Stay With Me, Contemporary Romance (Last Frontier Lodge Novels Book 5) (10 page)

BOOK: Stay With Me, Contemporary Romance (Last Frontier Lodge Novels Book 5)
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“Hey Eli, you’re up.” Garrett’s voice knocked him back to the present.

Fortunately, he’d been zoning out while staring at the table. He glanced up and back to his cards, quickly playing a set of three sevens.

“Damn, you missed the memo where you’re supposed to let one of us win,” Gage commented with a chuckle.

Eli looked over at him. “Who says I’m gonna win?”

“Me and him with four cards apiece,” Garrett added with a roll of his eyes as he angled his head toward Cam.

Eli had been so distracted by Jessa he hadn’t noticed he only had two cards left, which happened to be two spades, a four and a five. Unless one of the others had a full meld or set, when it came back around to him, he’d be out. He grinned. “Well, you two are so damn competitive, I figured it’d be better if I won to keep you from duking it out.”

Cam chuckled and added a card to a sequence of hearts. Garrett laid down two more cards to the same sequence before Eli went out, adding his cards to a sequence of spades.

Gage gathered the cards together before shuffling them and returning them to their box. He pushed his chair back. “That’s it for me guys. Gotta get Holly to bed, and I’m due up early tomorrow to drive to Kenai for some shopping.” He caught Eli’s eyes when Eli stood. “Thanks for coming tonight. You’re welcome anytime. I’ll be by later this week to talk about another gear order.”

“The thanks are all mine. Dinner was amazing. As for the gear, you know where to find me. If you’re hoping to catch me, call ahead so you don’t miss me when I’m out on a charter.”

Gage clapped Garrett on the shoulder before heading over to Marley’s side and taking their sleepy young daughter out of her arms as they walked into the lodge. Cam stood and gave a small wave before stepping to the table by Ginger. Eli felt an odd pang when he saw Ginger stand and slip into a quick embrace with Cam. The comfort and intimacy between them was evident. Eli’s eyes landed on Jessa and he wondered what it would be like to have that with her.

Garrett stood up as well. He glanced to Eli. “I’ll call in the morning before I head over to file that petition, okay?”

Almost relieved at the interruption of his thoughts, Eli looked up and nodded. “Sounds like a plan. Thanks again for helping out.”

“It’s what I do. Otherwise, good to see you tonight. I’m going to track down Delia, so I’ll catch you later.”

At that, Garrett walked quickly into the lodge, leaving Eli on the back deck with Jessa, Lacey, and a few customers over in the far corner. Eli strode to the table where Jessa sat with Lacey. Lacey bore a strong resemblance to Marley, sharing her auburn hair and green eyes. She had a bold, athletic presence. Eli knew her fairly well as she often stopped by his store to stock up on gear before heading out on the guided trips she ran. She’d backed off doing as many as she used to, but she’d started her own small business and coordinated high-end wilderness treks for eco-tourists seeking remote vacations. She glanced up when Eli reached their table.

“Hey Eli! It’s so great to see you. It’s been weeks since I needed to go by Game to Fish. How’s business been?”

“Crazy, but it’s always crazy this time of year. I’ll run myself ragged until fall and then I might be able to breathe.”

Lacey grinned. “That’s life in Alaska. I was telling Jessa she should give Alaska more than a few weeks. Don’t you think? She might fall in love with it.”

Eli’s heart gave a swift kick, startling him. Just the thought of Jessa being around on a more than passing basis did strange things to his insides. He mentally shook himself and aimed for casual and nonchalant in his reply. “Maybe. Lots of people stay in Alaska after they come for a visit.”

Jessa glanced up at him, her silver gray eyes flashing in the lights. “Just like I’m telling everyone who asks, I’m open to the possibilities. Right now, I’m enjoying it. Seeing as I don’t have a home to go back to, I can take my time.”

Eli had been curious to know what had brought Jessa here other than a visit with her brothers. Just as he was about to ask, Lacey chimed in. “I still can’t believe your whole apartment building burned down. It’s crazy! I’m so glad you’re okay.”

