Read Soul Catcher Online

Authors: Vivi Dumas

Tags: #Dueling With The Devil Series

Soul Catcher (10 page)

BOOK: Soul Catcher
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God, she missed him.

“You can’t just burst in my room,” she said with her back to him, hiding the longing in her eyes.

“I just wanted to talk to you.” She felt his gaze burn a trail down her back.

“I’m getting dressed. Can’t it wait until I come back down?”

“You act like I haven’t seen what’s under your towel. Believe me, there are no parts of you I’m not familiar with or have you forgotten?” She turned and gave him a sideways glance. “I just wanted to talk to you in private.” He hung his thumbs in his pockets and studied his shoes.

“Because I gave into you once doesn’t give you access to me whenever you feel the need. The first time was a huge mistake. What is it you need from me, Jacque?”

“You....” The word blew her away like a Category Four Hurricane. It sucked Angel into a whirlwind of emotions, ripping at the seams of her logic. She waited days to hear from him with no reward, just to have him show up today, expecting her to fall back into his arms. The unbalanced scales of her life toppled from the burden of his revelation.

In two quick strides, he closed the distance between them. The intensity in his eyes brought out the golden flecks embedded in the jewel-toned green.

She held up her hand to impede his progress. If she gave in again, she would be his completely, ensuring her destruction if he were to ever leave.

“We can’t do this. I’m not going to give
up every time you feel the need be with a human. Don’t get me wrong. The sex was great. Right now, I don’t need distractions. And you? You’re a big distraction.” She repeated the words in her mind, to make sure they stuck. She had to convince herself just as much as him.

“Is that what I am? A distraction?” He granted her full access to the sadness in his eyes as he pushed the dark curls from his face.

“What do you want from me? What do you think we have?” Her harsh tone caused him to flinch, making her want to take those words back.

“I don’t know what we have. All I know is I’ve missed you. I’ve tried to forget you, but it hasn’t worked out for me. When I heard your voice this morning I knew I had to see you again.”

“Did you have fun forgetting me?”

Jacque smiled at the accusation.

“Look, you stay in Hades and I live here. Lucifer will shit a brick if he found out we hooked back up. I don’t have the energy to make this thing work.”

“Okay. Tell me this. Have you thought about me since you left?” His shoulders sagged in defeat as he sat on the bed. It creaked under his weight.

Everything in her screamed “
” Her heart was a traitor, betraying her as her defenses continued to waiver. She turned to evade his irresistible charm. Before she could escape, he reached out and caught her hand, drawing her close to him. His head rested against her stomach, which churned with a roaring inferno brought on by his touch. His long, muscled arms tightened around her waist, providing her the strength and security she lacked on her own. Gazing down at him, she brushed a curl from his forehead and breathed, “Yes.”

Catching Angel’s legs just behind her knees, he swept her into his arms. Cotton-soft lips closed on hers as he persuaded her lips to open to him. She surrendered to the sweetness of his mouth and circled her arms around his neck. Their tongues danced a fiery tango in his mouth. The fury of her yearning radiated through every extremity, causing her to shudder against the rock hard mass of his body.

His kisses felt like electricity, dynamic and stirring, as they trailed down her neck. She leaned back in his arms, exposing her body to him. With one snatch, the towel landed on the floor beside the bed. He ravaged her breast, his mouth hot and wet, while his hand traveled down the length of her taut stomach. Angel grabbed a handful of dark brown curls when his fingers plunged into the dripping heat between her legs. Burying her face into his chest, she stifled her cry.

His lips found hers again as she rolled her hips to the rhythm of his fingers, arching into his palm. Closing her eyes, she savored every beat of his stroke. When she opened her eyes, she found him gazing down at her with burning desire. She ached to have him inside her.

“I need you,” she moaned in his ear. He groaned at her request, and his cock grew harder underneath her.

Tossing her onto the bed, he peeled the clothes from his body, teasing and taunting. Her hand played with her sex as she watched him undress. She stared longingly at his ripped abs, the sculptured hardness of his chest, the firm muscles defining his legs, and the impressive bulk of his manhood, which stood erect in its full glory. The friction of her fingers rubbing small circles against her center made her moan and lick her lips. Her mouth turned up in a smile when his shaft jumped in response to her pleasure.

