Read Submissive Beauty Online

Authors: Eliza Gayle

Tags: #romance

Submissive Beauty (12 page)

BOOK: Submissive Beauty
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“I think that’s enough for her inspection.”

David’s touch slipped away and an arm wrapped around her waist.

“You can stand now, sweetheart.” Thomas’s voice softened as he helped her to an upright position on weak and shaky legs.

“I-I need…”

“I know, Gabrielle, and you deserve it.” He turned her into his arms and held her tight against his warmth. That simple show of pride increased her need tenfold until finally his lips took hers in a slow, luxurious kiss. His thigh lifted and rubbed against her swollen clit, the fabric of his pants adding to the already red-hot friction. Completely focused on his arms holding her and the constant ache in her pussy, she rode his leg, whimpering mindlessly into his mouth. She was too damned aroused to be embarrassed by the fact she stood in his kitchen, being watched by another man as she humped Thomas without shame.

Her body shook.
Please. Help me!

Pulling back, he broke the kiss. “Do it, sweetheart. Come for me now.”

She’d waited so long for that permission she almost cried when he gave it. Her hips bucked and rolled against him over and over until the world around her exploded. She thrashed and twisted in his arms, the orgasm penetrating every cell in her body. Fast and rough, she moved on him beyond the point of exhaustion.

When she would have collapsed into a puddle on the floor, Thomas gripped her waist with a firm grip and held her upright. Gabby buried her face into his shoulder as her heart rate returned to normal, the realization of her actions pounding into her on every beat. Despite her eager obedience, a sense of embarrassment washed over her. She struggled in Thomas’ arms for freedom. Her only thought to flee and hide in the bedroom.

“Stop fighting it, beautiful. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Your desires are a fucking turn on. You should remember that.” As if to prove his point, Thomas pressed the hard length of his cock into the soft skin of her belly. Despite the fabric between them, his heat seeped into her flesh. A new ache formed low and deep. “You want and you fear. I can see it across your face. You have to completely submit. Until then, we teach, you listen, we fuck.”

Gabby’s brain melted. She glanced furtively at the doorway and sighed. Hiding was simply out of the question. Neither Thomas nor David would ever allow it again.

“So what were your plans for this morning?”

As the sexual haze slowly faded away she remembered the coffee she’d been after. Some caffeine would do wonders right about now.

“I…uh…just wanted to get some coffee.” She mumbled against his shirt. Both men chuckled, and even she couldn’t hold in a grin.

“I’ll get it for her.” When David walked away to get her cup, Thomas carried her to the table and tucked her into a chair.

“Be sure to drink some water and eat something as well. It’s critical to stay hydrated and healthy when your body has been taxed repeatedly.” He winked at her. “As for me, I’ve got to go and change my clothes and then we’ll see about making our future arrangements.”

She blushed furiously as she tried not to look down at his pant leg where she’d certainly left a wet spot. The man had a way of making her come so damn hard.

She eagerly accepted the steaming mug from David who settled in the seat across from her. He watched her as she took her first gulp, closing her eyes at the warm sensation sliding down her throat, refreshing her. There was something magical about that first cup of java early in the morning. She normally drank two to three cups a day, but nothing was as precious as the first.

When her throat cooled and she was ready for more, she opened her eyes to find David still staring at her.


“You even make drinking a cup of coffee sensuous. I think my dick got even harder watching that little look of pure ecstasy while you drank that. You’re an amazing woman, Gabrielle. Thank you.”

She swallowed hard, her emotions still raw from their scene. “Shouldn’t you thank Thomas instead of me?”

“Oh I will, rest assured, but more importantly is the way you acquiesced to the entire thing, allowing me to share in your submission. I know some of that wasn’t easy for you.”

“How could you tell?” She had gone to great lengths to hide her discomfort.