Eli recalled Jessa’s bandaged hand and how she’d held her arm protectively the first time he saw her. He couldn’t help but ask about it. “Did you burn your hand in the fire? Is that why you had bandaging on it before?”

Jessa nodded, lines of tension bracketing her mouth. “Yeah. It wasn’t too bad. I got singed when I was climbing out the window. I’m counting myself lucky, all things considered.”

A wash of protectiveness rolled through Eli. He didn’t even like thinking about the fact Jessa had been in the building when it caught on fire, and he certainly didn’t like realizing she’d gotten injured. Even though she sat here in front of him clearly fine and clearly safe, his chest tightened at the possibilities that hadn’t come to be.

Lacey stood up. “You’re damn lucky! I don’t even like thinking about what could’ve happened.” She collected the wineglasses on the table. “I’ll drop these in the kitchen. I’ve gotta get going for an early morning start tomorrow. See you guys!” she called with a wave of an empty wineglass.


essa looked over at Eli
, trying to tamp down the runaway gallop of her pulse. Having him near with her family around only seemed to exacerbate her hyper awareness of him. Restless, she stood and walked over to the deck railing. The mountains behind the lodge and in the distance created staggered shadows against the darkening sky. A crescent moon was rising above the mountains over to one side, heralding the arrival of night. She felt Eli come to her side. He rested an elbow on the railing. Her heart was pounding so hard and fast, she feared he could hear it. Daring a glance to the side, the strong lines of his profile sent a flash of heat through her. He turned, just as she was trying to tear her eyes away from him, and caught her in his green gaze.

Her breath hitched and her low belly clenched. This evening had been a long, slow tease as far as her body was concerned. A gust of wind blew across the deck, sending tendrils of her hair in a lazy spin. Eli moved incrementally, angling his body toward hers and lifting a hand to catch a loose lock of hair. He brushed it out of her eyes, slowly tucking it behind her ear. A heated shiver raced through her at the casual touch. His hand slowly slid down the side of her neck, his thumb brushing across the beat of her pulse.

The air around them felt weighted—with anticipation and the heavy pulse of desire. Another gust of wind came just as he dipped his head and brought his lips to hers. She shivered at the contrast of the chilly air and the heat of his mouth. His hand threaded into her hair, cupping the nape of her neck. Her skin prickled everywhere he touched. He stepped closer, the hard-muscled planes of his body coming against hers, and she gasped. Their kiss went wild—raw, hot, and wet. He swept his tongue into her mouth, stroking against hers. Arching into him, she was frantic to assuage the need thundering through her. He broke free, his lips traveling in a heated path down her neck, licking, nipping and kissing his way down into the valley between her breasts. Meanwhile, she couldn’t seem to get close enough. Desperate to feel more of him, she stroked a hand up his back under his shirt, gasping at the heat of his skin and the flex of his muscles under her touch.

He stroked a hand up her abdomen to cup her breast. A soft moan escaped, and he suddenly froze, lifting his head. His ragged breathing filtered through her awareness, and she dragged her eyes open. His gaze was dark and intent. “I just remembered where we were,” he said, his voice gravelly.


Even with her mind telling her she should take a step back, she couldn’t. Her body wanted to be exactly where she was—tight against Eli where she could feel the heat emanating from him and the evidence of his desire, hot and hard against her belly. She tried to gather her thoughts, but the only thing she could think was she needed more. Now.

Eli’s features were shadowed in the dim light. He cleared his throat. “I don’t think we should keep this up out here. Any more and I won’t be able to stop,” he said bluntly, the roughened timbre of his voice sending shivers over her skin.

Drenched with need, she only knew one thing in this moment. She needed Eli—all of him—now. The depth of her longing for him drowned out the uncertainties that would usually chorus above any other voice inside. She didn’t want to miss out on the chance to feel her way through this, all of it.

“I don’t want to stop,” she whispered.

