Read Stripped Senseless Online

Authors: Yvonne Leishman

Stripped Senseless (7 page)

BOOK: Stripped Senseless
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He slides his zipper
down and pulls his jeans off in one swift movement, holy shit he goes
It is now that I am witness to
the most brutal and beautiful cock I have ever seen in my sexual life.

His cock is quite
simply stunning.
Perfect colour almost like a spotless peach.
His balls have perfect symmetry and just hang
He is very long but boy he
has the same in girth, I just know I am going to feel every ounce of pleasure
coming my way from the Greek god.
cock’s eye is almost winking at me and there is the presence of pre cum at the
top. Yes he wants me and yes he is definitely as turned on as I am.

He positions himself
at my opening and gently probes in and out of my pleasure centre, teasing me.
Christ almighty
on with it already, and they say
women are fucking teases?
Then as if he
can read my mind he rams his pulsing rod into me at full hilt, not holding back
an inch.
His girth has me crying out in
pleasure at the sheer intensity of his movements.
His grunts are so sexual.

His movements start
to increase with every thrust and I can feel him hitting my cervix at full
It is now he has built up a rhythm
and repositions himself so that he can hit my delicious spot. Fuck, fuck, and
fuck I can feel it building rapidly. I am so going to come for Delicious
Two more thrusts and I am a mess,
screaming out David’s name and my toes clench in the ecstasy.
My pussy clenches around his cock and it is
these movements that make him come, rather loudly I may add. God it’s a heady
feeling hearing him shout my name.
came together and there is that much electricity buzzing between us that we
could power the whole of the United States of America.
I feel a very strong connection between the
two of
I just hope that he does too.

David now undoes the
shackles and the spreader bar and sets me free. He throws the equipment to the
side and strokes my face gently.
this I could get used to.
He picks me up
and carries me back over to the lush seating area and cradles me with a soft
blanket he has picked up from somewhere. He whispers gently in my ear.

“My God babe that was
incredible with you, how do you feel?” At this precise moment speechless and
that is a first for me.


is all I can manage right now.
chuckles in my ear, god he is so beautiful.
I glance around the club, taking in the scenes playing out around me.
It is then that I gasp at what I see. Pierce
is watching me intently from one of the quiet areas and he is stroking himself
whilst he looks at me and David.

Chapter 9

Good god almighty,
what in the hell is Pierce doing here?
knew he liked some kind of kinky sex, just not too hard-core.
We were fuck buddies that was it, nothing
more would ever happen between us, that I was sure of.
I know given half a chance Pierce would jump
at the chance to have something more meaningful.
I often wondered if I had heard Pierce
whisper he loved me once, when he came, I couldn’t be sure of course as I was
in the throes of passion so I let it slide.
That should have been the moment that I ended this thing that we
I couldn’t risk leading Pierce on,
it wasn’t fair to him or me,
just couldn’t see
myself in a regular lovey dovey relationship.
Until that night I laid my eyes on that sexual beast, David.

David was the epitome
he is simply perfect in every way.
His eyes gaze into the depths of your soul, as
though he is able to tease out your deepest, darkest secrets.
But the magic is his body, oh god I have
never seen such a fine specimen of a man. His muscles have been sculpted to
he must work out a lot to have built himself
into the god that he has become.

I have never wished
for a steady relationship in my adult life, it is just something that has never
appealed to me.
However, with David I am
questioning everything and after that just simply amaze balls sex with the
added bonus of the bondage I could quite happily throw myself into a relationship
with the man.
I know these feelings I am
having are very different to anything I have ever felt before but I want to
embrace them, go on a journey to find out where they can take me.

Pierce has a strange
look on his face as he strides over to where we are sitting.
He walks with a purpose and I just know that
shit is about to go down.
He is also
wearing the trademark worn jeans, so obviously he is a Dom in his other life
too, interesting.
He now comes face to
face with us. I slip off of David’s lap and kneel at his feet to let Pierce
know that I am in fact now David’s submissive.
I do not want that misunderstanding to raise its ugly
there is no way in hell that I am going to be dominated by Pierce.

David grabs my wrist
and pulls me back up onto his lap.
must feel the intensity of Pierce’s actions and wants to protect me.
Pierce is now burning a hole through me with
I detect a trace of hurt and a burning anger
that is palpable.
Holy shit maybe he did
love me and him continuing to be my fuck buddy was the only way he could have a
piece of me.

to softy caress my arms whilst Pierce is attempting
to intimidate him.
Oh god, not in this
lifetime will Pierce ever intimidate David.
David is twice the size of him and his glare is so much more intense, he
could almost set fire to you with one look. I am waiting for one to start
they are like two bulls waiting to knock the shit
out of one another.

“Tania what are you
doing here? You know how I feel about
I would
have taken you to one of these clubs if you had such a keen interest.
We have dabbled remember?” He speaks whilst
cracking his knuckles, a habit I fucking hate on him.
As he finishes speaking he smiles a sardonic
smile, letting me know he is going to make things very awkward for me.
I want David more than I want to breathe air
and if this shit stain makes that hard I will slap the shit right out of him.

