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Authors: Elizabeth Adams

So Much More (7 page)

BOOK: So Much More
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Chapter Twelve


He walked the beach for five minutes before he found Angie sitting on a beach chair away from the crowd, watching the waves contentedly. “I’ve been looking for you.” He stood over her, hands in his pockets, aggravation abating now that he saw she was alone.

She jumped, looking up at him with startled eyes. “Oh thank god. I thought you were that idiot Stella shoved at me earlier. I’ve been dodging him for the past fifteen minutes.”

Dean sat down at her bare feet, taking in their delicateness before moving them to lie across his lap. He ran his thumb up her arch, enjoying her slight tremor at his touch. “The way Stella told it was that you wouldn’t be leaving any time soon thanks to the guy you picked up.”

Angie laughed and rested her arms above her head, obviously enjoying his massaging of her foot. He wouldn’t mind massaging a bit higher up her leg.  “Well, she was a bit busy with Shane, or Shawn, whatever his name was. I’m surprised she had time to throw the guy in my direction. But she was right about one thing. I’m not ready to go back to the condo. I just want to sit here and enjoy the waves. It’s part of the vacation experience, enjoying the beach at night.”

He moved up her arch to the ball of her foot. She moaned and closed her eyes as he pressed his thumb in and rubbed. “One more day. Are you ready to go home yet?”

“Not even close to ready. Tomorrow I want to spend the whole day at the beach, soaking up the sun and swimming with the fish.”

“Sounds pretty great.” But he wasn’t feeling like it was great. He wasn’t ready for the vacation to end either. Once they went home then life was back to normal. Wasn’t that what he had told her to expect? The end of the vacation was the end of their fling?

He moved up her body, pressing himself into her as he went. She opened her eyes and smiled at him. Her arms moved around his neck and she pulled him closer, her lips pressing into his.

“This is pretty great to.” She whispered against his mouth. His hands moved up the silk tank top she wore until they were right under her breasts, his hands encircling her rib cage. He just wanted to feel her, nothing else. Commit every inch of her to his memory.

Music started playing from the bar, a slow song, a husky male voice accompanied by a guitar, singing a remake of Dean Martin’s You Belong
To Me. Dean was the farthest thing from a sap a person could get. But the moment just screamed for him to dance with her. He stood, holding his hand to her, and waited. Would she accept him? Would she understand this was all they had, this flash in time? Her eyes met his, wide with surprise. “Dance with me?” He asked uncertainly.

Her small hand took his much larger one and she stood, stepping into his embrace as if it was where she knew she belonged.

He held her close, swaying with the music, the waves crashing in the background. It was a spectacular. They were frozen in time and space; Just the two of them in paradise, caught up in the moment and making it their own. 

The song ended, moving into another slow ballad, and Dean bent to kiss her parted lips. He savored her taste, slowly dipping into her mouth and memorizing her.
Her texture. The soft scent of roses that seemed to follow her. The breathy sighs she made when he nipped her earlobe. If ever physically he needed a woman it was in that moment. But not just a woman. Angie. He needed Angie.

They sank to the sand, Angie stretched out beneath him, and he kissed her slowly. Her hands roamed his chest, moving to slide under his shirt to feel him, as if she felt the need for physical contact like he did. When her hands moved to his waist band he almost stopped her, knowing that if she started down that path there was a good chance he would take her on the beach with people milling around in the darkness not thirty feet away.  But he didn’t stop her. People be damned, he wanted her hand encircling him, squeezing him. And it did.

He was already hard before her hand sank into his pants, or at least he would have said he was hard. But it was nothing to the steeliness the first contact of her soft hand created. He was feeling physical pain with the strength of his erection and the masochist he was realizing himself to be relished in it.

he squeezed, pulling her hand upward, and his breath hissed out against her throat. “Oh god, Angie.” She stroked down and up again, squeezing harder and somehow increasing his length in the process. She nipped his neck then sucked the spot. His dick jerked in her hand and she gave a husky laugh.

As she moved down his body he had an idea what her plans were, and again, he wasn’t going to stop her. She pushed him on his back with her free hand and extracted her other hand from his pants. They worked the fly of his jeans and had him exposed to the night air in seconds.

She stared down at him in the darkness, his throbbing penis begging her to take him in her mouth. “I’ve never done this before.” She whispered so quietly he wasn’t sure he understood what she said. But her eyes met his and he saw it there, the fascination, the excitement. “It always seemed… I don’t know, not something I was comfortable with. But with you it’s different.”

Dean was holding his breath, realizing in many ways she was still a virgin. The pedestal he put her on rose just a little more with that realization. She was the untouchable goddess that he somehow managed to entangle himself with.

He watched her, waited for her, and thought he would explode with the first lick of her hot tongue. “Oh dear god,” he hissed, positive he was going to lose control.

