Read Society Girls: Rhieve Online

Authors: Crystal Perkins

Society Girls: Rhieve (7 page)

BOOK: Society Girls: Rhieve
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I choose a sleeveless watercolor maxi to wear on my outing with the twins. It’s casual, but still screams “socialite” so my façade is firmly in place as far as clothes are concerned. I make a protest against it all by walking to the shopping mall instead of calling a cab, but I can always explain that away by pointing out my support of green initiatives over the years if I’m questioned.

It’s a short walk, but I relish the extra minutes to gear myself up for pretending I care so much about the newest dress, or designer jeans. I could look at handbags and shoes all day, just not dresses and other pieces of clothing. While I like to look good, I don’t believe I need to spend thousands of dollars to do that. I’ve found gorgeous pieces at discount stores that I’ve paired with designer things, and no one but me knows the difference. I also like to shop in peace, looking through racks myself, but that’s never an option at the places I have to be seen in. I don’t mean to complain about my life, because I am
lucky in some respects, but I’m also very
in others.

Once inside the building, I give myself a mental shake, and walk up to the twins, who are twirling their hair. I know it sounds stereotypical and all, but they are seriously twirling their hair and looking bored. Fun times ahead.

“Hi girls,” I say as I approach them, smiling.

“Ooh, I love your dress,” Gwinevir says, reaching out to finger the material. “You should totally let me try it on now.”

She starts pulling at her shirt, and I reach out to stop her. “You can’t take off your clothes here, honey.”

“Oh yeah. Right. I don’t know why people are so uptight.”

It’s not worth the trouble to try and explain to her why public nudity isn’t exactly an issue of being uptight, so I just move on. “Anything special you’re looking for today?”

They look at each other and share a smile. “It’s a secret,” Peatra says. “Can you keep a secret?”

“As a matter of fact, I can.”

They beckon me closer, and I step right up into their personal spaces. “Our benefactor is having a party tomorrow night. We’re allowed to bring someone, and we wanted it to be you when we saw you at the club,” Gwinevir says.

“But then Calum said you couldn’t play with us. You have to be ready to play at the party.”

I have to get into that party. “How about you help me pick something out, and then I’ll try to convince Calum to let me play just a little.”

They jump up and down, clapping their hands as I fight not to roll my eyes. “Yes! Please convince him. Our benefactor has the best plaything,” Peatra tells me.

“We brought him there, and everyone loves him,” Gwen adds.

I want to throw up now, but I have to ask. “What’s his name?”

“That’s another secret. One we definitely can’t tell,” Gwen says.

I force myself to look calm, even though I’m freaking out inside. I know they’re talking about Rhys, even if they haven’t said his name. “And he likes being a…plaything?”

She shrugs. “He did at first. Now, I don’t know. It doesn’t matter either way. He belongs to our benefactor.”

The hell he does! I keep the smile pasted on my face because I have to. “Let’s go shop, and find some things to wear for tomorrow.”

“You’re really coming?” Peatra asks.

“I wouldn’t miss it.”

I somehow manage to smile as I try to help them pick out some things that are tasteful as well as sexy. I want to beat the truth and address out of them, but I’m not skilled enough to take on two people, even if they aren’t MMA fighters. I force myself to laugh and joke as we buy high-end lingerie, and eat at one of the counter service places here in the mall. By the time the afternoon is over, I need a beer.

I change into jeans and a loose, off the shoulder tee back at the apartment, throw on a pair of my favorite lace-up, funky, heels, and head down the street to one of the pubs. It’s loud inside, with everyone rooting for their favorite rugby team. I snag a table as a couple is leaving, and order a pint and some chips—French fries in my part of the world—to munch on. I love being lost in a crowd like this, knowing anyone looking at me in here is just checking me out, and not cataloging my behavior to use against me later. Or maybe not.

I sense someone watching me. I don’t know who or why, but I know they’re there. I pull out my compact, because I’m not ready to confront them yet. As I check out my makeup, I also see the Asian guy looking a little too casual behind me. He has jet black hair that’s long on top, but shaved on the sides, along with a mustache and goatee. He’s also got on reflective sunglasses and a motorcycle jacket, despite the dim lighting in the pub, and warm temperature from all the bodies packed in here. Yep, he’s definitely the one keeping an eye on me. I’d know that even if he wasn’t smirking at me in the mirror.

If he thinks he’s going to intimidate me, or better yet, make me embarrassed by his perusal, he’s about to understand I’m not a woman to be messed with. I down the rest of my drink, grab my purse, and walk over to his table. He’s still smirking as he tilts his face up towards me.

“Not interested.”

“Really? What’s not to love about this?” he asks, gesturing to himself before pulling his glasses off.

“Don’t make me start listing the reasons I would never date you.”

“Who said anything about a date, Rhieve?”