The sight of her fingers fondling her sex was enough to madden Jacque. He had to have her, feel the warmth of her desire surrounding him. Bringing her ankle to his lips, he kissed it lightly, as he propped it on his shoulder. She trembled under his touch. His hand skimmed the long sleek expanse of her leg and grazed her moist folds. He sank two fingers back into her as she continued to caress her nub. Her leg quivered on his shoulder.

He was so hard he could explode.

“Please....” It came out more a command than a request, her voice thickened with lust.

“What do you want?” Jacque pushed his fingers as far into her as they would go. Her body tensed and her sex clutched his fingers.

“You...inside—” A third finger made her gasp.

She grabbed his arm, trying to pull him closer her. Arching in his hand, he could feel she was close to coming. He removed his fingers, bringing them to his lips, tasting her hot passion on his tongue. Her eyes grew wide as they followed his fingers as they slid in and out his mouth.

“I love the taste of you,” he growled.

He couldn’t wait any longer.

Just as she reached for him, he held her by the hips and thrust the full length of his manhood into her. The tight grip of her folds caressed him with drenched velvet. His body seized as molten liquid flowed through his veins, fueling his frenzied pace. He wanted to slow down for her, to stretch out her pleasure, but he waited too long. When she rolled her hips under him and moaned his name, he threw her other leg on his shoulder and thrust his cock deep into her sex.

His large girth stretched her. She forgot the painful bliss of him filling her womb. She absorbed every stroke of his fervent demand. With both legs across his shoulders, his manhood sank deep into her, setting her core on fire. Her need matched his. Arching up to meet his thrusts, she hung on the verge of orgasmic utopia.

“God, I missed you,” Jacque groaned into her hair.

His movements were like lightning striking, fast, fierce and all consuming. As his long, thick shaft stretched her, he caught her nipple with his teeth. With his next thrust, Angel lost herself in the dark abyss of ecstasy. Jacque stroked hard into her again, trembling as the warmth of his seed mixed with her climax. Dropping her legs, he collapsed on top of her drenched in sweat. Her heart pounded in her ears as she tried to catch her breath.

He brushed his lips across her shoulder, up her neck, working his way back to her mouth. Their animalist hunger sated, their kiss lingered leisurely.

She was forever lost to him—irrevocably and undeniably his.

Jacque turned on his side, propping himself on an elbow. “Now that wasn’t so bad, was it?” he joked.

“I never said the sex was bad. If I could bottle it, I’d be a millionaire.” She sighed and played with his hair. “The other stuff is what worries me.”

“I don’t know where this is going. I can’t make you any promises. Let’s just see where this takes us.” He brushed a sweat-soaked strand of hair from her face.

“I think this is a bad idea for both of us. I don’t want to be hurt again and as you said, you can’t make me any promises. Just know if I think for one second I’m going to get hurt, I’ll run like hell. And I’m low on second chances these days. I just got back on my feet from being knocked on my ass. I won’t let it happen again.” What was she getting herself into? Warning bells sounded. Lost in her hopes of love, Angel blocked out the alarms.

“I would never intentionally hurt you.” He drew her hand to his lips, kissing the tips of her fingers.

“Intentionally or unintentionally, I can’t deal with drama. As soon as the shit hits the fan, I’m gone.”

His lips covered hers, ending the discussion. She melted into the passion of his kiss. The promise of happiness found its way to her after what seemed like a lifetime of misery.

Chapter Eleven

Laurent’s voice boomed on the other side of the door. “What the hell’s going on in there?” His relentless banging could wake the dead.

Shit! Angel jumped up only to have Jacque grab her around the waist and wrestle her back to the bed. Struggling to get loose, she shoved against his chest.

“Knock it off, Laurent,” she yelled, searching for her robe. “What do you want?”

He annoyingly rapped a drum solo on the door. “Are you two finished getting reacquainted? We actually came here to do work. Remember, Jacque?”

