Read Sweetest Surrender Online

Authors: Katie Reus

Sweetest Surrender (7 page)

BOOK: Sweetest Surrender
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“Nothing. Pretended I couldn’t speak English and he left.”

“What did he look like?”

Another shrug. “White, tall like you, dark hair, dark eyes. What my daughters would call Hollywood handsome.” He rolled his eyes at that. “He looked fucking shifty to me though.”

Vadim filed that away for later. “What was he driving?”

Mr. Botkin reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. “Looked like a rental, I tried to get all the numbers, but he left too quickly. Missed the last one.” He gave him the make and model as Vadim took the paper.

He slid it in his jacket pocket then pulled an envelope from one of his interior pockets. He handed it to Mr. Botkin.

The older man glanced inside at the cash and lifted his eyebrows as he met Vadim’s gaze again. “You care for this woman?”

Vadim nodded.

“She’ll have a place to stay? With you?”

He nodded again. He didn’t care how underhanded this was. He wanted—needed—Angel somewhere safer. Preferably with him. Especially now that some man was sniffing around her place asking about her. He was going to get to the bottom of that too.

For a long moment he worried the other man would reject his offer, but when Mr. Botkin tucked the envelope under his arm, Vadim knew he’d won.

“I’ll make the call tomorrow at seven,” the landlord said.

“Thank you.”

Another grunt, then the man turned and headed back to his place. Knowing things were taken care of, Vadim quickly left the complex. He had one more errand to run before heading home. He’d be home late, well past one or two in the morning, but it would give him more time to figure out what the hell he’d say to Angel about that kiss. He knew he should have called her while he was gone, but that kiss had jarred him far too much.

She made him want to lose control, something he never did. She also made him want things he’d never imagined for his own life, like a family and someone to come home to every night.

* * *

Angel stood next to the valet stand where the keys were hung on pegs, half-listening as one of the guys spoke in hushed tones into his radio. She’d been waiting over twenty minutes for Vadim’s car and didn’t understand what the problem was. It was after eleven and even though the casino was slammed, the valet station was slow.

She wrapped her arms around herself, shivering against the slight breeze that kicked up. All she wanted was to go to Vadim’s place, kick off her shoes and wash the restaurant smell off her. And sleep. Tonight had been busier than she’d expected, which was good because she’d made double what she had last night, but she was still tired. At least she’d had a few missed texts from Mark letting her know that he and Chloe were settling in nicely. She’d already texted him and had heard back almost immediately with him reassuring her they were doing well.

When the man, whose name she didn’t know, put down his hand-held radio and glanced over Angel’s shoulder almost nervously she tensed and turned around.

Iris Christiansen was striding down the stairs coming straight for them. Angel immediately straightened at the sight of the Serafina’s head of security—and billionaire Wyatt Christiansen’s wife. Crap, what if they thought she wasn’t supposed to be driving Vadim’s car? Angel couldn’t imagine why Iris was here. The tall, slender woman was nice, but she was also intimidating as hell.

“Vadim is letting me use his car. You can call him and ask,” Angel blurted when Iris stopped in front of them.

Iris blinked, her mouth pulling up into a half-smile. “I know. You mind coming with me to the parking garage? I need to talk to you.”

A thick block of ice settled in her stomach, numbing her from the inside out. Had Sierra told Iris about what Angel had done? Maybe now she was going to lose her job. Tongue-tied, she nodded and fell in step with the taller woman as they headed down the sidewalk. Angel’s heels clicked loudly while Iris’s shoes were silent. She knew the tall woman had been in the Marines, just like Vadim.

“Have you been having any problems at work lately with customers?” Iris asked.

She glanced at her, surprised by the question. “No. I mean, I get the typical pervs and creeps who ask me out but no harassment or anything if that’s what you mean.”

Iris nodded thoughtfully. “No one hanging around after work waiting for you?”

Angel shook her head again, starting to worry about this line of questioning. “No, but I take the bus. Why are you asking?”