I open my mouth to say something, but then I look closer and recognize him from the pictures I’ve seen. “You’re Guil.”

“Give the girl a prize. Or a session in my bed.”

“I’ll pass on both.”


I cross my arms over my chest and glare at him. “Isn’t there some guy code or something that says you shouldn’t hit on your best friend’s fiancé?”

“Probably,” he says with a shrug. “I don’t follow any rules but my own, and I was just messing with you.”

Realization dawns. “He sent you.”

“He’s worried about you.”

“I can take care of myself. Go back to London, or wherever you’re supposed to be.”

“Here is where I’m supposed to be, so you might as well sit down. I’ll even buy you another pint.”

“I don’t need a bodyguard.”

“How about a friend? Everyone can use another one of those.”

“I was his best friend once.”

“I know. I know all about you, Rhieve.”

“He hasn’t told me anything about you.”

I know it’s petty, but it hurts. Calum dropped me like I was nothing, and chose Guil instead. I want to know what he has that I don’t. Besides a dick, of course.

“He didn’t choose me over you.”

I turn my face away, because he’s already seen too much. “It doesn’t matter. That’s the past.”

“I can’t betray his confidence, but you deserve to know that hurting you is his biggest regret in life. There were reasons why he felt had to do it, but that didn’t make it any less painful for him.”

“Thank you for telling me that. I should go.”

“Or you can stay, and we can get to know each other. Even though this engagement is fake, we’ll be spending some time together.”

He’s right, so I take the seat he’s offering. “One pint, and then I need to go home.”

“Whatever you want.”

The list of what I want is too long for me to even mention at the moment. However, I do want to know this man who bonded with the boy who was once my world. I want to know how they met, and what they’ve shared over the years. If Guil is the good friend to Calum that I believe he is, he won’t tell me everything, but I’ll take what I can get right now.

“I want us to talk about our friend. I don’t expect you to betray him, but I want to know anything you can tell me about when we were apart.”

He looks at me thoughtfully, and nods. “Have a seat.”

* * *


"Is she okay?" I ask when I answer Guil's call.

"If by 'okay' you mean cool as fuck and hot as sin, then yeah."

"She was at the club?" I don't want her there without me, and so I'm not even trying to control my anger.

"No. She was in a pub, wearing jeans and a loose t-shirt with her hair in a messy bun and no makeup on. Oh, and drinking beer. Again,
hot as sin

"Oh. I mean, yeah, she's hot no matter what."

"And hella cool. You are one lucky bastard."

"I know."

"We talked about you."

"You didn't tell her, did you?" My anger is turning to panic, because I'm not ready for that yet.

"No, and you should know that without even asking. We talked about fun things we did with you when we were young. She's jealous of me."

"What? She thinks"

"Not like that. She's really hurt that you dropped her completely and then made me your best friend."

"I'd say
yours, but I get what you're saying."

"Do you? I know it gutted you to cut her off, and I know why you think you had to do it, but I think it was really bad for her."

"So do I. She hasn't told me about those years, and since I'm not ready to tell her my side, I can't push her to confide in me, but I can see it in her eyes sometimes."

"This is one hell of a mess you've gotten yourself into."

"I can't give my company to that ass."

"No, you can't," he agrees. "Using her to advance your own agenda is not going to go over well with her."

"I'm helping her, too."

"Like I said, it's a mess. Anyway, she's safe and sound back at your flat. I saw her with the twins at the mall earlier, and I think something's up for tomorrow, but she wouldn't tell me what."

"Damn it. She's going to go off on her own. I told her not to, but she's too stubborn to listen."

"It's her brother."

"I know. I need to get back to Norwich, but things are still a mess here."

"This is going to be one of many times you'll have to choose between her and your company."

"That's not a choice I can make right now. I'm needed here, but she also needs me, even if she won't admit it."

"I'll watch her back this time, but if she's going anywhere near that warehouse, you know things are going to blow up for you."

know that, but I have things about to blow up here, too. That's exactly what Chet wants; for me to be spread thin, and vulnerable. That's not going to happen. I fought my father for this company, and I'll fight his son even harder. As anyone who's gone against me before can attest, I don't lose. Ever.



"Thanks for coming, Darcy," I say to my friend, hugging her as she enters the apartment.

Today, she looks like the princess she is. Her husband, Brayden, was actually a king for a little bit, until he gave it up for her. He's still a prince, which makes this video game playing, former cat burglar, a genuine princess. She's also a member of the Society, and Brayden now works for Matt Corrigan doing something in International Relations.

"Of course I came. You needed me."

She came to help me, but she's also here to escape the public appearances she's been scheduled to do as part of her royal duties. "That boring, huh?"

"You have no idea. Well, actually you probably do."


