Struggling Free (Hidden Secrets Book 5) (5 page)

BOOK: Struggling Free (Hidden Secrets Book 5)
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no matter how much I improve, no matter how much of my life I regained control of, I’ll never be worthy enough for Vicky. She deserved better than anything I can offer her and she knew it. For the next forty-five days, she’s mine. The thought made me smile. For forty-five days, I’ll live it up because Lord knew after spending all that time with her I’ll never be the same again.

Chapter Seven






the light leave Jacob’s eyes tore me in two. The man under all his troubles was no doubt a terrific man. I’ve met his family, so I’ve seen the proof. His sisters looked up to him. Eli seemed to lean on him too. He was at the impromptu wedding for a little while before leaving. Jake said he was sick, but honestly he looked good to me other than being a bit pale. He talked to me for a few minutes before his phone rang and he was saying goodbye to everyone.

Jacob, I felt things I’ve never felt before. Most men caused me to panic when they get that close, but not him. In fact, I crave his closeness. I longed for it. That scared me. The fact that if he would have pushed just one more time I would have caved scared me to death. It wasn’t the whole client thing really, but more that I gave up the thought of being in a relationship a long time ago.

as I climbed off the bed, there was a knock at the door. Opening the door, I expected to find Jacob standing there, but instead it was two blonde women carrying several bags. They barge in past me as I stand there completely confused.

you are Vicky, no? Jakey has talked a lot about you. He did not lie though. You are a beautiful woman. Such a shame you don’t claim it better.”

who are you?” I said still standing at the door with my hand on the handle.

are your stylists for da benefit today. Now we got a lot to do so let’s get started,” the other blonde said, shutting the door and pulling me over to a vanity.

watched through the mirror as they start unloading several of the items. Blonde two looks at me and back to blonde one before addressing me again.

this,” she tosses me a robe. “Go shower quickly.” She ushered me into the bathroom with a bag of something.

each item, she tells me what order to use the four bottles in and I get into the shower. Just as I was climbing out and reaching for a towel, I see Jacob standing frozen in the doorway. My eyes dropped down on their own accord to his very obvious erection. Before I have a chance to grab the towel he is pulling me in his arms kissing me. His hands roamed my wet, naked body. Walking us backwards until my back meets the shower wall, he lifts me up wrapping my legs around his waist. I moaned loudly into his mouth.

no you don’t, Mr. Williams. You don’t get to do any of that until after the benefit,” came a voice full of authority.

dropped his head to my shoulder breathing just as hard as I am. Looking in my eyes, “You’re mine tonight. I’ll fire you for tonight if I have to, but damn it I can’t go any longer without having you.”

I breathed.

eyes flashed with desire. “You serious?”

I can’t push you away anymore. You’ve got me so wound up I think that I might explode.”

Shylene, can you come back in say an hour?” He growled before taking my mouth again.

Suddenly I’m dropp
ed to the floor and Jake’s yelling, “Ow! Ow! Ow! Damn it that hurts!”

“Fuck! My ass is going to be bruised in the morning,” I moan
ed as I stood up.

“I told you both you had to wait. Did you listen? No! You listen now.” She point
ed at me. “You get to the room now. You get ready or I’ll call Petre over.”

“Tonight,” he growl
ed at me and I nodded my head as I’m pulled from the room.

Once back in the room, the women talked animatedly in a language I don’t understand, but I have a feeling that she’s telling the
other one about what happened. Oh, how bad did I wish that they wouldn’t have interrupted us. I need him, so badly.

ey pulled a beautiful light teal, sometimes light green, gown from the bag that had been laid on the bed. It almost shimmered in the light as she held it up to me. I’ve never wore anything so extravagant before.

, he definitely has taste, both in his women and clothes.” Shylene cooed.

The next bit of what seemed like
forever, I sat in a chair as they did my hair and make-up. I’ve never been one for a lot of make-up and here there was a professional applying what felt like a whole other person to my face.

“Okay, dress time.”

They helped me step into it. There were petals or leaves of some sort that covered my breasts and dotted my mid-section before hitting the waist and flaring out in a dress that could be considered two different colors at times. The mid-section was see-through aside from the dotting of the petals or leaves. The back was completely open aside from a strip of material that almost looked like a vine connecting at the top. That vine like thing was the only thing that kept my breasts in my dress. Pulling the rest of the outfit together, they sat me down to slip on the most beautiful shoes I’ve ever seen.

“Mr. Jake must see you as his Cinderella,” she said standing up. “You are ready. We will leave. I’m telling Mr. Jake to meet you at the elevator. No chance of him ruining our fine work that way,” she sa
id with a wink.

Once they left the room, I walked over to the full length mirror to have one last look. I couldn’t believe the woman that stared back at me.
My hair was pulled up at the sides and fell down my back in curls. My face was done up with such perfection that I almost didn’t recognize the woman that stared back at me. My eyes popped out against the color of the dress and the liner beneath my eyes.

“Oh my God!
I’m beautiful,” I breathed.

“You’ve always been beautiful.”

I jumped and turned around, laughing when I saw his hand wave inside the door. “What are you doing here? We’re supposed to meet at the elevator.”

“I know. I just wanted to let you know I was going there now and hope you’re following me.”

“I’ll be there in just a minute.”

