Read Spanking Romance Stories - Punished Wives Collection Online

Authors: Leah Kelley

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Spanking Romance Stories - Punished Wives Collection (2 page)

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Chasity sipped at her Coke to sooth her dry throat, and nibbled half-heartedly at her pizza. She noted that Mark had no problem putting away at least half a pizza.
appetite hadn’t suffered in the least. Her teeth clenched and she turned her attention to the other women. She bet none of them had to worry about painful chastisement when they got home. It just didn’t seem fair.


All too soon the meal ended and the women pitched in to clean up. Chasity felt bit guilty that she didn’t help as much as she normally would, but she still feared the belt would slip from around her hips and she’d have to explain its presence.


Finally all the goodbyes were said and no one was left at the church except Chasity and her husband. Feeling as if she were walking to her execution, she followed her husband from the building and across the church yard to the parsonage where they lived. He flipped on the living room light, but kept right on walking down the hall and into their bedroom. Of course, Chasity didn’t dare fail to follow.


Her heart pounded when he closed the door behind them and removed his paint-stained shirt, revealing a well-muscled chest and arms. Taking several deep breaths, she fought the urge to run, knowing he’d only catch her and punish her even more. She’d been Mark’s wife for only three years, but she’d learned a lot during that time, one being
to run from him. It simply wasn’t worth it.


He nodded toward the bed. “Have a seat, Chas.”


She obeyed.


Have you thought about what you have coming and why?”


Her eyes filled with tears. “All day.”


He nodded. “Good. I want you to learn this lesson well so we never have to repeat it.”


Mark,” she pleaded in a quiet voice, “I
learned my lesson. I promise. You whipped me earlier and I’ve been scared all day long. Can’t that be enough punishment? Please?”


He sighed and fisted his hands on his hips before he slowly shook his head. “Sorry, Sweetheart. Maybe if we hadn’t already talked about this a few months ago. Maybe if the gossip hadn’t been so…
mean spirited
. Maybe if it hadn’t taken place in the church building.” He shook his head again. “I just don’t see how I can let you off the hook this time.” His hands dropped to his sides. “I’m going to need my belt now.”


Chasity’s heart picked up in rhythm. Her head felt a bit dizzy and her skin seemed to shrink while she stood to remove the belt from around her hips and hand it to her husband with a trembling hand. The buckle jingled when he doubled the leather in his hand and slapped it lightly against his leg.


Take off your skirt. We’ll start your lesson with you holding on to the bedpost, eyes to the front.”




Chasity felt she would surely vomit, knowing she had a long night ahead of her. A lesson took much longer than a simple chastisement.


Tears already streaming down her face, she let her skirt fall to the floor. He gestured toward the end of the bed and she made herself move to the post and grab hold. Hearing a jingle, she closed her eyes tightly while her bottom clenched of its own accord. The leather wrapped around the sore area just under her butt cheeks, causing her to yelp and come up on her toes.


Why are you being punished?” he asked.


For gossip!” she cried.


She heard the jingle of the belt as he paced behind her. Her breaths came in short gasps, knowing at any time he would strap her again, but she knew better than to look behind her.


That’s right. You are learning how to bridle your tongue. What does the Bible say about the tongue?”


Chasity’s mind groped for the scriptures she knew by heart, but could not remember a single one. “I… I can’t remember,” she cried. “Please, I’m sorry…”


Another streak of fire lashed her bottom, causing her to scream. “
The tongue is a fire; a world of iniquity


For he that will love life and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil






He that has a perverse tongue falls into mischief






Whoso keeps his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from trouble.






And what does it say about gossip, wife?”


Chasity drew several deep breaths to calm her violent sobs. “It’s in the same verse as murder and stealing and evil doing…” she sniffled, then tensed for the next streak of fire.


Go on,” he said, without strapping her.


Um… a Titus 2 woman is not supposed to be a slanderer…”




She whimpered. “And… um… I don’t know anymore!”


The words of a talebearer are as wounds


She nodded and whimpered as she tensed again. The buckle jingled, but the expected fire didn’t land.


church leader’s WIFE must be grave, not a slanderer…”


Yes, sir,” she sniffled.


She heard a swish and yelped when another stroke landed full on her bottom, causing her to dance on her toes.


You know how I feel about gossip, don’t you?”


Yes, sir.”


And you know why I find it so repulsive?”


She nodded.


He strapped her.




Yet today there you sat in the church gossiping…” CRACK “…with the
wives…” CRACK “…and not only gossiping…” CRACK “…but doing it in such a mean-spirited way…” CRACK


He fell silent while she jumped and wiggled around, not speaking again until she’d regained control of her body and her emotions.


It’s called ‘backbiting’,” he told her without the accompanying fire.


She nodded and continued to sob.


How do you think Millicent will feel should she learn of your conversation today?”


Chasity didn’t particularly care how the girl would feel, but she tried to act contrite. “Not good…” she said.




