Read Seducing Phoebe (Crimson Romance) Online

Authors: Nicole Flockton

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

Seducing Phoebe (Crimson Romance) (25 page)

BOOK: Seducing Phoebe (Crimson Romance)
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“But that doesn’t mean we can’t be two old friends catching up after not seeing each other for so long.” With her back to the door, he took advantage of her limited means of escape, and did what he’d wanted to do a few minutes ago — he moved into her personal space. He reached out and touched her cheek, her skin as soft as he remembered it being. “So what do you say Dawn, shall we go get a coffee?”

Andrew stifled a groan as Dawn’s tongue darted out to moisten her lips. His groin tightened, like it remembered what that tongue had done to him. With his thoughts lost on memories and not the present, he wasn’t prepared for the shove when it came. He stumbled back, his arms flailing slightly, trying to get a purchase on the chair he remembered seeing. His arm connected and he gripped the neck rest and regained his balance.

“The answer is no, Andrew. I don’t want to have a coffee with you. Not tonight, not ever.”


“Because I never look back. And you’re my past. So goodbye.”

She was almost out the door before Andrew sprung into action. He reached out and gripped her arm, halting her departure.

“It’s never goodbye, Dawn, more like see you around.”

He watched, dumbfounded, as her eyes appeared to lose all the color and sparkle. They were dull green, instead of the emerald fire he’d seen just seconds ago. She looked so desolate and alone. The look had him releasing his hold on her arm.

“No.” She spoke the word so softly he had to lean forward. “It is goodbye. It’s always goodbye.”

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BOOK: Seducing Phoebe (Crimson Romance)
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