Read Sold To Strangers Online

Authors: Anna Fock

Tags: #group sex, #humiliation, #dubious consent, #reluctance, #rough sex, #gangbang, #older man younger woman, #gagging, #brutal sex, #forced blowjob

Sold To Strangers (2 page)

BOOK: Sold To Strangers
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“I wonder what my lawyer would say about

At this he laughed. “You can’t afford a
lawyer. So come on with me. Daniel can ride along and I’ll make
sure he keeps his eyes open and then you two can live here like a
couple of lovebirds for the rest of the year. That’s a pretty good
deal. It’ll make it pretty easy to forget about what you had to do
to get it. Besides, it’s just sex. You might like it.”

I still didn’t even know the specifics but I
thought this was highly unlikely.

Now he’s dragging me outside.

I feel gross. I can’t believe he wants to
take me
looking like this. I know it’s not the
greatest time to be self-conscious but, well, maybe it is.

He drags me out the front door to a van
running in front of the palatial estate. A van might seem like kind
of a funny thing for a rich guy to drive but it’s a really nice
van. Daniel shuffles along behind us and says, “I think I’m gonna
be sick. Jennifer, don’t do this. I’ll call Dad. He has to

“A little too late,” the man says.

I find it really hard to take Daniel’s

The man throws open the side doors of the
van. It has a king-size bed in back. Jesus, this might be happening
a little too quickly.

“Oh, man,” Daniel says.

The man motions me inside. If I’m going to
run now is the chance to do it but ... well, I’m kind of afraid. I
really think if I run then both Daniel and I are going to end up
hurt bad. And I figure the guy will probably take what he wants
anyway. The only difference would be that Daniel would get to feel
a little bit macho and noble. I don’t really want him to be able to
feel that way. He is neither of those things.

I climb up and onto the mattress. The man
comes in after me and I wonder if we’re going to fuck right here.
He pulls a pair of handcuffs from the pocket of his pants and
latches one cuff around my thin wrist. He latches the other cuff
around a pole that runs from the floor to the ceiling at the head
of the mattress.

I’m now, officially, really scared. But with
the feeling of not being able to escape comes a certain amount of

Daniel is still outside the van and I can’t
see him. It sounds like he’s crying. “Oh God, Jennifer. What have I
done? I’m so sorry...”

“What do you have planned?” I ask the man
towering above me.

He smirks and says, “Well, let’s just say
we’re going to have a lot of fun tonight and

My body is tingling. It could be the fear or
... something else. I know I’m probably going to get fucked.
Possibly even degraded and humiliated but ... I don’t know what to
expect. That’s different for me. Ever since meeting Daniel it’s
been the same old sex day in and day out. I could almost script it
at this point. Not bad sex. It was actually pretty good. But
predictable. And, hey, I was as new at this as he probably was so I
can’t really blame him completely I’ve just, I don’t know, been
waiting for him to change it up a little bit. I guess he’s lost his

The man shuts the door and goes around to the
driver’s side and hops into the seat. Daniel gets in and crouches
next to me.

He says, “You don’t have to do this.”

I just stare blankly at him. He doesn’t
deserve a response.

From the front, the man says, “No, sir. You
need to sit up here so I can keep an eye on you. I’m not leaving
you back there with an innocent girl all chained up. I think you’ve
gotten your fill of her, anyway. Time to give someone else a

Daniel moves up to the front and I hear him
stammer. “W-w-where are we going?”

“You know where we’re going.”

“The club?”


I don’t really know what any of this means. I
feel a second of relief at the mention of a club. Maybe I’ll just
be stripping for a bunch of Daniel’s ‘business partners’ or
something. The relief dissipates when I realize that this guy would
never front Daniel and I nearly a year’s rent just for the chance
to see me naked. There would be other stuff involved. I was almost
sure of it.

The man guns the engine and, suddenly, we’re
on our way. I have no idea where we’re going or what we’ll end up
doing and I find it all wildly terrifying.

I had assumed it wouldn’t take very long to
get there but I end up falling asleep and waking up to Daniel
saying, “We’re there.”

I’m not sure what this means. Is the man
(whose name I still don’t know) going to unlock the handcuffs?
Probably not. He gets out of the van and I wait for what seems like
a really long time. During the wait, my mind races with
possibilities. I’m getting scared just thinking about them.