Turning back to the mirror, I couldn’t believe the transformation. Honestly
, not letting him see me made me feel like a bride. The thought sent flutters flying through my stomach. One last turn around, I really did feel like Cinderella. If only for tonight I’ll have my dream night. Tonight will be full of magic that I intend to live up to the fullest.

the hotel room, I see Jacob pacing in front of the elevator. When the door clicked closed his head flew up in my direction, he froze. I took that moment to drink him in. He wore a black jacket and pants with a shirt that matched my dress, no tie. Damn and here I thought he couldn’t get any sexier than he already was. This was going to be a long day.

we said together.

smirked before sauntering over to me. A shiver of anticipation ran through me just from the look he was giving me. Just as he reached me, I walked past him and into the awaiting elevator. The sound of his laughter preceded him before he finally entered the elevator.

choice, Vixen. Get me more turned on than I’ve ever been and put me in a closed space with you.”

I shivered and clenched my thighs together. “Tonight, remember?”

Mmmm, but I want to have a taste right now to hold me over.”

Please, wait until tonight,” I pleaded backing up against the wall of the elevator.

caged me in with his arms and was leaning in as the elevator dinged. Jacob growled. “Tonight,” he practically hissed.

I took his hand and pulled him out of the elevator. He pulled me to a stop whirled me around and kissed me.

I breathed.

look breathtaking, but I have to say you’ve never looked sexier than when you were coming out of the shower,” he whispered in my ear before straightening, threading his fingers through mine and walked us out to an awaiting limo.

grew more and more self-conscious as we neared the place the event was being held. I’ve never been one to want to be in the spotlight, but even more so I didn’t think the spotlight would want to hold me. The damaged girl pretending to be a part of the society that the world looked up to, I was going to embarrass both of us tonight.

cob’s hand covered mine, his other tipped my chin up until our eyes met. “Don’t mind me tonight if I go all Neanderthal, but I have a feeling I’m going to have to kick a few asses tonight.”

softly, “Yeah, well, I just might go to jail tonight,” I looked down unable to hold eye contact.

in effort to keep ourselves out of trouble, how about we just stay together all night and work ourselves up for what is bound to be one for the books night once we’re alone.”

were going to leave me alone?” I asked, shocked.

no! I just figured I’d say it out loud so you didn’t wander off,” he smirked.

I still the girlfriend?”

yes. You’ll be the envy of every girl around the world,” he rolled his eyes. “But more like sympathy. Being stuck with me and all,” he smirked.

pulled up to the center and waited for what seemed like forever in a parade of vehicles. Finally, our car was next, and panic hit me.

I can’t do this,” my eyes widen with terror.

can. It’s just us out for a romantic evening. Everything will be fine. I’ll be right with you.”

weakly, his door was opened and he stepped out. Leaning down, Jacob held out his hand for mine. Once I was out of the vehicle, he leaned in and kissed my cheek running his hand down my arm.

just you and me. Let me do the talking.”

up at him, I placed my hand on his cheek. “Let’s break some hearts.”

my Vixen.”

laughed as we walked down the path with our arms around each other’s waist. There were so many flashes that I worried I’d be blind by the time we made it inside. Spots already dotted my vision.

Jake! Over here!”

leaned down next to my ear, “Show time.” Then steered us toward the woman that called his name.

you for stopping. Pheobe Stines from WCG Entertainment News,” she held out her hand.

already know my name, so it’s pointless for me to say it now,” he smirked and she laughed.

have to say. You look beyond gorgeous tonight. Every girl around wishes she was the one on your arm. Speaking of, who do we have here?”

, but no one will be, but my girlfriend Vicky,” he said smiling down at me.

beamed back up at him. For anyone watching us, we’d seem like a happy couple in love. Of course, I’m realizing more and more that may be exactly what I’m feeling for this man and it scared and excited me.

are one lucky woman,” the reporter said in awe before turning back to Jake. “Is it serious between you two?”

looked at her for a minute before looking back down at me smiling softly, running his knuckles down my cheek. “I think so. I’ve never been happier than when she came into my life.”

Jake,” I breathed, my heart fluttering in my chest.

reporter sighed before continuing to ask questions. After a few minutes, we were moving down the carpet. Jacob stopped for a few more reporters, who asked pretty much the same questions as the first one. Only a few of them asked about his next project. Apparently, him claiming to no longer be a bachelor was bigger news than the next film he’d be working on.

we finally got inside, we had to stop and pose for a picture. Finally, we walked into a huge banquet room and all the flashing of lights were left behind us, for the most part. We walked to our assigned table and we sat down. Champagne was delivered to our table, but neither of us drank it. He rested his arm over the back of my chair and mine rested on his leg.

my head, “I’m sorry. I probably look like a fish out of water, but I’ve never seen anything like this. Just walking in here was draining.”

laughed. “It’s a lot to take on, but you handled it well.” He leaned in and kissed me softly.

it is true. You’ve finally suckered in a woman to play girlfriend.”

cob stiffened slightly against me. This wasn’t going to be pleasant, but I’ll be damned if anyone was going to bring our night down. Jacob stood and I stood with him.

Nice to see you here.” Jacob said as cold as I’ve ever heard him.

BOOK: Struggling Free (Hidden Secrets Book 5)
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