Tame the Beast (Ever After #1) (8 page)

BOOK: Tame the Beast (Ever After #1)
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Her mouth set in a hard line as she tried to figure out what could motivate him into giving his best. If he put half the amount of work into his paper as he did honing his skills as a relentless flirt, he would have been top of his class.

“Fine. I’ll add more depth to it,” Adam said, breaking the silence. She didn’t appreciate his mocking tone, but she was satisfied nonetheless. With a crooked smile, he added, “That’s not fair, you know.”

“What’s not? The fact that I want you to get an A, rather than just a passing grade?”

“No,” he replied, pausing until he had her full attention. “The way you get exactly what you want from me without saying a word.”

Clara snickered. “I don’t know what you mean.”

“Sure you do. You’ll have to teach me that little trick.”

Clara tried to muffle her laugh, but the quick intake of air almost caused her to snort. “That would be like giving liquor to an alcoholic.”

“Are you saying I couldn’t handle it?”

“Oh no,” she said, trying to keep her eyes on his papers. “I’m saying it would be stupid, and I’m not going to be your enabler. I’m sure you already know how to get exactly what you want.”

“Not everything I want.” The rough sound of his low voice sent small vibrations across Clara’s skin. She was well aware of the effect he had on her, and it didn’t sit well with her conscience.

Stay focused
, she stubbornly told her overactive imagination, but it was already jumping at the possibilities he presented and none of them were good. Needing a distraction she asked, “What do you say we wrap this up and head over to Corin’s? I’m sure my sister and Rose are already there.”

“Whatever you say, Teach,” Adam replied as they gathered their things and headed towards the apartment.

Under the moonlight, Clara felt the familiar sense of freedom flow through her. She never thought of a library as being confining, but with Adam around, every enclosed space turned stuffy. The night air was just the fresh breath she needed to focus.

“So, is it ever weird for you?” she asked. “You know, walking around a campus your family built?”

“Never. I like being a part of something I know took generations to build.”

The pride in his voice warmed right through to her heart.
Don’t go there,
she reminded herself. An occasional fantasy was one thing, but combining it with anything else would be foolish. They were friends and only friends. Keeping herself in check, she smiled wide as she said, “And walking around like a mini-celebrity must be nice.”

Humor flashed through his eyes. “It has its perks.”

“Well, make sure you wrap it up,” she teased, feeling bold. “Or you’ll start the next generation sooner than planned.”

Adam’s surprised laugh echoed around the campus trees. “You sound like Luke. And don’t worry.” His voice softened as the corner of his mouth rose to meet a very suggestive wink. “I always do.”

Her heart skipped two full beats, but she shook it off with a laugh, trying not to focus on the image his heated words created. Her nerves danced around her stomach and she caught herself wondering what it would be like if he were the dating kind. At times, it seemed like the most natural thing in the world. He made her want to be carefree and experience everything life had to offer without the fear of consequences. If it wasn’t for the Grade A jerk he became when the masses arrived at any party, it might be worth a chance. But Clara knew better. His need to be Big Man on Campus trumped everything else, and that was not a chance her heart was willing to take. This good-humored, sometimes sweet, beautiful version of Adam was only available during their slow walks through campus.

* * *

The music from Adam’s old apartment was blasting through the walls as he and Clara entered the building. He wasted no time in getting them both a drink. As expected, Rose and Harper were already there. Adam took a long look at Clara’s sister. She was traditionally beautiful with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He immediately recognized the similarities between the siblings, not to mention the facial expressions.

The energy that buzzed from Clara to Harper was amusing. Harper had a charming presence, which captivated those around her, but it was nothing compared to Clara’s natural beauty and quick wit. Watching Clara prance around the party with her sister by her side only made Adam want her more. The duo played off of each other like a well-rehearsed skit, something he was sure they perfected at the expense of their parents’ sanity.

Double trouble,
he thought, shaking his head.

“You’re not planning to seduce them both, are you?” Luke teased as he and Deacon joined Adam in the kitchen.

Adam laughed into his beer. “Yeah, like Clara would ever allow that.”

“And that’s stopped you before?” Deacon asked with a raised brow.

“Would you want to try?”