Angie took him in her mouth and moaned. Her hot mouth seared his over sensitized member until he knew if he didn’t stop her she was going to get a surprise that might ruin any future chances he had of her doing it again. And there was no way he was jeopardizing it, there would come a time he
would be begging her to do it again, he knew that just as surely he knew the sun would rise in the morning.

“Stop, Angie.” He ground out, his breathing heavy. She kept him in her mouth and looked up his body into his eyes. Her cheeks hollowed as she sucked his tip, creating a popping sound as she released him.

“Didn’t you like it?” She was teasing him and all he could do was laugh his response. Did he like it? Holy hell he didn’t think he would survive it!

he straddled him, her mound pressed to him but separated by the fabric of her pants. She rubbed herself on him, rotating her hips, grinding into him. He hadn’t had time to gain control and felt the pressure of his release pushing to the point of no return. But he wasn’t ready, not like this, not with her fully dressed.

He rolled with her and slid down her body. His hands spread her legs just as his mouth sank into her mound. “Oh!” she said in surprise
, her body jerking forward, and he grinned. He nipped at her through her pants, his hot breath reaching places his tongue couldn’t. Through the fabric he found her bud and he scraped his teeth over it, relishing in the way her body arched into him, begging for more.

He moved to unbutton and work her pants off her and she
helped, her movements as frantic as his own. She was bare from the waist down and he lowered his head to truly taste her, have her essence on his tongue. And she was delicious.  He lapped at her, his tongue moving in her, his teeth grazing her bud. In this he knew she was a virgin and he loved it. The idea that he was the only man to taste her somehow made her his, just as he was the first man she tasted. He slid two fingers in her and sucked the bud in between his teeth.              

Her back shot off the ground, her hands going into his hair and pushing his head closer to him.
“Oh Dean, oh god!” He continued manipulating her, tasting her, fingering her, until he could stand no more.

He had a brief thought about a condom and quickly discarded it. He moved up her body, her legs wrapping around his waist and he looked into her eyes. “I want to be in you.
Just me with no barriers.” She sighed and bucked against him. He was at her opening, ready to push in, his dick throbbing with want, when his conscience broke through the haze.

What if she wasn’t on the pill? What if she got pregnant from this? It would make her his in a way no other woman could be. For a split second he moved closer, prepared to take the decision from her, making it his own. But she stared up at him with trust, and something else, something he didn’t
want to name, and he knew he had to make her understand.

“Angie, do you know what I’m asking?” He asked, almost hating himself for not just pushing in. What if she said no, what if she understood the implications and shunned him, denying him what he suddenly knew he wanted more than anything else in the world. A reason to keep the relationship going, make it so it had to come out for all to know about.

“Dean please,” she bucked under him, straining toward what she wanted.

“Not until you tell me you understand. Are you on the pill?”

Here eyes flared in surprise, a bit of herself coming back to reality. “No… don’t you have a condom?”

He waited, letting it sink in and hoping he wouldn’t have to spell it out for her. “Oh, you don’t want to use it…” She answered her own question. He could see her mind working, going over what it could
mean, what might come of it. “Dean… no.” She shook her head slightly in answer. “I can’t take the chance.”

He reached down his leg to where his pants rested and pulled the condom from his pocket. She shut her eyes as he put it on, as if distancing
herself from him and the power of the moment. “Look at me, Angie. Don’t shut me out now.” She opened her eyes and he saw it all. The sadness of an ending fling. Questioning whether she should have let him. Wondering where they went from here.

“You are absolutely beautiful, do you know that?” He whispered as he moved to her opening again. “I’ve always thought so. You’ve always been so untouchable, and finally, after all these years I have you, if only for a few days.”

Dean pushed into her then, slowly filling her, letting his body saturate her. “I’m sorry, Dean.”

“Don’t be. You were right to say no. What we have is spectacular…”  The word ‘but” hung in the air, the only thing between them. Angie pulled his mouth down to hers for a kiss but not before he saw the stray tear drop from her eye. He kissed her hard, wanting to force the sadness from her, from him. He moved in her, pushing upward to touch her womb. Someday a man
would fill her with life. Someday a man would have his baby growing in her belly.

There was physical pain with the thought. He wanted to be that man. He wanted her to have

He rode her hard then, taking as much as she would give, pushing into her and pulling out only to slam back in again. He needed to dominate her body because he couldn’t dominate her heart. “Come for me, Angie.” He demanded and she clenched around
him. He could feel it building in her. “Tell me you want me. Only me.”

“Dean,” she was breathless, lost in the sensations.

“Tell me Angie!” He needed to hear the words even if they weren’t true. “Tell me,” he heard himself begging.

“Dean, there’s only you.
Always.” And then she exploded around him, squeezing him, milking him. And it was exactly what he needed to hear to push him over the edge with her. He strained upwards, pushing himself until he could go no further, and met her with his own climax.