“What about a…boyfriend or ex-boyfriend? Any problems there?” Iris completely ignored Angel’s previous question.

Angel frowned. Had Iris somehow found out about Angel’s past? Maybe they’d started digging into her life after the food-stealing incident. She’d been so careful, but maybe not careful enough. “What’s going on?”

“Someone keyed Vadim’s car while it was in valet. They scratched the word ‘whore’ on the hood. Since you’re driving it and whore is typically a word used to insult females, I’m trying to figure out if this message was meant for you or Vadim.”

Angel could feel the blood drain from her face. A chill snaked through her as they neared the lowest level entrance to the garage. Behind the electronic arm that let people in and out of the structure, one of the valet guys was talking to a man wearing a button-down black shirt and black slacks. Clearly security. When the security guy saw them he nodded at Iris.

Following Iris, Angel walked along the outer sidewalk that lead into the garage, on the other side of the arm so they wouldn’t have to duck under it.

“Called the cops to make a report, but they won’t be here for an hour since this isn’t a priority,” the security man said to Iris.

Lips pulled into a grim line she nodded before glancing at Angel. “You don’t need to stay for the report. For now I’m going to let you use a company vehicle so you can get home.”

“What about Vadim’s car?”

“Since this happened on hotel property we’ll be taking care of it. This shouldn’t have happened.” There was a sharp bite to Iris’s words as she cut an equally hard look at the security guy.

No doubt someone was definitely in trouble over this. “Can I see it?” She felt terrible that this had happened to his car while she’d been the one driving it.

“Ah…” Iris frowned again, as if contemplating it, then shook her head as an SUV pulled to a stop near them. “You don’t need to see that. This is your SUV for now. How comfortable are you driving one?”

“I’m fine with it.” She wanted to push Iris about seeing Vadim’s car but knew there was no point. She wouldn’t gain anything by seeing the vandalism. But she still felt terrible about it. She pulled her cell phone from her pocket and glanced at the time. It was almost midnight, but Vadim should know about this. She’d call him as soon as she had some privacy. “Have you told Vadim about this yet?”

Iris shook her head.

“I’ll let him know.”

“Thanks.” The other woman handed Angel a set of keys. “Whoever did this, we’re going to figure it out, okay?”

Angel nodded, palming the keys. She still didn’t know what to think about the vandalism. In the back of her mind she wondered if this had something to do with her past, but if the man from her nightmares knew where she was working and about her driving Vadim’s car, he’d have likely already come after her. He was violent, with a hair-trigger temper. Something she’d found out too late. “Okay. Do you need me to stick around for anything?”

“No, but be careful on your way home, check to make sure you’re not being followed. I know you’re house sitting for V so make sure you set the alarm as soon as you’re inside. And text me when you get to his place so I’ll know you’re there.” Iris wasn’t asking.

“I will.” Anxiety threaded through her veins, making her numb all over. She really wished Vadim was in town. At least she could go to his place, which had a great alarm system and a dog. It was the only thing that made her feel better about this whole situation. After saying goodbye and getting another demand to stay safe from Iris, Angel slid into the driver’s seat. She pulled out of the garage, but idled for a moment while she called Vadim. She knew him well enough that he wouldn’t care how late it was, especially not when it concerned his car.

After his cell phone went straight to voicemail, she tried his hotel. The perky woman who answered immediately transferred Angel to his room.

“Hello?” A groggy, husky, feminine voice answered. Angel froze, her throat tightening. “Hello?” the woman asked again.

When she heard a muted male voice in the background, she hung up. The sharpest sense of betrayal sliced into her, which was stupid. She didn’t have a claim on Vadim. They were friends who had shared a kiss. Well, a really hot kiss with a little groping action. Then he’d immediately rejected her after their interruption, making it clear he thought it was a mistake and that it wasn’t happening again.

None of that mattered now. Setting the phone down on the center console, she headed to his place. She’d been looking forward to spending more time at his place with him, now she was just counting down the hours until she could leave. At least it would give her something else to focus on other than the bizarre vandalism.

