Sons of Mayhem 1: Oil and Leather (2 page)

BOOK: Sons of Mayhem 1: Oil and Leather
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As the motorbike
straightened up and we accelerated again I risked another peek behind us. Brodie and Lucy were nowhere to be seen, but the truck was skidding violently as its driver piloted it to the left, seemingly intent on chasing us.

Jase yelled over the noise of the engine, “Don’t worry. I’ve got this.” I felt us surge forward, faster than I’d ever been in my life. I felt a comforting reassurance in his confidence, and it seemed as if I could feel the warmth of his body radiating through the thick leather jacket into my hands and arms.

The truck dwindled into the distance behind us, the impossibly straight road providing us with the advantage we needed to fly far away from their view.

Holy shit
. My rapidly beating heart began to slow down as the immediate danger from the truck disappeared. I once again took notice of my body, my breasts pushed tight into the man in front of me, my thighs gripping the bike tightly. Good vibrations poured through my body as Jase again slowed the bike down and turned onto an unpaved but fairly smooth packed dirt road.

drove slowly now, Jase carefully guiding us around potholes as the road wound its way through a grove of trees. When we exited the shade of the woodland Jase slowed us down even more as we pulled up alongside a small warehouse. “Wait here a minute.”


Chapter 3


I sat back on the bike, my hands resting behind me as I watched Jase hop off the bike and head toward the door of the warehouse. His leather jacket hung to his waist just above jeans which clung tightly to his well rounded ass. He pulled off his gloves and then dug some keys out of his pocket.

A moment later the warehouse door groaned as Jase rolled it open
with a yank of his strong arms. I ran a hand absent mindedly over my thigh. It was covered in goose bumps. The idling engine that had seemed so noisy earlier now seemed like the quiet purring of a cat after the roars of our high speed chase. Its confident rumble was comforting.

The smell of the trees mingled with the fumes from the motorcycle. I closed my eyes as I inhaled, feeling my heart rate begin to slow.

I almost began to relax, until my mind began to process what had just happened.
What in the hell have I gotten myself into?
It was a day of firsts it seemed. First motorcycle ride, first car chase, first time being shot at. What other firsts would happen that day?

The world of our college with its
pretty but petty sorority girls and immature frat jocks seemed so far away now. I can’t believe that just an hour, fuck, maybe thirty minutes ago, I was putting on makeup and getting slutted up in our dorm room. It seemed like a game then…

Jase hopped back on to the bike. “Let’s get inside.”
He teased the throttle gently as we slowly rolled in to the dark interior. My eyes adjusted quickly; there was actually light pouring in through grimy windows above, but it was still considerably darker than outside.

He parked the motorcycle
directly in front of the door in the middle of the mostly empty warehouse. There were a few boxes piled up in one corner, but from the dust and cobwebs I could see that there this warehouse had seen little life in the recent past.

Jase hopped off the bike. In one of the least smooth movements I’ve ever made as an adult I swung one leg over the saddle and hopped onto the ground right after him. Or at least I tried to. Instead my traitorous legs gave way and before I could let out a yelp I was collapsing on to the floor.

Faster even than me, Jase realized what was happening and quickly wrapped an arm around me. He pulled me close against him, my nose brushing his long, soft blond hair as he stopped me from falling to the dirty floor.

“First time on a bike, huh?” His voice was low with a slight rasp to it.

“Uh yeah. Thanks. I don’t know what happened.” That was true. As soon as my feet had touched the floor my legs had just given out. I wondered if I was sick.

“It’s the adrenaline. That was a rather…” he paused, thinking for the right word, “exciting ride. That, and I think you were holding on too tight.” His bare hand gently squeezed my upper thigh, the sensitive skin of the inside sending ticklish shots shooting through me.

I let out a soft moan. “I didn’t want to fall off.”

Jase looked at me and smiled, showing me another white flash of his teeth. “You won’t fall off. Unless you like, try and jump off or some shit. It’s physics. As long as you’re sitting behind me you’ll stay on the bike. You don’t need to try and crush her with your thighs.” He ran his thumb across the upper part of my leg again as he spoke, indicating my mistake. I let out a shiver.

“Come on, let’s go to the of
fice. It’s not much too look at but it’s better than down here. This place isn’t ready yet.”

