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Authors: Yvette Hines

Slightly Sinful (2 page)

BOOK: Slightly Sinful
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He enjoyed his seclusion and privacy. Most of his business negotiations and meetings he handled by phone conference. It wasn’t that he had scars or a morbid body image or suffered from some kind of social phobia, he just preferred to keep his life private. He figured it had more to do with the fact he had been from a large family, ten brothers and sisters, in which he was child number six. With that many people around him most of his life until he left for college; it could drive any man insane. However, he loved his family and usually got together with them twice a year.

More importantly, he didn’t want to be another “Trump” or “Gates” or “Jobs” having every aspect of his life and relationships plastered all over the media and grocery story rags. He allowed Les to play the face of Torres Corporation when it was necessary for someone to speak. Once he had agreed to do an interview in
, but had made them sign a contract that all pictures were to be taken in dim lighting or with most of his face shadowed. Other than that, he kept clear of the limelight.

“These final three are exceptional. The background packages you sent on them along with the company photo showed all of them have built a portfolio of excellence when it comes to corporate design.” His gaze strayed to the center folder; it wasn’t the first time that he’d focused on it more than the other two.

All of them were more than capable of conducting the redesign of his headquarters building, for which he was more than prepared to shell out top dollar, but the center company seemed to have an X factor.

“Maybe I should make it plain,” Les began. “Now that you have narrowed it down to three possibles, have either of the other two shined over

That was the real question. There was no need for him to attempt to play naïve; they both were fully aware of the
that Les referred to. The reason he could not stop staring at the second packet. On the last page of each packet was a company photo, even though she was standing at the end her team as they posed and smiled in what had to be the main lobby of her company, she was the center focus for him.

Just as she had been four years ago when he’d seen her first. She’d captured his attention as she walked out of a meeting with one of his business associates after her company completed a design project of an executive residence adjacent to a high dollar city shopping center.

He still had not forgotten how her tall body curved in all the right places. Encased in a dark green skirt and jacket that hugged her body, she’d exuded confidence, poise and sex appeal.

Ella era la belleza personificada.
She personified beauty in every way. It was in her unique hair color, her walk and her style.

She hadn’t seen him. The moment he’d gotten behind closed doors with the head of the company he couldn’t stop himself for inquiring about her.

From that point forward, he’d kept tabs on her and her company. His own seclusion and an overseas endeavor kept him from pursuing her. However, she hadn’t been far from his mind.  

Glancing back to the monitor at Les, he shook his head. “No. She runs a damn good company. The pictures of her team's work in the portfolio are outstanding.”

“So, are we going to go with it?”

. Hold off until Monday to make the call as planned. Thursday present it to the board and get back with me on their thoughts. If all is a go then Monday is perfect.” Even though getting to know her had been the main reason for his deciding to overhaul his headquarters, he was no fool. He had not reached his level of success by leading with his cock or his heart. As other women who’d attempted to get close to him, to use him had quickly discovered. Business was a game of intellect and gut moves.

Regardless of his attraction to the
mocha belleza
, he wouldn’t make an ignorant business investment.

 “Got it. On to another question.” Les was now leaning back in his navy blue leather chair.

Nicholas lifted an eyebrow and waited.

“Have you decided on if and when you’re returning to the States? Now that the Spain projects are complete.”

That was the question. He shifted his gaze to stare out of his window seeing the
as if flowed under bridges and byways as people strolled along the tree lined walkways. Was it time for him to leave? So many years living “out of country” he with several major deals on the table, was it best for him to return home? Making it harder for him to maintain the level of privacy he preferred.

“No, my friend, I have not.” Swiveling his chair back around, he smiled at his second in command. “Perhaps if you were not doing such a fine job of handling things at the Towers I would feel more pressure to be there.”

Les tossed his head back and laughed. “Bull shit. Sell that to someone who doesn’t know how deeply you play a role in everything that goes on. Your ass never has learned how to be a proper CEO.”