He was quiet for several beats. The wind blew through the trees, and an owl called softly in the distance. A thread of uncertainty wove into Jessa’s thoughts as the silence extended. Perhaps she’d been a touch too bold.

“Good to know because I don’t either,” Eli finally said.

All she wanted was to dive right back to where they’d been, but she forced herself to remember where they were. While they happened to be the only people out on the deck at this moment, the restaurant was still full and she wasn’t up for having Gage or Marley happen to glance outside and see her making out with Eli. She forced herself to step back, instantly missing the feel of Eli’s hard body against hers. She reached for his hand and walked swiftly across the deck. The walk up the back stairs and down the hallway to her suite felt endless. By the time they reached the door, she was awash in heat with liquid need coiling tightly inside. She fumbled with the key card and shoved the door open.

Eli kicked it shut behind them with his boot, reaching for her as she turned to face him. Their lips met in a fierce kiss. It was as if now they’d blown past any hesitation, they’d let go the reins holding anything back. Thought fled, and Jessa dove into sensation. Their kiss exposed the pure, hot need pounding between them—lips, teeth and tongues tangling and clashing. They were in the narrow entryway into her suite, and her shoulder bounced against the wall as she yanked at his clothing. He swore and took a step back. Her eyes slammed into his and what she saw there took her breath away—raw, intent desire focused solely on her.

The next few moments passed in a heated blur as they fumbled and tugged at each other’s clothing in between consuming kisses. Jessa caught her foot on Eli’s jacket, which had been tossed to the floor, and stumbled. Eli steadied her with his hands. She couldn’t hold back her giggle. When she glanced up to see his mouth hook in a half-smile, a jolt of need shot through her. She leaned against the wall and reached her hand blindly to one side, flicking on the light switch. The tiny entry hall led into a small suite with a king-sized bed on one side and an efficiency kitchen on the other. A bathroom was off to the side of the bed.

Her breath came in heaves. Eli had tossed her shirt aside moments ago, and she stood before him in her leggings and a black silk bra. Her nipples were taut against the silk. His eyes traveled down, and she felt his gaze as if he’d touched her. She could feel the moisture between her thighs. The moment offered her the chance to see him. His brown hair was mussed from her hands running roughly through it. His chambray shirt hung open, revealing his muscled chest, lightly dusted with hair. She reached and stroked her hand up his chest, savoring the feel of his muscles. His heart pounded, strong and steady under her palm. His eyes rose again and caught hers. His hand was curled on her shoulder where he’d steadied her. He traced along her collarbone with his thumb, trailed his hand down between her breasts and paused there. Held in place by his eyes, her breath became shallow as he slowly slid his thumb under the clasp of her bra.

With a flick, her bra fell open, and her breasts—heavy and aching with need—tumbled loose. She heard his sharp intake of breath and then he slowly drew his fingers along the undersides of her breasts, tracing the curves. By the time he lightly circled a nipple with his finger, she was on fire, suffused with heat and near desperation. Her channel clenched and she shifted her legs restlessly. He rolled a nipple between his thumb and forefinger. A low moan broke from her. He finally,
, dipped his head and swirled his tongue around a nipple, drawing it into his mouth. She arched into him, pleasure streaking through her as he alternated between her nipples, toying with one with his fingers and the other with his mouth. By the time he drew away, she was so hot and bothered, she was on the verge of a climax. She placed a palm on his chest and shoved him back. She snatched his hand and tugged him behind her, aiming straight for the bed.

Just as she reached it, his hands gripped her hips, bringing them to a stop.

“Eli, I want…”

“Just let me…”

His words broke off as he hooked his hands over her waistband and shoved her legging over her hips, his movements rough.

“Holy hell,” he muttered as his hands traced her hips, lingering over the curves. She didn’t spend a ton of time thinking about her body, a side benefit to generally not focusing too much on men, but she experienced a flash of insecurity. She wasn’t one of those thin, lithe women. Once she’d hit adolescence, her curves came out in full force. Just as her mind started to kick in and interfere, his touch traveled over her hips and down along her legs as he dragged her leggings off. She kicked them free and turned, left in nothing but her cotton panties, scattered with daisies, and her bra hanging off one shoulder. She shook the bra loose and tossed it aside before reaching for him.

