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Starr Fated (7 page)

BOOK: Starr Fated
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“It’ll be so
great to catch up with Abbey. We haven't seen each other for ages,”
Sera smiled. I liked seeing her smile. She had a really beautiful
smile, and I wished I saw it more often, instead of the worried
frown she often wore, as if she had the weight of the world on her

She was
wearing a short halter neck dress in a shade of green that matched
her amazing eyes. I kept staring at her eyes and then her naked
back, and then those sexy long legs, unable to make up my mind
which I found more fascinating. As she was wearing high heels for a
change, her sexy legs won out in the end. I wanted to run my hand
all the way up those legs, right up under that tiny dress… I
imagined she was just wearing one of her tiny lace thongs that I
could easily slip off. I swallowed hard to keep my cool. All in
good time, I told myself. I kept topping up her glass of wine when
she wasn’t looking, so she didn't realize she’d already drunk a
fair amount by the time her friend arrived.

“Abbey! It’s
so good to see you,” Sera shrieked, as she hugged her friend
closely, then went off in a huddle with her, no doubt to catch up
on all their girly gossip.

Toby and I
watched this encounter with great interest. He’d told me he’d found
out from Sera that this friend of hers that she’d lived with
previously was bisexual. He also informed me that Sera claimed they
were just good friends, nothing more, but we were both very
curious. I think most guys fantasize about having a threesome, and
find watching lesbians getting it on together very horny, as proved
by the impressive collection of that type of porn we’d amassed. The
possibility of actually acting out a scene like that was incredibly
hot, but as I hadn’t even managed to kiss Sera yet, I knew I was
getting way ahead of myself.

I wasn't
surprised to see Toby wasting no time in chatting up Abbey. I knew
he hadn’t got laid in ages, and was pretty desperate for some
action. And Abbey was certainly no shy wallflower, as she pulled
him up to dance with her and was then all over him like a rash,
lucky bastard. He was obviously in with a good chance, and I gave
him the thumbs up sign behind her back. He grinned as he winked
back at me, then nodded his head over in the opposite

I turned round
to see Sera dancing to ‘Feel So Close’ by Calvin Harris.

And she could
really dance. The wine had done its work to unleash her inner party
animal. She was moving her hips around erotically, as she ran her
hands through her long wild hair, her eyes closed, and her short
dress riding up to reveal even more of her long legs. I was spell
bound, as were most of the other guys in the room, because she
looked so incredibly sexy and unrestrained as she ran her hands
over herself, and then threw her head back as she gyrated to the

I quickly made
my way over to her, and put my hands on her waist to pull her to me
as I matched her movements.

She opened her
eyes in surprise, but smiled when she saw it was me.

“Hi, Jamie.
Great music, did you set up the playlist?” she shouted at me,
because the music was pretty loud.

“Yeah, that
was me.” I took her arms and draped them round my neck so that our
bodies were locked closer together. She didn't protest, so I
started moving our bodies round together, deploying some of my best
dirty dancing moves.

It felt
amazingly good to have her tits pressed right up against me. I ran
my hands over her hips and then gripped the curve of her sexy
little bottom.

“Sera, I’ve
wanted you for so long,” I murmured in her ear, and then started
kissing her neck as we continued to move together. Of course I
already had a serious hard-on, as she could feel when I ground my
hips into hers. She looked at me with a slightly bewildered

“It’s okay,
Babe,” I whispered. “Just relax, let go and enjoy yourself.”

I kissed
Sera’s lips. They were soft and sweet, so I teased her mouth with
the tip of my tongue to let me in, and when she did, she tasted of
wine and strawberries, a delicious and intoxicating mix as our
tongues tentatively started mingling together.

As we
continued kissing, I gradually manoeuvred us over towards the
doorway, and once we were in the relative privacy of the hall, I
pushed her back against the wall, and then started really kissing
her. I ran one hand up her leg, and it felt so amazing to finally
be touching her this way as I pressed up hard against her. My heart
felt as if it was going to explode it was beating so fast, and I
was literally aching to get my cock out, it was so up and ready for
action. Because of my obsession with Sera, I hadn’t been with
another girl for ages, so now I was desperate for a fuck, and
thankful that we’d finally got to this stage.

