Stolen (Book One) (An Alpha Billionaire Romance) (6 page)

BOOK: Stolen (Book One) (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)
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Need crawled through her veins.

She needed him to move but he didn’t. He held himself still and she clenched around him. A low growl escaped from between his tight lips. He pulled back until just the tip was in her, then without breaking eye contact, thrust back inside hard enough to rock the bed.

“Fuck,” she hissed. Her hips were still pinned and she fought to move, to make him do that again. The smile that curled his lip up filled with hunger.

“What do you want? This?” He pulled back and rocked into her again.

“Yes,” she cried out, tightening around him. “God yes.”

“Fuck,” he hissed. “You better hold on tight, cause I’ve been thinking about this for weeks.”

Before she could reply, he slid one arm under her shoulders and wrapped the fingers of the other around the back of her neck. Holding her in place, he started thrusting fast and deep.

She couldn’t move and it heightened every single stroke inside her. Helpless, she could only lay there while every drive of his cock sent her closer to the edge. It was unlike anything she’d ever experienced and she was going to come. Again.

“Ethan.” His name wrenched from her throat as the spasms slammed into her body.

His hips jerked faster and a long low growl erupted from between his teeth, then he froze. His entire body stiffened. She felt his cock pulsing inside her and she squeezed herself around him, stroking him the only way that she could until his hold loosened and he slid his arms from under her.

She slid her arms around him, running her fingers along his slick back. They were both breathing heavy as his weight pushed down over her before he rolled onto his side, bringing her with him.

His heart thundered under her ear.

Her hair stuck to her sweat slicked skin and she exhaled loudly. “That was…”

Ethan glanced over, his eyes half closed, and grinned. “Fucking awesome?”

Harper laughed. That was an understatement. Despite everything that hung between them, the sex was out of this world. Too bad that was the last time. Even so, she wasn’t ready to leave just yet.

She rolled onto her side and ran her hand along the ridges of his chest.

“Hold that thought,” he said, sitting up and sliding his legs off the bed.

The view as he walked into the bathroom, that tight butt and broad shoulders, made her sigh out loud.

“I know you’re checking out my ass,” he said without even looking. “It’s a good thing I love being objectified for my rockin body.”

“I was looking at the view out those windows, not your ass,” she argued. Yes the view outside from the 41st floor was pretty amazing, but the view inside, that’s what she’d like to stare at for a few more hours.

Not that she’d ever tell him that.

He came out and left the room, then came back with a couple of bottles of Perrier. She took one gratefully and tipped the bottle back, letting it wash down her parched throat. The chilled liquid hit her stomach and…

“Oh crap.” Harper bolted from the bed and rushed to the bathroom, making it just in time to empty her stomach into the toilet. After a few more dry heaves she sat back. This stomach thing was getting damned inconvenient.

“Shit, everything okay?” Ethan asked, standing behind her.

“Sorry. Had this bug thing for about a week and just when I think I’m good…” She waved her hand at the toilet before pushing to her feet and flushing. Ethan ran a washcloth under the faucet and handed it to her.

Embarrassment crawled up her neck. Nothing like throwing up to show your appreciation for mind-blowing sex.

“Have you seen a doctor? A week is quite a while to be sick.” Ethan’s face was drawn with concern. “I wouldn’t have been so rough if I knew you weren’t feeling well.”

“God no. It was perfect. Seriously, it comes and goes. I’ve been fine all day. I think it’s because I didn’t eat before I went to the track and it was hot and the water was really cold.”

“There an on call doctor. You want me to call him?”

He was being so sweet, so concerned, but it was nothing. It hadn’t gotten worse or better, it just was. “I’m really okay. Do you have a spare toothbrush though?”

He opened the drawer and handed her a wrapped brush. He watched her brush her teeth and the intimacy of it made her blush harder. He guided her into the living room and helped her sit on the couch. Really, she was feeling much better.

He reached out and brushed her hair off her forehead.

“Please, just let the on site doctor take a look at you. You’re here. It’s an amenity. If you’ve been sick for a week, then obviously something could be wrong. What if you have Ebola or something? What if you end up patient zero and they quarantine us?” His grin made her shake her head. “What if all we can do is stay inside and have sex all day? The horror.”

