Read Tangled Redemption Online

Authors: Tina Christopher

Tangled Redemption (6 page)

BOOK: Tangled Redemption
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His cock was about to bust through his trousers, but despite
the intense need it was as if a weight lifted off his chest. Jayden kissed the
soft skin of her lower stomach. “How are you doing?”

She panted, her eyes unfocused, her pupils dilated.

He chuckled and cupped her quivering pussy, the ball of his
thumb resting against her clit.

Sydney shivered and groaned. “Give me a moment.”

Jayden laughed. “Sorry, love, I owe you one more.”

She groaned, but when he changed his grip and thrust two
fingers inside her she welcomed him. With every orgasm he’d ensured he didn’t
let her come down all the way but kept her just that little bit on edge. It
made it that much easier to push her over into the abyss again.

And she responded beautifully.

Knowing her clit was highly sensitive after two orgasms he
focused on pushing his fingers in and out of her, in long, slow, deep thrusts.
Intermittently he added a third and circled his thumb around her clit. In his
explorations he discovered that every time he put a little bit of pressure on
the area of skin just above the bundle of nerves Sydney responded with a rush
of moisture and a tensing of her leg muscles.

Never one to waste an opportunity, he kept coming back to
just that spot. Within moments Sydney panted and twisted her head back and
forth on the pillow.

Jayden added slow licks and sucks of her inner lips and
finally replaced his circling thumb with his tongue. A deep groan escaped her.

He circled her clit, coming close but never quite touching
the sensitive peak. He cupped her tight ass with one hand and with the other
caressed her hip and stroked along her side until he reached her breast.

He teased her areola, but same as with her clit he avoided
the responsive tip of her breast.

Sydney’s movements grew more restless, her moans and
whimpers more vocal. In the end Jayden timed it perfectly. As he tweaked her
nipple between two fingers he sucked her clit.

She screamed and exploded beneath him.

He came close to losing it himself and hung on by a mere
thread. He clung to his control as he helped her to slowly come back to

When their gazes met, her sea-blue eyes, still slightly
hazy, studied him as if he was the most intriguing mystery in the universe. He
didn’t know what went through her mind and for a minute he wished she was his
lifemate so they could share their minds, read each other’s thoughts and
experience the deep intimacy as only two matched souls could.

“How are you holding up?”

She chuckled. “I’ve never tried drugs, but I believe the way
I feel mirrors being high as a kite.”

He laughed and pulled her close. “There are very few things
I haven’t tried, so I’ll take this as a compliment.”

She rubbed her cheek against his chest. “Bit of a rebel,

He stroked his fingers up and down her neck. “Of course. It
was in the job description.”

Sydney turned until she was on her stomach and could look at
him. “Mercenary?”

He shook his head. “I was the lead singer in a band.” He
stayed close to the truth when he built this persona. At one point he had been
in a band, so he used it. “Drugs and rock ’n’ roll still go together, no matter
how far we’ve come since old Earth. I tried most everything once, just to see.”
And he’d needed to know the effect the drugs had on his body.

She gaped.

Jayden laughed and kissed her. Then he started to sing one
of the latest intergalactic chart toppers.

She stared at him.

Heat radiated through his chest and his hands tingled. He
wanted to capture this moment in time and not let go. It was complete insanity,
but he didn’t care.

“How did you go from bad-boy singer to badass Feral?”

Her question was like a punch reminding him where he was. He
grimaced and looked away. “Life happened.”

Before she could ask more questions Miguel interrupted. “I
believe it is my turn now.”

Jayden didn’t want to release Sydney. For a moment he wanted
to hold her close and never let go.

But he couldn’t. Not now. Not here.

He needed to figure out how to stop himself from getting
emotionally entangled with a woman who would most likely be the death of him.

Chapter Four


Miguel was more than one thousand years old. He had seen and
done everything at least once, but the torture of watching Jayden pleasure
Sydney was like nothing he had ever experienced.

After her initial hesitation she had given herself over to
the pleasure Jayden bestowed on her with everything she had. She was like a
solar storm, beautiful and dangerous. But it wasn’t just she who held him on
the edge of the abyss. Watching Jayden had been equally delightful. Miguel
wasn’t opposed to sex with men, had enjoyed it a number of times throughout his
life, but had always felt more drawn to women.

Jayden changed that. Miguel wanted to touch the pale skin
peeking out from under the short-sleeved shirt, wanted to cup the firm ass and
squeeze. The image of himself thrusting deep into Jayden while the other man
pleasured Sydney with his mouth had not left his mind.

He would make it so, but first he needed to establish his
dominance in this trio. He could not allow anything else. Especially as they
shared a look that didn’t seem to want to come to an end.