“What is a proper chief exec officer? Please enlighten me.” He smiled.

“We both know the type. They climbed their way to the top, but once there they are too busy jet-setting around the world with every available model-clone half their age and leaving all the running of the company to board members and directors.” Les held up a hand. “No, don’t get me wrong, you're no micromanager, you're just hands on. Shit, you even know the names of the guys in the mailroom--”

“They work just as hard. A lot of them and their families live close to the poverty line of such a historic city.”

“The ones here I was talking about. Which amazes me, because you only come in once a month.”

He couldn’t argue with that. Being raised in a large family, his parents always reminded them that everyone was important. He carried that with him in business.

Shrugging, he changed the subject. “How’d your sister come out of the surgery?”

The laughter in his gaze dimmed slightly. “Fine, thank God. The tumor was removed successfully and she’ll be able to keep her ovaries. The doctor called her this morning and wasn’t not cancer. She wanted me to thank you for the fruit basket, flowers and spa certificate for when she recovers.”

Nicholas knew how worried Les had been. His friend only had one sibling, his younger sister, and they were just as close as he and his ten brothers and sisters.

. Give her my best.” When his intercom buzzed, he ended the call. “I have a final meeting with DeMarco in a few minutes. Enjoy your week.”

“You too. This weekend try to stay out of the office…if you can.”

.” No promises, he told Les as he smiled and signed off from the visual conference. Pressing the blinking light on his phone, he let his receptionist know he was cleared from the overseas communications.

A moment later his door opened to his receptionist, a short thin, Spaniard with short, chic hairstyle. Smiling, she spoke in Spanish. “Juan DeMarco and his partners have arrived.”

“Perfect, Melina.” He responded in kind. “Make sure they get refreshments in the conference room and inform them I’m on my way.”

Melina strolled deeper into the office and placed a stack of correspondence on his desk with a few unopened envelopes on top. “Yes, sir. After the meeting, there are a few letters I need you to review from things that came in this week and notes from our meetings. Also, a special delivery came in while you were speaking with Mr. Carter. It is the one on top.”

Rising, he glanced briefly at the return address of the certified mail. He recognized the name and had a pretty good understanding of what the envelope contained. It could wait until after his meeting. Crossing the room, he collected his suit jacket from the coat rack then slipped his arms into it.

When he left his office, Melina held a thick folder out to him. “Thanks, Melina.”

“You’re welcome. Your lawyer just went to the conference room.”

“Perfect.” Without wasting any more time, he headed to join the men waiting for him. Moving down the corridor, he considered once again the delivered packet, debated whether he would accept.



Chapter two



“Look at that water. Lila, have you ever seen anything that clear?” Pamela asked as they both stared out the window of the limousine taking them from the airport to the mansion.

“Absolutely not, and I hope Silverman has planned some time for us to get in.” Delilah leaned back against the leather seat and enjoyed the light ocean breeze as it caressed her face.

They had been on their first plane for two hours before arriving in Nassau and taking a short hour flight to the island. The anticipation of delights to come had continued to build since Delilah left home. She waited expectantly to know what the soft drink CEO, Dan Silverman, had planned for them.

The invitation had said dress sexy, so this morning she had pulled on an ice blue Bonita top with a short Caribbean skirt and a pair of four-inch strapless heels to bring attention to her bare legs. The combination was fierce. This outfit was part of her party gear. Her company had kept her so busy lately; she rarely got an opportunity to dress in such alluring apparel. She was enjoying every minute of it.

Pamela had picked her up in her convertible Saab 93, wearing an angel mesh mini, weekend getaway dress in lavender from her employer Regal Style. The dress was so sheer her friend’s dark amethyst thong was evident under close inspection. Not to mention the fact that her friend was braless. It never ceased to amaze her how Pamela took sexy and outrageous to a completely new level. Over the years, she’d become accustomed to her friend’s flamboyance and loved Pamela for who she was, a wild woman with a good heart.

