Read Submission Revealed Online

Authors: Diana Hunter

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #Romance

Submission Revealed (10 page)

BOOK: Submission Revealed
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Sarah laughed as she bent down and hefted the smallest of the boxes. “I think you’ve mostly seen what I’ve got.”

Phillip picked up the largest box with ease and hefted it to his shoulder, his grin turning to a frown. “You carried this all by yourself? Sarah, call me next time. I don’t want you lifting things this heavy.”

She stopped at the archway to the living room. “It wasn’t that heavy. I’m not some wimpy little pretty girl, you know.”

He arched an eyebrow at her and she realized her tone had been a little snippy. “I’m sorry, Phillip. But I’m perfectly capable of knowing what I can and can’t carry. If it had been too much for me, I would have waited until you could get it for me.”

Sarah led the way into the living room and set her box down on the small trunk that served for a coffee table. Phillip set his down on the floor and she stood, waiting for him to sit on the couch.

Except he didn’t. He simply stood beside her as if waiting. Sarah wasn’t sure what he wanted and feeling a bit like a girl who had just been scolded for doing something good, she grudgingly put her hands behind her back, spread her feet apart and took a stance of submissiveness.

Phillip’s fingers under her chin forced her to look up at him.

“I never said this was going to be easy. Nor did I mean to impugn your judgment. You must learn that you do not need to do everything yourself.”

Sarah took a deep breath. “I’m used to doing for myself. Even when Tom was alive. Being in the military meant he was away a lot. After he died, well, for a while it just felt as if he were out on maneuvers for a really, really long time.” Her eyes dropped, though he kept her chin up. After a moment, she looked up at him again. “I’m sorry I snapped at you. I guess I’m just a little frustrated by not knowing what I’m allowed to do on my own.”

Phillip nodded and sat on the couch, gesturing for her to sit by his side. “Doing this twenty-four/seven is much different than doing it only on the weekends, isn’t it?”

She nodded, then looked up at him as he put his arm around her shoulders. “I almost feel like we need a code or something. On the weekends it’s easy.” She nodded toward the front door. “I come through that door and leave my other life outside. I’m not expected to do anything but serve you, mostly sexually but I don’t mind serving in other ways either.” Sarah looked up at him. “My role is clear when I’m here only on weekends. It’s exactly where I want to be.”

“But this weekend you find yourself slipping out of that role.”

She nodded. “I do. And I don’t know why.”

He brushed a stray lock of hair from her cheek. “I do.”

“Then what is it?”

“Do you remember when I told you part of what I was doing to you was training your body? That the world had taught you that being tied up and controlled was a bad thing, but it isn’t?”

“Yes, I remember.”

“Your body has responded, hasn’t it?”

Sarah blushed, remembering how wanton she felt out on the hood of the car. Who would have thought she would ever not only agree to such a thing but want it with all her heart? “Yes,” she whispered. “My body likes what you do it. A lot.”

Phillip chuckled. “Your mind, however, still gives you trouble, doesn’t it?”

Sarah made a face. “All the time. I mean, part of my mind is fine. It accepts submission on a very logical level. That part understands not only that it can’t be in charge all the time but that it doesn’t want to be.”

“And the other part?”

“The other part screams bloody murder at me for giving up my rights to free will. Loudly. And I don’t know where the line is between them. Even though I know they’re not, both sides feel right.”

“Both sides
right.” Phillip turned her around so he could take both her hands in his. “Both sides are right,” he repeated, emphasizing his point. “You spoke before of a code, that when you come here on the weekend, the door serves as a physical boundary between one part of your life and the other.”

Sarah nodded. Phillip was leading her somewhere and Sarah followed willingly, being open and honest with him.

“But isn’t that also the boundary between both parts of your brain? In this cottage, you listen to only one side. Only when you leave again on Monday does the other side become predominant.”

“So why am I having trouble this weekend?”

“Because in a few weeks’ time, my dear, that door will no longer be your boundary and your mind knows that.”