“Yeah, yeah, I remember,” Jacque replied. “We’ll be down in a minute.”

“Am I forgiven now? We’re good, right, Angel?” Laurent called.

“Whatever, Laurent. Get the hell away from my door.” She giggled, still not convinced she forgave him. He landed her exactly in the middle of what she tried to escape—Jacque.

Jacque rolled out the bed and dashed into the bathroom. She debated following him, ultimately decided against it. They would never make it downstairs if she did. The mere thought of him and the steamy shower, the water and his touch caressing her, made her drip with anticipation. She bit her bottom lip to bring her back to reality.

Jacque strolled out of the bathroom, toweling his hair. “I left the shower on for you, babe, since you didn’t join me.”

“We have things to do. We can’t stay trapped in this room having sex all day, especially with Marie downstairs.” Her cheeks flushed red at the thought of her grandmother knowing what they were doing.

“I’m sure Marie understands.” His smile flashed bright. “I’ll meet you downstairs.”

“Okay,” she replied, studying the agile movements of his body as he dressed. The muscles flexed in his back as he pulled the shirt over his head, and the arms of the tee stretched tight over his biceps.

Showered and changed, she hopped down the stairs, humming a Keisha Cole tune. Her sensible side interrupted her momentary euphoria, reminding her of all the complications she and Jacque still had to overcome. Sex was easy, but building a relationship was much harder, especially between a demon and a human. Leave it to her to fall for an Underworld demon with an aversion to humans.

Laurent and Marie lounged on the red leather sofa. He winked at her and her grandmother snickered. Angel twirled her hair around her finger and smirked, like Sylvester on the prowl for Tweety Bird.

“What’s on the agenda?” she blurted, trying to break the tension.

“Jacque and I tried to find out some more information about Antione before we got here. Not much out there to be found though. All we know is he’s in the region right now, traveling between Mississippi and Texas, and passes through New Orleans a lot. We should be able to get some info from Etienne’s party tonight.” As Laurent filled everyone in, he took on a military stance, the demeanor of someone used to giving status updates.

“I ran into him a while ago when I was stationed Topside. He’s powerful—a master vampire. It’s not going to be easy to bring in.” Concern resonated in Jacque’s voice.

“Let’s see what we can find out tonight. When we return, we can figure out a plan. What time are we leaving for the party?” After a glance at the setting sun, Angel checked her watch.

“I’ll come pick you up at 10:30,” Laurent answered.

Disappointment spoiled her good mood. “Jacque’s not coming?”

Laurent didn’t beat around the bush. As always, he was direct and to the point. “You told everyone you weren’t with Jacque, which is a better situation to get information out of people. Men will open up to you. You’re hot. Wear something skimpy and show a lot of cleavage.”

“You’re not going to put her out there like some cheap whore!” Jacque growled.

“This is her job. It’s how we’re going to keep her from Luc. If you can’t do this, you need to go back home,” Laurent stated matter-of-factly.

“I’m not going anywhere. You better take care of her. I’ll be watching.”

Angel turned to Jacque. “You’ll be at the party?”

“Oh, I’ll be there. Don’t worry, babe.”

“I’ll come by and get you later. It’s formal. I hope you have something to wear.” Laurent picked up his keys off the coffee table, fingering the Lamborghini emblem on the ring. Angel watched him with amusement.
Men and their toys

“I was a model. I always have
to wear. Although shopping would’ve been fun. No time for that now.
, do you want to come? It would be nice to go out together before you leave.” There was safety in numbers. Angel wanted to surround herself with as many people as possible. Marie brought her comfort, gave her a sense of confidence she never experienced before. She believed Angel to be a smart competent woman, not just a pretty face.

Marie’s eyes brightened with excitement at the idea. “I haven’t been to a party in such a long time. Do you think it will be okay?”

“I think people will enjoy seeing the two of you together. Voodoo royalty should get people talkin’.” Jacque stood in front of Angel and pushed her hair over her shoulder, his smile pensive as he gazed down at her. “Only if I could go with you.”

