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Authors: Mandy Harbin

Surrounded by Secrets (3 page)

BOOK: Surrounded by Secrets
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Jack’s mouth slammed down on hers in a fierce kiss that stole her breath. He was biting at her lips when she felt her back hit the wall. Everything was moving in foggy slow motion, but no matter how drunk she was, she knew she’d never been this turned on in her life.

“Fuck, I want you,” he groaned into her mouth as he thrust his jeans-clad cock against her panties.

“Then take me, big boy,” she breathed.

Jack shoved her dress up around her waist with one hand and yanked the top of her dress down with the other. She felt only air on her naked breast briefly before his mouth descended.

She moaned and held his head to her as he feasted and rubbed herself like a cat in heat against his erection. His rather large erection.

She heard him growl and then felt his hand wiggle beneath her dress. “Oh yes.” God, she needed him to touch her.

But he didn’t.

He ripped her panties, and she gasped. Then she heard a zipper, and her pussy flooded.

He sucked her nipple harder before letting go with a wet
, and then kissed his way up her neck to her ear. “Can’t wait. Need you. Now.”

The head of his dick rubbed her slit, and she moaned when it bumped her clit. He hissed.

“So fucking wet, Lilly.”

No one ever called her that. She’d always hated that name, but right now he could call her a toad-frog and she wouldn’t care.

He found her opening and pushed. One thrust and he was halfway in. And fucking huge! She moaned. It was so good she didn’t know if she could stand it.

“Take it, Lilly. Take all of me, baby.” He thrust again, and she gasped. She would’ve screamed in ecstasy, but he swallowed it with his kisses. He fucked her hard, and she felt her orgasm building faster than it ever had, even for her vibrator.

“Shit! I can’t. Not yet.” He pulled out, and she whimpered. “Bedroom?”

She pointed out of the kitchen, but he didn’t let her speak. His mouth landed back on hers, and he carried her out of the kitchen.

They made it to the bedroom, but not the bed. As soon as Jack cleared the doorway, her back met the rug in front of her bed.

“Gotta taste you.”

He pushed her legs open, grabbed her ass, and lifted her as his head lowered. “Oh my God, Jack, Jack,” she chanted as Jack licked her as though she was his favorite ice-cream cone and he’d never eat another one again. Then he pursed his lips around her clit and sucked while he pushed two fingers inside her and crooked them, rubbing that sweet spot inside.

She saw stars. Her throat was so hoarse that it took her several seconds to realize it was because she’d been screaming out her orgasm.

And he didn’t give her a chance to recover. He picked her up and dropped her onto the bed in one minute. In the next, he’d gotten them both undressed.

“I plan on fucking you all night,” he said as he crawled toward her, his cock leaking along her leg, and he settled atop her. He grabbed both her knees and pushed them up to her chest. He looked down at her shaved pussy. “You’re going to give it all to me, aren’t you, Lilly?”

God, he sounded so sexy when he talked to her this way. This was what she’d wanted, a man who took charge in the bedroom. “All for you, Jack.”

He groaned and took her with one hard thrust.

“Harder,” she moaned.

“You little vixen. I’ll give you what you want when I want to.” He left her knees anchored around his arms as he leaned over her and pounded into her hard and fast.

She screamed, loving the feel of him taking her, owning her.

“That’s right, baby.” He licked her ear as he whispered into it. “Tell me how it feels.”

“So. Good,” she said with the next two thrusts.

Jack kissed her so hard that she knew her lips would bruise. And she didn’t care. He was groaning so loudly that he felt as though he was growling while he fucked her. His dick was getting harder, and she felt another orgasm building inside her.

“Fuck, I want to bite you.” He almost sounded desperate.

Her pussy flooded. He could bite her, pull her hair, do whatever the hell he wanted as long as he didn’t stop. Not yet. God, not yet.

“Yes. Do it.”

Her pussy flexed, and she knew she was about to go over again.

“Lilly. Oh fuck, oh fuck.”

His thrusts faltered.

“Jack, don’t stop. So good. So good.”

She turned her head to the side, giving him better access to her neck as he kissed it. Lillian was so close she was delirious. She was grinding herself against him, so each time he fucked into her, he got that much deeper.