Miguel rubbed the surprising ache in his chest and rose. “I
believe it is my turn now.”

Jayden flinched but slowed his caresses and gently released
Sydney. She turned her head and met his gaze. He saw hesitation and uncertainty
before her expression grew blank.

Surprising anger curled though him. She had allowed Jayden
to see her, had allowed herself to be vulnerable with the other Vampire, but now
she planned to shut down? Not something he would permit.

He pulled an old-fashioned metal key out of his pocket and
opened the narrow door that led to his private toy room. He walked past the
swing and the rack to his wall of whips and floggers. He picked up a flogger
with medium long double tails made from Botannia elk and a smaller one made
from deer leather, also originating on Botannia. Miguel didn’t yet know if he
would use the smaller for genital play, but he want to have it at hand if the
opportunity arose. On his way out he picked up thick leather cuffs lined with
soft morago fur. The connected chains clattered as he carried his collection
into the room.

Jayden waited beside the door, his eyes sparkling with
curiosity and need. Miguel forced himself to walk by but then shifted the cuffs
into the same hand as the floggers. He grabbed the other man’s neck with his
free hand and devoured him with a deep and forceful kiss. Jayden didn’t even
hesitate but opened his lips and welcomed Miguel. Their tongues dueled and
Miguel’s hand tightened in Jayden’s hair.

Jayden held strong for a breath or two before he allowed
Miguel to pull him close.

Miguel got the message loud and clear. Jayden decided to submit
in this instance, but it would not always be the case. He’d already shown that
when he’d teased Sydney instead of taking off her panties. Miguel should be
annoyed but found he had no problem with that. He wouldn’t have respected the
other Vampire as much as he did if Jayden had just given in.

Finally he released the other man. Their gazes locked,
neither of them wanting to let go. “Later,” Miguel said.

Jayden’s lips quirked. “Later it is, my man.”

Miguel turned to Sydney. She sat up on the bed, one foot
flat and her arm wrapped around the raised knee. Her expression was still
blank, but a battled warred in her eyes. She looked between his eyes and the items
in his hand. “What are those?”

Miguel didn’t respond but walked up until he stood beside the
headboard of the bed. “Computer, frame scenario eight.” The programming went
into place and a metal arch rose from the ground. It had four hooks that would
attach to the links in the cuffs and suspend her across the arch. He tapped one
of the metal rods with his foot and two platforms appeared for Sydney to stand

He looked at her. She hadn’t moved, but her breathing was
uneven and he smelled her excitement. Miguel set down the two floggers and
lifted the cuffs, the chains clinking. “I already mentioned I would control
you.” He gestured to the frame. “I will tie you up and then use the flogger on
you. For the time you are under my control you won’t have to think or decide.
Your only job is to experience and savor the pleasure.” He put his hands on his
hip. “Do you agree?”

She glanced between Jayden and himself. The other Vampire
had crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the foot end of the bed.
The bulge between his legs showed that he liked the situation as much as Miguel
and had no plans to interfere.

Miguel raised the locked cuffs. “Chose a safe word.”

She swallowed. Her nipples were tight peaks. He couldn’t see
her moist pussy in this position, but her scent permeated the air telling him
all he needed to know.

“A safe word?”

He only looked at her.

For a few minutes no one spoke. He could wait as long as she
needed. She needed to make this decision herself and agree to give up control.

Her breathing had turned into panting and a flush had spread
across her body. In the end she climbed to her feet and swallowed. “My safe
word is asparagus.”

Miguel stilled. “Asparagus?” He couldn’t stop the question
from escaping.

She nodded. “It is not something I am prone to say in the
heat of the moment.”

He nodded. “Computer, safe word is asparagus.” The cuffs
unlocked with a loud
. He captured her gaze. “If you say asparagus
everything ends. The cuffs will come off and all play finishes, so don’t use it
because you are unsure. Tell me to slow down, tell me you can’t process the
pleasure, but if you say stop everything ends.”

She licked her bottom lip as she studied him. In the end she
nodded and held out her hands.

Triumph surged through Miguel, but he still needed her to
state her consent. This was too important to allow her a way to hide. “Do you
agree to my demands?”

Sydney crossed her arms before her chest.

He gritted his teeth at her defensive posture but continued
to wait. Miguel might be the Dom, but she had to explicitly give her
permission. Otherwise this didn’t work.

After what felt like an age she straightened and uncrossed
her arms. “I agree to your demands.”

Miguel nodded, keeping the elation off his face. For the
first time in longer than he could remember something other than his plan
dominated his thoughts. Miguel knew she would most likely be the death of him,
but right now he didn’t care.

