Shane's Fall (The Escort Series Book 2) (23 page)

BOOK: Shane's Fall (The Escort Series Book 2)
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Logan was a terrible patient, Shane thought to himself. Yes, Savannah was definitely the hovering type, but Logan clearly wasn’t someone who was good at taking orders. It had been less than a week since he’d been shot, nearly burned to death and had his heart stop not once, but twice and yet he wanted to know when he could go home.

“If you try to force one more spoonful of that crap down my throat Savannah…” he threatened as she shoved a mouthful of orange gelatin at him.

“God, no wonder the nurses are so sick of you!” she huffed as she put the food down and then went to fluff his pillow for the fourth time.

“Shane, can you do something here?” he asked.

Shane put up his hands. He knew better than to try and intervene. He’d done that on the second day when he tried to tell Savannah she needed a real meal and a shower. Somehow that had turned into her yelling at him because she thought he was telling her she smelled bad. Logan had still been out of it and Savannah was sick with fear so her shouting had quickly turned to tears and in the end, Riley took over, putting on her “mom” hat and dragging Savannah to her and Gabe’s place for a scrub down and a hot meal. And that was only after Shane had promised to stay with Logan and call her if there was any change.

“Savannah, please,” Logan said, a little more gently. “Would you do me a favor and get me some real food from the cafeteria? Something greasy?”

She mulled it over and then finally said, “Only if the nurse says it’s okay.” She grabbed her purse off the chair, planted a kiss on Shane’s lips as she passed and then left the room. Shane smiled and then pulled up a chair so he could sit next to Logan. His friend looked a lot better than a few days ago and he couldn’t help but reach out and grab his hand.

“Too close,” Shane muttered before releasing Logan’s hand.

“Is it all gone?” Logan asked.

“The firemen got most of the fire out before it did too much structural damage, but the inside is gutted.”

A dejected look came over Logan and Shane couldn’t blame him. His friend had poured everything into the place and it was nearly all gone.

“You gonna start over?” Shane asked.

Logan shrugged. “It’s insured, but the deductible is huge. Maybe it’s a sign to let it go.”

Shane was quiet for a moment. “If I’ve learned anything over these past couple of months Logan, you don’t let your dreams go. You might have to fight harder than you thought for them, but you don’t just let them go.” Logan fell silent and he knew his friend had a long road ahead of him to gain his health and his future back.

“Do you remember any of it?” Shane asked.

Logan shook his head. “I went there to meet the delivery guys. I walked in and then everything went dark. I don’t even remember him shooting me,” he said, clearly flabbergasted by the events that had put him in this bed.

“They found a body, but the damage is pretty significant. They’ll do DNA testing to confirm it’s him, but Savannah saw him fall into the fire.”

“Is she okay? Really?”

Shane knew Logan was asking if Savannah had resorted to hurting herself again to deal with the stress.

“She’s okay Logan. She’s really strong. It’s just been hard for her. She watched you die. Twice. It’s going to take her a while to deal with that. I wouldn’t expect her to stop hovering anytime soon.”

Logan laughed. “Yeah, I guess.” The men fell silent for a moment. “I’m sorry Shane – I said some stuff to you that I didn’t mean. My big brother instincts kicked in…”

“It’s okay-”

“No, it’s not,” Logan said. “I’m glad you were there for her – that you saw what she needed. She knew in her heart that she could trust you. I should have seen that too, instead of assuming you were just messing around with her.”

“It’s not like I gave you a reason to think anything else. I played the part because it’s all I know how to do.”

“So, where do you go from here?” Logan asked.

Shane leaned back in the chair. “Not sure. I haven’t officially dropped out of law school yet but that’s probably what’ll happen.”

“And your folks? They’re okay with that?”

He nodded slowly, mulling it over. “They might actually be. I dropped them off at the airport last night and told them I wasn’t going to be joining my dad’s firm. I expected this big blow up, but my mom told me to just come to Chicago for a visit then. My dad told me to bring Savannah with me.”

Logan whistled. “That’s it?”

“Yeah, it’s pretty fucked up. I guess we’re both starting over, huh?”

“Yeah, I guess so,” Logan said and then watched with appreciation as his sister swept back into the room, a huge cheeseburger on the tray in her hands. “Now we’re talking,” Logan said as he dug in.



“Will you move in with me?”

Savannah froze at the question as she reached the top stair of the loft. He was already in bed, his shirt off. He was lying flat on his back, his eyes watching her as she moved further into the room. She went to him and straddled his lap. His hands spread out over her thighs as his intense gaze held hers.