“Want it. Want you. Fuck, don’t wanna stop,” he mumbled as he sucked her neck.

“Take it. Take me. Yes, oh yes, you’re gonna make me come!”

He roared against her neck and pounded into her two more times. She screamed as her orgasm hit and felt the first jerk of his cock as he bit into her neck.

She was flying. Never had an orgasm been this intense. All her senses felt heightened while her body drifted to another plane, a mixture of ecstasy and peace enveloping her. When she’d come down, she felt Jack shivering above her, still kissing and licking her now-stinging neck.

She thought she heard Jack say
, but she didn’t feel any vibrations against her neck as though he’d spoken. Her drunken mind must’ve been playing tricks on her. The rasp of his tongue against her neck and the faint metallic smell of blood in the air were the only things she now registered.

She wanted to go another round, but that’d have to wait for another day. Her eyes were too heavy to fight sleep anymore.

Chapter Three


Who was trying to pry open Lillian’s skull with a pickax? She groaned as she tried to move her hand up to her head to feel if the offender had been as successful in unearthing her brain as it had felt to her. But her arm was too heavy to lift. She’d just have to lie there and suffer the blows.

She tried opening her mouth and breathing through the cotton that had apparently grown on her tongue.
, whiskey. What the hell was she thinking getting that drunk last night? She’d be paying for it all day today. She knew better.

Alcohol was evil.


God, she needed to pee. She tried shifting in her bed to see if her legs would work or if she’d have to actually crawl to the bathroom, but as soon as Lillian moved, she froze, eyes popping open.

She immediately shut her eyes to block out the offending sun. Too bright. But the body against her side had her reeling, trying to remember the events of last night.

The yucky taste in her mouth and the pounding in her head confirmed that alcohol was involved. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. The wall of hard muscle and distinct ache between her legs signaled she’d gotten lucky. Had she gotten desperate and called David? She shifted again.

Nope. David wasn’t that tall. This man felt massive. And his frame wasn’t the only thing that felt huge, unless that was a Louisville Slugger poking her in the buttocks. No wonder her goodies felt lovingly used. This man was packing a weapon between his legs!

A deep, rumbling groan that could only be one of commiserated existence came from her secret lover. He snuggled closer, his breath fanning her ear.


Holy shit! She knew that voice. Images of her first day at work and her plan to get Jack Woods in her bed flooded her. Apparently she’d succeeded.

Too bad those memories hadn’t come back yet. She’d like to reminisce about what the hottie with the body had done to her last night.

She chanced the wicked sun’s rays and lifted a lid to glance at the clock. “It’s about half past nine.”

“Ugh. I’m fucking late.”

Crap! Her job. “Um, me, too.”

He snuggled closer. “I drank way too much. Hell, I don’t even remember how we ended up here.”

At least she wasn’t the only one. “What’s the last thing you do remember?”

“Just flashes. I remember playing that drinking game, and then kissing you, and then . . . oh shit! We didn’t use a condom. Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

“I can’t be sure we did it three times, but I’m sure we did it at least once.”

He snorted behind her and nuzzled her neck.

It felt so good she moaned. Or so she thought. Some weird noise came out instead, and she cut it off.

“What the . . .?”

She felt Jack catapult out of her bed, and she turned to look at him. He looked mortified.

“Holy fucking shit!” he roared as he backed away from her.

What the hell was wrong with him, and why did her throat feel funny after that gurgling noise she’d just made?

“It wasn’t a gurgle.” Jack was white as a ghost.

“What was it then? And how did you know what I was thinking? I didn’t say that out loud.”

Jack paced, and she twisted her neck to follow. “Ow.” That hurt! She slapped her hand on her neck where it was sore.

“I think you gave me a massive hickey, or I fell into a doorknob sometime last night.” Both options were entirely possible at this point.

“Oh, no, no, no, no, no,” Jack chanted as walked around like a caged animal. A naked caged animal. Was he just now realizing he’d slept with an employee of his family business? That was an obstacle she’d considered she would have to overcome with him, but apparently something worked last night.