“Jamie…I…maybe…” she stuttered. She broke off our kiss and reached
up to put her hands on my shoulders as she stared up into my

“You’d prefer
us to go somewhere more private?”

I understood.
It was usually around this time that I’d make a discreet exit with
a girl to take things to the next level, so I took Sera by the hand
and led her upstairs to my bedroom, closing the door firmly behind
us. I was glad I’d made sure my bed was neatly made, and my room
was tidy, in hopeful anticipation of this event. I was finally
going to get Sera into my bed for my best birthday present ever.

“You are so
beautiful,” I whispered as I quickly kicked off my shoes and socks,
then pulled my T shirt over my head, before I started kissing her
again. I held her tightly against my bare chest while I ran my
fingertips over the silky skin of her bare back. I couldn’t wait to
get her naked to feel the rest of her bare skin against mine. I’ve
often been told by girls that they like my chest, and Sera seemed
to as she started running her fingers over me, before pulling

“Jamie, I’m
not sure…” she murmured, but she didn't actually push me away.

“It’s okay,
I’ve got protection,” I reassured her.
Boy Scout rule number one
– be prepared. Always practice safe sex. Never, ever take a risk.
Always use a good quality condom. Never get caught out, always have
a plentiful supply to hand.
That was the advice my brother had
drummed into me countless times, for which I was eternally
grateful, as it meant I had a box of condoms in my bedside

I started
kissing Sera again, and pushed her hair to one side as I nuzzled
her neck and then felt for her dress zipper with my fingers. As it
was a halter neck, I guessed she wouldn’t be wearing a bra
underneath. I groaned loudly at the thought of seeing her naked for
the first time, as I ran my hand up to feel those great tits of

I suddenly
felt Sera tense up.

“Jamie, I’m
not sure I can do this.” She tried to push me away.

“Hey, it’s
okay, it’ll be a really great fuck, I promise,” I whispered as I
pulled her closer again. “Although it might be a bit quick – the
first time anyway, but we’ve got all night. It’s been a while, so
you know how it is.”

“No, I don’t
that’s the trouble,” Sera wailed.

“What do you
mean?” I asked breathlessly, puzzled by her reaction.

“I’m so sorry,
Jamie. It’s just I’m not very experienced, I’ve never actually…and
I thought maybe I could finally do this, but….”

“Are you
saying… you’re not saying… are you saying you haven’t ever…?”

Was she trying
to tell me she was a virgin? She couldn’t be, she was nearly twenty
two, for crying out loud. I lost my virginity as soon as I could at
sixteen, and I’ve never looked back. No one is still a virgin at
her age, not by choice anyway. And guys would kill to have sex with
Sera, so what the hell…?

“It’s true.
I’ve never had sex. I'm a stupid inexperienced virgin,” she
confessed. She sank down to sit on the edge of the bed as she hid
her face in her hands. I slowly sat down next to her, and then
gently put my arm around her, bewildered by her confession.

“You’re the
closest I’ve ever got, Jamie, and for a moment there I really
thought maybe this time I could finally do it, because I really
want to. I mean, how embarrassing is it to admit I'm still a virgin
at my age? Usually I feel myself tense up the moment a guy starts
really kissing me or tries to touch me. I want to let go and have
sex, I really do, but something inside me always rebels and starts
screaming and kicking, and I just can't do it, so I have to put a
stop to things. That’s why I’ve sometimes wondered…”

what?” I couldn’t believe how things were turning out, after it’d
been going so well between us. I’d been within a couple of minutes
of finally living out my fantasies with her and now it had all come
to a crashing halt.

“I’ve wondered
if perhaps I’m gay, and that’s why I freeze whenever a guy touches
me,” she said in a very quiet voice.

