Surrendering To His Mrs. Right (Soul Food Diner) (7 page)

BOOK: Surrendering To His Mrs. Right (Soul Food Diner)
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He put the items on the nightstand in case she woke up and wanted them.


What would she ask, and was his will still strong enough to resist? “Yes, Indy?”

“If you want to hear me getting off
,” His body hardened at her words, “you might not want to close the door all the way.”

clouded his mind. He couldn’t think of a single coherent thing to say. Offer his help? Suggest they pleasure each other? In the end, the only thing he could do was walk it off. What other option did he have when she hadn’t asked him to join her? She wanted him to know of her desires. However she wasn’t ready for him to touch her. Every step away from her was better sweet given how close they'd grown in a short time and the distance they still needed to conquer between them. He left the door wide open but, even then, the hunger to hear her had him standing in the hallway, unable to take another step. The possibility of teaching her how to please him held great appeal.


Chapter 8


Indy lay there listening to Tim
's breathing just outside in the hall. The knowledge that he’d stopped to hear her made her body sizzle. He wanted to hear her masturbate. What on earth was she doing? She really liked being with Tim. Aside from being attractive, he was kind and intelligent and caring. But who’d want a woman who was still hung up on another man. And his brother, nonetheless. Maybe she needed to let go of the foolish feelings she had for Liam. Nothing had changed between them since they were kids. She had to face the fact that Liam wasn’t into her. Tears burned her eyes. Liam was spending Christmas with Brenda and her family. That wasn’t something Liam did. Shit, getting him over to her house had been hard enough.

In the hall, Tim took a step
farther away, bringing her attention back to him.

ad her hesitation made him reconsider what he was doing too? That wasn’t what she wanted right now. Did she have the ability to make Tim participate by letting going of anything that held him back? She slid her hand down into her pants and panties. Slick folds parted for her fingers. Her breathing accelerated. With her other hand she loosened her pants, pushed them and her panties past her thighs and spread her legs. The springs in the bed creaked. She closed her eyes and imagined Tim’s fingers replacing hers. His fresh manly scent washing over her. Each movement over her clit made her more frantic. If only she could stop worrying for a moment about what Liam would think and focus on what she wanted. She rocked her hips to meet her fingers. The build slowed. This couldn’t be happening.

“Please,” she whispered.

Rustling came from the hall and Tim’s breathing deepened. The sound of stroking reached her. He was turned on too. Touching himself too.

She moved her fingers
faster. Light from the moon streaked between the curtains on to her face. The tight peaks of her breasts grew harder. She bucked her hips. Whimpers and moans echoed in the still room.

Tim groaned and released a deep breath. “Indy.”
The deep pitch of the sounds coming from him brought hers to a new level. She wanted to push her fingers inside her to know what it would feel like to rid herself of the affliction of the barrier to her womb. Though she resisted the urge to share her first time with Tim this night, yearning still lingered. She massaged her clit faster still. All she wanted was to quiet the ach from the need to be loved and wanted by another. Something Liam wasn’t capable of. Something Tim could give her. Drowning in her intoxication, she let go and focused on the thought of Tim’s arms holding her. Pulsing waves shot from the bead of flesh beneath her fingers. She tensed. Pleasure swirled through her in gusts. She arched her back and cried out as the bliss shot through her. A shadow fell on her and she opened her eyes. Her body was angled to the outside wall, away from the door. A reflection appeared in the window of the room. All she needed to do was call to him and he would come to her. She was sure of it.

Guilt reared its ugly head. She’d let things go too far. Liam would be furious with her. Though he didn’t have the right to
be. She couldn’t let this happen again.

Nor could she let Tim feel she hadn’t wanted him. “Thank you,” she said.

“Thank you, Indy.” Tim’s silhouette was in her doorway.

“Good night, Tim.”

“Good night.” He vanished into the darkness of the hall.

She scrunched into a ball and tears flowed
freely. The man didn't deserve the mess she was pulling him into. Yet, there was such peace when she was with him that she didn’t want to stop.

Exhaustion, hurt, guilt and alcohol carried her off into the blackness of sleep.

* * * *

Indy’s head pounded.
Rays of sunlight bathed the room in the light of a new day.

Her stomach revolted.

The events of last night were hazy but the pieces she remembered she wished she could forget. Her pants were around her thighs and her fingers sticky.

As s
he clutched her tummy the contents of her stomach filled her mouth. She pulled up her pants and ran to the bathroom just past the stairs, only just making it in time. How attractive was she?

After her body rid her of everything she’d consumed the night before, she washed up in the bathroom
, taking her time. Facing Tim wouldn’t be easy but she also couldn’t hide in his bathroom all day. The scent of coffee came from the kitchen so she hesitantly made her way down the stairs.

Tim smiled. “There
’s coffee, aspirin and water.”

“I don’t think
my body can handle anything except the water and aspirin.” She picked up the water and sipped. “Merry Christmas Eve.”

“Thank you, Indy. Merry Christmas Eve to you as well.” He placed his hand on hers.

Heat from the contact sent moisture slickened her labia.

The large fingers covering her hand withdrew. “What time should I be over for the barbeque?”

She missed his touch. What a strange thought. “Four-ish would be good.”

“Should I bring anything?”

“Alcohol is always welcome. Though, honestly, I don’t even want to think about it myself right now.” The constant throb in her head pulsed through her.

He grinned. “Understood.”

How could she get out of there without making more of a fool of herself? The barbeque was a perfect reason to jet.

“I’m sure my parents can use my help setting up for this afternoon

“Okay.” He nodded. “If you like
, I can give you a hand.”

