Seducing Miss Cecily (Victorian Virgins) (2 page)

BOOK: Seducing Miss Cecily (Victorian Virgins)
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When the woman screamed as the man
bit down on her engorged nipple, the gathering crowd lunged at the fucking
couple and began to join in the sexual antics, creating something of an orgy,
which both fascinated and repulsed her.
When another man slid his cock into the woman’s arse, it was almost too
much, yet Cecily’s cunt grew curiously wetter, wondering what that would feel
Not only to have a cock in her
arse but to have two men inside of her at once.
She rather thought she might like that, wanton whore that she was
quickly becoming.

Just then, as the moans increased
and Cecily thought she might be forced to join in, Sutton cursed, though only
those on the stage probably heard him.
She watched as he hurried off after the woman in green as she
disappeared out one of the side doors.
There was something there, Cecily was certain of it and she had no doubt
that, given the way Sutton’s cock rose when he looked at the woman, they would
be fucking before the end of the evening.

Sensing the show was over, for now
at least, the other guests moved off, some of them grumbling about not being
chosen to receive one of the virgin offerings this year. On either side of her,
her fellow captives were quickly spirited away.
Soon, she was left standing alone on the edge of the stage, the
man in front of her giving no indication that he was aware of her presence.

Then, just as she was about to
speak, the man turned, fixing Cecily with an emerald gaze that was enough to
melt away any resistance she had.
she had to lose her virginity, she supposed, this man would be as good a choice
as any.
He had a look about him and
again, she felt certain that she knew this man, though she couldn’t say from

He regarded her for a moment, then
finally raised an eyebrow imperiously.
“I am so grateful that I was honored enough to choose first.”
He inclined his head slightly, giving him a
decidedly wicked look.
“Lord Ashley,
Duke of Canterfield, at your service.”

Licking her lips, she looked at him
a moment, knowing he expected something in return.
She supposed starting with her name was a good choice.
“Cecily Huntfield, formerly of Huntfield
Hall near Grundby.”
She swallowed hard,
taking in the duke’s obvious erection, which was clearly visible through his
impossibly tight breeches.
“At your service
as well, I suppose.”

A smile lit up the duke’s face just
then, almost as if he knew something she didn’t, and he reached out to take her
“Ah, Cecily, I know we will have
a most marvelous time this evening.”
glanced at the orgy, which was now in full swing beside them.
“But not like that.
At the moment, I prefer a more private
He grinned.
“Though if you are so inclined, this house
party does last several days.
I’d be
more than willing to share you with a man or two.
For the right incentive, of course.”
Then, he pulled her towards the side door she’d seen earlier and
in that moment, Cecily had no doubt that this man meant every word he’d just
She was well and truly
Or she would be by the time the
evening was over.

Chapter Two


By the time Robert reached his room, he was
sweating, whether with desire or fear he wasn’t certain.
He’d recognized Cecily the moment he’d seen
her on the stage and in that moment, he was thankful beyond all measure that
Sutton had decided that this year, the Party Favours would be chosen by rank –
highest to lowest.
As the only duke
among the honored guests, that meant that Robert would be allowed to choose

He was certain she didn’t remember him.
After all, there was a six year age
difference between them and she’d only been six, perhaps even as young as five,
when her father had died and the Huntfield family had been cast into
He, however, had remembered
There was no mistaking that
glorious mane of chestnut curls or those deep brown eyes anywhere.
He’d just been thankful that
been able to select her as his gift.

He shuddered to think what would have happened had
he not been at the house party this year.
The other people chosen to receive a gift this year were known for
“sharing” their whores, and while Robert was more than willing to share, they
were of the rougher sort, more apt to rape than seduce.
Cecily needed to be seduced so that she
would be willing.
He was, of course,
the perfect man to seduce her.
He knew
her far better than she could ever suspect

Shutting the door behind him, he debated about
removing his cravat and shirt, then decided that it was necessary.
At the moment, Cecily was off somewhere,
being “prepared” for him.
When the
servant arrived with her, if he wasn’t properly disrobed, it would be reported
and then Sutton would demand to know what was wrong and take Cecily from him,
thinking she wasn’t pleasing.
Truthfully, there was nothing wrong.
Robert merely wanted to make certain that Cecily was comfortable with
him before he took her.
Because he
going to take her, but he preferred not to rape her.
But he would have her.
One look at her on that stage, with her mound bared to all, her tits
high in the air, had made his cock spring to attention like no woman had in

No, despite everything, Robert was still a rake at
heart and he would have Cecily.
simply wanted her soft and willing when he did.
He also wanted her to remember him.

