Read Taming Her Past - Protecting Her Future: BBW Erotic Romance (Hearts of Heroes Book 2) Online

Authors: Rayne O'Gara

Tags: #bbw fiction, #bbw adult romance, #bbw romance, #bbw and detective

Taming Her Past - Protecting Her Future: BBW Erotic Romance (Hearts of Heroes Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Taming Her Past - Protecting Her Future: BBW Erotic Romance (Hearts of Heroes Book 2)
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“The timing?” I ask confused.

“I, just, not thirty minutes ago, had a vacation talk with a certain detective you may or may not know. So you talking about yours reminded me of his.”

“Oh dear. Is that what had him so mad? You made him go on vaca?” At his nod I burst out laughing. I just can’t help it. Oh, to have been a fly on the wall!

“All teasing him aside, he needs it. Deserves it really, he is a great cop. But he won’t take it unless I force feed it down his throat and man, he was madder than a wet cat about it too.”

Laughter gone, I focus on my dad’s words closely. “Is he okay?” I ask, genuinely concerned.

“With some down time he will be fine. He just, he just needs to see the sun for a little while.” He sighs loudly and looks down at his food.

Seeing the sorrow in his face, I change the subject. “Did Bronnie tell you she is coming over to my place this weekend?” At his laugh, I smile back, thankful I was able to pull him out of his troubling thoughts.

“An old fashion sleepover, huh? Nail polish, gossip, and movies? I remember hearing giggles all night long from Bronwyne’s room when you two used to have those.”

His words send me back to those times. Dark times. When I was still a foster kid and the only good thing in my life was Bronwyne and her family. The bitch who gave birth to me was an evil woman who needed her next high more than she needed me and, never knowing who my sperm donor was, made me a perfect system's baby. Filed into the system at nine, I bounced from one foster family to the next. Many were good, nice people who just were understaffed and over-kidded so I got shipped to the next one. When I was fourteen, I landed in my last foster house. Quiet and reserved and overweight even back then, I mostly stuck to the shadows, not wanting to be noticed. Good things never happened when I was noticed.

School wasn’t my favorite thing in the beginning, but once my bastard of a foster father started ‘warming up’ to me, school became my everything. That’s where I met Bronwyne Marks. She was a heavyweight, shy, nerdy girl who tried to hide in the back of the classroom. Just like me. Just like all the other best friend forever stories, it started with a ‘Hi’ and ended up with slumber parties.

I didn’t think I would be able to go the first time I was invited. I tried to explain it to Bronnie but she wouldn’t listen to any of it. “My daddy will take care of it,” she told me. I didn’t believe it even when she was proven right. I was so elated I had my stuff packed in minutes, I was ready to go. Then he walked into my room. That’s when the first bruises happened. I will never forget those words he said when he was done with the punching. “This time was just the warning. You are my little girl, Harmony. Nobody needs to know how I love you. This is our secret. You are mine”

A complete year went by for me in terror. Wondering what night he would choose to fully make me his as he said he would. The only time I could relax and have something worth smiling about was at the Marks’ house. Then I thought it was all going to come to an end. One day I was changing in the bathroom at her house, getting ready for bed, and she walked in on me to bring me my forgotten toothbrush. I was standing in my underwear and shocked so still by her entrance that by the time I was covered again she had seen plenty of the new purple and fading yellow bruises that covered my torso and legs. I burst into tears not knowing what would happen, when she wrapped me up in her arms, wiped my face, and made me look at her. When our eyes met, she looked at me so sweetly and said, “It's okay, Harmony, my daddy will take care of it.” Just a couple months later, I was firmly planted in the Marks’ household and my foster father in jail.


“Oh, I’m sorry, what did you say?” I ask, pulling myself out of my past.

“Never mind. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to send you back in time, sweetheart,” he said sadly.

Shaking my head, I stand and, after cleaning up our lunch mess, I give him a hug. “I’m okay. Were all good, Dad, don’t worry.” Giving him a smile, I pick up my briefcase and head for the door.

