Read Sweet Charity Online

Authors: Sherri Crowder

Tags: #Black Mavericks MC

Sweet Charity (10 page)

BOOK: Sweet Charity
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Charity swallowed every drop, as though she’d done so many times before, and when Jackson was finished, she kissed her way up his body until she lay beside him looking down into those fathomless blue eyes.  “Was that okay?” she asked innocently. 

After what just happened, he could hardly believe that she asked him that.  “Babe, that was so much more than just okay.  It was beyond my wildest fantasies about you,” he confessed.

Charity’s eyes grew big and she couldn’t keep the look of surprise from her face. “You’ve had fantasies about me doing THAT to you?” she asked.

“Yes. Several, as a matter of fact, and for months actually,” he answered her honestly.

“Really?” she said excitedly as she moved to sit on top of him, straddling his hips.  She sat looking down at him while she smoothed her hands over his chest. “I can’t believe you’ve fantasized about me.  Tell me about some of them,” she said.

“I will in time, perhaps as they become reality,” he said with a smile teasing her.

“But what if they don’t?  I want to make all of your fantasies come true,” she told him. Immediately after saying that, she felt embarrassed that she had confided that to him, and she quickly averted her gaze from his.  She wondered what he would think of her, saying that so soon. 

Jackson reached a hand up and placed it under her chin, directing her to look at him once again.  “Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked. “Talk to me Babe.”

“It’s just...I probably shouldn’t say things like that.  We’ve only been out once, and well, I don’t want to pressure you in any way Jackson,” she said.

As she sat looking down at him, she continued to stroke up and down his chest with her soft hands. She stopped to touch and pluck at his nipples every time her hands came near them.  He knew that she had no idea what she was doing to him, sitting on him, and stroking him as she spoke.  He felt his cock begin to stiffen once again despite trying to control it. 

Jackson lay there looking at this beautiful naked Goddess sitting on top of him, watching her biting her lip, and avoiding his eyes in her nervousness.  “Charity honey, I need to tell you something,” he said as he rubbed up and down her arms. 

Here it comes she thought.  I’ve blown it already.  He’s going to tell me we’re done now. 

Instead however Jackson said, “From the first time I laid eyes on you I knew I wanted you Charity.  I love your smile and your laugh, and the way you always show how much you care about others. You are beautiful, and sexy, and I’ve wanted you in my bed for so long now,” he said as he gently rubbed his hands back and forth along her smooth soft thighs, resting against the sides of his hips.  Then looking back up into her eyes he continued, “You’re far too good for me Charity but still I couldn’t stay away.  I was torn because I knew that you were living with Tommy, and even though I knew you didn’t belong with him, I refused to put you through the turmoil that would happen if he were to find out how I felt about you.”

Charity looked down at him with tears in her eyes, and Jackson reached up and wiped them away. “Baby, don’t cry,” he said, as he sat up and put his arms around her.  “I just need you to know, that I’ve fantasized about us being together because I’ve wanted you for so long. I love hearing you say that you want to fulfill all of my fantasies. That will never push me away...only make me want you even more.  Last night and today are, hopefully, just the beginning of our fantasies coming true,” he told her.

Then Charity kissed him, and as they kissed, Jackson couldn’t control his cock from springing to life yet again, but this time, Charity raised herself up a bit, and then taking him in her hands, she slowly lowered herself down onto him.  As she did Jackson released a guttural moan and Charity let out a huge sigh.  This must be what heaven felt like, Jackson thought, and it was yet another one of his fantasies coming to life. They began to move as though they had been together for years, they touched and caressed each other, and kissed and nibbled at each other, until they were both shaking and shivering. They ultimately came in unison, with roars and screams of passion, like neither had ever done before.