She burst out laughing. “I don’t have Ebola.” She ran her finger over his stomach. “Unfortunately.”

He grabbed her hand and raised it to his lips, where he bit her fingertips. Heat pooled in her stomach.

“Prove it,” he said against the palm of her hand.

The fact that he could turn her on while suggesting she see a doctor was a pretty amazing feat. She had to give him credit where it was due.

Harper sighed. “Fine. Just to show you that I don’t have some horrific disease, you can call them. But when they say I’m fine, you owe me dinner.” She wasn’t sure why that was the first thing she thought of. They couldn’t see each other anymore. Not when the trial was starting soon. But it didn’t stop her from wanting to.

“Deal.” He jumped up and grabbed the phone. After a minute he came back. “Ten minutes. Enough time for you to put some clothes on.” He slid his fingers over her bare shoulder. “Not that I mind you exactly like you are. At all.”

His lips were hot against her skin and she leaned into his kiss.

It was going to suck having to end this.

“If you keep doing that, the doctor is going to walk in on a lot more than just my bare skin. Not that you’re hard on the eyes.”

He threw his hand over his heart and staggered back. “You only like me for my body.”

Her gaze roved up and down the dip and hard curves, stopping to admire the way his cock was already jutting out. God he had amazing stamina. Another check in the pro column.

“If you keep looking at my dick like that, I’m going to put it to good use,” he growled.

“You’re the one who insisted on calling the doctor,” she said, pushing up off the couch. “We could be
doctor right this minute, you know, taking my temperature…orally.” She wrapped her fingers around his hard length and slid them slowly back and forth. He groaned and moved his hips. “But now I have to get dressed. Oh well.”

She let him go with one last squeeze and sauntered past him. He spun around and smacked her ass and she yelped before running into the bedroom, laughter spilling from her lips.

“I really do feel fine.” She pulled on her panties and found her bra behind the nightstand.

He stepped behind her and reached around to cup her breasts, to roll her nipples into hard little peaks. “Fine? You feel fucking amazing.”

She groaned and pushed her ass back, loving the feel of his velvety cock sliding up and down her lower back. It shouldn’t be this fun, this easy. Not when they were supposed to be enemies.

Once again, the unfairness of everything settled in her gut.

He started tugging her panties down. “I can be quick,” he murmured in her ear.

“Not really a selling point,” she gasped, rolling her hips when his hand slid down her stomach and between her legs. He ran one finger along the wetness then moved higher, stroking slowly across her clit.

He brought her higher and she widened her legs, rocked back and forth on his hand.

“God you are so fucking wet, Harper. Do you have any idea how much that turns me on?” His finger dipped back inside, gathered more of her desire, then he was circling her slit again.

A knock came at the door and she froze. Ethan didn’t.

“I know you’re close. I’m not stopping until you come.” Harsh hot breath washed over her neck and she groaned.

‘You have to answer the door,” she panted.

“You have to come,” he growled in her ear.

Ethan reached down and hooked her leg under his arm, spreading her wide open and balanced on one leg. Another knock. He drove two fingers into her and pressed his thumb on her now throbbing clit.

Pleasure spiraled inside her, growing hotter and tighter. “Oh god,” she whispered when the tension pulled tight. His fingers went deeper, harder.

“That’s it.”

She balanced on the edge, so close to falling over. Ethan pressed his lips to her neck, drew the sensitive skin between his teeth and bit down.

Light exploded behind her eyes and she clamped her teeth together so she wouldn’t cry out. His arm tightened like a vise and he held her immobile against his chest. She bucked, her body trembled and quaked and the leg that she balanced on shook.

His fingers slowed, turned caressing as she came down.

Another knock. Harder this time. “Hello. This is Dr. Rosario.”

Harper leaned her head back against Ethan’s shoulder and took a shaky breath in. He lowered her legs, held onto her waist to keep her anchored against him. His kiss on her shoulder was softer now.

“You take my breath away, you know that?”

