Spent - Part Three (Bad Boy Fighter Book 3) (4 page)

BOOK: Spent - Part Three (Bad Boy Fighter Book 3)
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“Okay,” I whisper, unable to muster up anything more eloquent.

The corner of Luke’s mouth hooks up in an adorable half grin, “I have a surprise for you.”

My eyebrow arches, “Oh? What is it?”

“Stay right here,” he commands, as he releases his grip against my arm.

I grumble to myself, but do as I’m told. Luke is rarely bossy however as it turns out I usually like what he has planned when he is, so I sit back against the chair, awaiting further instructions from my muscle bound master.

Luke climbs out of the car and strides over to my side. I watch him suspiciously, my mind reeling as it tries to predict what he has in store for me. When he opens my door, I don’t move. I just sit, immobile, trying my best to peeve him with my sudden inability to do something he asks. Luke stares down at me, the half grin still etched across his face. He looks unamused and intrigued at the same time. I can’t help but feel a stirring down deep in my loins as desire floods me to take his handsome face and guide it down to a place on my body that he can find both intriguing and wet.

I gasp as strong arms wrap around me and lift me out of the car as if I weighed nothing. With wide eyes, I look up at Luke. His grin has taken on a devil-like gleam as he cradles me against his still bare chest.

With ease, he balances both he and I on one leg while using the other to shut my door. Then he begins striding towards the front door of our home.

Our home…

I have no idea what he has planned for me, but I can already tell that it’s something I’m going to really like. The yearning that has been welling up within me over the past several days suddenly ignites, heating my core to the point that my skin flushes and my mind clouds.

Suddenly, I’m consumed with thoughts of my lover and I, basking in an exchange of energy as we both reach our climactic highs. My fingers begin to claw into Luke’s chest, gently showing him that I’m finally ready to have him take me to a place that I have been keeping hidden for weeks.

Luke plants a kiss on my cheek as he unlocks the front door. He carries me over the threshold, kicking the door shut as we walk in. The house is dimly lit from the remains of the day’s light leaking through the blinds, but Luke doesn’t turn on any of the lights. Instead, he carries me directly to our bedroom.

As we pass our bed, I quietly sigh. I want so badly for him to rip my clothes off and touch me in all of the places he hasn’t. And as we approach the bathroom, my naughty mind perks up. Luke smirks as he looks at my expression. With absolute ease, he lowers me back down to my feet until they meet the floor.

He journeys over towards the tub and begins working the knobs to his desired settings. A broad smile invades my face once I realize what he has planned. The smell of lavender fills the room as he pours bath salts into the tub, immediately filling me with a sense of calm. Closing my eyes, I soak up the smell and the anticipation that’s driving my senses wild.

Gentle fingers reach for the bottom of my shirt. The fabric brushes against my belly as it’s lifted, making me gasp at the sudden onslaught of sensations coarsing through my nerve endings.

“May I?” Luke whispers before lifting my shirt any further.

I take in a deep breath in an pre-emptive attempt to calm myself. My therapist has been speaking to me about a technique called mindfulness. Focusing on the moment here and now, and letting unwelcome thoughts pass by me should help to deal with the recent trauma and avoid becoming overwhelmed with the sick feelings that have been haunting me these past few weeks.

“Be gentle.”

“I won’t do anything without your permission,” Luke says, his loving eyes staring deeply into mine, “May I take off your clothes?”

Slowly, I lift up my arms, silently giving him permission. Luke doesn’t say anything, but he watches my eyes closely as he continues removing my shirt from my body. The slow movement is torture, but I breathe through it, doing my best to fight off a potential panic attack. When my shirt is finally off my body, I let out a sigh of relief. Inadvertently, I wrap my arms around my body, trying to hide the yellow bruises that still heal across my torso.

Luke gently pries my hands away from my body and lowers himself down, placing a kiss across my left breast. Closing my eyes, a soft moan escapes my lips as he descends, leaving a trail of kisses across my rib cage.