They dressed in silence, neither willing to break the spell. Or neither willing to discuss the end. Angie felt a sadness deep in her soul. It was as if they were saying good bye the only way they knew how. Through an intimacy she was positive they both had never felt before.

In his way, Dean had opened up to her, allowing her to understand that she had always been visible to him. That alone made her heart hurt. She almost wished he would have never told her, that she could go home thinking of him as the playboy who only ever saw her as his sister’s friend and just happened to get horny and she was the only woman available. Now she saw that it wasn’t that way at all. He wasn’t that way. 

When they arrived back at the condo the other car was already there, meaning there was a good chance they were busted. Angie wondered vaguely if she would have a chance back home with Dean if they were caught now. But she knew it wasn’t likely. He would go back to his life and she to hers.

“What’s our cover story?” She asked, grabbing her purse from the floorboard and feigned a coolness she wasn’t truly feeling. Her insides were tearing apart. Her body was already feeling an ache that he was the only one able to fill.

“We were screwing on the beach and now need to shower to get the sand out of the places it has no right being?”

Angie laughed while squirming in the seat. How right he was. Sand was itchy when left on skin for any length of time, especially in cracks and crevasses. She desperately needed a shower.

“How about you went off with some bimbo and I was stuck there waiting on you because I couldn’t find the others?”

He cocked his head to the side and smiled at her. She melted a bit at that smile. It was one she had seen him give other women, a smile that was flirtatious and charming and so completely male. “I would never call you a bimbo.”

“Ah, but they don’t need to know it was me. What do you think? They’d buy it.”

He nodded reluctantly. “Okay. I went off with a bimbo and you waited around for me.”

They worked their way up to the front door but before she could open it he pulled her to him for one last kiss. It was soft and sweet, lips playing with lips. And the ache grew stronger in her chest.

“Dean?” She almost asked him to see her when they got back home. She almost told him she
was sorry for not taking their intimacy to the next level. She almost said a lot.

His forehead rested on hers, as if he was just as reluctant as she was to end the night. She looked in his hazel eyes, breathed in his male scent, and reminded herself that Stella was worth letting him go.

“Thanks for this.
All of it. It was… well, amazing really.” He kissed her again before opening the door. The door to the condo which doubled as the door to reality.

No one was awake so they didn’t have to lie about their whereabouts. A part of Angie wanted to be confronted. Maybe then she would feel as if she needed to come clean, maybe then she would get to spend more time with the man that moved so far beyond her crush that she didn’t think she would ever be able to look at him and not remember this vacation.

“I’ll use my mom’s shower so you can have ours.” Angie offered, dropping her purse on the counter and avoiding his eyes.

“Or we could shower together.” Dean was flush against her back, his heat seeping through her clothes. “No one’s awake.”

Oh the temptation. They could sneak off into the shared bathroom, pretend that their relationship was a normal one, suds each other’s bodies, make out a bit more.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” She said instead.

But Dean wasn’t going to give up so easily. He nibbled her neck just below her ear, his hands snaking up her shirt to massage her breasts. The man had talent, no doubt about it. “Just a quick shower, I promise. And I promise not to make too much noise.”

Angie snickered. Yeah right.
wasn’t the noise maker of the duo and she knew that even while trying not to make noise she could never be completely quiet with him working his magic on her body.

“Hey your ho-
“ Angie jumped, unable to leap away from Dean because he had her sandwiched between his body and the bar. “Home,” David finished lamely. “Well, no need to ask what took you so long.”

Dean hadn’t moved away from her. He stood upright, bringing himself to his full height, and glared at his friend. Angie refused to look anywhere but at the counter top in front of her.

“Um, I’m going to shower. Good night.” Head down, she rushed past David into the bathroom, closing the door soundlessly behind her.

Dean stuffed his hands into his pockets and turned to face David. There was a reason he was hiding his relationship with Angie from his friend, but he couldn’t really remember why at the moment.

“Wow… you and Little Bit? Since when?”

Dean shrugged.
“The start of the trip. It just happened. A vacation fling.” He ground the words out between clenched teeth, hating the way they made the whole thing sound cheep.

David’s eyebrows rose in question. “And you didn’t tell me? Dude, I told you she was hot and you acted like she was a kid, off limits. She is hot, isn’t she? I mean… well, you know what I mean.”

“David, shut up.” Dean pushed past him and went to sit out on the deck. He needed to clear his head, remember why Angie had been off limits, and find his way back to that mentality. Tomorrow was their last day of vacation, they would be going back to their normal lives and Dean wouldn’t see her except on those occasions she was invited to a family dinner. Those were few and far between so it would be easy enough to forget about her, about what they shared.

“Yeah right,” he told himself, closing his eyes and bringing up images from their times together. It wouldn’t hurt to have one more night of remembering.


BOOK: So Much More
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