“Every time you were asked to do something you didn’t like, a little muscle ticked in your shoulder. It wasn’t very noticeable, but in my line of work, I have to notice even the tiniest of details. Your willingness to continue, to submit well, it truly was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”

Gabby sat down her cup and stared back at David. His handsome features still dazzled her, but his kindness and honesty were the real treasure. She hoped when he left her and Thomas that he’d find the woman who deserved him. She also secretly hoped in that deep, dark place of hers that his leaving would be a long time from today. His gentle kindness was a wonderful contrast to Thomas’s more formal ways. Not that David would make less of a Dom than Thomas, he would just have a different approach.

“So, what do you do for a living then?” She sipped more of the warm coffee and settled into the conversation, amazed that it didn’t make her uncomfortable to sit next to him without a stitch of clothing on. His pleasure in her behavior and kind words seemed to give her a sense of peace about the whole thing. For some amazing reason, these two men weren’t offended by her plump form, and instead, they both rather enjoyed it. A girl could definitely get used to their kind of attention—or spoiled by it.

“I’m a security consultant. Corporate work mostly. But there are occasions when a private individual or family hires me to test and or update their security staff.”

“That sounds exciting.”

A rich deep laugh rumbled from his chest and his vivid blue eyes sparkled with a humor she wanted to see more of. If she’d thought him handsome before, it was nothing compared to how he looked now. Of course, it made her wonder how his face would change in the throes of passion. From the sparkle of humor to the dark and intense nature of sexual heat, she believed he’d be utterly irresistible. A quick shot of arousal arrowed through her at the thought, and her pussy began its journey to readiness once again. She crossed her legs to staunch the sensation, which ended up being her first mistake. That movement created a rasp along her clit that had moisture gathering that would have dampened her panties had she been wearing any.

“I don’t think I’d necessarily choose the word exciting to describe my work, although there have been a few moments here and there that might have raised the heart rate enough to qualify. But most of the time, it’s tedious and requires a keen sense of concentration and patience.” David maintained constant eye contact while he spoke, and Gabby couldn’t tear herself away if she’d wanted to. He possessed a commanding presence she couldn’t turn away from.

“I definitely identify with that. My work as an accountant can be tedious as well, but sometimes when things are not working out like they are supposed to, it can be like solving a difficult puzzle. Then I can really dig in and get to work. It’s a heady feeling.”

“Like taking on the work Thomas has offered you? You find that intriguing?”

The heat of a blush crept up her neck. He had no idea. While she’d been excited to receive another client, if she had to be honest with herself, she was more excited about working at Sanctuary. She’d heard very little over the years about what went on there, and she couldn’t wait to learn. She had an insatiable curiosity that she was certain would one day get her into a lot of trouble. Or at least that’s what her mother kept telling her anyway.

“Yes, I would say so. Sanctuary has always been a bit of a mystery to me. What better way to get the lay of the land than from within doing what I do best.”

“I don’t know about what you do best.” He winked, a not so subtle smile across his face. “But I get it. It’s kind of like a security blanket.” She could have been offended at his statement, but the smile with which he said it wasn’t mean or malicious. He was teasing her. Maybe even flirting a little.

She laughed, unable to help herself. It had been a long time since she’d had this much attention.

“What’s so funny in here?” Her head swiveled around to find Thomas changed and leaning against the doorframe, watching them with his own sedate smile curling at the edges of his mouth. He had a way with business casual that made her mouth water. He wore snug black slacks that caressed his solid thighs and a starched white shirt that said smart business to everyone else and barely leashed power to her. Gabby swallowed thickly.

Apparently, her perusal didn’t go unnoticed if the heat in his gaze was any indication.

“I’ve managed to embarrass you’re girl again. She’s blushing,” David drawled.

“Don’t you mean our girl?” Thomas pushed himself from the wall and sauntered over to stand next to her. Neither she nor David made any kind of response. “Yes, that’s what you mean.” Thomas traced his finger from her cheek to chin where he tilted her head up until their gazes locked. “At least for now. As long as we’re training her together, she serves both of us. That is if that’s what you want?”