It was impossible to completely dismiss that whoever had done it was from her past. Still, she was having a hard time wrapping her mind around that. Not when she’d been living like a ghost. She didn’t have an online trail for anyone to follow. But if her past had caught up with her, it was time to run again. She’d already escaped a monster once. She’d do it again.


Chapter 7


Angel’s eyes opened with a start and she glanced around Vadim’s guestroom. According to the digital clock on the nightstand it was almost two in the morning. She’d left one of the lights from the bathroom on so she could see in the unfamiliar place. A faint illumination streamed through from the cracked open door. Charlie’s head popped up when Angel moved, but she sniffed once, then laid back down. Angel paused at the dog’s lack of reaction. Maybe she hadn’t heard anything after all.

Vadim’s house was a lot quieter than where she lived and that took some getting used to. Not that she’d be getting used to it. As soon as she could leave, she was gone. Still, she could swear she’d heard something.

Sliding out of bed, she crept to the bedroom door, her bare feet silent against the hardwood floor. Her heart pounded an erratic tattoo against her chest as she eased the door open. It was all because of that vile vandalism. It had her on edge.

Slowly, she stepped out into the hallway, and nearly screamed when she saw Vadim making his way down the hall, a gun in hand. Her eyes widened and she froze. What was he doing here with that? Was someone in the house?

“Are you okay?” he whispered as he came to stand next to her.

“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?” How the hell had he gotten home already when she’d only heard him with that other woman in the hotel room a few hours ago?

At her words, he relaxed a fraction and sheathed his gun in a hidden holster under his suit jacket. Before she could ask more questions, he continued. “I saw an SUV. Are you alone?” There was an edge to his question that took her off guard.

She rubbed her eyes and shook her head. “Well, no—”

Vadim stepped past her, moving lightning fast as he stepped into her room. He flipped the overhead light on and Charlie whined, covering her face with her paw.

Now it made sense why Charlie hadn’t reacted. She must have realized it was Vadim in the house. Angel snapped the switch down and the dog stopped fussing. “Vadim, what’s going…oh my gosh,” she bit out, keeping her voice low. “You thought I had someone in there with me.”

His jaw tightened once and he didn’t deny it.

Which lit the fuse on her temper. “First, I would never bring someone into your home without asking you first. Second…you have no business caring if I sleep with anyone else,” she said hurriedly, unable to hide the bite of anger to her words. Normally she didn’t have much of a temper, but she was incredibly hurt and it was making her edgy. After hearing that woman in his bed she felt more than a little crazy with jealousy. Even thinking about it made her stomach twist in knots.

He seemed surprised by her words. “I don’t have any business caring?” he asked her, that edge to his voice still firmly in place.

She wrapped her arms around herself, suddenly very aware that she was just wearing a long T-shirt and panties. She hadn’t expected him to be home so early. “No,” she ground out. “What are you doing back so early? Is everything okay?” She hoped he would let her change the subject.

His pale blue eyes narrowed a fraction, still watching her in that careful way of his. Almost as if he was trying to figure something out. “Finished the job early.”

And clearly he wasn’t going to expand. Sighing, she rubbed a hand over her face. She still wasn’t fully awake and just wanted to go back to bed. Not stare at the deliciously sexy man who’d just left another woman’s bed a few hours ago. “Good, I know Charlie will be happy to have you back. Listen, something happened with your car.”

“I saw the SUV in the garage.”

“I picked up an extra shift today—last night—and was really careful with your car. I even used valet.” She wrung her hands together, feeling awful about his car. “I don’t know what happened but someone vandalized it. They keyed the word ‘whore’ on the hood while it was in the parking garage.” As his expression darkened, she hurried on. “The hotel is going to fix it since it happened on company property. That’s why I’ve got the SUV. Iris let me use it so I could get home. Uh, here, your home. I’m sure it’s for you to use until they’ve handled everything.”

BOOK: Sweetest Surrender
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