“Ready for what?” I asked. I wanted to make some kind of conversation.

He gave me another one of his curious looks, like the one he’d given me on the back of the bike when I’d first clung on to him. “It’s a warehouse. Ready for, you know, warehouse stuff.”

“Oh yeah. Right.”
I’m an idiot.

I leaned my weight on him as he led us off to the side of the warehouse. I had no idea where I was, or who
this guy I was with really was, but as I felt his strong arms around my body and inhaled the thick scent of his leather I realized I didn’t mind.
You only live once.

Raised on a couple of large support columns I saw what I realized must be the office,
hanging above the rest of the warehouse with large windows giving a view across the entire interior. A steep metal staircase, more ladder than steps, led to the door at the top.

“Can you walk now? I’ll be right behind you so you don’t fall.” I smiled to myself, again pleased at hi
s concern.

I placed
my hands on the railings aside the staircase. “Yeah I’m okay I guess.” He moved behind me and placed two hands around my waist, his fingers touching the bare skin of my stomach and his thumbs pressing gently into the denim covering the top of my ass.

It felt good to have him behind me, half reassuring, but half
. I could feel my nipples pressing out against my bra and t-shirt. Being alone with this seemingly dangerous man out in the middle of nowhere was sending all kinds of thrills through my body.
If just placing his hands around my waist can make me feel like this, I wonder what else they can do. Or what else
can do…

I took my time going up the steps, allowing him to support me from behind. A couple of times I moved my lower body a little too quickly, causing his thumbs to slip lower and push into my butt for support, making sure I didn’t fall.

When I got to the top of the stairs he slid right up against me, his crotch pressing just for a moment against my ass as he stepped up behind me and again wrapped his arm around my body.

He pushed the door with his hand and it swung open. I was surprised by how brightly lit the room was. The windows along the wall which barely lit the warehouse below dominated the walls of this room flooding it with light. They’d obviously been cleaned recently too.
There was a desk and a chair looking out on to the warehouse below and a small foldout camping bed set up against the back wall.

He walked me over to the office chair and sat me down, before going to sit on the camping bed himself. I spun myself in the chair to face him, then crossed one leg over the other.

I saw him slowly run his eyes up the boots Lucy had loaned me, up over my thighs to my newly-slashed denim shorts. He gave a grin as his eyes flicked over my bare stomach and prominent breasts before meeting my steady gaze.
Did he just undress me with his eyes?
I smiled at him.
I don’t mind if he did.

“I just gotta make a call. Then we’ll… talk.” He unzipped his leather jacket and pulled out a cellphone from an inside pocket. He dropped it on his lap for a min
ute as he pulled off the jacket completely. He must have been hot riding in the early autumn sun.

“It’s me… Yeah… they got back okay? She’s doing what?
I think we lost them, but send T-Bone and Bottle over will you? The warehouse… The new one… Yeah I got a new girl with me… later.” He hung up. “Alright we’re gonna sit tight here for about an hour. Then we’re gonna ride back with a couple of the boys.”

I nodded. “Is Lucy okay?”

He laughed. “Oh yeah. She’s okay alright.”

I could see a twinkle in his eyes as he replied. I was intrigued. “What does

“She’s uh…” Jase seemed embarrassed.

“She’s what? Don’t worry, I’m a big girl. And she’s my roommate anyway, I know she’s a wild one.” After a moment’s thought I added, “We both are.”
At least, I want to be.

Jase grinned. “Okay. You’re a big girl. Juicy is sucking off Brodie, you know the guy we were just with.”
Juicy? That’s the second time they’ve called her that.

I laughed. “Uhuh
.” How do they know what she’s doing? Unless they’re watching…

Jase wasn’t finished yet. “And Bigfella, that’s the club president, Bigfella is you know…”

I knew. I bit my lower lip nervously. “Is…?”

Jase l
ooked me in the eyes as he said, “Bigfella is fucking her from behind,” the word
sounded filthy when he said it. Filthy but hot. Jase continued, speaking slowly to watch the effect his words had on my face, “Brodie is sitting on the pool table, Juicy is eating him up and Bigfella is pounding her from behind.”