“May I have
permission to speak sir?” I will still assume the correct
a submissive whilst I am with
David, even though I want to scream my lungs out at this forward prick.

“You may sub.” He
eyes me warily as he grants me permission, no doubt wondering how and where I
know this shit stain on society from.
truth be told I wished I had never started up our friends with benefits type of
I am now aware of how
special sex can be when you have deeper feelings for that person.
Every time Pierce and I fucked I felt like an
empty vessel, there were no feelings of love, no feelings of connection just
empty, savage fucking.

“Pierce, we both know
that all we had was a very simple sexual relationship that happened to last a
couple of years.
To me all it
was basic fucking with no feelings or emotion. There
was no room for misguided expectations, so I don’t understand how you can feel
some kind of misplaced indignation.” I say this a lot more confidently than I
feel at this moment, I can feel David’s eyes burning a hole into the side of my
face. God I just hope he doesn’t take what I have just said as an indication of
how it would be with us, because it simply wouldn’t be.

“What do you mean by
basic fucking with no emotions? I felt your body quiver under me when you came.
I put my heart and soul into our relationship and what for? For you to come
right out of the blue and say that you didn’t want to continue with it
anymore!” he bellows at me, a side that I have never seen before.
I hunch down onto David’s chest but then
think twice about it, I need to get my point
there is no way that I can allow this to go on anymore.

“How fucking dare
you? From day one I told you that all I wanted was a fuck buddy relationship.
At no point did I ever state that I would ever be interested in anything more,
at any point, now or down the line.” I am seething in anger mainly due to the
fact that this could come in between me and David.

“Right this is
getting out of hand, excuse me…Pierce is it?” David
I am now shaking in fear. David’s voice is booming with a level of such
authority, I certainly wouldn’t want to come across him down a dark alley, or
maybe I would.

your mind out of the gutter.

The two Doms are
eyeing each other with such an intensity they could almost set one another on
The emotions I can see in Pierce’s
eyes are that of hurt and
however David’s eyes
are full of confidence and an arrogance that quite simply mocks Pierce’s

“Yes I’m Pierce, your
lovely submissive’s fuck buddy. I don’t care what she says to you, we have a
strong bond.
Our sex was explosive. I
could make her scream like a fucking banshee and I can also make her come like
a fucking train. Two years of fucking her, I know her body better than anyone.”

I am aware of the
tense atmosphere and I quickly jump off of David’s lap. I already miss his
touch and I am back to feeling like an empty vessel. David gets up off the sofa
down at Pierce his presence and actions make the whole club stop and take
You could cut the atmosphere with a 12 inch
knife, two doms staring each other down,
first action has me shaking with a paramount fear.

“Pierce you are going
to back the fuck up right this instant or you are going to know what it is like
to learn a lesson of interfering between me and my submissive.”
David carries his voice and it seems to echo
through-out the whole club.
All the club
goers are now circling around the three of us and I just know this whole thing
is going to break out into a fight.

David and Pierce are now standing inches from one another’s
face. David’s fists are clenched at his side and I can almost see Pierce’s
sharp intake of breath.
It all happens
in slow motion. Pierce states that I am nothing but a cheap dirty slut who
deserves a good punishment fucking and if given a chance he would teach me a
good fucking lesson right now.

However, it is what
happens next that takes the whole club by surprise.
David swings his huge muscled arm and lands a
bone cracking punch to his jaw.
I heard
the crack of his jaw and the next thing we all see is Pierce fall to the ground
and clutch his jaw in an extreme amount of pain.
Pierce mutters some expletives and pulls
himself up to his feet and then scurries off to somewhere in the club.

The punch has not
David one bit and his hand doesn’t even seem to hurt

He just cracked someone’s jaw into pieces and
he doesn’t even
what the fuck??

David now turns around to me after the crowd
has dispersed and eyes me suspiciously.
I wonder what he is thinking about the whole situation, does he believe
me that the whole matter has ended. Does he believe Pierce when he said I was a
slut who deserved to be fucked for punishment?

“Right Tania, why
didn’t you tell me you had an arrangement with this guy.
There is supposed to be honesty between a
submissive and her Dom.
That is not the
way I would have liked to find out about your sexual behaviour.” He states this
all very matter-of-factly and it decidedly feels like he is disappointed in
This is the last thing I want, I
don’t want to disappoint or hurt David I want to make him deliriously happy in
all things.

“I am sorry Sir.
I did not mean for you to find out that way,
however, I had ended any sexual relations with Pierce so that I could pursue
anything that may be forthcoming with you.
That is the extent of my feelings for you.” Okay so I managed to be
completely honest about that, yet his face does not change or alter to
reciprocate the same feelings.

BOOK: Stripped Senseless
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