Sarah thought about that for a moment, then sighed. “So it looks like I need a new boundary, Sir. A way of knowing when I’m Sarah Independent and when I’m Sarah slave.”

“In time, the front door will become the boundary again and you will totally submit to me when you come home each night. But you’re right. There needs to be an in-between time for the two of us. A time for us to get to know and anticipate each other’s needs.” He paused, looking out over the room as he considered. “Let me think about this some,” he finally told her. “Tonight we have other activities.” His grin was wicked and Sarah’s stomach fluttered.

“We do?” He raised an eyebrow. “I mean, we do, Sir?”

“Yes and you need to dress. We’re meeting Master Will and Lady Aleshia for dinner.”

Sarah smiled. “And Jill and Anton too, Sir?”

Phillip took on an imperious tone. “I do believe they are bringing their slaves with them.” He looked down at her, all mirth gone from his gaze. “As I am.”

Well, there was a boundary if ever she saw one. Shutting Sarah Independent back into her closet, slave Sarah slid to her knees before her Master. “Yes, Sir, you are.”

“Then go take a shower, slave. Your clothes will be on the bed when you finish.”

* * * * *

Combing out her wet hair, Sarah eyed the clothes with some misgivings. So far, every outfit he’d chosen for her had shown excellent taste. This one, too, was tasteful, though skimpy. She hadn’t worn a skirt that short since high school. The push-up bra she was getting used to but the plunge of the zippered blouse left little to the imagination. No stockings were on the bed and no panties. Just the skirt, the blouse and the bra. Lace-up heeled sandals sat at the foot of the bed.

Once dressed, she stood before the full-length mirror at the foot of the bed. The skirt flared out just below her hips, the hem coming to just above her knees. Not as bad as she had feared when she’d seen it on the bed.
At least it

s not a miniskirt
, she mused. The blouse, however, lived up to all her expectations. With the white push-up bra underneath, its demi-cups barely hidden by the fabric of the blouse, there was no doubt where men’s eyes would be. Deciding the outfit made her look naughty but not slutty, she went to find Phillip.

At his wolf whistle when she walked into the living room, Sarah slung out her hip and put her hand high up on the archway frame. “Hey, big boy, looking for a good time?” she joked.

He unfolded his lanky frame from the couch, standing and giving her a once-over. Making a gesture with his hand, he instructed her, “Turn around and let me see it all.”

Throwing her hair over her shoulder in what she hoped was a sexy move, Sarah turned and modeled the outfit. When she faced him again, she leaned forward and shimmied.

“Just like a true vamp,” he laughed. “Here. Let me retie this and we’ll be ready to go.” Phillip gestured to her leather going-out collar that now hung a bit loose. Turning around and lifting her hair, she waited patiently while he fixed it so that it lay snug against her skin. Would she still wear it when her permanent collar was attached? Permanent collar. The words gave her a shiver.


“Cold, slave?” Phillip’s hands ran down along her arms.

“No, Sir.” Sarah shook her head. “Just thinking.”

“Naughty thoughts? Or misgivings?”

Phillip gestured toward the door and Sarah sauntered toward it, her hips swaying provocatively. “Naughty thoughts, of course.”

Phillip stood back a bit, watching her walk out the front door before following her and locking up the cottage. Did the woman have any idea how innately erotic she was? All the clothes did was accentuate what she already held deep inside—a wish to be sexy. She looked every inch of what she was becoming—a woman comfortable with her own sexuality. A true rarity in Phillip’s experience.

Of course, Sarah hadn’t been comfortable when he had first met her and yet he’d seen something in her that had gotten his hopes up. And then that first night, when he had brought her back to the cottage and showed his true dominant nature? Not only had she not run away but she had challenged his ideas, making him a better Dom than he’d ever been.

Helping her into the car now, Phillip noticed how she kept her knees together like a lady should, picking up her feet together to swing around and sit comfortably in the front seat. He liked that demureness that promised so much more. He also liked toying with it, pushing her to show more than she intended.