“Gay? No, you
can't be. That would be such a waste. You have a bisexual friend
you lived with, so surely you would’ve tried things out with her if
you were that way inclined? Look, you were fine just now, it was
only when I touched you more intimately that you overreacted. I
didn't know you were a virgin, so maybe I’ve rushed things for you.
I just assumed you were used to how things normally play out
between a guy and a girl at a party, when they both want to fuck.
Come on, we can try again, I’ll take things really slowly, seeing
as it’s your first time,” I promised, as I eased her back down to
lie on the bed with me, and then started kissing her again. The
thought of being the first guy to ever have her was really turning
me on, making my cock even harder if that was possible.

She relaxed
for a moment as she lay there and let me kiss her again, but as
soon as I tried to run my hand up between her legs, she totally
freaked out on me again.

“No! No, I
really can’t do this!” she cried out, as she pushed my hand away
and tried to sit up.

“Come on,
Babe, just relax and let me show you how nice it feels when I rub
your special little magic button,” I urged, as I tried to pull her
back down on the bed again. I was sure I could make her go wild if
I could just get my hand inside her knickers to work on her

It was so
frustrating. If only she would let herself go, I knew she’d enjoy
it, because I always make sure a girl has a really great time.
Don’t be a selfish lover. Make sure she always comes - that way
women will beg you to fuck them again. Don’t be ignorant. Study the
female anatomy so you know what you’re doing.
More great tips
from my big brother.

Perhaps I
should have waited until she’d had a couple more glasses of wine to
properly relax her, but she’d seemed so chilled and up for it when
she was dancing.

I tried gently
kissing her neck and just left my hand resting on her waist, hoping
that she would calm down, and then we could get back to taking care
of her virginity, but it was no good. She pushed my hands away
firmly, and sat up on the bed.

“I’m sorry,
Jamie, I know this is really mean of me because it’s your birthday,
but it’s not going to happen. I just can’t,” she insisted as she
swung her legs over the edge of the bed and started adjusting her

I lay there
face down and groaned in frustration. But it was no good. Seraphina
had said no, and I was just going to have to accept it, although I
was still secretly convinced that it was just her nerves getting
the better of her, and if I could only get past the first awkward
stage with her she’d be totally fine. Maybe next time, if I was
patient with her.

“I really am
sorry if I gave you the wrong impression, if I led you on in
anyway. I don’t usually drink so I can only think that’s what made
me act that way with you. Please forgive me; I’ll understand if you
don't want us to be friends anymore,” she said in a wobbly voice,
as if she was about to burst into tears.

I was gutted
at how things had turned out, but I wasn’t ready to give up on
Seraphina yet. She’d told me previously that she grew up in an all
female household. No father around, no brothers. So maybe that had
had a detrimental effect on her relationships with men. Maybe she
needed to learn to relax with me first, before we could have sex. I
didn’t want to accept the possibility that she was gay. If I
possibly wanted her to be my girlfriend, then it was clear I was
going to have to be patient with her. I’ve always enjoyed a
challenge, and I could do the whole mature and considerate thing
couldn’t I? So I slowly sat up next to her.

“Look, Sera,
there’s nothing to forgive. I’m not angry with you. Maybe if we
took things really slowly, went back to basics, had a few dates and
got to know each other, you’d feel more relaxed and then things
will progress naturally between us, until you’re ready to take the
next step with me.”

“Would you
really do that for me? Most guys react really badly when I pull
back. They usually start calling me a prick tease, that kind of
thing,” Sera whispered.

“I’ve been
trying to get you to come out on a date with me so I could get to
know you better ever since we first met, but you’ve always made
excuses, saying you’re too busy. So all I ask is that you make time
for me and give me a chance; give
a chance. If you’ll do
that for me, I promise we’ll take things at your pace, although I’m
not going to lie; it won’t be easy when I'm so crazy for you.” I
tried to subtly rearrange my frustrated and unsatisfied cock.

“I’m so sorry,
Jamie, I truly am. This is exactly why I keep guys at a distance. I
know how things always turn out, so I’ve found it’s much simpler
not to let anything start in the first place. But it seems you’re
different. You really are quite a special guy, aren’t you?” she
said, as she smiled, then kissed me briefly on my lips. She put her
hand on my face as she looked into my eyes, and I leant into her

BOOK: Starr Fated
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