Read Silken Desires Online

Authors: Laci Paige

Tags: #erotic, #erotica, #erotic romance, #bdsm, #whipping, #verbal humiliation

Silken Desires (9 page)

BOOK: Silken Desires
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“What? Are you safewording?” he asked.

“No, I—I need more.” She forced the words
out of her mouth.

“Frank, I can’t do this anymore.” Jonathan
confessed. “I don’t know what I was thinking. This is too

“Do you love her? And want to give her what
she needs?” Frank asked.

“Yes.” Jonathan whispered.

“Then do it. I’m right here, you’re doing
fine. She’s coming around. Just a little bit more. You can do this
Jonathan…unless you want me to take over?” he asked, quietly.

“No. I need to learn to do this for her. I
care about her too much to hand her off when things get tough.”
Jonathan’s voice gained strength as he spoke with Frank, the
resident sadist from Underground Decadence.

Jonathan put all he could into whipping
Roxi. She felt his love with every strike at her back, and was
feeling more and more alive. “Oh God, yes! Yes!” She shouted. He
hesitated with the whip. “No, don’t stop!” Her pussy throbbed on
the verge of spilling over.

“Frank?” Jonathan’s voice quivered.

He waved his hand in the air. “Keep going. I
think she’s about to climax.”

He stopped. “

“Keep going!” Frank ordered him. “She needs
this. Do it!”

Thank God for Frank
, she thought.

Jonathan continued and her womb contracted,
her pussy, getting wetter and wetter, started to pulse with each
whip, sending the message directly to her clit. “Fuck, yes!” Her
body shivered and she knew
was happening, and
was doing it to her. Wave after wave of delicious, painful
sensations washed through her. Heaven! Or was it hell? She didn’t
know and she didn’t care, she just wanted more. Her soul felt like
it left her body and she soared above watching as she shuddered
with ecstasy, and then she floated slowly back down and became one
with her body again.


Something really cold touched her back, and
she inhaled a quick breath. Someone was icing her, but pulled away
when she jerked her body. “Just do it,” she gasped.

“Roxi?” Jonathan stopped and knelt by her
side. She smiled up at him and all the worry and concern on his
face washed away. “You’re back with me,” he said, more to himself
than her.

“I am. Thank you.” He kissed her lips quick
and soft then went back to applying an ice pack on her back for
several minutes. She looked around and saw they were in the
playroom across from her apartment.

With delicate fingers, Jonathan applied a
salve to her back and dressed two spots with gauze, and then iced
her again.

When he finished administering first aid, he
wrapped the two of them in a huge fuzzy blanket. He nuzzled his
face into her hair and she could hear him inhale a deep shaky
breath. Pulling away from him, she said, “Hey,” and ran her fingers
along his cheek. “Look at me.” He raised his head slowly and his
bloodshot green eyes focused in on her. He’d been crying. “You
okay?” she asked, tenderly.

“I need you to explain it to me someday. Not
now. All I need right now is this.” Shivering, he hugged her firmly
to his chest.

She knew it had to be hard on him to see her
at a low point, and never mind what he had to do to bring her out
of it. He only did what was desperately needed, she had to make him
understand, and accept that. She didn’t want to go to another Dom,
she needed Jonathan’s touch.

As the love of her life held her, she
noticed a lot of emotion pass through his eyes, but they were the
same eyes that used to look at her in elementary school. He would
follow her around like a lost little puppy, and that was the start
of the inseparable Roxi and Jonathan, until she went and screwed
that up. So much time had passed since they met, with so much
history between the two, but he still stared at her sometimes with
that same puppy dog look that used to make her knees weak and her
heart flutter.

It was a bonus that her brother and Jonathan
were best friends because she got to see him at the house, a lot.
He was around most of the time because his father worked 24/7
raking in a lot of money, and his mother hated being alone, so she
would go off with her friends and travel. The only constant at the
house, and in his life, became his nanny.

No one dissuaded Jonathan from spending time
with the Foresman family. They were a good influence in his life,
and gave him the experience of being in a real family.

She sighed in contentment in his arms,
thinking back on being each other’s first kiss, first love, hell,
first everything, she would never have had it any other way.

A soft knock sounded at the door. “Come in,”
Jonathan called.

“How’s it going?” Frank asked.