She is a new Christian…” CRACK “How do you think she’d feel knowing the pastor’s wife cut her down in front of everyone?” CRACK “ANSWER ME!” CRACK




Do you think that will help her grow in her Christian walk?” CRACK “Was your speech edifying?” CRACK “Was it uplifting?” CRACK




Lie across the bed, Chasity.”


WHY?” she cried.


Because I don’t believe you’re truly sorry.”


I am! Mark… I am sorry!”


You’re sorry you got caught. You’re sorry you’re butt’s on fire. But you’re not sorry for what you said about your sister in Christ.” He grasped her arm and propelled her down on the bed. “I’m going to make you sorry.”


It was the worse whipping he’d ever given her, each furious stroke causing her breath to leave. She screamed and pleaded, her feet kicking and her bottom writhing until the covers on the bed lay in disarray, yet still he whipped her. Gradually her heart softened and she accepted how very wrong she’d been to speak such harsh words against another, no matter what the girl had done. With the realization came surrender, and she sobbed into her pillow, no longer fighting the horrible pain of the belt.


Finally she felt her husband’s hand on her back and realized the whipping was over. Her bottom and thighs felt as if they were on fire. It would be quite some time before the pain receded, but when his hand moved down to rub her scalded cheeks, she cried in relief.


I don’t like having to do that to you,” he said quietly.


I know,” she sniffled. “I’m sorry… truly… about what I said. I shouldn’t have… have…” She broke into sobs again.


Shhh. I know you’re sorry. God forgives you and I do too. We’ll put it behind us now.”


But I’m the preacher’s wife. I’m supposed to set a good example, not…”


He continued to gently rub her bottom while she cried some more. “You’re human, and you’ve learned your lesson. You need to forgive yourself.”


She nodded and sniffled some more.


Finally he removed his clothing and comforted her in the way only a husband can, holding her tenderly against his heart while he loved her with his body.





What Dad Tried to Tell Me - Part 1


Girls, please! That’s enough arguing!” Joseph’s wife yelled toward the back seat. “Can’t we have any peace around here?”


Joseph didn’t think so. There hadn’t been peace in his home in years. It was depressing.


Girls!” he barked. “That’s enough!”


The girls quieted but continued to whisper insults toward one another. He really had to get that extra bedroom finished. The girls were together entirely too much.


You don’t have to be so hateful with them,” his wife told him.


Joseph sighed. The girls were fifteen years old – fifteen and a half really. Another two and a half years, and he’d be free.


He looked at his wife. At one time he’d thought her beautiful. He supposed she would still be considered beautiful by modern standards, but she no longer appeared so to him. Not that she cared. He’d asked her not to cut her hair in one of those new fangled short hair-dos, but she hadn’t listened. She’d taken to wearing pants, too, something to which he’d been adamantly opposed. She’d even allowed his daughters to purchase a pair of pants against his will.


Women nowadays thought they could do whatever they wanted, and basically they could. He sighed as he thought back to the good old days. Yes, there’d been the depression and the war, but women and men had known their place. Here in the sixties, females thought they ruled the world.


Well, no more. Not for him. When the girls grew up, he was leaving his wife. As a Christian, he didn’t believe in divorce, but he’d rather live alone than stay with this woman one day past the girls’ 18
birthday. Oh, he’d continue to support her as was his duty, but she’d have to make due with an apartment rather than the nice home he now provided her. He’d see that she had enough to eat and clothes on her back, but that was all. Of course, he’d have to sell his home to afford to keep up two households. His own standard of living would go down as well, but he didn’t mind. He’d had enough.


The girls could choose to stay with whomever they pleased. He sighed. He and Bonnie had been so excited to have twin girls five years after their marriage as they’d began to think they were unable to have children. The girls had been a joy, so much so that he and his wife wrapped their lives around them and forgot how to enjoy each other without them. Now the girls seemed to be turning out just like their mother…sharp tongued and rebellious. If they were younger, he’d paddle their behinds.


I don’t see why we have to go to your brother’s anyway,” his wife said, resurrecting an argument they’d had off and on for a week.


Bonnie, I told you why. This is Mom and Dad’s 50
wedding anniversary. All they ask is that we come to one dinner with them. That’s not too much to do to celebrate 50 years of marriage.”


But why do we have to stay with your brother and Sheila? Why can’t we stay with your parents?”


We’ve been over this too. My parents’ apartment is too small for all of us, and Pete invited us to stay with them. I’d like to spend some time with my brother. Is that okay with you?”


Why can’t we get a hotel, Dad?” Candy asked from the back seat.


I don’t want to put the money into a hotel room. Not when we can stay for free at my brother’s. Besides, it’s only for a couple of days.”


I don’t wanna stay there,” Cassie piped up. “Lynn gets on my nerves. She follows us around all the time.”


Cassie, your cousin loves you. You were the same way when you were twelve.”

BOOK: Spanking Romance Stories - Punished Wives Collection
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