Read Sold to the Trillionaires Online

Authors: Ella Mansfield

Sold to the Trillionaires (9 page)

BOOK: Sold to the Trillionaires
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When she didn’t find any, she frowned.  “No panties?”

He laughed.  “We didn’t buy you any panties.  Why would you need them?  It’s so much easier to just push your skirt up if you’re not wearing any.”

Amber blushed and nodded.  She quickly pulled the nightgown over her head and pulled it down as much as she could.  She turned to a full length mirror and could see the rounding of her butt cheeks in the back below the skirt.  When she faced the mirror, she could see the apex of her thighs every time she moved.  She was better off in her sheet.  “This doesn’t cover

Gunther laughed.  “It’s not like we haven’t seen you.”
  He pulled her to him and hugged her tightly, his hands automatically going to her ass.  “I like the easy access.”

Amber looked up at him, her eyes dancing with laughter.  “Do you ever think about anything but sex?”

He shook his head.  “Why should I?  I have a wife.”

The two of them ate dinner alone, which Amber enjoyed.  She felt like the others were always there.  She didn’t know why she’d latched onto Gunther as she had, but he was her favorite.  Just thinking that made her feel guilty though.  It was wrong for a wife to pick her favorite husband, just as a mother shouldn’t like one child better than another.

While they ate, she questioned him about his farm.  “How long have you had this place?”

“I saved every dime I could while I still lived in the boys’ home.”  She had learned that all men were raised in boys’ homes now, because there was no one who could claim them as their father.  Amber was glad that she wasn’t going to have to send her children to be raised in a sterile place like that.  “I got my first job at fifteen.  I just did odd jobs, but I banked everything.  As soon as I was on my own, I found a job working for a farmer and he let me live in a bunkhouse.  I was able to save every single penny that way.  As soon as I had the money, I bought my first acre, which is the
land we’re sitting on now.  I designed and built my own pods, using new methods, and grew the best vegetables in the state.  Every time I had enough money, I’d buy another acre.  I lived in a tiny shack that I’d built with my own hands while I bought my property.  When I hit fifty acres, I started saving for a house.  I knew what I wanted, but I wasn’t willing to go into debt for it.” 

She watched him as he spoke, wide-eyed.  It hadn’t occurred to her that he was a completely self-made man.  That they all
must be.  The amount of wealth her husbands had accumulated was astonishing when she thought about the fact they’d done it all themselves.  “That’s amazing.”

He shrugged.  “
Not really.  I felt really strongly about not going into debt, but I was driven to make something of myself.  I’ve since sold the design for my pods, so I just farm for fun now.  I don’t need the money.  I have enough in various investments to last me a lifetime.”

“So our children will be provided for?”

He laughed.  “I don’t think you could have enough children that the four of us couldn’t provide for them all.  We all want sons, of course, but more than anything, we want little girls.  The earth needs to be repopulated.”

“You won’t sell our girls, will you?”  She didn’t think they would, but she had to ask.  She couldn’t bear the idea of having daughters just to have them sold off.

Gunther frowned.  “No.  We decided when we first drew up our contracts to share you that we wouldn’t sell our daughters.”  He took her hand in his.  “We wouldn’t do that to you or to ourselves.”

“Thank you.”  She looked down at her plate, stirring the food with her fork.  “I’d rather we didn’t arrange their marriages either, but I will understand if you feel the need to do that.”

He shrugged.  “We haven’t even discussed that possibility.  I think we’ll all be happier if we let our girls marry for love.  They’ll have to be protected though.  There’s too much danger of a girl being kidnapped in our world today.”

She nodded.  “We’ll figure that out when the time comes I guess.  You never know.  We could have only sons.” 

Once dinner was over, Gunther picked up the phone and called the other men and then led her into the living room.  “It’s time.”

Amber shuddered.  She’d enjoyed their meal so much that she’d forgotten she was going to be punished afterward.  She sat between Rodrigo and Gunther on the couch, hoping that whatever the punishment was, they’d be the kindest about it.