“Yes,” she said simply even though her insides were screaming with joy.

“We’ll need to get a smaller place – something more affordable,” he said.

“Yes,” she said again.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do for a living.”


He smiled and then finally seemed to notice she held her hands behind her back.

“What’s behind your back?” he asked as he leaned up on his elbows. She could already see the lust building along with the anticipation of whatever she had planned.

“I love you,” she said.

“I love you too,” he responded automatically. “Show me,” he said, motioning to the arms she had behind her.

She finally showed him what she’d gone down to the kitchen for. “I brought the jam,” she said as she showed him the jar. His eyes lit up as he recalled their conversation about it being his turn to wear the jam next time.

“Shit,” he moaned as he flopped back down on the bed. “You better get the ties too.”


The End





Thank you for reading Shane’s Fall!


Dear Reader,


I hope you enjoyed reading Shane and Savannah’s story and catching up with Gabe and Riley from
Gabriel’s Rule
. They’ll all be back for Logan’s story,
Logan’s Need
which is coming out soon.


As a new author, I am always grateful for feedback so if you have the time and desire, please leave a review, good or bad, so I can continue to find out what my readers’ like and don’t like. You can also send me feedback via email at
[email protected]


For upcoming and additional books, please check out my Facebook page:


Check out the next page for more information on Logan’s story…

***Coming Soon***


Logan’s Need (Book 3, The Escort Series)

Sloane Kennedy


Author’s Note:

As a writer, I like to think that stories are “told” to me, so I was surprised that when I listened for Logan’s story, I learned that the person he was meant to be with wasn’t who I thought it would be. I tried several times to “force” a heroine on Logan, but it just didn’t quite fit. But in Dominic Barretti, I found Logan’s perfect match. I realize the M/M genre isn’t for everyone, but maybe you’ll take a chance and read what Logan has yet to learn – that love doesn’t always come in the package we expect it to – it comes in the one we need.


After Logan Bradshaw’s dreams go up in smoke, he’s left broken and haunted by a cruel betrayal from his former business partner, a man he once thought of as a friend. His life as a professional escort helped pay for his dream once, so maybe a few more jobs can give him back what he’s lost. And if that means being a third for one night for a wealthy couple living out a ménage fantasy, then so be it. It might just be the final payout he needs to get his life back on track.


Dominic Barretti has everything money can buy, but it can’t save his beautiful young wife as cancer steals her away from him. He also can’t deny her one last request – a ménage encounter with another man. It’s the perfect excuse to meet the man who’s been haunting his dreams. On paper, Logan is the perfect choice to give his wife what she needs, but he doesn’t expect his own fierce desires to flare up when the young man enters their lives.


Dom and Logan don’t know it, but Sylvie Barretti has decided to play matchmaker from beyond the grave. But getting two broken men to find each other makes dying seem like the easy part...



For updates on release date and additional books go to:

***Other Titles by Sloane Kennedy***


Gabriel’s Rule (Book 1, The Escort Series)

After nearly ten years of moonlighting as a professional escort, Gabriel Maddox is good at giving women the forbidden pleasures they crave. They don’t need to know that something inside of him dies a little each time he does it or that his desperate need for cash is the only reason he can’t walk away. They just need to know that to get what they want, they have to play by his rules.

Riley Sinclair is starting over. She’s left dry, dusty Texas and her ultra conservative, fanatically religious parents and cheating, mean-spirited fiancé behind for a new life in Seattle. But one look at her stunningly gorgeous new neighbor Gabe brings back all the insecurities she’s trying to escape.

Gabe can only offer Riley pleasure, but when she discovers that his perfect outside hides something terribly broken on the inside, will she risk her heart to give him what he needs?


Letting Go

After years of running from her brutal past Casey Wilkes has finally managed to carve out a quiet life running an animal shelter with her best friend in a small Northern Wisconsin town. And even though her menagerie of unwanted animals can’t keep the nightmares at bay she can at least finally breathe again. But everything changes when a mysterious stranger walks into the shelter with news of her sister’s death and a plan to get custody of the niece Casey never knew she had.
Multi-millionaire Devlin Prescott made a promise to protect the child of the woman who saved his son’s life and if keeping that promise means dragging Casey back into her past kicking and screaming then so be it. After all, it’s just another business deal.
But what he finds is a damaged woman struggling to put the pieces of her life back together and her quiet strength, steely determination and gentle heart have him questioning his methods and his feelings.
Can he find a way to keep his promise to a little girl and still prevent Casey from slipping back into a life that may end up destroying her for good?

BOOK: Shane's Fall (The Escort Series Book 2)
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