He wasn’t surprised when the door opened moments
later and Cecily was led inside.
were the underthings she’d worn earlier in and in their place, she wore a
sheer, silky chemise.

“Your gift, my lord.”
The woman bowed slightly and then turned, leaving Cecily, whose
hands were still bound in front of her, in the room with Robert.

He could tell Cecily thought she knew him as her
face searched his and he decided to use that to his advantage.
“It’s a pleasure to see you again,
He approached her slowly, his
large body dwarfing hers, though he tried his best to keep from frightening
“When you and your family moved
away from my home at Briarbrook, I didn’t think I’d see you again.”

She frowned a moment, then looked up at him
suspiciously, recognition dawning in her eyes.
However, she made it a point to avoid looking at his chest, as if she
feared seeing him naked.
There was question in her tone.
“But you’re a marquess.
Or, at least, you were.”

Grinning, he placed a hand on her arm, better to
adjust her to his touch.
He also
unbound her hands as a gesture of goodwill.
If he could get her talking, he could make her forget that he was mostly
At least for a time.
Then my uncle died without an heir and I became the new
He slid his hand up her arm,
just a bit, gratified when she didn’t immediately pull away.
In fact, she leaned into his touch a bit,
indicating that she might like it.
was a long time ago.
Right after you
left.” Then, feeling emboldened by his success, he moved closer to Cecily,
wanted her to feel the heat and power of his body.
“But you’re all grown up now.
Such a change from the little thing you once were.”

“Not so different.
Well, in some ways, I suppose.”
Cecily felt her face heat.
Robert was mostly naked in front of her and while she’d considered the
male form off and on for the last several years, she’d never seen a man’s bare
It was, quite literally,
It would soon be pressed
against her and she would be unable to resist.
She knew that without question.
Not because she would be forced to, but because she wanted to.
Oh, how she wanted to.

How could she do this, a part of her brain
How could she give herself to
the man she’d known as a young lord of the manor?
The very one she’d lusted after for years?
Because her body fairly ached for him.
It had since the moment he’d turned around
in the ballroom and she’d seen those familiar eyes looking back at her, sending
a flood of wetness to her cunt.
also knew she had no choice.
She had a
feeling that, nice as Robert was, he wanted something – in this case her.
And he wouldn’t take no for an answer.
He was, after all, a duke and not used to
being denied.
“But you, my lord, are
very much removed form the man I knew.”

Leading her to the bed, he shook his head, again
gratified when she sat down beside him, leaning into him slightly as if seeking
his warmth.
So young and soft.
Perfect and ripe for her first fuck.
“Like you, not so different.
But still looking out for
When she frowned, he continued.
“Tonight, those of us who were to receive
virgins as gifts were allowed to choose.
As the highest ranking member, I was able to choose first.”
He tiled her chin up, wanting her to meet
his gaze.
“I chose you, Cecily.
I was not about to let those other men have
you or fuck you.
I simply could not.”

She shivered at his words, both excited and
“But I am not special, my
I am simply a girl you once knew
as a child.”
Though secretly, a part of
her was thrilled that he’d wanted her enough to pick her from the other women
who’d been available.

want you.”
Robert’s voice was soft, coaxing, and Cecily felt something warm
and liquid slide through her body to pool at the juncture of her thighs once
more, adding to her already aroused state.
“I want to see if the child I knew has grown into the woman I think she
He slid a single finger down her
arm to her wrist.
“I want to see if you
taste as sweet as I imagine you will.”

Then, with gentle fingers, he slid the thin chemise
down over her arms, baring her breasts to his gaze.
Gently, he caressed her nipple, thrilled when it hardened beneath
his touch, showing him that she did, indeed, want this.
She might have been kidnapped, but her body
was ripe and ready for him to take and use.
He would have her.
There was no
denying it.

