Read Sin for Love Online

Authors: Claudia Bradshaw

Tags: #Humour, #Romance

Sin for Love (3 page)

BOOK: Sin for Love
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I was so stunned that he was in this room, waiting for me in the dark, that I was lost for words.  I slowly walked over to stand in front of where he was sitting on the plush couch.  As if my limbs were attached to a puppeteer’s strings, my body started moving in time with the music that was pouring from the speakers.  My hands moved like they had a mind of their own, sliding over my hips and up to the top of my bustier.  While swaying my hips, I started undoing the hooks that kept me encased in black lace, slowly exposing a line of my bare skin.  When I got to the bottom hook, I let it drop to the floor, revealing my pasty-covered breasts.  Reese’s jaw clenched as he drew in a sharp breath.

The heat in his gaze made goose bumps rise all over my body, and my heartbeat started soaring to nearly dangerous levels.  Something in me needed to touch him, to feel his skin against mine.  Wearing nothing but pasties, my lace panties and fuck-me heels, I took a step forward and straddled him, my knees pressing in on each side of his thighs.  In this position, our eyes were at the same level, and once again I was lost in a sea of blue.  I knew that at any moment a wave was going to crash over me, pulling me down into the depths, and I would be lost forever.

Reese’s low voice pulled me out of the threatening waves “Rain, I want to feel you move.”

I let my hands slide up his arms and neck, my fingernails playing over his skin.  Then I buried my hands into the silky dark hair at the back of his head.  Tugging his hair, I pulled his head to the side to expose his neck.

Breaking the connection between our eyes, I dipped my head down to where his neck met his shoulder.  As I put my lips against his skin, I let my tongue dart out, finally taking a taste.  Reese tasted like I thought he would—rich, spicy, and a little bit salty.  I heard him groan and could feel his hands clenching into fists at the sides of my thighs, begging to grab ahold of me.  I squeezed tighter with my knees and moved to sit firmly on his lap.  When my pussy met his hard cock, his pants and my panties the only thing separating us.

I pushed down to rub myself against his large erection that was straining tightly against his jeans.  I heard him let out a deep moan that confirmed that he needed this as badly as I did.  Pushing my breasts against his chest, I continued to kiss and nip at his neck while I shamelessly ground my now swollen clit down on the rough material that covered his hard cock.

“Fuck, Rain, you are going to make me come.”  Reese grunted between breaths.

“Tessa. My name is Tessa,”  I whispered, the words betraying me, escaping my lips on their own.  As I felt the edge of my climax starting to take over, I opened my mouth and bit down on Reese's shoulder to keep from screaming his name as I came.

I don't know how many minutes passed while I was lying on him, recovering from the mind-blowing orgasm I’d just had without him even touching me.  As soon as I could gather my wits, I lightly kissed his neck where I had bitten him and slipped off his lap.  Leaving my bustier on the floor, I walked to the closet and grabbed a robe.  Without looking back at Reese, I opened the door to leave.

"Tessa," Reese said, the need in his voice stopping my retreat, "I do love how you move. I can't wait to feel you move when I have you naked under me."

I stopped in the hall after the door closed behind me and thought,
What the fuck have I gotten myself into?

Butterfingers and Butterflies


The next morning, I got up early to pick up Raegan from the airport.  I didn’t drive my car often, but I couldn’t wait to see her and didn’t want her to take a cab.  She had been living in New York for the past few months and I’d missed her so much.  We had a long day ahead of us, and I knew that we would need caffeine, sugar, and each other to get through it.

Today we were going to celebrate Ruby’s twenty-third birthday.   Ruby, Raegan, and I had all met when we were around eight or nine.  We had been cast as flowers in our school’s spring recital.  We had formed a bond over whining about the costumes we’d had to wear. We’d all wanted to be bugs instead of stupid flowers.  After that, we were never apart.  That is, until Ruby left us.

By sixth grade, the girls had been spending more nights sleeping at my house than at their own.  They hadn’t had bad parents. They just hadn’t been as attentive or involved in our lives as mine had been.  Raegan and Ruby had become more than just friends—they had become a part of our family.  Ruby was almost a year younger than Raegan and me and she had been a grade lower, but we hadn’t let that matter to us.  She’d also developed faster than we had, so when it was time that she’d needed a bra, Mom had taken all three of us to pick them out.  Ruby and I had teased Raegan about stuffing hers until she turned fourteen and got a visit from the Titty Fairy.