“Of course,” they answered in unison.

Gabby bowed her head and added “Sir” at the last second.

Thomas bent down to her level and whispered in her ear. “Does David turn you on my sweet?”

She didn’t know how to answer. He did, oh God, he did, and now, she felt guilty all over again. Would Thomas be angry with her? It was too hard to accept he wouldn’t. Before she could answer, Thomas’s hand traveled down the front of her body, leaving a streak of fire in their wake—bone deep wild heat. Her body tingled. God, no matter what he did her body responded. Ached for more. To her delight, he continued his quest and dipped a finger between her wet flesh. Her breath held on a quiet gasp as she waited for his outrage.

“You’ve been quite busy, David.”

“Have I?”

“Oh yes, she’s warm and slick just the way I like her. I’d say she’s had quite a reaction to you.”

“It’s not the first time I’ve had that affect, and considering the hard-on I’m sitting here with, it’s good to know I’m not the only one.” David shifted from side to side in his seat his arm under the table arranging himself.

Thomas swirled his finger, spreading her moisture in slow methodical strokes. She thrust her hips for more of his touch. A small chuckle greeted her in response. “You’re so eager. I love that you know.”

He removed his finger and brought it to her lips. Without a word, she knew exactly what he wanted. Gabby opened obediently and licked her own juice from his finger, watching his eyes darken as she did.

“It doesn’t seem fair to get David all worked up and leave him hanging like that, does it?”

“No, Sir.”

“Do you want him to fuck you?”

A punch of arousal hit Gabby in the gut. Something fierce. Never mind her brain insisted her desires were all wrong. The near constant struggle between want and need waged on. If she chose David over Thomas, he’d send her away. If he wanted David to use her then he would just tell him to. This wasn’t supposed to be her decision.

Thomas’s smile disappeared at her hesitation. He pulled her to her feet. “I’m afraid she isn’t ready, David. If she can’t ask for it then she can’t have it.” He steered her toward the doorway but paused there. “If you’d like to go to Sanctuary this morning, I could have Linda meet you there.”

Gabby bit at her lip, holding back a cry of protest. Tears pooled in her eyes. Confusion swirled through her. She didn’t want David going to another submissive for his release.

Her job.

The newspaper rustled behind her, and a chair scraped across the tiled floors. “That won’t be necessary. I need to get to work.”

“If you change your mind, just let me know.” Thomas nudged her forward. They strode together to the bedroom, his fingers curled around her arm in a firm grip the entire time. Gabby imagined the fury and disappointment she would meet once they were in private and steeled herself for the harsh words to come.





Chapter Ten



Thomas stared down at the numbers on the balance sheet in front of him once again, but the figures still weren’t right. With the increase in outside groups renting rooms at Sanctuary and the implementation of his new cost cutting efforts, there should be more of an impact by now. His gut burned every time he considered the shit his accountant was trying to pull.

He needed that audit done as soon as possible. There was only two ways out of his contract with the little fucker, and he didn’t expect the other man to quit anytime soon unless he got caught red-handed. With any luck, Gabrielle would be able to start work on it in the next day or two, and Thomas would be able to put it rest once and for all.

He shifted in his seat as the semi erection he’d been sporting all day swelled into a full blown hard-on just from thinking of the sweet little submissive he’d watched pull out of his driveway before he’d left for work. In a perfect world, where he didn’t have to worry about her job or his, he would have kept her at his side all day.

Gabrielle in his office and on the edge of arousal all day long sounded like the perfect plan. Add in a lunchtime training session with both David and her, and he’d be in his own version of heaven. Her reaction to David this morning had lit a fire in his blood that no amount of work could extinguish. But her hesitation bothered him. He’d felt the proof of her desire, but she’d been unable to put that into words like he’d requested.

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