“Oh!” I say as I turn back to him. “I almost forgot, I will be swinging by here tomorrow to drop off some paperwork, so I will try to pop in and say hi. Maybe it will be around lunch time and we can do this again,” I offer with a tentative smile. With his beaming smile and a ‘sounds great’ from him, I am out the door with a wave.
Back to the office I go
Tie up all my loose ends and I can coast to the weekend. And I am guaranteed two whole weeks of no Luccas run-ins. This is going to be great!

Chapter Three





What the hell happened
? is the first thought that runs through my head. Sunlight blaring into my closed eyelids wakes me up fully to greet the day from my uncomfortable position on the couch.
I’ve got to remember not to have anyone sleep on that thing unless they are an enemy, fuck
! Trying to rub out the stiffness in my neck and shoulder muscles, I make my way into the bathroom. My hand doesn’t help the pain, except to make it worse, so I opt for a shower. Turning the water taps on full blast, I crank up the heat. With the scalding water pounding my tight muscles I brace myself against the tiled wall with my hands and relax into the spray. When my eyes close, visions of Harmony disrupt my peaceful mind.

I imagine her body flush against mine like yesterday. Her long, soft fingers stroking my chest as she nuzzles her soft bee stung lips into my neck, licking, nibbling, sucking my exposed skin into her hot mouth. A groan rumbles out of my mouth bringing me out of my thoughts. With now open eyes, I see my proudly erect cock begging for attention.
Shit! No, not her! Sorry, big guy, we are so not going there.
I twist the hot water knob completely off and get hit with an icy waterfall and embrace the chill. Letting out a thankful sigh at my pride and joy's deflation, I make quick with the washing. With the water shut off, I jump out and dry off.

Pulling on my old faded jeans and a simple black t-shirt, I make my way to the kitchen for a cup of much needed coffee. I plop down on the now hated sofa and take a good gulp of the hot life giving fluid. Caffeine ingested, and mind awake, I spread out my files and start getting to work.

Almost done sorting through my mess of paperwork, thanks to she-who-shall-not-be-named, I come across some papers that don’t look familiar. Taking another gulp of my now almost gone coffee, I lean back and start to skim the unknown paper.
License of adoption protocol? A list of forms that need to be filed? Aw, shit!

Placing the two pieces of paper on the other side of my table, I finish going through my paperwork. I find three more of her papers and two of mine that are missing.
Thank God they weren’t important information or I’d be royally fucked.
Hearing my stomach growl at me for sustenance, I slide my phone out of my pants pocket and check the time. Just before lunchtime, I might as well pick up something to eat while I am out. Socks and shoes on, wallet and keys in my pockets, I am ready to head out, except for one thing more. I pick up a clean file folder and get her shit situated, then add a note with my name and number on it so she can reach me to return my files back to me, and get ready to head out to the only place I know to go that these papers would go directly to her
. Oh, hello, daddy-o.

I give my stubborn front door a good hard slam and lock it behind me. Maybe with this time off I can sand it down and get a little repair done to this old place. Built in the seventies, the old style three-bedroom house is in need of some TLC. Because of that fact, I was able to buy it a couple years ago for a song and to a not so good credit low income cop? It was a once in a lifetime buy. I am still happy over the decision but unfortunately, my job has kept me from it for too long. Mental note made to make a trip to the hardware store while I am out, I remotely unlock my black unmarked police car and slide in. A snap of the seatbelt, a check of my mirrors, and away I go. Weaving my way through traffic on the busy highway lunch rush, one thought plays and replays in my head.
Please don’t be there, please don’t be there.

With my parking spot found and her files in hand, I make my way up the concrete steps leading into the station. Cold air blasts my face as I walk in. Flashing my badge at the front desk for protocol, I quickly push the revolving door and enter into the long white hallway. The door on the other end swishes loudly, pulling my attention to a tall officer in uniform.

“Hey, Tom,” I greet.

“Dude, I thought you had leave?” he asks in his soft voice. Why he thought his voice was authoritative I will never know, but he gets the job done, that’s for sure. Just goes to show you all people are needed. Turning my head to follow his walking path, I answer him while walking backwards.

“Yeah, I am, but I needed to return some files. Be safe out there, man.” With a wave I turn back and step into the door.