“To take on Clara?” Deacon’s brow arched higher. “Yeah right. It’s the quiet ones you have to watch out for. Something tells me she’s feistier than she lets on.”

“You have no idea,” Adam agreed before taking another slow sip of his beer, enjoying its spicy taste.

“You’re hooked,” Luke said, smiling like a damn fool.

“No,” Adam replied, but as the word left his lips, his eyes searched for her. “I just like a challenge.”

“Uh-huh.” Luke wasn’t convinced. His gaze followed Adam’s until they spotted Clara, Harper, and Rose in the middle of the living room, dancing without a care in the world. Deacon eyed Adam carefully. He seemed even less convinced.

“It’s not like I could date her anyways,” Adam said. “I’m still on lockdown, remember?”

“Oh come on.” Luke gave Adam’s arm a good nudge. “You already talked her into being your tutor. I doubt she would object to a little extra … anatomy lessons.”

“I didn’t tell her everything.”

“Why not?” Deacon asked, still shaking his head at his brother’s suggestion.

Adam shrugged. He wasn’t diving into that messy argument. Instead, he said, “It’s not like we know her very well.”

“Yet,” Luke finished before dancing his way over to the girls.

Adam watched as Luke took center stage, stealing Rose away from the sisters. When Corin jumped at the chance to persuade Clara to dance with him, something twisted in Adam’s gut. He almost dashed forward with some flimsy excuse about coming to her rescue, but Clara was already brushing Corin away. Adam relaxed against the counter, admiring the tact and elegance with which Clara could turn a man down.

Corin was left standing there, most likely thinking that Clara was too innocent or too buzzed to understand his intentions. The sight brought a smile to Adam’s face. Corin’s attention turned to the nearest group of victims, and Adam shook his head knowing that the guy had one more drink to go before pulling out his prized, piece-of-crap blade he received from his granddad. The story lasted longer than the actual history. Not that it stopped Corin from bragging to anyone who would listen, nor did it stop some dreamy-eyed chick from falling for the overstretched tale.

Adam’s gaze drifted back to Clara, but not before catching the annoyed look Harper continued to cast Corin’s way. Adam’s smile deepened. She didn’t care for Corin either, which meant the arrogant bastard didn’t stand a chance in hell with a certain brunette Wright sister. Music to Adam’s ears.

“So, what do you think?” Adam asked, turning to Deacon.

“About what?”

“Clara.” He wanted a straight answer, and Deacon was the only one who wouldn’t make it into something larger than it was. Luke would’ve teased him for days.

“I think Corin’s right. She’s too good for you,” he said, his brown stare fixed on Adam. “But why should you let that stop you?”

Deacon didn’t wait for a response as he left Adam alone to think. Why should it stop him? The words danced around his head. Deacon was right. Nothing stopped him before. Why would he let it now? Drink after drink, Adam thought about how he could get Clara alone, if only for a moment. The usual partiers were strolling in, and soon there would not be much room left in the apartment.

With the girls owning the makeshift dance floor, the guys took refuge at the pong table. Pong balls soared through the air, and Adam was trapped in a game against Marcus and Corin. He would have enjoyed the game more with Clara as his partner. Luke was tanked, which made him the world’s cockiest player and also the worst.

“Game!” Marcus yelled as he sunk the last cup.

“Bull,” Luke slurred as more trash talking spewed from his mouth.

The cups were stacked for a rematch, but Adam relented, giving his spot to Deacon, and the new battle began. Having no interest in the game, he slipped out to the patio for some fresh air where he could think straight. As luck would have it, his beautiful torment was already there.

“Hey,” Clara said softly. “Had to get some breathing room too?”

Adam nodded. With a crooked smile, he said, “Too much testosterone at the pong table.”

Clara laughed as she took a long drink from her plastic cup. “Too many sweaty bodies dancing.”

“What do you say we go for a little walk?”

Clara eyed him with a skeptic glare. “I don’t think I should leave my sister in there by herself for too long. The wolves might descend.”

“I think she can handle herself for a few minutes. Plus she’s not alone. I’m sure Rose will watch after her. And I’d beat the crap out of the guys if they don’t save her from any drunk advances.”