Chapter 17


Later on while they were laying in Charity’s bed and talking, Charity told Jackson that she’d never been on the back of a motorcycle before.  He was surprised that Tommy had never once taken her on his bike, but frankly, Jackson was glad he hadn’t, because this was another first that he could share with her.  He asked her if she wanted to go for a ride now, and when he saw her face light up like a kid on Christmas morning, Jackson couldn’t wait to take her.  After a quick shower and getting dressed, they drove back to Jackson’s place in his truck and exchanged it for his Harley.

Charity knew nothing about bikes, but to say that this bike was beautiful was an understatement.  It was a new Harley-Davidson FXDWG Wide Glide, whatever that meant, Charity thought.  All she knew was that it looked gorgeous, and she couldn’t wait to see Jackson sitting astride it.  She knew that it was gonna be freaking hot to see him on this bike.  It had all kinds of shiny chrome, with spoked wheels, and Jackson told her that he’d had it custom painted.  The color was a deep metallic burgundy red with black flames on the tank, and she could tell the way it shined that this bike was Jackson’s baby.  He told her that he had another chopper at the Maverick’s clubhouse too, but this was his newest bike and he liked to keep it at home. 

Jackson couldn’t believe how interested Charity was when he told her about the bike, and he loved it when she asked him smart questions about it too.  She seemed genuinely interested in it, which pleasantly surprised him.  He could tell that she thought it was a sweet ride, and he couldn’t wait to have her riding in back of him, as they headed out on the open road.  Charity couldn’t wait to ride with him either, and when he asked her if she was ready to give it a go, she let out a little squeal of excitement.  He had two custom helmets painted to match this bike and when he helped her into one, he thought she looked even sexier, if that were even possible.  He took his seat on the bike first, and then instructed her to hold onto him, showing her where to place her feet as she climbed on.  She seated his ride like a pro, and he couldn’t have been more proud of her.  This was a first for him too, because he’d never had a woman on the back of his bike.  He had just never wanted to share, with anyone else, the feelings evoked while he rode, but with Charity...things were totally different.

When Charity sat astride his bike, and he felt her warm thighs wrapped around him, it was sexy as hell.  He told her to put her arms around him and to hold onto him at all times. When he started up the bike and they headed down the driveway, she tightened her grip around his waist.  Just having her on his bike, wrapped around him, was such a turn on. 

Jackson had Bluetooth speakers installed into the custom helmets so he and Charity were able talk over the rumble of the engine.  She laughed and squealed, and her excitement made the experience almost like the first time he had ever ridden.  Because it was so late in the afternoon, he took Charity for dinner at a little retro diner out on the interstate, that he knew made awesome food.  That was another thing he loved about Charity...she wasn’t afraid to eat.  They both had burgers and shared one of the massive orders of onion rings, along with a chocolate milkshake apiece.  It couldn’t have been a more perfect way to spend a late afternoon. 

When they arrived back at Charity’s house later, he came in, and they ended up making out like a couple of teenagers on the couch, until Charity stood up and grabbed his hand leading him down the hall to her bedroom.  They made love and then fell asleep cuddled together under the covers.  Never in his life, had he layed in bed cuddling a woman after sex.  He fucked them and then sent them away afterwards. That was easy to do at the club, because the slight skirts had a room they shared there. However with Charity’s sexy body wrapped around him, he decided that he could stay like this for the rest of his life.    



After a late breakfast Sunday morning, Jackson reluctantly headed home so Charity could take care of some things before Sweet Charity’s opened again on Monday morning. 

A few hours later, when Charity sat down to take a break her phone rang and it was Faith.  “How was your weekend?” she asked. 

“Can you come over Faith?  I’d love to tell you all about it,” she said.

Twenty minutes later Faith was knocking at Charity’s front door.  “Hey, come on in,” she said as she hugged Faith.  “I’m just so wound up, and I needed to talk about Jackson. Who better than my best friend?”

“Well don’t keep me in suspense any longer.  How was your date?” she asked.

“Oh my God, it was out of this world, Faith.  Jackson is every bit as wonderful as I knew he would be.  I can’t believe that I almost didn’t want to go out with him, because he’s a biker,” she told her.