But it seemed as if he were regretting getting to know her on this level, when first thing this morning, he seemed okay with it. Prick.

“Look, big guy. It was just sex.”

“You have no fucking idea, Lilly.”

“My name is Lilli
. Not Lilly.”

He stopped and looked straight at her.
“You have bigger things to worry about than what I call you, Lilli

She gasped. “How did you do that?”

He threw his head back and roared so loudly that the hair on the back of her neck prickled. It didn’t seem possible for a man to sound so animalistic. She edged toward her headboard and pulled the covers closer to her in a pitiful attempt at protection.

“Just great! First, I attack Ariel, and then I claim you. What the hell is wrong with me? My fucking family is going to disown me. And by God, they should!” He was still pacing, and Lillian didn’t think he was actually talking to her but rather venting some nonsense.

“Who’s Ariel?”

He stopped and stared at her as if he wasn’t aware he’d said anything. “You’ll find out soon enough. Fuck!” He fisted his hands and screamed toward the ceiling.

“Um, okay. Then what’s this business about your family disowning you? Because you slept with me?” She put her hands on her hips and glared at him. “This isn’t some
Romeo and Juliet
crap. Our families aren’t feuding, Jack

Jack rubbed his hands on his face and pushed them through his hair to grab fistfuls of it. He shook his head while his eyes held her.

“I did something last night. I don’t know how we are still alive.” He chuckled sadistically. She didn’t find his attitude very funny.

“Well, if you remember what happened, then spill it.”

“I bit you.”

She frowned at him and started to open her mouth, but he shook his head.

wanted to bite you. I asked, and you said I could.”

“How—” She cut herself off. This was nuts! If she could think clearly, she knew she’d bark a million questions at him. With her lips together, she thought to herself,
“How are we able to read each other’s minds? Do your little fellas have some superhuman abilities that you infected me with when you came in my pussy?”

“No, not my sperm. At least I don’t think so.”

She gasped. “But we can really hear each other’s thoughts?” She wasn’t sure if that was a good thing because it meant she wasn’t losing her mind . . . or a bad thing because it if it were true, she might rather be crazy because people would think it anyway.

“Among other things.” He sighed. “Where’s your father?”

“What in God’s name does my dad have to do with this freak show?” She stood up and wrapped the sheet around herself. Jack might feel comfortable walking around naked, but she didn’t.

“Just answer me, Lilli

“He’s at my grandma’s, Jacks

“Good grief, woman. When is he coming back?” Jack stalked over to her, and she held the sheet tightly to her chest.

“Couple weeks, I think. He didn’t specifically say.”

Jack nodded, stepped away from her, and reached for his jeans. “Get dressed. We need to go.”

“What makes you think I’m going anywhere with you, huh? First you’re all lovey-dovey, then you freak out on me. I think I’ll stay home today.”

“You fucking work for me, Lillian. Get your pretty little butt dressed.” Jack had managed to get almost completely dressed, and she was still wrapped in a sheet.

“I think I’ve done enough for you. Go to hell!”

He reached over and scooped her up. “What are you doing?” she yelled as he threw her over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry.

“We have to go. Right now. I have to get you someplace safe before you decide you wanna attack me.”

“Oh, I’m not gonna kick your ass. I’m gonna kill you, Jack!”

“That’s what I’m afraid of,” he mumbled as he carried her out of her bedroom. At least he’d left the sheet around her.

* * * *

Jack pounded on Josh’s door. He was in some deep, deep trouble. Within the last twenty-four hours, he’d gone from just accepting a drink invitation with Lillian to mating with her.

And he wasn’t dead.


He remembered most of last night. It was quickly coming back to him. He’d gotten drunk while munching on chili. That crazy game she’d suggested as an icebreaker had set the stage for them to fuck like animals.

And he’d bit her.

“Josh!” He pounded on the door again.

It swung open, and Josh stood there looking disheveled. “What?”

“We need to talk. Now.”

“Too bad. I came by your place after breakfast, but you were gone. I’ve already worked several hours this morning, and Mikaela kept me up all night with her tossing and turning. She doesn’t sleep. I don’t sleep. I need a nap, dammit.”

BOOK: Surrounded by Secrets
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