Ever so slowly he lowers himself down to my navel, planting loving kisses all along the way, and I let myself entangle my thoughts with his touch, and stay in the moment. His hands work their way down to my pants, slowly easing them off of my hips and down over my legs. As he moves, his fingers brush against my thighs, sending a surge of electricity to my throbbing sex. I nearly cry out from the sheer sensitivity my body is experiencing. It feels as if it has been decades since Luke has touched me and my body wants nothing more than for him to ravish me.

Luke removes my sandals, then takes my pants completely off me. My sudden nakedness makes me feel a moment of vulnerability, but before I can dwell on the feeling, Luke’s mouth suddenly plunges into the folds of my sex, causing me to cry out from the rapid onset of pleasure.

His tongue works along my womanhood, quickly finding the sweet bud that drives my body mad. My hands grip at the counter behind me, seeking out some sort of stability from the waves of bliss that are rapidly washing over me. Luke squeezes a hand on my backside and pulls me into his mouth. Panting, I reach out with a feeble hand and run my fingers through his coarse copper hair. Luke moans against my sex in response to my touch, sending a delicious vibration through my body that leaves me breathless. With his hair between my fingers, I gently tug against his head, pulsing him in to me.

My mental energy is on staying in the moment and this targeted focus enhances the intense stimulation. I feel Luke smiling against me as his tongue and lips continue to work their deliberate magic around my clit. With his nose pressed against the tufts of hair along my mound, his ragged breathing reveals to me his ravenous desire to taste every ounce of my cream. Closing my eyes, I let the sweet euphoria sink in as his tongue works diligently with purposeful strokes intending to send me over the edge.

My body begins to tighten with the tension of my rapidly rising heat. I’m getting closer, but just as I begin to draw near, Luke pulls away. I grip his hair tightly, keeping him from moving any further. Luke chortles against my mound.

“We’ll have a flood in here if you don’t let me go.”

“I’ll give you a flood,” I retort. I’m only capable of making ridiculously corny statements when my blood is rushing somewhere far away from my brain.

Luke peeks up at me and grins, “All in good time, but now I want you in the tub.”

I had completely forgotten about the bathtub. Glancing over, I notice that it’s nearly to the brim with water. Panicking, I release my hold against Luke. He jumps up and quickly strides over the the tub, shutting off the valves, and then opening the stopper to allow some of the water to drain, before we have an actual legitimate flood on our hands.

After what seems like an excruciating pause in the passion while Luke gets the water level just right, he turns around and grins at me, a darkly seductive grin that makes my entire body melt against the counter behind me. He strides over towards me, exuding confidence that only a man who knows he is completely capable of bringing his woman pure erotic ecstasy can show. My body weakens against his gaze. It’s fear that’s overcoming me, but not fear of Luke. Rather, it’s a fear of knowing that the gorgeous man before me is about to make me feel absolutely incredible, and although I’m determined to try, I don’t know if I can handle that just yet.

Exercising a little of the mindfulness technique, I push the negative thoughts away before any unwelcome emotion takes hold. I gasp as Luke lifts me up unexpectedly, cradling me against his body as he walks over towards the tub. He doesn’t say anything. Both he and I are beyond words at this point. Right now, we only have one thing on our minds and talking will do nothing to quench the desire burning within our very cores.

Slowly and with perfect ease, Luke lowers me into the tub filled with warm lavender scented water. A sense of serenity washes over me as my body takes in the healing warmth of the water. I close my eyes to allow my body to relax for the first time in weeks. Beside me, I hear Luke fussing with his gym shorts. My ears perk up, yet I refuse to open my eyes, instead, allowing myself to accept whatever surprise my lover has planned for me this night.

His hand nestles against the back of my head, gently encouraging me to sit up. I oblige, and move forward enough to allow Luke passage within the healing waters of the bath. One of his massive legs slides in behind me, tickling my back with the thick fibers of his leg hair. Steadying himself, he slides the rest of his body in until he’s behind me entirely. His strong arms wrap around me, urging me to lean in against his massive chest. With eyes still closed, I rest my body against his, taking comfort in the familiarity of his bare flesh against mine.