He caught her hands. “Not yet,” he said, his voice almost a growl.

Moving with deliberation, he stroked a hand down over her abdomen, her belly fluttering under his touch. He kept moving, his palm cupping her mound. Her breath came out in a ragged gasp when he dragged his fingers across the damp cotton between her thighs, his eyes on her the whole time. The need coiling inside her was burning so hot and fierce, all she knew was she needed to find relief. He moved swiftly, lifting her and bringing them both down on the bed as he stretched beside her. He proceeded to drive her beyond mad between his hands and his mouth—mapping her body. Long, hot minutes later, he pushed her knees apart and dragged his fingers back and forth in a maddening tease over her panties.

“Please…” She distantly heard her plea and almost didn’t recognize herself. She was too far gone to care and cried out when he hooked a finger over the edge of her underwear and yanked them down her legs in one motion. He immediately delved into her folds. He slid one finger into her channel, another following. Her channel throbbed around him. Her hips arched, rising to meet the slow tease of his touch. When he brought his mouth to her and swirled his tongue over the nub of her desire, she shattered, a fierce climax rushing through her.

Awash in sensation, she felt him slowly move away and stand. She dragged her eyes open and looked at him in the soft light from two lamps in the corners of the room. He shrugged his shirt off, his skin gleaming. Dear God, the man had one hell of a body—all muscle and brawn. He reached into his pocket and yanked out his wallet, a condom following. He moved quickly and efficiently, shoving his jeans off his hips and kicking them free. His arousal was evident in his fitted briefs. Her body, even after the most intense orgasm she’d ever experienced, immediately tightened, another hot rush of need scoring through her. In seconds, he’d kicked his briefs off and rolled the condom on.

The mattress gave under his weight as he knelt between her thighs. His palms slid up her legs, the calloused surface lighting tiny fires under her skin. It felt as if the air around them was alive, nearly vibrating with the force of pure desire between them. He slowly stretched out over her, lacing his hands in hers. When he was fully atop her, she could feel his cock, hard and hot, against her folds. He dipped his head, bringing his lips to hers in another devouring kiss. She lost herself again in wave after wave of sensation as he rocked his hips against her, his cock sliding in her folds, slowly driving her back into that wild, frantic place inside where she chased after more and more.

He tore his lips free and lifted his head. “Jessa,” he whispered gruffly.

Opening her eyes, the touch of his hot gaze tightened the spool of need within her. His hands gripped hers when he moved swiftly and surged into her, seating himself deeply. He held still for a long moment as her body adjusted to the delicious stretch of him filling her.

* * *

li forced
himself to hold still in Jessa’s clutching heat. She was tight around him and felt so damn good—hot and slick. He was at the end of his restraint, but he felt her body tighten around him, so he hung on and waited. Her silver-smoky eyes held his. A sense of intimacy he’d never experienced curled around his heart, rattling him. Yet, he couldn’t turn away and his body was ten steps ahead. When he felt her channel relax around him, he started to move, trying to keep it slow. She arched into him, curling her legs around his hips and rising to meet him. She dragged her hands down his back, her nails scoring his skin. He lost the thin thread of control he’d been hanging onto and began pounding into her.

When she cried out and her channel began the clench around him, he surged into her once more, his release thundering through him. Collapsing against her, he shifted his weight to the side. Her body eased around him, and awareness gradually filtered into his mind. He was stunned and near immobilized by what had just happened. He enjoyed sex just as much as any man, but he’d generally viewed it as a means to an end. He didn’t set out to use anyone, but he kept relationships casual because he’d never been inclined to anything more than that. This, whatever the hell this was with Jessa, had simply overtaken him. He didn’t want to untangle himself from her and only wanted to curl up beside her and soak in the warmth of the feeling he experienced with her.

BOOK: Stay With Me, Contemporary Romance (Last Frontier Lodge Novels Book 5)
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