I opened my mouth to speak. My mind runnin
g wildly. I didn’t say anything. No man had ever spoken to me like that, so crudely, so matter-of-factly, so
about sex. But I liked it.

Jase raised an eyebrow at me. “Shocked?”

“Maybe a little,” I finally managed to say. Blood was pulsing through my body in a way I’d rarely experienced. I was shocked. But I was also turned on. My breath was shallow as I looked him in the eyes again. He returned my stare.

Is he like that too? Does he bang chicks against a pool table while his buddies watch? I imagined him, Jase, holding me down as he fucked me in front of
a gang of leering bikers. Disgusting. But thrilling.

The corners of his mouth were raised slightly as he gave me a
mischievous look. “You know, it’s the adrenaline. That truck. The chase. It can make people y’know…”

I raised my eyebrows at him.
I could feel my cheeks were flushed. He was right. The adrenaline did make me

His eyes didn’t break from mine as he slowly moved towards me. He half rose from the ca
mping bed and stooped so our faces were level. “You’re a good looking girl, Nicole,” he said, his face inches from mine. I could taste his peppermint scented breath as he spoke.

I opened my mouth to respond, but before I could he pushed his soft plump lips against mine.
All the troubles of the day fled from my mind as I was captivated by the taste of a man I’d barely met. The heady mixture of mint and leather filled my head as I slipped my fingers into his thick hair, holding his head tightly against mine. I no longer cared, barely even remembered, what we’d just gone through. The searing heat of his hot lips was all I could focus on now.

The adrenaline that had been soaring through me the past hour had left me quivering, and now I found myself in the clutches of an arousal so strong
there was nothing else. No fear. No trepidation. No worries or concern. Just a need to be filled, a hunger to be sated, a fire to quench. As our tongues thrust against each other greedily I wanted that man to take me, to hold me, to fuck me, more than I’d ever wanted anyone.

A brief flash of the night before passed through my mind. I’d slipped my lips over the head of the cock of my so-called boyfriend in his dorm, running my tongue over his shaft and head as I began to bob up and down on him, only to suffer the humiliation of him wilting in my mouth. “It’s not you, it’s me,” he’d said. And now I believed him.
We’d never kissed like
. I’d never felt the desperate urge to be taken that I was feeling now.

One of my hands with a mind of its own slipped out of the biker’s hair and down his body. It grabbed at his firm buttocks greedily, before sliding round to the
front of his jeans. My hand told me that he was hard. Big and hard. My fingers grabbed him through his jeans, feeling how impossibly tightly they were constricting his girth.

He moaned as I squeezed him through his pants.
God he feels big. I bet
can fuck. A girl’s got needs.
I could feel myself hot and burning between my legs, wet and ready for anything.
Please take me. Throw me down on that shitty bed and fuck me!

I reached my other hand down to his jeans and grabbed at the belt buckle, blindly trying to get it open. He broke off from the kiss. “Not yet.” He pushed our lips back together as his hands pulled mine away from his crotch.
Fuck. They’ll be here in an hour.

I let out a disappointed moan as he removed my hands, but a moment later it turned to an excited squeal as he ran his hands roughly up my thighs, his thumbs pushing and rubbing against the crotch of my jean-shorts. Even through the denim his touch was enough to make me gasp as he rudely pressed against the lips of my pussy
through the fabric.
Oh shit. What’s he going to do? Is he going to--

Then his hands
were on the waist of my shorts. The button was undone in a second and then the tiny zipper. His mouth broke away from mine as his attention shifted below. He yanked at the waist as he forced the shorts down over my ass, lifting me up by my thighs with his forearms as he slipped them down. A moment later he pulled them off over my boots and then they were tossed unceremoniously onto the little bed.

My legs were spread wide and vulnerable as I sat in the office chair, his hands holding my legs in the air

Before I could make a sound
Jase attacked me with his mouth, burying it in my damp panties. I felt his rough stubble against my thighs as he kissed me through the flimsy fabric that stood between my wet sex and his mouth.

I loved it. I hated it. I loved watching his head buried between my legs, and I moaned as his mouth and tongue finished the job of saturating my panties. I hated that fabric, a barrier between my most intimate parts and the heaven of his hot mouth and squirming tongue.

BOOK: Sons of Mayhem 1: Oil and Leather
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