I use my social status to help as many people as I can, and I know Darcy does the same. I grew up with it, and it's still hard for me to always be "on." I can only imagine how hard it must be for someone who's only doing it for love. Maybe that makes it easier for her, actually.

"You look like you have something to ask me," she says, tilting her head, and smiling.

"Spy senses on high alert?"

"Always. It's a way of life, Rhieve, and not a job. We don't turn it on and off."

"I know. I was joking."

"I knew you were, but I still had to say something. You guys are working your asses off to learn everything, and sometimes I think we get too busy teaching you stuff to really talk to you about what it's like when you pass. I know I'm not your mentor, but you left yourself wide open for me to speak up."

"I appreciate it, and I'll talk to Jade. You're not the only ones who've been too busy to think about 'after' for us. We're all excited, but we just want to pass.”

“I get it. What did you want to ask me?”

“Is doing all this, the public appearances and stuff, easier because you’re doing it out of love?”

“You tell me. I’ve seen the pictures, and there’s no way everything with Calum is fake for you. You’re good, but no one’s

“I care for him more than I know is sensible, and yeah, it hasn’t been hard to be seen with him. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I can’t focus on that right now. I just want to get my brother out of whatever he's gotten himself into."

"We will. Let's get on the video call with Ainsley, Jade, and Rei so we can see what they have planned for us."

I grab us both some water, and then we sit on Calum's leather couch and connect to our friends in Las Vegas through his T.V. I have to admit that I love all the high-tech gadgets we get to use. I feel very James Bond sometimes, or I guess,

"Hi Rhieve, how are you holding up?" Jade asks once we're connected.

I've been emailing and texting with her, so she knows what we found, but it means a lot to me that she's asking about
first. "I'm doing okay. Ready to get my brother back."

"That's the plan," Ainsley says with a smile.

"What exactly is the plan, o wise one?" Darcy asks.

"We're not exactly sure," Reina answers. "There are some variables I'm not comfortable with."

"Like what?" I ask.

"If someone is holding your brother against his will, chances are they know who he is. Either before they took him, or because he's told them. That means they probably know about you as well."

"You think they tortured him?" I ask, trying to hold back my tears.

"It's a strong possibility."

"Even if they know who I am, no one knows I'm a threat."

"True. Which is why we think you'll be okay to go in. Darcy, on the other hand, is too recognizable to just walk into this party. Especially with her whirlwind royal tour going on," Jade says.

"Ooh! Do I get to climb the walls, and storm the castle?"

"You've done that how many times now at Brayden’s castle? Doesn't it get old?" Ainsley asks with a laugh.

"Too many times to count, and nope. I sneak through the palace defenses every chance I get. Need to stay on my toes. Plus, it's too much fun to give up."

God, I love these women. "So, I go in the front door, and Darcy doesn't. Anything else?"

"Yes. There's a lot more, Rhieve. Starting with the fact that we don’t even know where you’ll be going yet. It could be a castle, or it could be a barn. You might as well settle in, because this is going to take a couple hours at least. You can follow along on your tablet," Ainsley tells me.

"Sorry. I'm just anxious."

"We understand, and that's why we're here to teach you what we know. We'll always have your back, and we expect you to have ours as well," Jade tells me.

"Thanks," I tell her. "I appreciate everyone's help."

It's a foreign thing for me—knowing I can count on people, and all they want in return is to be able to count on me. I've only had it once before, and then Calum took himself out of my life. I tried to trust again, but I was burned over and over again until I'd been left with no one to believe in. I believe in the Society now, and the women who comprise it. I've also let most of my guard down with the recruits. I'm still scared to let people all the way in, but I think I might be able to do it with them eventually. And maybe with Calum, too.

I spend the next two hours listening, and giving input when I'm asked. My opinion is genuinely valued, and that's something I'm not quite used to, either. Once we've planned for every contingency, Darcy leaves to pick up the package one of the Society's allies has left for her at her hotel. I force myself to relax while I wait until it's time to get ready. I can do this. I know I can.

* * *


“How did he get the information?”

I know I’m roaring out the question as my IT director cowers, but this isn’t something to take lightly. Chet texted me about information he shouldn’t have. No one who isn’t me, or my inner circle, should have it. He did it to taunt me, and it had the desired effect.

“That’s what we’re trying to figure out. There is no trail on the servers, so whoever did it, had to have been good. Or maybe…are you sure it happened, Calum?”

“I was texted the info.”

“Yes, but are you sure it was a hack, and not an inside job?”

I lean back in my chair, the fight gone from me for the moment. “No. I’m not sure of anything right now.”

“Do you want us to initiate bag checks?” the head of my security team asks.

“Yes. And I also want all visitors vetted. Anyone I haven’t invited will have to be approved, so they’ll have to give us at least 24-hour notice.”

“What about the visitors who’ve come in today.”