Finally, the back doors swing open and Daniel
climbs into the van. I try to look out the doors but it’s just
black. Like pitch black.

Then the man appears in the opening. He
points to a place up by my head, looks at Daniel and says, “You sit
right there.”

I’m pretty sure Daniel is crying. “Oh, dear
God,” he says.

“I want you to keep your fucking eyes open
and don’t say another fucking word. If you say a fucking word,
trust me, you’ll be really sorry.”

The man climbs onto the mattress and pulls
his pants down. And, wow, like that, I guess this is happening.
It’s suddenly too real. I look back at Daniel and he looks
miserable. The man’s cock is large and erect, way bigger than
Daniel’s. He’s on his knees and moving up near my head. I have a
pretty good idea of what he wants. I haven’t really given a lot of
blowjobs and haven’t had anyone’s dick in my mouth besides
Daniel’s. It’s not something I really like to do. And I realize
this is the point of no return. If I suck this guy off – and that’s
hopefully all it is – it pretty much officially makes me a whore.
So it’s not something I’m rushing into.

“I want you to suck me, Jennifer.”

He moves toward me and places the tip of his
penis against my lips. I’m kind of frozen. I don’t really know what
to do. I mean, I
what to do. I just don’t know if I
want to do it yet.

He gently smacks my cheek with his hand. I
still have no idea what I’m getting myself into. Daniel was always
so soft and gentle. This man acts like he’s going to force my mouth
open and cram his cock in if I don’t do what he says.

And there’s something about it that I find
vaguely arousing. I should probably just get it over with. By
letting him chain me to this stupid pole, I’ve pretty much already
agreed to be this guy’s whore for the night. I hear Daniel sigh and
whimper behind me. There’s a tightening in my lower stomach and I
think I might be getting wet.

I let my tongue flick along the length of his

“That’s a good girl,” the man says. “Your
girlfriend’s really pretty, Daniel.”

I feel the mattress shift slightly and pull
my mouth away from his cock long enough to see who else has entered
the van. Surprisingly, it’s a girl. She can’t be any older than me
but, in many ways, looks like my complete opposite. She has short
dark hair, dark skin, dark eyes. She’s exotic looking and
completely naked. I let my eyes run over her and notice that she is
completely shaved between her legs. Just like me.

“Keep sucking, baby,” the man says, pulling
my attention back to his throbbing cock.

I hear a sound and I’m not sure what it is.
Then I feel cool steel press against my belly and realize the girl
is cutting my shirt off.

I quickly steal a look at Daniel and notice
that he isn’t even looking at me. His eyes, once watery with tears,
are plastered on the new girl.

I slide my lips around the guy’s cock, my
tongue pressing the underside of his shaft, and take him farther
into my mouth. Maybe another guy’s dick in his girlfriend’s mouth
will get Daniel’s attention.

The girl snips the neckband and my shirt
falls away. I smell whatever perfume she’s wearing mixing with the
night air blowing in from outside and my pussy is definitely
tingling. She cuts a line up what there is of both arms and pulls
the shirt out from under me. Now I’m down to a sports bra, my yoga
pants, and panties. The girl straddles my stomach, I can feel the
heat of her cunt on my stomach, and the guy’s cock slides deeper
into my mouth until the head pushes into my throat. Something
inside of me knots and the only thing I can think about is my
pussy. I need someone to touch it, someone to fuck it.

The girl snips away the sports bra and pulls
that out from under me. The increasingly steamy air kisses my
nipples and they stiffen. The guy takes the left one in one of his
hands and the girl encloses her mouth around the other one.

My pussy is so wet.

“You want to hold your boyfriend’s hand?
Yeah. I think I’d like that. Daniel, boy, grab your little girl’s
hand.” He laughs lecherously. “I think she’s gonna need the
support. Give him your hand, Jennifer.”

I don’t really want to touch Daniel. It’s
going to make whatever happens feel even weirder. But I do what the
man says. Reach out and grab Daniel’s sweaty hand while the other
guy’s dick moves in and out of my throat.