“I’ll see you there. You’ll be dazzled when I make my entrance. I promise.” She snickered, snuggled into his side, and hugged his waist. “It’s all set. We’ll see you at 10:30.”

Transforming herself into a sinful temptation required time. Upstairs in her bedroom, she leafed through the dresses in her closet, finding most of them mundane, not worthy of enticing a ball full of otherworldly creatures. She passed by Dior, Armani, De la Renta, and Gaultier, needing something to make her stand out. Shock value, done the right way, can add a layer of intrigue to entice a man. She reached toward the back of the closet, shoving the other garments out of the way. She found her prize, an edgy gown by a new up and coming designer.

The clock glared 9:50 p.m. as the last roller slid out of her hair. She pulled the ringlets up, restraining them with silver combs highlighted with red jewels. A few curls fell, framing her oval face. Drifting to the bed, she picked up her dress, a masterpiece of leather, lace, and fine silk. She shimmied the dress along her curves, clasping the red leather corset to her breasts as she searched for help. The leather top, overlaid with black lace from France, tied in the back. The layers of black silk in the skirt whooshed around her bare feet as she shuffled down the hall.

Angel mused at her grandmother’s girlish joy, silently watching her before entering the room. Marie spun in her royal-blue gown, admiring herself in the full-length mirror. “
. Can you help me with my dress?”

“Of course, dear.”

She turned her back to Marie, giving her access to the ties. Marie tightened the corset with apt skill, pulling so tight Angel lost two inches from her waist. The constriction also pushed her breasts until they almost busted out the top of the dress. The dress embodied sex and elegance at the same time.

“You look magnificent,
ma chère
,” Marie sang.

“Thank you. You do also. I hope I can breathe all night in this thing and nothing pops out.” She inhaled and attempted to tuck the swells of her breasts farther into the corset.
Jacque is going to love this

“I see you and Jacque are no longer fighting.”

“I guess you can say we are back together. We were never dating to begin with, I’m not sure what to call it.”

“Demons are curious creatures. They can be insatiably passionate, irrationally loyal, and extremely possessive. You watch yourself.”

, it’s not serious. We’re going to take it slow and see where it goes. We have enough challenges to get through before we decide to make any commitments. Lucifer’s going to be livid when he finds out. He sent Jacque away once. I’m afraid he might do it again.” She cringed at the thought of being without Jacque, hoping Lucifer found a new toy to entertain him and forget about her.

“Just be careful,
mon doux
Angel. You play with fire. Everything in this world is dangerous, even love.”

“I’ll be careful, I promise.” Wishing Marie could stay with her, Angel hugged her tightly. She needed someone who understood the insane world she had immersed herself into, someone who understood
; Marie was good at both.

“Shall we go down and wait for Laurent?”

“I just have to slide into my shoes, and I’ll be down.”

She slid the red leather Jimmy Choo boots on and they molded around her calves and knees. The boots served a dual purpose, a little more naughtiness and a place to hide her gun. The .9mm, filled with silver bullets, felt heavy against her leg. Silver was the way to go, since regular bullets were only going to get you one pissed-off Supe. Angel didn’t plan to waltz into a house full of demons and vampires without packing. Even though the gun pressed hard into her calf, she rather be uncomfortable than dead.

She heard Laurent’s voice in the living room. One final make-up check and she descended the stairs. Laurent’s mouth hit the floor as she slowed at the bend on the landing.

“Holeee...crap! Jacque officially has competition tonight. You’re fuckin’ amazing. Like a Victorian dominatrix. You can beat me any time.”

She blushed at his reverence.

“Why thank you, Laurent. May I say you look dashing, too.” She curtsied like the southern belle she was and admired him in his Armani tux. She knew the cut well. It was the same one Jackson picked for their wedding. The black made Laurent’s fair features stand out. His hair glowed platinum lying against the black jacket and the blue of his eyes had the depth of the Gulf.

“I’m a lucky son-of-a-bitch. I get to escort the two most beautiful women in New Orleans. Ladies, your chariot awaits.” He motioned to a black stretch limousine parked in front of the house.