With one last kiss her carefully took his hands away and she stood on wobbly legs. Ethan groaned when he tugged his jeans on and she watched as he tucked his still hard cock into them. He winced when he zipped up and then let out a sigh of relief when it was done.

He grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head.

“I’ll let him in and let him know you’ll be right out.” He started to leave, then crossed the room in three strides and cupped her face. His eyes burned. He looked like he was going to say something, but after a second, he softly kissed her then he was gone, closing the door behind him.

Harper gathered her clothes and held them against her chest. Her pulse still pounded through her veins. The bathroom tile was cold against her feet and helped to ground her a little. She could hear voices through the door and cleaned up as best she could with just water. A few minutes later, with her hair under some semblance of control, she left the bathroom and made her way to where the doctor was waiting.

She felt fine.

Whatever bug she’d gotten wasn’t that bad.

“Hello, I’m Dr. Rosario,” the older white haired man said when she stepped into the room. “Are you my patient today?” His smile was warm and Harper immediately felt comfortable with him. The doctor motioned for her to sit on the couch. His bag was on the coffee table.

Ethan sat in a chair next to the couch.

“So tell me what’s wrong,” the doctor said, sitting next to her with a blood pressure cuff.

“It’s nothing really. A stomach bug I think.”

He wrapped her arm and lifted his stethoscope to his ears.

“How long has it been going on?” he asked, pumping the bulb until the cuff squeezed her arm.

“A week maybe? It’s not constant and I feel fine most of the time, but every once in awhile, I get sick. I thought it was something I ate the first couple of times.”

“Blood pressure is good. Let’s take a listen. Deep breath in.”

Harper sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly.


After a couple more breaths, he sat back. “Lungs sound clear.” He slid his fingers around her neck, under her throat and felt around. “Nothing swollen. Let’s check your temperature.”

She closed her lips around the thermometer and it beeped a minute later.

“A little elevated, but nothing that worries me. And the last time you were sick?”

“About twenty minutes ago,” Ethan said. “We were..well yeah..anyway..she stood up and went a little green and ran into the bathroom. That’s when I called you.”

“Just a few more questions. Have you recently been out of the country?”

“Yes. Tahiti. About a month ago.” Her gaze strayed to Ethan. Never knowing she’d run into her hot hookup when she got back. A smile tilted up her lips and he grinned at her in return.

“You should probably have a few tests run to rule out anything, but you can do that with your regular doctor. Did you get any shots before you traveled? Sometimes they can cause side effects.”

“I was up to date with everything.”

The doctor jotted something down on his chart, checked of a few boxes on the form.

“Date of last menstrual cycle,” he said, his pen poised above the paper.

“Three or four months ago, I think.” When the doctor glanced up in surprise she gave him a smile. “It’s normal for me. I’m very irregular and have been working with my primary for years trying to get things straightened out.”

“Birth control?” he asked.

“Nothing right now. We tried the shot about a year ago, but it made my moods too weird.”

The doctor set his pen down and glanced at her. “So I have to ask. Is there a chance you could be pregnant?”

A laugh bubbled up in her throat and the denial was right there on her lips. Except Ethan sat up and when she looked at him, his eyes were wide. His face a little pale. A slow sinking feeling started in her stomach and the nausea returned.

“Tahiti,” Ethan croaked, his voice breaking on the last syllable. “We didn’t use anything.”

“But…” She couldn’t say anything around the lump in her throat. How? She hadn’t had a period in such a long time.

But it made sense. The throwing up. The way her breast had gotten super sensitive all of a sudden.

It hit her out of nowhere.

She was pregnant.

Today was supposed to be the last time with Ethan,
to be because of everything in the outside world that demanded it.

He was a Wentworth, for God’s sake. As far as her parents were concerned, he might as well have been the son of Saddam Hussein. And surely Ethan’s father would think even less of her, were he to ever find out about all of this.

She covered her face with her hands. This couldn’t be happening.

Why had she been so impulsive, so careless and irresponsible?

Maybe it runs in the family, she thought.

BOOK: Stolen (Book One) (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)
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