“Do not deny me this, Cecily.
For I will have you, however I have to take
He wanted her to understand that
his desire for her, which had sprung to life in the ballroom the moment he’d
seen her, was a pulsing, living thing and that he would take her, by force if
that was what was required for him to taste her virgin flesh.
He tugged the chemise down the rest of the
way, and then, when it would go no further, he simply tore the thin material
from her body, baring her naked flesh to his gaze.

“Robert, I…”
Cecily faltered.
What could she
He knew she was a virgin,
obviously, and that no man had seen her this way before.
He also knew she wanted him, given the way
she’d responded to the merest touch of his hand.
If not that, she was certain that he could smell her, the musky
fragrance of her arousal filling the room.
“I will do what you ask.”
she leaned back slightly and arched herself toward him, offering him her naked
It was an offer she prayed that
he couldn’t refuse.

“So exquisite and perfect.”
Reaching out Robert slid one hand down her
stomach before brushing the soft nest of curls between her legs.
Then, he allowed one finger to plunge deeper,
finding her wet and ready for him, her inner core hot and molten.
She moaned and arched into him, a sign that
want this as much as he did.
“Let me teach you, sweeting.
me show you the pleasures of the flesh.”

His breath was hot on her neck, he knew, and when
she jumped, he pressed his advantage.
Leaning down, he took one nipple in his mouth and tugged hard with his
teeth until she began to squirm.

“God, Robert!
Oh, God!”
She thrashed her head,
clearly unused to physical contact, before crying out and pressing closer to


Cecily had no idea what she was asking for, but she
wanted it.
Wanted it so very much.
The part of her mind that was still a maid
in the marquess’ house berated her, but the truth was, once she’d been taken
from Folsom House, there was no way she was going to remain an innocent.
That part of her life was over.
Now, she simply had to make the best of it
and, if the way Robert was making her feel was any indication, he was very good
at this.
She might as well give in, not
that there had been much of a fight within her to begin with.
She wanted to fuck and she wanted to fuck
with him.

“Take what you want.
I am yours to do with as you please.”
She had said
She couldn’t take it back.

Looking up into his eyes, she could see passion and
desire simmering there, along with darker, more hypnotic things, things she did
not dare name.
“You won’t be sorry,
pet,” he told her as he lay her back on the bed, kissing her as he did so, his
tongue sliding into her mouth to stroke hers until she moaned deep in her
“I will be gentle, but I do
need you, Cecily.
She felt the heat of his bare skin as he
pressed her down, the crispness of his chest hair making her nipples tingle.
She could feel his cock, erect and pulsing,
on her thigh and she suddenly longed to feel him inside of her.
An ache began between her legs and
immediately, she knew that she was growing wet for him.
No, she burned for him.
She would allow him to do anything he

She swallowed hard, her pulse pounding in her
throat, feeling she should make one last protest, even if it was only a token
In some ways, this might be easier
if he were a stranger.
She’d simply lie
back, close her eyes and let him have his way.
But this was Robert, the boy she’d idolized in childhood.
She still wasn’t completely certain if she
could allow him to touch her that way.
Then again, if not him, then who?
There was no one else and if she had to lose her virginity tonight, why
not to Robert?
He was seducing her; far
better than rape at the hands of another.

“I’m frightened,” she admitted, allowing her gaze to
find his, finally saying something that didn’t make her sound like a fool.
“I’m a maid, Robert, no longer the young and
indulged daughter of the baron that I once was.”

He shrugged, unconcerned, pressing another kiss to
her lips before sliding down to trail more along her jaw.
“But you are virgin, yes?”

“Yes,” she admitted quietly.
“There has been no one.
Much to her embarrassment.

“Then it does not matter.”
He placed a finger to her lips to quiet her.
“I hunger for virgin flesh, Cecily, or at
the very least, young flesh, younger than me.
It is my one and only vice.
Otherwise, I am the boy you knew long ago.
And I do so want you.”
pressed a kiss to the side of her neck before biting down and then licking at
the wounded area, sending erotic thrills through her body.
“I want to taste you, Cecily.
I want to feel your body tighten around my
cock as I slide inside of you, taking your innocence for my own.
I want to feel your untried body beneath
He kissed her again, this time
nipping at her jaw.
“Will you let me?”

BOOK: Seducing Miss Cecily (Victorian Virgins)
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