“Comb the feeds and see if anything is passed off to them. If it is, I want it checked against what should be going out. If someone’s passing on my secrets, I want them found.”

“It will require more manpower.”

“Do it,” I tell him before turning back to my IT guy. “And you had better strengthen our systems.”

“I told you— “

“I don’t give a fuck what you told me. Information got out of this building one way or another, and nothing else better get out. Your assurances that our firewalls are enough is not making me feel any better. I want concrete proof that this won’t happen again.”

“Fine. I’ll have my team go over everything again.”

I don’t say anything else to either of them, because there’s no need. They’ll either do their jobs, or I’ll find someone else who can do them better. I’m fighting with everything I have to keep Chet at bay, and I won’t stand for someone on the inside undermining everything I’m doing.

As they walk out, my phone buzzes. I pick it up, and my mood lightens a little when I see that it’s Rhieve. “Hey, gorgeous.”

“Hi Cabe.”

There’s something in her voice that makes me sit up straighter. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. It’s just…I wanted you to know…I’m, um, going to a party with the twins tonight.”


“I wasn’t asking,” she says, her voice stronger now.

“Dammit, Rhi. I can’t leave London right now.”

“I didn’t ask you to. Darcy’s here, and there’s a plan.”

“Where’s the party?” I ask, dreading the answer, because I’m pretty sure I know.

“They haven’t told me yet. They’re having me meet them somewhere. They said they’ll text me cross streets later.”

“Please don’t do this.”

“I have to. You know that.”

“Can you bring a date?”

“I thought you couldn’t leave London.”

“I can’t, but Guil can go with you.”

There’s a sigh. “No, he can’t. How would that look for us if your best friend and I appear to be having sex?”

“How the hell is it going to look for you to go in there alone?”

“I’m going to wear my ring, and just observe. I won’t partake in anything. I promise.”

“You won’t change your mind no matter what I say, will you?”

“No. I know you’re trying to protect me, but you have to remember I’m training to be a spy.”

“I’m supposed to help you with sparring, and I haven’t,” I grumble.

“It’s really cute that you’re worried, but while I may not be at Jade’s level, I can hold my own. Now just wish me luck, and promise to ravish me when I see you again.”

“I’m going to trust that you won’t need luck, and yeah, I’m fucking you senseless when I see you again.”

“I’ll call you when it’s over.”

“You damn well better, Rhi.”

“I will. I have to go now, but I wanted you to know what I was doing, since...since we’re real.”

“Yes, we are. Be safe, and I’ll talk to you soon.”

She hangs up, and I immediately call Guil. "She's going to a party with the twins tonight."

"At the warehouse?"

"Where else would they take her?"

"Did you tell her?"


"Call her back and tell her. You have to, Cal. She's going to find out anyway, and then it's going to be really bad. Do you want her to hate you?"

I don't answer that, because frankly, it's complicated. I don't
her to hate me, but I know I deserve for her to. He takes my silence as enough of an answer to cuss me out again.

"Are you done now?" I ask.

"Not even close. I'm going to get an invite to that party, make sure she comes out of there alive—and with her brother if possible—and then I'm going to do as much damage control for you as possible."

"You don't need to."

"Yeah, asshole, I do. The ties that bound you died with your old man, and it's time you let yourself live the life you want."

"I told her it's real. You know that's what I want more than anything."

"Yeah, you want it, but we both know you're not fighting too hard for it."

"I can only fight with my all for one thing at a time."

He sighs into the phone. "Just promise to fight a little when it all blows up tonight. Don't let her walk away."

"She won't walk away. Not with us having the deal. She'll still do it even though she'll hate me."

"Because she's one cool chick."

"That, and we've gone public with the engagement. She won't invite a scandal just because she's angry."

"Your world is so foreign to me, even after all these years of knowing you."

"You're better off not understanding it. And even better off for not having to live in it."

"Do you want a Stepford wife though?"

"We're not getting married."

"I'm going to hang up now before I say some things you're not ready to hear. Just know we're going to talk about them one day."

I'm the one sighing now, because I know he won't let me off the hook. We've always had each other's backs, and we've always been honest with each other about everything. There's no sugar-coating, or sparing feelings in our relationship. That's why it's the second most important relationship I've ever had in my life. I lost the most important one once, and I'm about to lose it again because I can’t bring myself to be honest with Rhieve.

There's no help for that right now, because if I don't save my company, I'll have nothing—
be nothing—
and I wouldn't be worthy of Rhieve then, either. I'd rather lose her because she thinks I'm an ass than lose her because I have nothing to offer her but a bitter jerk who lost to a twat who can't even tie his own shoes. Once Chet is dealt with, I'll beg her forgiveness, but for now, I can't let him win.

BOOK: Society Girls: Rhieve
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