Roxi sat up and grinned. “Hey, Frank. How ya
doin’?” Frank’s wardrobe only knew leather and denim, he owned a
couple of Harleys and was a badass guy when he needed to be, but
other than that he was a sweet man nearing sixty. His face was tan
and weathered from riding his motorcycles year round. No matter the
weather, he rode them anyway. His wavy black and gray hair hung, as
usual, in a low ponytail on the back of his head.

“I’m doing all right missy. Question is, how
are you doing?” He gave her a stern look. Her submissiveness kicked
in, and she looked down. “I’m fine, Sir.”

“Bounce back pretty quickly, huh? My guess
is you’ve done this a time or two.”

“Yes, Sir. I lived the life for almost seven
months. My Master wasn’t much of a companion, but he knew me inside
and out when it came to play time. I—I like it rough. He taught me,
and he was good at what he did. Very tender during aftercare, and
he took really good care of me for the most part, but he wasn’t
much outside of the playroom. He offered for me to be his slave
indefinitely, I declined his offer.” She kept her gaze to the

“Didn’t run out on him too, did you?” His
voice took on a sarcastic note.

Her head popped up, she looked him hard in
the eyes. “What? No!”

“Missy, you are sitting with your Dom in
aftercare, while talking to another Dom in a playroom. Mighty nice
playroom, I might add.” He glanced around the room. “I think that
pretty little head of yours should be kept down, and you address us
accordingly. I’ll let it slide this time, but next time I won’t.”
His stare was hard, his words harsh.

Her chin dropped. “Sorry, Sir.”

“That’s all right. You may look at me now. I
want to see your face as you answer my questions.” She raised her
head and looked at him carefully. “So what made you decline his
offer? Isn’t that what you wanted, and why you left?” He crossed
his arms over his chest, and continued with the hard look he’d been
giving her.

Surprised by his questioning, she fought
from shooting a dirty look at Jonathan for involving Frank. “Sir, I
couldn’t stay with him when my heart was elsewhere.”

He gave a slow nod as he glanced at
Jonathan, but he asked the question anyway. “And just where was
your heart?”

“Back here at home Sir, with my friends and
family.” She, too, looked over at Jonathan who didn’t meet her

“Well, I’m glad to have you back here,
missy. I’ve missed seeing you around. I sure know the boys have
missed you, too.” He gave her a wink and a lopsided smile.

Jonathan stood and took Frank’s outstretched
hand for a shake. “Thanks for everything. I don’t think I could’ve
gotten through this without you. I sure learned a lot.”

“Keep her at bay and you won’t be needin’ me
again. You can avoid a repeat of what happened here as we
discussed.” He stood in the doorway ready to leave.

“In any case, thanks again.”

After Frank headed out, Jonathan helped Roxi
dress, taking care to slip her shirt slowly over her back. Once
they left the playroom, Roxi turned to him, and yelled, “What the
hell Jonathan?”




Chapter Nine


Jonathan felt his mouth pop open. “Huh?”
What pissed her off? He thought he did exactly what she wanted. It
certainly wasn’t what he wanted, and if she was ticked off about
it, he didn’t know what to do or how to handle it. Roxi’s face
turned red, and her eyes wild.

It was into the early morning hours and it
surprised him when the door to Jake’s apartment opened and Kristy
popped her head out. “Is everything okay?”

Roxi motioned for her to come out. Once she
was in reaching distance she wrapped her arms around Kristy. At
first Kristy hesitated, but then hugged her back eliciting a hiss
from Roxi. Kristy pulled away with a puzzled look on her face.

“Everything’s fine, just a little sore from
playtime.” Roxi pointed toward the playroom. “I’m not ready to see
Jake just yet. Tell him I love him and that I’m fine, please?”

“Sure.” Kristy’s lips pulled into a small

Just then Jake looked out in the hall. He
didn’t step over the threshold, but he stared at Roxi. Finally she
ran to him, hugged him with a quick peck on the cheek, and then she
said, “I’m fine. Love you, see you tomorrow.” Turning around she
ran into her own apartment.

Jonathan stood there for a brief moment,
shook his head and followed behind her. As he closed the door, he
saw Kristy wrapping her arms around herself and Jake walking up
behind her.

Slowly turning around, expecting Roxi to be
there, he was curious when she wasn’t. “Roxi?” He heard nothing in
response. “Rox?”