Luke’s cock presses hard against my back, making me long for its velvet flesh to be buried deep within my body. As if knowing what I’m thinking, Luke’s hands ease their way down along my torso and to my mound. His left hand trails off, making its way down along my thigh, delicately kneading the tender flesh. My body slinks back against his, allowing him to support my weight because I know I won’t be able to handle the orgasm alone once his hands begin working their magic. His other hand works its way past my folds, finding the sensitive bud that his tongue had already stimulated just moments ago.

Biting my bottom lip, I moan softly as his fingers glide across my clit. His hands are rough from years of fighting, but not too rough. Their texture is just right to give my sex the tension it needs to reach its high. I reach out and grip his thighs. His muscles feel so delicious as they constrict and tighten while he works with expert pace and pressure up my thigh and against my clit. Feeling his body move synergistically with mine is nearly enough to send my sex deprived body into orgasmic convulsions, but I hang on, drawing out the feeling.

I want to heal with this kind of touch. I need to feel tenderness, and I push my mind to lay down fresh memories as his fingers work together with the sway of my body.

As the intensity inside of me hastens, Luke’s fingers pick up their pace. Diligently, they glide and tease across my sensitive bud, driving the raw bundle of nerve endings to a point that is almost maddening. I begin to strain against him, begging him for the magic touch that will send me over.

Without warning, his hand that was rubbing my thigh moves back up along my torso and to my breasts. With his other hand still working on my clit, Luke begins to massage my breasts and tug at my hard nipples. The change is all that my body needs.

I cry out as my body spasms within the water. Luke’s hand doesn’t stop rubbing my womanhood, but instead, he slows his pace down enough to the point of a sensual massage. With his other massive arm, he cradles me against him, holding me steady as I cry out again in raw primal passion. Tears flow down my cheeks as my body releases the tension it has been feeling for weeks on end. I smile as I cry, basking in the pleasure that my sexy man’s hands alone were able to bring me.

For the first time in what feels like decades, my body completely relaxes, pressed against the hard body of my Luke. He holds me, planting soft kisses against my hair as he whispers words of love in my ear. The tears continue to flow. It’s the first time I’ve cried from actually feeling good in such a long time and in this moment, I relish the dampness rolling down my cheeks.

Finally surrendering my body to the one person I love can only mean one thing after this broken and beaten journey I have been on these past few weeks.

It means I am ready to heal.

Chapter 5

An annoying buzzing wakes me up. I’ve been sleeping hard. My body is so stiff from not having moved at all, but even though the room is still swathed in darkness, I feel thoroughly rested for the first time in weeks. Luke moves beside me, his naked body brushing against mine as he reaches over me for his phone. I don’t actually remember us going to bed, but apparently, at some point, we did.

Luke grumbles something inaudibly as he retrieves his cell. I move forward and kiss his pectoral as he moves back to his side of the bed. He leans down just enough to plant a kiss on my forehead before sitting back down. From the dim light of Luke’s phone reflecting across his face, I can see his brow furrowed.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, rather hoarse.

“Big Mike’s calling me at fucking two in the morning,” Luke mutters before answering the phone.

“What?” He says gruffly into the receiver.

I chortle silently to myself. Luke’s not at all a morning person, but he’s always especially grouchy if he’s up before the sun. The fact that Big Mike is probably calling about something mundane only adds to Luke’s adorable grumpiness.

Big Mike’s voice is muffled from my hearing, but within a few seconds, Luke’s face turns from grumpy, to serious. I sit up, staring into his unwavering hazel eyes in an attempt to read what he’s thinking.

“I’ll be there ASAP,” Luke mutters as he ends the phone call.

My heart jumps up to my throat, “What’s wrong?”

Luke presses his phone against his lips, as if he’s trying to think of a way to best tell me whatever the hell it was that Mike told him. Impatiently, I tap my fingers against my thighs. He always irritates me when he does this.

BOOK: Spent - Part Three (Bad Boy Fighter Book 3)
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