Mitchell was the one to explain.  “I’m the one who saw you servicing yourself, so I’m the one who will tell you what your punishment is.”

Amber nodded, looking at the harsh man.  He was the least personable of her husbands, and the only one she feared. 

“We’re going to spank you.  Five swats from each of us, and then you’re going to spend the evening going from house to house to spend private time with each of us.”

That was much better than Amber had feared.  She nodded.  “Okay.”

“If it happens again, you’ll get ten swats from each of us, so make sure it doesn’t happen again.”

“I will.”

Gunther smiled at her.  “We’re also going to make sure you know where we are during the day.  Mitchell and I work from home, so you can come find us if you need sex.”

Amber nodded.  This entire discussion was going so much better than she’d thought it would.  “Thank you.”

“We’re going to spank you here, one after the other.  So it will be twenty swats in rapid succession.  I’m not sure you’ll be thanking us when we’re done.”  Gunther patted his lap.  “Come here.”

Amber stood and walked to him
, sitting on his lap.  He turned her so she was face down, and she blushed.  Did they have to do it in a way that was so humiliating?  She knew her ass wouldn’t be covered as she laid on him this way, feeling the cool air of the house against her nether regions.

Gunther’s hand came down on her ass five times in rapid succession.  It hurt, but not nearly as much as she’d expected it to.  When he was finished, he rubbed her ass softly, his finger going between her legs and stroking her clit.
  He helped her to her feet and she stood looking down at him for a moment, wishing she could crawl back onto his lap and take him inside her again.

Instead, Rodrigo took her hand and pulled her to him.  “I don’t like hurting you, but I do agree that you must learn.”  He pulled her down across his lap and rubbed her bottom, his hand going between her legs to rub her clit for a moment before putting his hand in the center of her back to hold her down for his spanking.  He spanked her one time, not hard enough for it to sting, and then his hand rubbed at the spot anyway.  He obviously didn’t want to spank her.  She hid her smile against the couch.  She knew Mitchell would work to make up for any softness he thought Rodrigo had shown her.

The other four swats from Rodrigo went the same way, with him barely spanking her and rubbing away any sting that may have happened.  She was more turned on than ever when she climbed off his lap. 

Leofred took her hand next, pulling her face down onto his lap.  She felt his cock poking at her through his clothes, and she couldn’t help but grin.  She was going to have an interesting evening.  The smile was wiped away by the first of Leofred’s swats.  He obviously took her punishment seriously.  Each swat he gave her hurt as much as the ten swats from Rodrigo and Gunther combined.  She whimpered when the last one landed on her abused posterior. 

When he was finished, his fingers moved between her thighs just as the other men’s had, but instead of stroking her clit, he rammed two fingers inside her and pumped in and out of her until she was squealing.  Just as she was about to climax, he pulled his fingers out of her and set her on her feet.  When she looked at him, she wasn’t sure if her tears were from pain or frustration.

Amber turned toward Mitchell.  He had a hard look on his face as he crooked his finger at her.  She wanted to refuse to go to him, but she knew that if she didn’t submit to this last spanking, she would never get what she really needed that night.  She wanted to have one of them in her so badly she was ready to beg.

She walked over to stand in front of Mitchell and waited for him to force her onto his lap like the others had.  Instead, his eyes bored into hers.  “Do you understand what you did wrong?”

Amber nodded.  She didn’t, of course, but she wasn’t about to tell him that.  “Yes, sir.”

“And you understand why I’m going to spank your ass?” 

She nodded again.  She knew it was the only way to get on with the portion of the evening she desperately needed.

He forced her face down onto his lap and ran his finger over the red marks that Leofred had left on her bare bottom.  “I like seeing red marks on your bottom.  It turns me on.”

Amber didn’t know what to say to that, so she remained quiet.  The first swat from Mitchell was so hard that she cried out in pain.  Tears stung her eyes.  He wasn’t playing around at all.  He swatted the exact same spot each time, and when he finished, she was sobbing softly, her face pressed into the couch beside him. 