The apartment had an open floor plan and she
could only be one of two places; the bathroom, or the bedroom.
Heading for the bedroom, he hesitated before going in. Taking a
deep breath, he threw open the door. There she stood, in the middle
of the room, staring hard at him with her hands on her hips.

Her attitude set him off. “So what did I do
to piss you off this time princess?”

“Fucking Frank! How could you involve him in
my personal life? You had no right. You know how I feel about
keeping those two parts of my life separate. I didn’t want anyone
to know.” Her strong voice gave nothing away, but Roxi plopped down
on the bed looking exhausted.

Jonathan remained where he was. “You hit
rock bottom, I didn’t know what to do. I panicked, and he has the
experience. I actually learned a lot from him. It wasn’t a mistake
or a bad thing, and I’d call him again, too.”

“Like hell you will!” She grabbed a
hairbrush from the nightstand and threw it across the room.

“If I don’t have a backup, then I can’t do
this. I thought I could, but this isn’t what I signed up for.” He
shook his head keeping his sight on her.

“What exactly did you sign up for?” Her
words softened.

“To take care of you, Rox. You need someone,
I want to be that someone, but not if I can’t get help when I need
it. I’m out of my league here. You aren’t the same woman that left
last year. You’ve changed into someone different, someone I don’t
recognize anymore. It’s only fair you give me the time to adjust,
and the means to educate myself for your benefit. Don’t you think?”
He walked slowly over to the bed and sat at the far end from

When she didn’t move or speak, he inched
over to be closer and took her hand in his. “I care about you so
much, Roxi. I’d do just about anything for you, but that scene…so
intense. I’ve never been a part of anything remotely like that.
Sure, I’ve whipped others, but not as hard as you needed it. That
was the heaviest corporal scene I’ve ever participated in.”

“Would you be able to do it again?” Roxi
asked, quietly.

“Honestly? I—I don’t know.” He ran a hand
down the back of his neck. “How often did you need it with your
last Master?” He tilted his head toward her.

“With Master it was a daily thing, but not
always like that. He’d let me heal before he really gave it to me
again. He had other ways to get me where I needed to be.” She
rubbed her palms against her thighs over and over again.

Jonathan reached over and pressed his hand
against one of hers, stopping the motion. “What happened to you? I
mean, what turn of events lead you to enjoy pain?”

“I won’t discuss that, but it’s nothing bad,
just a sad emotional journey I don’t wish to revisit.” She shrugged
and crawled under the blanket yawning.

“Shouldn’t I know if I’m to help you?”
Jonathan remained seated on the edge of the bed.

“It’s not important. What’s important is the
person I am now. With Master, my emotions were stripped from me.
Feelings were taken advantage of and manipulated all for his
pleasure. It was humiliating, but the aftercare is what kept me
going back. He had a way with restoration, and making things right
again.” Her eye’s fluttered shut.

“Was it always sexual?” He asked the
question before he realized he didn’t want to know. “Don’t answer
that if you don’t want to.”

“No, I want to.” Her eyes remained closed.
“It wasn’t at first, but as time went on I found myself oddly
aroused when Master was harder on me than I wanted, but you know
me, and I don’t safeword.” A small smirk played across her mouth.
He watched her soft lips and wanted to feel them pressed against
his. “Once he figured out that I wouldn’t safeword it was game on.
He tried to break me, but that never happened, in fact I would
usually end up having an orgasm if anything. At first it pissed him
off, but then he came to enjoy watching me. We only ever had sex a
few times at my urging. Our relationship revolved around the power
we had over each other.”

Roxi rolled over and snuggled in as Jonathan
ran his hand through her hair. “Sleep, Roxi. We can talk more after
you get some sleep.” He pressed a kiss to the back of her head and
waited for her breathing to slow. Once he knew she was asleep, he
left the room and quietly closed the door behind him.

He didn’t want to leave her apartment, but
he needed to get out. The hallway seemed too small as he paced back
and forth. Learning more about her previous relationship was more
than he could handle emotionally. He figured she’d been with
someone in the time she was gone, hell he’d been with a lot of
“someone’s” after she left, but the way he pictured it, he saw her
in a normal vanilla relationship. He thought she ran to get away
from the lifestyle, not to become totally immersed in it.

BOOK: Silken Desires
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