Honestly, she needed the t
ime away from him and her confusing feelings. “I’d like that but Daddy and Mum can be snappy this time of year fussing over details.” She drank the water with an aspirin.

“No worries
. If you need me call my cell.” He slid a card across the table. “I’ve got a few Christmas day stops tomorrow and I was wondering if you’d accompany me?”

. If you’ll come with me to see Aunty Patricia.” No one wanted to go to the trailer park—even Liam thought it was something she should hide—but she never wanted to forget where her mother had come from, or that drugs had ruined her.

“Is this your infamous biological mother’s family that I’ve heard so much about?”

“The one and only.” Not that she had ever spent long there. Her aunts bashed her father for moving on and remarrying. She’d always thought of him as brave for not letting the pain consume him. When her father spoke of her mother she could sense such sorrow.

“I look forward to meeting them.” Tim leaned on the counter toward her.

“Be careful what you put out there,” she threatened, wagging her finger. “You might just get it. And then some.”

“Are we still on for dinner with your parents?” Tim asked.

What a smart cookie. He’d obviously sensed her pulling back. “Definitely.” Liam wouldn’t have even batted an eye or noticed the change in her behavior.

“On one of my stops I need a helper, would you mind being an elf?”

No man had ever asked her to be an elf before. “Depends. How respectable is the clothing?”

“Fully covered.” He made the sigh of the cross over his heart. “Have you had a flu shot this year?”

“Yes, with me being on the cold north east coast, Daddy insisted.”

“Good.” He rubbed his hands together.

Unsure of what she’d need it for she didn’t press. She was trying to put some distance between them so she could think straight. A ride along the coast would do the trick. She grabbed her purse and headed out the door.

With e
ach step she felt herself closing off to Tim. She’d let things get too tangled up. It was up to her to tidy the situation. Otherwise people she cared about would get hurt.


Chapter 9


Tim arrived at the Kent house patio at three forty five dressed in shorts and a t-shirt
that catered to the whopping ninety degree temperature that was near record-breaking for this time of year. In his hands he had a cumbersome box. Inside, he had something for everyone. Hacienda del Cristero Blanco Tequila for Indy’s father, Cristal champagne for her mother, a hundred dollar gift card for The Diner for Indy and munchies for the guests.

In the background, the radio
played Christmas pop songs. The patio was adorned in red and green plastic lanterns. Indy opened the door and stepped out, giving him a smile that warmed him down to his toes. Given how quickly she’d left that morning, he wasn’t sure where he stood with her anymore.

“Tim.” She walked over to him, hips swaying. The material of her dress was pushed against the curves of her body. “What’s in the box?”

“A few items.” He tapped the box. “I’ve labeled them.”

“Let’s get them in the house and let Mum sort through them.” She gestured for him to follow.

A few steps behind her, he followed her into the Kent house. Since his friend Samuel’s parents had moved out, after his death, Tim had only been in there to fetch Liam when his brother had missed curfew. The rustic décor was warm and inviting. The Christmas decorations brightened the provincial style.

“Beautiful.” There was a cozy casual feeling in the house.

“I think so too. But Mum’s remodeling. Going modern.”

“I’m sure she’ll do
a wonderful job.” It was hard to fathom that a change in appearance would leave the welcoming feeling the home had now.

Indy patted the counter
and, when he set the box down, she peered in, smiling. “It was very thoughtful of you to pick up something for my parents.”

“I’m just that kind of guy,” he said with a chuckle.

“Don’t ever change, Tim.” She hugged him.

Surprise kept him rigid for a moment but then he recovered himself enough to
return her gesture. She squeezed him tighter but, other than that, didn’t move. Her body fit perfectly to his. The weight of her breasts pressed against his chest. His body responded swiftly.

Indy stepped back. “Some woman is going to be very lucky when she snags you. I just hope you find
someone who deserves you.”

It felt as though she w
ere breaking up with him. “Is everything all right?”

“Yeah. I’m kinda a mess with Daddy retiring, school and Liam being away.” She wrapped her arms around her waist. “He called today and we got into it about me hanging out at your place.”

Had his talk pushed Liam to be even more of an ass to Indy? “I live there too, right?”

“Yeah.” She nodded. “It’s your house.”

“Hopefully that entitles me to a say in who I can invite over?” Had Liam given her the same attitude he’d heard on the phone the other night?

“Of course it does. It’s just Liam seems to be angry and on the attack.”

He knew she’d never had sex with anyone but maybe she and Liam had fooled around and his brother still felt something for her. “Has he ever come on to you?”

“One time
, but it was bull. He and your Dad got into it over the Jeep." She shook her head. "I’m not sure he even knows I have a pulse. I’m definitely not his type.”

There was no denying she didn’t fit Liam’s usual older
, desperate profile. But could Liam not see the woman she’d become? “You’d know.” If Liam was interested in her, wouldn’t he have made a move by now? Before they went off to college and some moron swept her off her feet? At this point, Tim pushed aside the possibility that his brother might be interested.

The sound of splashing in the pool drew
their gazes to the patio. Greg had jumped into the water fully dressed. A steady flow of Indy and Liam’s friends filled the patio. This would test of how well he could mesh into her world.

“You really don’t
like Greg?”

Tim shook his head.

Indy chuckled. “Once you rule out common sense, he isn’t all that bad.”

“I’ll take your word for it.”
He’d seen the painful consequences of Greg’s behavior too many times.

BOOK: Surrendering To His Mrs. Right (Soul Food Diner)
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