“So where are we going?” she asked as he pulled out of the driveway and headed toward the city. He noted her surreptitiously checking her cleavage. Was she making sure it was straight? Or was she nervous about showing so much? Too bad if it was the latter. He was counting on Andy to not be able to take his eyes off her tits all night long.

Mentally he ticked off the people who would be gathering at the restaurant. Master William and his slave, Jillean, for sure. Lady Aleshia and Anton, her slave. The five of them, Will and Jill and Aleshia and Anton and he, had been friends for years. In fact, when Phillip had first acknowledged his need to dominate women sexually, Will was the person he had turned to. Over the years, Will had mentored Phillip in more ways than one, even though he was only a few years older. Will and his slave, his wife of many years, had seen him through not only the two failed relationships but several other false starts. Now the two were happy for him that he’d finally found the woman of his dreams. Jill and Sarah had met a few times for lunch and Phillip was glad the two were becoming friends.

But there would be others at the restaurant she hadn’t yet met, including Andy, who styled himself “Master Andrew” and had yet to even play the role of Top with a woman, much less Master. They tolerated him because these were open meetings and Will always felt it better to include the clueless and attempt to teach them something than to exclude them and release them on the unsuspecting. Andy’s lewd comments had gotten him in trouble with the female members of the group more than once. Tonight, Phillip counted on the fact that Andy hadn’t learned his lesson.

All told, there were twelve who would make up the participants in tonight’s bunch. Just a gathering of friends who shared a common interest. Not much to differentiate between the gathered and any other group that got together to socialize over dinner. Andy would leer but otherwise the conversation would remain on neutral topics all through dinner.

No, dinner would be pleasant. Phillip grinned in the darkness of the car. It was the after-dinner get-together with Master Will and his slave-wife where he intended to expose Sarah to a deeper and darker level of submission.


Sarah sat demurely, murmuring polite hellos to the people she didn’t know and smiling more broadly at those she did. Shy by nature, these types of events always made her a little nervous. At least here she could fall back on the role of slave to keep her from having to hold up a conversation with total strangers.

One man, however, didn’t want to stay a stranger. Phillip introduced him as Master Andrew but it was pretty obvious even to her untrained eye that he didn’t fit in with the rest of the crowd. For one thing, he didn’t take his eyes off her boobs. Even when Phillip was standing right beside her outside the restaurant, the man’s gaze had been fixed. She could have sworn he was almost drooling.

It wasn’t as if she was the only one with cleavage showing. Jill’s blouse was cut fairly low, though granted, not as low as hers. Lady Aleshia wore a beautiful sweater that clung to her figure but showed no skin. And Tammy, the only other woman of the group, wore a low-cut tank top with a long-sleeved see-through blouse. So why was this guy fixated on her?

The restaurant was one of the chains that catered to noisy crowds. The maître d’ led them to a large, round table in the corner with a booth along two sides and chairs for the rest along the outside. Phillip leaned in to whisper in her ear as she prepared to slide into the center of the booth. “Lift your skirt before you sit down, slave. I want your bare ass on the vinyl.”

Blushing, Sarah glanced around the table to make sure no one heard him. In the bustle of getting seats, no one paid any attention to them. Sarah slid along the seat, dismayed to see Andrew sliding in from the other side. Glancing at Phillip, her eyebrows asked if she really had to. His stern gaze gave her the answer.

Trying to be unnoticeable, she lifted her rear end from the seat and pulled her skirt up quickly. She sat again, realizing the hem was still partly under her. Another shift and the skirt came clear, allowing her ass to meet the seat with no interference. Her cheeks a bright red, she chanced a glance sideways to see if Andrew noticed, fervently hoping he hadn’t.

He had. His eyes glittered with lust as he made a pointed effort to try to see what the fall of the skirt still hid. Just knowing that only a small scrap of fabric covered her lap and prevented his gaze from seeing everything she owned made her pussy flood. Damn. And the evidence would be all over the seat when she got up. Clenching her legs together, she quickly unrolled her silverware from the cloth napkin and covered her lap.

BOOK: Submission Revealed
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