The massive white columns surrounding the porch of Etienne’s colonial revival mansion announced the formality of the home as they turned off Charles Avenue. A line of limos waited to drop off their passengers at the front entrance. Gorgeous people dressed to the hilt emerged from car after car, reminding Angel of the red carpet show for the Oscars, all they needed was
Project Runway
’s Tim Gunn, to play host.

A boy dressed in a red valet jacket held the door for Laurent, who helped Angel and Marie from the vehicle. They each took his arm and strolled the walkway to the impressive front steps. The other guests stole whispered glances as the three of them entered the house.

At the head of the receiving line, Etienne greeted his guests. Several other vampires stood in the line beside him. A brilliant smile grew across Etienne’s face when his saw her, and she returned the gesture. Angel nervously fidgeted with her dress as they waited their turn to greet the host and wished she could adjust the gun in her boot. As required, Etienne shook Laurent’s hand first, showing his fangs, he dipped his head in a slight bow for Marie. Once finished, he focused his full attention on Angel, bringing her hand to his lips, letting them linger longer than necessary.

“May I say you look ravishing tonight, my Angel?” His eyes fell from her face and roamed to where her breasts threatened to escape from the corset. “Never have I seen such a lovely dress.”

“Aw. This old thing?” She batted her lashes, dropping her eyes to the floor and hiding a smile. Flirting was an art Angel had mastered as a teenager. In high school, she could will her bidding with a flash of a smile or a longing glance. As she got older, she found grown men weren’t much more difficult to persuade.

Etienne maintained his hold on her hand; his cool skin caused a chill through her. A young lady dressed in the purple Donna Karan bumped into Angel, breaking Etienne out of his trance. Noticing the anxiousness of the crowd, he brushed his lips across her knuckles and dropped her hand.

“Perhaps you’ll save me a dance later, if Laurent is willing to share you.” He smacked Laurent hard on the shoulder. “Marie, I’m so pleased you decided to attend. You’ve made my party the event of the year. Please enjoy yourselves.”

The main ballroom hinged on ostentatious. The gold-leaf ceiling reflected the light from the five-tier crystal chandelier. The marble floor was inlayed with an intricate cherry design. Sapphire and silver brocade fabric covered the walls highlighted by the silver silk draperies, which flowed from ceiling to floor. People waltzed to the music from the quartet playing in the corner of the room. It was a scene from a regency novel or maybe
Gone with the Wind

Laurent bowed and asked Marie for a dance, leaving Angel alone to study the faces in the crowd, hoping to find Jacque. She recognized many of the guests from her prior week of partying. She struggled to remember their names as they greeted her. There was a bevy of people coming and going. Her head spun trying keep up.

“Who would leave such a beautiful lady alone at a party?” a male’s deep voice asked from behind her. She stepped forward and turned to greet the man behind the voice. She recognized his face from a club two nights ago, however his name eluded her.

No woman would forget that face. Her inquisitor was soap opera sexy with mocha-colored eyes and skin to match. Only his opalescent sheen gave away his vampire DNA. Clean-cut and neat, he could have marched off a military compound. Many of the Supes held on to the styles of their human eras, keeping their hair longer. Mr. All-You-Can-Be’s body strained to hide underneath the tuxedo. The baby-blue T-shirt he wore at the club revealed biceps she could hang a swing from and abs ready for the wash.

“Unfortunately, I’m sharing a date tonight, and my grandmother seems to have stolen him away,” she said, giving him a coy smile.

“Your date must be blind or stupid—maybe both. I would’ve never left your side.”

“Are you here to rescue me from my loneliness?” She touched the bottom of his sleeve, letting the warmth of her fingers graze his skin. She was here to work the crowd and get information, and she meant to find out all she could about Antione.

“I can ensure you’re never lonely again.” The heat in his voice hinted at danger. Angel couldn’t complain; this is what she signed up for. “Would you like to dance?” Her suitor bowed, flashing his fangs as she took his hand.

BOOK: Soul Catcher
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