“I am so turned on with anticipation of this night, I’m sure I’ve creamed through my dress,” Pamela oozed with excitement as she fanned herself.

As the limousine pulled up to a massive beige colored villa, Delilah erupted with laughter at Pam’s comment.

A Bahamian in a white linen pantsuit met the car and greeted them when he opened the door. “Ms. Winters and Ms. Reynolds, welcome.”

. No doubt since Silverman had bought and paid for all the tickets, he kept a running itinerary of when everyone was scheduled to arrive.

Clasping one hand at a time, the man assisted them out of the vehicle then continued, his words heavy with accent, “If you two will come with me, I will show you where you can freshen up and place your things.”

When they got into the house, Delilah struggled not to allow her mouth to hang open as she stared at the beauty of the vacation home.

Pamela had no such qualms about letting her thoughts of the place known. “Oh, my word, Lila, this place has to cost a mint.” Glancing around at the luxury of the room they were escorted to, her friend’s eyes lit with pleasure. “I do believe I could possibly orgasm standing right here in the middle of this room.”

Delilah was just as impressed with the satin sheets, fur rugs, long tapered candles, nightstands decorated with erotic oils and lotions. Sheer curtains fluttering in a breeze before large bay windows brought in the sweet Caribbean ocean scent.

Smiling, Delilah turned toward the man standing patiently at the door. “Thank you…” She did not know what to call the man.

“Michael,” he supplied.

“Thank you, Michael.” She set her overnight bag beside the bed.

“You’re most welcome. Ms. Winters, your room is next door to the right.” He pointed toward the dresser. “The map for the house is there. Mr. Silverman and the other guests are downstairs in the garden room. I wish you an indulgent and capricious evening.” Michael bowed and left.

Catching the sight of a small crystal dish filled with an array of condoms, like potpourri, confirmed Delilah’s impression of the expectation of the attendees of a Silverman party. Once again, butterflies danced in her stomach. For the first time, she considered the possibility that maybe she’d bitten off a bit too much.

Can I go through with this?

“You ready, Lila? Or you plan to stand in this room all night?” Pam interrupted. “Not that it would be a bad idea with company.” Pam buried her hand inside the bowl of condoms and let them fall from her hands like raindrops.

Rolling her eyes, Delilah grabbed Pam’s arm. “Let’s go.”


Ten minutes later in the garden room, Delilah asked, whispering out the side of her mouth, “Pam, is that Jack Dennison, the Willington Suites hotel chain owner?”

Speaking in the same manner, Pamela added, “With Glenda Limpkins, the restaurant critic?”

She and Pam grabbed a cylinder glass from one of the staff carrying a tray, the drink an array of orange, red and yellow--fruity and rum filled.

Delilah eyed the odd couple. Glenda stood five eleven while Jack only five three. The pair were together in a public embrace of commitment as they spoke, resembling Olive Ole and Popeye.

“What do you think she sees in him?” Delilah asked.

Thirty or so people mingled around the room as Delilah and Pamela smiled and observed others they recognized while making a steady progress toward Silverman.

“He may be short, but I heard he’s
like a
.” Pamela emphasized the words most assuredly responsible for the food critic’s interest.

“It doesn’t make any difference if every time he gets hard his dick hits the floor and causes his legs to pop up.”

Pamela’s unexpected loud guffaw caught Delilah off guard and drew attention to them just as they arrived at Daniel Silverman’s side.

Without missing a beat, her friend turned her noisy slip into a greeting for Silverman. “Daniel, sweetheart, this place is scream-able.” Arms open wide, Pamela consumed him in an embrace.

Around Pamela, there was never a dull moment and that was exactly what Delilah needed this weekend. Pamela’s brilliance.

Already smiling, Daniel’s eyes radiated an abundance of joy when he saw Pamela. The beverage owner pulled her friend into a quick embrace, ending it with a kiss on the corner of her mouth.
Pam, looks like you weren’t the stalker, but maybe the one being stalked.

BOOK: Slightly Sinful
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