Clara’s brown eyes seemed to wage an inner battle. She was so close to giving in he could feel it. Taking a few encouraging steps away from the apartment, Adam waited for her to decide.

Slowly, she set her empty cup on the patio table. With a soft smile, she said, “Fine. But only because I’d like my head to stop pounding with the bass.”

Adam laughed as he fell into step with her pace. God, he loved the night. In his experience, people behaved differently once the sun set. They were more carefree. And with a little alcohol-induced persuasion, fear of judgment was thrown to the stars. Tonight wasn’t any different. The autumn air was the perfect contradiction to the heat from his buzz.

Adam glanced to his side and the heat burned a few degrees hotter. Clara looked gorgeous under the moonlight. Images of laying her down on the cool grass and watching the stars bounce in her eyes flashed through his mind.

Needing a distraction from his wayward thoughts, he asked, “Having a good time?”

“Yeah,” she replied with a smile. “It’s nice to have Harper here.”

Adam nodded. “I like her.”

Clara’s suspicious glare jetted up to him. Her feet stopped moving as she turned to face his tall frame. The look of anger in her brown eyes was intoxicating under the moon’s white glow.

“Stay away from my sister, Adam,” she said, her voice matching the growl of a mama bear.

He had to suppress a laugh, but a smile remained glued to his face as he held his hands up in mock surrender. “I have no intention of doing anything with your sister.”

Her eyes filled with challenge. “Then what are your intentions?”

“Have a little faith in me,” he said as he stepped closer.

The way her chest rapidly raised and fell enticed him further. He was either going to get close enough to kiss her or get slapped. The latter would be worth it.

“Is that what you tell all your girls?” There was a slight bite to her words, but she didn’t push him away.

“What girls?” he absently asked as he brushed the side of his thumb over her cheek. It was so soft under the pad of his finger, so warm.

“The ones who practically throw themselves at you.” Her voice was soft, but the edge in her tone was still there. “I won’t be one of them.”

A deep laugh vibrated through his chest. “I’d never ask you to.”

It was the truth. He knew from the moment he met her that she wasn’t his usual type. He was sure she would have run for the hills by now, but there she was, staring up at him with those beautiful brown eyes.

Just when Adam thought she would pull away, something inched her closer. His heart leaped at the small victory. Taking his time, he ran his thumb across her chin and over her smooth lips. When his gaze flickered back to her eyes, he noticed her gaze transfixed on his mouth.

It was all too tempting.

A smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he brought his mouth to hers. Clara’s entire body tensed. He slipped his hand down her neck, cradling her as she relaxed in his embrace. The spice of the beer he’d sipped all night mixing with the sweet liquor from her lips spiked his desire like never before.

Greedily, he nipped her bottom lip, deepening the kiss. She seemed lost in the moment as she tried to follow his lead. He didn’t know if it was the alcohol racing through her body or possible inexperience, but her unsure movements had him wanting to teach her more. So much more.

Everything about her was pure and sweet, but then she did the unexpected. She leaned closer, brushing her pert chest against his. When her hands slid between them and she caught his lip between hers, primal desire raged through him. If there were a bed nearby, he would have hauled them to it without a second thought. She was too addicting, too irresistible with her soft body pressed against his. There was no way he could pull away from her.

To his dismay, Clara did.

Even under the dim light, he could see the blush in her cheeks. Through broken breaths, she said, “We should get back to the party.”

Adam fell in step with her hurried pace. He searched her face for some kind of clue as to why she was suddenly running away from him. He needed something to read her thoughts about the kiss they’d shared.

“Clara,” he began, keeping his voice low as he reached for her hand to slow her down.

Her brown eyes briefly met his before gluing themselves back on the path. Her response came out a flustered mess as she said, “I—I should find Harper and Rose.”

A feeling he could not explain swirled around his head. Women didn’t run from him after a heated moment. And their kiss was definitely heated. At least, it was for him.

Adam slowed his pace as Clara rushed into the party. Leaning against the open patio door, he watched her rejoin her friends. The way she responded to him was anything but timid, which confused him more. Yet, she continued to laugh and drink with her friends as if nothing had happened between them. He almost regretted making a move too soon.

BOOK: Tame the Beast (Ever After #1)
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