I’m assuming the girl will peel off my pants
but she doesn’t. Instead she moves up to the cab of the van where I
can’t see here.

“Get down on all fours,” the man tells

Then the man straddles my chest and I can no
longer see into the darkness beyond the van doors. I can only see
his huge cock and toned abs. He moves forward and I once again take
his cock into my mouth. I hear the girl moan. He must be eating her
pussy. Or, if she’s on all fours, maybe even her ass.

Someone else is on the mattress.

Oh shit, I think. How does a girl go from
having subpar sex with only one guy to holding a guy’s hand,
getting fucked in the mouth by another guy while he eats out a
second girl, and now, possibly, getting fucked by yet a third man.
Of course, the new addition to the van might not be a man.

Fingers enter the waistband of my skintight
pants and they are slowly peeled down my hips and legs. I’m
momentarily embarrassed because I think my panties almost have to
be visibly wet.

My question about the sex of the new
participant is answered when he laughs and snaps the waistband of
my panties and says, “Well done, Jake.”

So this new guy must like what he sees. And
the guy who brought me here must be Jake.

Jake’s mouth is apparently too full to
answer. I hear him lapping at the girl and now he’s moving his hips
toward my face, forcing his cock into my throat. I gag a little and
he pulls it out slightly.

My panties are slid down my legs.

This is weird. I have no idea what the man
who is undoubtedly staring at my shaved pussy looks like. I have no
idea who it is. I find it really arousing, wondering what he’s
doing. I wonder if he’s going to lick my pussy or dive right in. I
now have no doubt this is what I was brought here for. Jake must
have wanted a piece of that exotic girl currently getting plowed by
his tongue and they arranged some kind of trade. This all feels
really sleazy and wrong and I just keep getting wetter and

Daniel clutches my hand even tighter. He’s
almost shaking. It’s probably tough for him to watch. Until about
an hour ago, I was all his. He was the first and only. And now he’s
watching me getting my throat fucked by someone I’ve never met and
about to get my pussy fucked by someone I can’t even see. But
Daniel can see him. Daniel can see everything. I think this is
good. This is all his fault.

The man lifts my knees and spreads my legs. I
feel his hairy thighs pressing against my very smooth ones. His
cock presses against my pussy and he slides in. All the way in. I
want to bark out in pain but Jake slides farther into my throat,
pumping slowly. The man builds to a rhythm and he pushes himself as
deeply into me as he can go. And, damn, it hurts ... but it also
feels so good. Daniel has never plowed me this deeply. This guy
isn’t wasting any time. Jake is filling my mouth and throat and if
feels like the guy between my legs is just going deeper and deeper
and I can feel the tension tightening in my lower stomach and,
fuck, I think I’m getting ready to come. Daniel has
made me come this fast. Then the guy’s pounding
and my
first orgasm of the night unleashes itself. Jake briefly pulls his
cock out of my mouth, probably because he’s afraid I’ll bite it
off, and I cry out as I come hard. Then the man is out of me and I
feel his hot come splash my stomach.

“Oh God,” I say. And I feel great but also
kind of used. I didn’t even get to see what the guy looked like.
And he was number two ... in my entire life.

I have no idea what will happen next. Jake
moves to my side again and I quickly look toward the foot of the
bed but my mystery man is gone. I look back at Daniel and he’s
staring at the other man’s come on my stomach and looking

Now the girl is moving over my face and
lowering her pussy onto my mouth.

Whoa, this is something I’ve never even
considered. I know when a girl’s attractive but I’ve never been
attracted to one. I think I don’t want to do this but, of course, I
don’t have a choice. Anyway, I bet Daniel probably
to like watching this. All I have to do is think about what I’ve
always wanted someone to do to my pussy. Daniel doesn’t really like
to do that and he only does it for very short periods of time,
focusing his attention only on the clit. Which is fine, but there’s
so much more.

By the time this girl’s juices coat my lips
and tongue, I almost feel ready to go again. Which is good, because
I’m figuring Jake is going to want to fuck me now.

But he doesn’t. He straddles me but only to
move behind the girl. I’m eating her pussy as he slowly works his
cock into her asshole. Her butt is so small even I could probably
have palmed each cheek so I can only imagine how tight her little
asshole must be. These people are really kinky.

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