I picked Raegan up from the airport and headed straight to our favorite coffee shop, where we could sit in overstuffed chairs and sip on our fancy coffee while we caught up.

Looking up from her cup, Raegan said, “So how’s life?”

I bit my lip. Today was going to be an emotional day as it was.  I didn’t need to have Raegan overanalyze my decision to go out on a date with Reese.

“Uh oh, what happened?  Tell me all about it.”

“It’s not a big deal.  And don’t read more into it than there is, because there isn’t anything, but I met a guy last night.”

“You meet guys every night, Tess.”

“Yea, I know, Rae.” I sighed. “The thing is that I agreed to go out on a date with him.”


“Shhhhhh!  I know, I know. I shouldn’t have, but he was just so… I don’t know how to explain it, Rae. He had me panting like a fucking dog without even touching me.”

“How long has it been since you’ve dated anyone?”  Great, this was exactly why I hadn’t wanted to tell her.

“You know as well as I do that I haven’t dated anyone since Brady. I’m happy this way. I don’t have to hide who I am or what I like from anyone. I don’t have to worry about someone judging my fucking kinks. I get what I need, and they get what they need. And then we each go on our merry way and nobody gets hurt.”

She held up her coffee like she was making a toast. “Here is to you finding someone someday who loves you for your fucking kinks!”  Then she clinked her cup to mine, which was still sitting on the table, and took a sip.

“Raegan, if you tell anyone in the family about this, I will tell Mom that you were the one who spilled grape juice on the couch when we were eleven.”

Her eyes went wide “You wouldn’t!”

“Hell yes I would.”

After we had finished our coffee, we walked outside and hailed a cab.  On the way to visit Ruby, we stopped and picked up a bunch of Butterfingers. They had been her favorite and we all ate them every year.  Everyone else was already there when we arrived, and after a short walk across the grass, we joined them.

It was a beautiful day.  There wasn’t a cloud in the sky and the birds were still singing their morning song.  Mom and Dad had brought fresh flowers.  My sister Emily, her husband Kurt, and their daughter Abigail were there as well.  Abigail was running around in her cute dress, chasing butterflies.

After I handed out the candy bars to everyone, I placed the last one on top of the headstone and said, “Happy birthday, Ruby.  I love you, sweetie.”

Every year after we visited Ruby, the whole family went to the local junior high school to talk to the teens about violent acts and how to stay safe.  We told Ruby’s story, and though it tore me apart, I knew that if we could save one person from her fate it was worth the pain.

We had finished the assembly and were standing outside of the school.  “Do you really have to go back to New York tomorrow?” I asked Raegan.

“Yeah. I have a meeting I can’t miss the next day. I hope I can get some sleep on the plane.”

“I hate it when you aren’t here.”

“I know, Tess. I miss you too,” she said while pulling me into a tight hug.  “I’m here now. Let’s make the most out of it, okay?”

“You bet your sweet ass that we are going to,” I said, and we climbed into a cab to go back to my apartment.

Raegan and I were sitting on the floor in front of my couch.  After finishing a bottle of wine, we pushed the coffee table off to the side and I pulled our memory box out from under my bed.  This was the only night each year that we opened it.  An hour and another bottle of wine later, we were surrounded by pictures, trinkets, and memories.

“Hey, Tess, I found your favorite lipstick.  God, I can’t believe you used to wear this horrific color!  It’s like Barbie fucked a bottle of Pepto Bismol and they had a baby!”

I snatched the tube away from her, took the lid off, and twisted the lipstick up to carefully apply it to my lips.  “Do you remember when I made out with Johnny between classes with this on?  The dumbass didn’t even think to wipe it off before going to health class.”

“And when Mr. Siebert asked him if there was something he wanted to share with the class, he said no.  Then Mr. Siebert said”—Raegan dropped her voice low—“’If it was that good, I wouldn’t share either.’”  We both burst out laughing.

