
, yet he did not admit it to her. "And how is this my fault?"

The blame is solely on your shoulders. You ignore and rarely touch your wife. When is the last time you've stolen her away or paid her a sincere compliment?"

"I told her she looked beautif
ul but moments ago," he replied, inwardly acknowledging he'd spoken without emotion.

Cailyn ignored his reply and continued. "
Of course she's enjoying Ian's attentions. A woman requires attentiveness, admiration, and to feel desired."

word she spoke was like a spike thrust into his chest. "I must speak to her."

Cailyn inhaled and drew her brows together
but did not say anything else. She understood, that sister or not, he was still laird and she chose wisely not to push the matter.


When Calum walked towards the garden, Meagan darted into the keep. She'd planned to go to their bedroom and would have if not for the loss of ability to breathe. She only made it into his study. Damn the tight bodice of the dress.

A few paces
behind her, her husband stormed into the room, slammed the door and stood in the doorway, blocking any chances of escape. His accusation earlier broke her heart and she wanted to die from humiliation.

"I was wrong. Forgive me.
" Calum closed in and wrapped his hand around her forearm. Meagan remained still, not looking at him.

Her head pounded and she looked to the ground willing the pain
in her chest away. "Aye, you were. Or perhaps not," she whispered. "I should have not encouraged Ian's attentions. I assure you at no point did our conversation ever veer to anything inappropriate, we spoke mostly about our childhood, and you were part of most everything we spoke of." She motioned to the doorway with her hand, palm up. "I will remain in our chambers for the rest of the games."

"I believe you."
Calum took her chin and lifted her face. "You do not have to cloister yourself."

Meagan only nodded, but did not look to him.
"I actually prefer it."

"Why?" Calum asked.

"Because I am tired, Calum. I have made a decision. Please send me back to my clan. Release me from this marriage. It would allow you to be free of this forced tie. Free to be with someone you desire."

She began to cry and when he went to comfort her, she pushed his hands away and backed up. "Enough
! Let us be honest. Don't try to comfort me. I should be accustomed to being shunned, but it hurts to be constantly ignored by you. How stupid I am. I worshipped you as a young girl and hoped to one-day warrant at least caring from you. Instead you join with me only when you cannot hold off any longer, you never spill inside me. Last night you left the bed immediately after." Meagan gulped a breath and covered her face with her hands.

, Meagan, forgive me." Calum took her in his arms and this time she allowed it, her strength gone.

It took her by surprise when
Calum sunk to his knees and wrapped his arms about her legs. "Don't leave me, please. You are my most prized possession." His husky words although muffled by her skirts were clear. "Forgive me, wife."

The sight of the huge male kneeled before her struck her wordless.
Meagan stiffened not sure what to do. "Calum, I am not a possession."

He pressed the side of his face
against her legs. "I do not know pretty words. Am at a loss at how to express how I feel to you."

With slow movements, she disengaged his arms and lowered to her knees as well.
When she looked at her husband's face, the pain etched across his handsome features shocked her. "Tell me why you ignore me. Why do you avoid our bedroom?"

His deep blue eyes darkened, and he burrowed his brows.
"Do you not see? I am this huge calloused warrior. Too rough to be paired to such a delicate flawless creature like you. I desired you from the first time we met, but..." Calum squeezed his eyes shut and took a breath. "I almost killed my mother, she could barely give me birth as I was so large."

He cupped her face and kissed her brow.
"It terrifies me to think what would happen if my seed takes root in your womb. You are so small. So perfect."

Meagan took
his large hand in both of hers. She lifted it and kissed his knuckles. The entire time, his eyes remained locked to where her lips met his skin, but he did not move away.

Her chest constricted at the
new knowledge. Calum sought to protect her all this time. He'd not known how to keep from her any other way, than to keep her at arm's length. How could he feel unworthy of her?

ne of the most powerful lairds in the region and also one of the most handsome men in the Highlands, women fought for his attention before they'd married. And by the sounds of his conversation with Bertrice earlier, they still did. "I love you, Calum. To have your child would make my life complete. Have you considered that your mother bared another two children after you without mishap?"

"You love me?" He
actually seemed perplexed.

"Yes, I've always loved you
, Calum. I find your size and powerful strength most attractive. When you undress, I covet each second I can study you. To me you are a beautiful and amazing man."

"I am a fool." He acknowledged pulling her against his expansive chest. "I don't deserve..."

"Stop." Meagan placed a finger on his lips. "You are worthy of so much, Calum. You are a fair laird who leads our people with care and understanding."

I love you." His lips crushed hers with such force she clung to his shoulders to keep from toppling over. Calum brushed his tongue across her lips and she parted for him to allow it past. Heat burst through her and she pushed into him. When his hand slid up to cup her breast, her entire body began to quake with need.

Someone cleared their throat and like forbidden lovers, they
jerked apart.

"What do you want
, Conor?" Calum growled at his younger brother and jumped to his feet pulling her with him.

met his brother's angry gaze with a wide grin. "Your presence is requested on the field, the next competition begins." Conor's eyes flickered to her and her brother-in-law winked at her.

Calum turned toward her, h
is lips curved and his eyes full of promise. He took her breath away. "Come with me, wife." He held her hand and guided her from the room.

"I cannot wait to make love to you tonight
and begin to make up for my stupidity. I will make you scream my name many times before daybreak," Calum whispered in her ear as they followed Conor to the field.

Meagan's eyes widened at the heated words.

BOOK: Seducing Her Laird
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