As soon as the last blow fell, he set her on her feet.  “Gunther gets you first.  You get one hour with each us of.  I’m last.  I’ll see you in exactly three hours.  I’ll be in my home waiting for you.”  He stood up and left the room without another word to her.  Leofred and Rodrigo followed him, and Amber looked at Gunther, wondering if he was going to take her right there or lead her upstairs.

“Are you okay?” he asked as he pulled her down onto his lap.

Amber nodded.  “Mitchell hurt me.  A lot.  And…I need you inside me…”

Gunther laughed.  “You need me or any one of us?”

Amber blushed, burying her face in his shoulder.  “Well, I’d certainly prefer you, but I’m willing to take anyone with a hard cock right this second.”

“At least you’re honest…”  Gunther sighed, wishing he was more important to her than the others were, but he understood that she couldn’t show any kind of favoritism.  At least he got to sleep with her in his arms every night.

Amber reached down to unfasten the front of his pants and pull his cock free.  She didn’t care what he had to say right that second.  She needed him.  She positioned herself so she had a knee on either side of his legs and lowered herself onto him until his cock was pressing against her pussy. 

Gunther caught her hips.  “What if I told you that I wouldn’t take you right now?  What if I called Alton in here to do it?”

Amber swallowed hard.  She didn’t even know that Alton was…equipped for sex.  “I want you, Gunther.”

“Prove it to me.”

Amber shook her head.  What was he asking?  “How?”

Gunther put his hand between the cushions on the couch and retrieved the dildo he’d put there earlier.  “Let me use this on you first

She looked at the phallic shaped object and then down at the cock she was still perched over.  “But why?”

“Because it’s what I want.  Don’t you want to please me?”

Amber nodded.  “Of cou
rse I do.”  She closed her eyes and edged away from him, moving off of his lap entirely to stand on the floor beside him.  “What do you want me to do?” she asked. 

“Bend over the coffee table with your palms flat on it.”  Gunther watched as she obeyed.  He didn’t know why he was doing this, but he knew he wanted absolute obedience from her, and this was a way she could prove it to him.  He didn’t even have to stand as her pussy was in his face.  He leaned forward and licked her, his tongue going deep into her pussy and then across her clit before he pulled back. 

She moaned, pushing back toward him.  “I need you!”

He laughed.  “You just need to be fucked.”  Taking the dildo, which was roughly the size of his own cock, but had several settings to maximize the motion, he thrust it deep into her pussy.  There was a ring on the end of it for easy use, and he used the ring to pump it in and out of her. 

Amber squealed at the feel of the wild vibrations inside her.  Whatever he was using, she loved it.  It took her only moments to reach her climax, and her scream filled the house.  “Oh, God!  That was so good!”  He didn’t pull it out like she expected, but instead he drove her to two more orgasms with the toy, before finally pulling it out and entering her himself. 

He drove into her, so close to the edge from watching her with the toy that he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold out long.  As soon as she clenched around him, he poured his seed into her, thrusting so violently, he almost knocked her over. 

He pulled out and sat on the couch again, pulling her down onto him and cuddling her close.  “You have about fifteen minutes before you go to Leofred’s house,” he said into her neck, panting slightly.  “You’re going to want to wash up first.”

She sighed.  “Can I have five minutes with you first?”

He nodded, his hands gentle as they caressed her all over.  “Did you like the toy?” he asked.

She blushed but nodded.  “It felt like it was giving me slow pulses through my body.”

“We’ll try it again then.”  His lips moved to her neck, kissing her there.  “Maybe I’ll let you sleep with it in.”

She groaned. 
“My pussy is never going to be empty again, is it?”

He laughed.  “Not if we can help it.”  He kissed her gently and then set her on her feet.  “You’re going to need to go wash my juices off you.  When we’re together none of us mind, but when we’re taking turns this way, it would be nice if we could all pretend you’re just ours for the night.”

BOOK: Sold to the Trillionaires
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