Clutching my sides because they hurt from laughing so much, I got up to refill our wine glasses.  When I got back, Raegan’s face had sobered up and she was holding up three charm bracelets that had been linked together.

I sat back down next to her and put my arm around her shoulders before she said, “I wish we could still wear these.  I still can’t believe we found ones that said Best Bitches Forever!” She rubbed the charm that had ‘Best’ engraved on it with her thumb for a minute before setting it to the side.

Memories of the day when we found the bracelets came rushing back to me.  Raegan, Ruby, and I had been spending the day at the mall and Ruby had dared us to go into Spencer’s Gifts.  We’d always seen the older kids going in the store but had been too intimidated to join them.  We’d known they had naughty stuff in there, including a back room that you had to be eighteen or older to go in.  But once Ruby had dared us to do something, we’d done it, no matter what the consequences would be.  When we finally went in, we’d discovered a whole new world of band t-shirts, hair dye, and the charm bracelets that shouted to the world that we would always be together.  My heart broke all over again when I picked up the bracelets and placed them back into the box.

Raegan sat back against the couch and took a long sip of wine.  She looked up at me and said, “Ruby would be happy that you have a date, you know.”

I sighed and said, “I know. And she’d want all of the details after. I still talk to her sometimes. I like to think that she is listening.”

"Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker." ~ Ogden Nash


All I could think about was Tessa rubbing herself on my cock.  The memory of her tits pressed up against my chest and her teeth in my neck when she came had kept me hard for most of the past twenty hours.  I had heard that you were supposed to go to a doctor if your erection lasted longer than eight hours.  But what if it went away just long enough for you to fall asleep but then popped back up as soon as you start dreaming about her?  I thought to myself, I really hope my dick doesn't fall off.

I made sure that I had enough time to get to The Happy Valley before Tessa because I wanted to watch her walk up.  Those long legs of hers had been made to wrap around me.  I knew I better stop thinking about her legs and start thinking about something else before she arrived. She would think all I wanted from her is sex.  I wanted so much more.

I told myself to think about hockey and who was playing this week.  But that didn’t work, I fucking hate hockey and knew nothing about it.  Then I started thinking about old people like Betty White, but I then remembered that she was kind hot when she talked all dirty. Shit, this wasn’t helping at all.  I knew it was going to be so hard to walk away from her tonight when all I wanted to do was drown in her.

I had my head down, staring at my boots, as I was leaning against my bike, trying to figure out how the fuck I was going to walk away when I heard footsteps coming toward me.  I looked up to find a confused look on Tessa’s face.  I couldn’t think of what could be wrong. She was wearing jeans that hugged every curve of her body so she should be okay riding.

"You've got to be joking.  That is your bike?" she asked.

That was enough to make my dick want to crawl back up inside of my body.  I stood up turned toward my bike and said, "Well, one of them.  Why? Is there something wrong with it?"

She looked like she was recovering from shock. Then she said, "Um. Uh. Well, no there isn’t anything wrong with it.  I really, really like it.  It is just that I saw one like that the other morning and um…  Never mind."

"Oh no, you aren't getting off that easy.  Tell me what you were going to say.”

Her sweet lips curled up into a smile  before she looked me right in the eyes when she said, “Well, you see, I was drinking coffee in my apartment and I saw a bike just like this one drive up.  Let’s just say I did get off that easy just by looking at it.  I wanted to know what it would be like to feel the rumble between my thighs."

The surprise on my face must not have registered because she did that sexy thing women do where she popped out a hip and placed a hand on it while holding out her other hand and wagging her fingers at me, all while staring at my bike.

"Give me my helmet. I want to feel this kitty purr."

I jumped into action and handed her the extra helmet I’d brought for her.  I hadn’t known what her reaction would be to being picked up on a bike, but I couldn't be happier.

After making sure that her helmet was securely on top of Tessa’s gorgeous head, I jumped on my bike and started her up.  She came to life, greeting us with a deep growl as her engine hummed.  I looked back to where Tessa was standing and watched as she jumped up and down, clapping her hands and making her tits bounce.  Damn, I could watch that all day, but we had places to go and drinks to drink.  I reached out for her hand and she climbed on the back, wrapping her arms around me tightly before we took off.

BOOK: Sin for Love
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