“Tell me more,” Faith said.  “I was surprised when I texted you Saturday at noon, and you were still at Jackson’s place.  Honestly, I really wasn’t sure what you would do, if he asked you to spend the night with him,” she said. 

“He was so kind, and such a gentleman, but thankfully, just the right amount of gentleman,” she said, while unable to contain the smile on her face.  “Being with Jackson was just...oh, I can’t even put words to it.  He’s so sweet, and he’s a little alpha, but in such a good way, and Faith, he’s well, I now know I’ve never really been made love to before.”

“What?” Faith said a little louder than she meant it to be.

“The way I felt with Jackson is like nothing I’ve ever felt before.  He was so careful to be sure that I was, let’s just say, way more than satisfied,” she told her as she turned a pretty shade of pink, even though Faith knew her better than anyone else.

“I’m so happy for you Charity,” Faith said.  “I don’t know much about Jackson, but he’s always has seemed like a very decent man,” she added.  “So you’ll be seeing him again, I assume then?” she asked. 

“Yes, well he always stops by Sweet Charity’s for breakfast, and sometimes lunch, so I’m pretty sure I’ll see him sometime tomorrow, but he’s also asked me to come with him to the Maverick’s club house next Friday night,” she told Faith.  “I was hoping that you and Melody might come along with us.” As the words left her mouth, she knew that Faith was probably going to say no.  She could already see the look of fear crossing her best friend’s face. “Please say you’ll come Faith!” she begged.  “Jackson said it would be okay, and I would feel better having my friends with me,” she said.  “Are you working this weekend?” she asked.

After several seconds of silence, as Faith sat there with tears forming in her eyes, Charity said, “Faith?  Honey, I’m sorry.  I didn’t...”

Just then Faith cleared her throat, and said, “it’s okay...I’m alright.”  Charity however, knew that Faith had been about to cry and she wasn’t about to let it go.

“Faith, I know it’s still hard for you to think about going out and having a good time yet, but honey, it’s time you went out and enjoyed yourself again.  Patrick wouldn’t want you to stop living just because he’s gone,” she added. 

“Charity...” she let out a deep sigh. “I’m just not sure I’m ready to be out socializing and at a motorcycle club?  Honey, I don’t know,” she told her. 

“Listen Faith, you were quite happy to see me go out on a date with Jackson knowing that he’s a biker, so why should you have a problem hanging out for a few hours at his club with your friends?” she asked.  “Nobody is asking you to date anyone, but who knows, you might just meet a good guy there.  Please come and have some fun.  Melody is game.  She called earlier and I asked her then.  A few drinks and maybe us girls doing a little dancing will be fun,” she said.  “Cancer took Patrick’s life but it shouldn’t take yours too,” she added. 

“Okay, yes I sounded like a snob, and that wasn’t fair.  I’ll come with you girls, and I promise to keep an open mind,” Faith agreed. 



Meanwhile over at the Club House of The Red Aces

“So whattaya got for me today Brains?” asked Thomas.  “What’s Charity been up to the rest of the weekend?” he added.

Brains set his beer down on the top of the bar and let out a loud belch before saying, “you ain’t gonna like what I have to tell you Tommy.”

“Yeah, well I don’t want you to tell me what I like, just what’s been going on with the bitch,” he said. “So spit it out!” he yelled.

“Gunner brought her home on Saturday, like I said, and then I came here to take care of the other projects you had for me, but when I went back later, he was still at her house,” he told Tommy.  After taking another swig of his beer and letting another loud burp fly, Brains then added, “he stayed the night Tommy.” 

“Cunt’s putting out like she never has before then,” Tommy spat out. 

“It looks that way Prez, cause he didn’t leave until almost noon on Sunday,” he said. “What do you want me to do about it?” he asked Tommy.

BOOK: Sweet Charity
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