Crack! The loud sound puts me on alert right before the pain descends. “Son of a bit—” I close my watering eyes and bring a hand up to cradle my nose. I am not usually this big of a pussy, but this shit hurts! Trying to rub feeling back into my nose and checking for blood, a soft chittering catches my attention. Right in front of me is the culprit of my pain.
Of course it’s her, I have no luck.

“Jesus, lady! You almost broke my nose! Why is it that it’s always you? Huh?” I ask rhetorically.

“Don’t Jesus me, I wasn’t the one standing in front of a revolving door! Do you always have to be crashing into me?”

“Trust me, it is not something I look forward to. I try to avoid it at all costs but you keep showing up! And
ran into
this time!

The black dots and tears have gone away finally and I can take a good look at Harmony. A quick look of hurt covers her face before she schools it back to disdain.
Did I crack her shell?

“Why are you here? Are you not supposed to be on leave?” Harmony asks in an annoyed voice.
Guess there was no crack after all. Why do I keep hoping for something that is never going to happen?
A laugh from my right has me taking in the stares around us.
vultures. Gossip flies faster here than it did in high school. And that’s just what I need right now, rough treatment of the boss’s daughter spreads all the way back to said boss.

“It is in everyone’s best interest to vacate NOW!” I practically roar out. Shuffling boots and quick clicks from heels trail off as I turn back to the she-devil. With a hand on one hip cocked to the side, she starts to tap her foot in impatience. Dio
, she needs a good spanking.

Spying the janitor’s closet to my left, I grab her arm and drag her forcibly behind me into the quiet private space. Mindful at the strength of my grip, I loosen my hold and once the door slams behind us, I release her completely. Flicking the switch on, a dim bulb casts barely enough light to see by, I turn fully to her and cross my arms in front of my chest trying to make myself look intimidating.

“Okay, we are going to hash this out once and for all. What the fuck is your issue with me, huh? What did I ever do that has you hating me so much? I’m here to bring your files to your father, I am trying to be nice here. A fat lot of good it does me! So what is it, princess? Huh?” I angrily bite out. I have had enough. Her reasons better be damn good or I will bend her over shelves and give her the spanking her spoiled ass deserves!

“”Excuse me? Who do you think you are taking that kind of tone with me? Did you ever think that it was you who is the cause of this between us?” she asks, motioning between us before throwing her hands quickly in the air. “You are the most egotistical, male chauvinist I have ever had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting! But of course it’s all me! You don’t even know me, but that has never stopped you from showing your disdain. So fine you don’t like me, learn to be civil!”

“Excuse you? You want me to excuse
? Yes I admit I don’t know you but only because you never gave me that chance! You heard “Detective” and your little nose turned up and you have treated me like shit on the bottom of your shoe!” I growl.

“I did not!” Harmony sneers.

“Don’t interrupt, your highness, it’s my turn to talk.”

With my words, Harmony lets out a shriek and I am barely able to catch the flying palm headed toward my face. With my fingers around her wrist stopping her path mid-flight, I push her against the closed door, immobilizing her body with mine. Her sweet flowery sent surrounds me and I fall in line with my body’s desires. Even through the yelling, my cock is straining against my pants trying to bust out of my zipper. Pushing my rock hard shaft into her rounded stomach, a groan rumbles from my chest at the sweet friction. With one hand pinning her wrist to the door behind her, I wrap my free hand around the back of her neck, grabbing some of her soft as silk hair in the process. I shift her head up, making her look at me and I see the same desire reflected back from her eyes.

“Disgust is not a word in my vocabulary when I think about you, Harm,” I whisper. With a shocked gasp from her, I can no longer hold myself back. I have to know her taste, I have waited too long. No thoughts of finesse, of being easy, I am driven by pure lust.

Slamming my mouth down onto hers, I waste no time before my tongue is rubbing against hers. God, she tastes so fucking sweet. Pixie sticks…she tastes like pixie sticks! Catching her whimpers in my mouth only fuels my passion. Her tempting body takes life as she pushes back into my chest, jerking on her captured wrist until I am forced to let go of my prize.

BOOK: Taming Her Past - Protecting Her Future: BBW Erotic Romance (Hearts of Heroes Book 2)
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