He secured the cuffs around her wrists and helped her into
position before attaching the chains to the arch. The noise of the chains
against the metal of the bar hardened his already aching cock even more. She
now stood with her arms raised and spread. He did not cuff her ankles, but the
foot platforms forced her to stand with her legs spread a little wider than she
would do naturally.

He stroked the flat of his palm down her back, over her
bottom and then down one leg. He ran his hand up the other leg, more triumph
curling through him when she widened her stance.

He picked up the heavy flogger and caressed her back with
its tails. A shiver ran through her. For a moment it was as if the heavy
leather stroked down his own back. He froze, but the sensation had already

Miguel snapped the flogger, the heavy leather sounding
formidable, the weight of it in his hand familiar and tightening the
anticipation. He swung the flogger, the thud of the many tails against her skin
heavy and intimidating, but the sting minimal. Until he learned more about her
desires and responses, until he knew how much pain she could handle, and more
importantly, how much pain she wanted, he would hold back.

He repeated his move over and over again. Her shoulders and
bottom flushed pink. She moaned low and guttural and curled her hands around
the chain attaching her to the frame.

He caressed her pink back with his hand, for a moment
wishing it was not so rough and calloused.

She whimpered.

The blood flowing just under the surface of her skin tempted
him, but he had promised. He put down the heavy flogger with a loud flop and
picked up the lighter deer flogger.

She tightened her fingers around the chains. Tension spread
into every muscle in her body.

“Relax, otherwise it will be painful.”

She exhaled but kept her muscles tight.

Miguel narrowed his gaze but said no more. Instead he swung
the lighter flogger with an expert hand, hitting her outer and inner labia, her
opening. And her clit. Her anus. With every hit her screams grew louder. More
of her essence gathered at her opening and slowly slid down her upper thighs.

But concern curled through him when she grew tighter and
tighter, not giving her muscles a chance to relax, for the fire to spread
through her body and catapult her over the edge into pleasure.

He switched the lighter flogger into his left hand and
lifted the heavier flogger with his right.

He teased her with lighter taps against her pussy, keeping
the heavy leather quiet, giving her no warning. Then he switched to the heavier
flogger and smacked her behind over and over again.

She screamed and screamed.

Out of the corner of his eyes he saw Jayden move, but he
shook his head.

This was his responsibility. Just when he thought he would
have to stop because she would not be able to handle more she broke with a
scream. A scream filled with so much agony, so much pain and beneath it a rage
so hot he was amazed she had managed to keep it contained for so long.

The dam she had walled herself behind after the tortures her
dead husband had put her through cracked and she released some of the poison
that had been building up inside her. With a hoarse sob, her knees buckled, but
Miguel was there to catch her.

He wrapped his arm around her waist and held her. “Sh, I
have you. Let it go, Sydney, just let it go.” Jayden appeared at his side and
gestured at the cuffs. Miguel shook his head. This was her decision.

Much too quickly for his liking her control returned and her
sobs quieted. He continued to hold her. She fell silent.

“Do you want to stop?” Miguel wasn’t sure what he wished her
response to be. The power of her submission had driven him so close to the edge
he wasn’t sure he would be able to keep control. But her responsiveness made
him want to do so much more.

She turned her head, her blue eyes red-rimmed and tired but
filled with a fire that wrapped around his dick and squeezed. “You said you
were going to give me three.”


Sydney didn’t know what was up or down, before her or behind
her. Her world had narrowed down to the sound of the flogger as it flew through
the air, the heavy thud as the leather smacked her skin and the sting that
spread through her body like electricity.

Never before in her life had she been tied up and flogged.
Her feminist parts should protest this lack of control, but she was too excited
to finally have a deep and hidden fantasy come to life. None of the men she had
been with had showed any interest in bondage and when she mentioned it to
Marius his response had ensured she never did again.

And now her kidnapper, the man she should hate with
everything inside her, had shown her what she always wanted to know. That it
was all right to let go, that she did not need to be in control every hour of
every day.

Despite the impossible, probably deadly situation she found
herself in, for the first time since lifting the laser and killing her husband
she felt as if she could finally take a deep breath. It made absolutely no
sense and it terrified her more than she could describe, but the weight on her
chest had eased.

She had done some wild things but never two men at the same
time. Initially the thought of someone watching had worried her, but it had
enhanced her pleasure. Knowing that there was a third watching, knowing he
could enter the fray at any moment, combined with everything else had driven
her higher.

Miguel—after everything that had happened it was right to call
him that—studied her. Once again he gave the computer instructions and the
frame pulled together until she stood against a cross. It should have been
weird to have the material change as she was attached to it, but she knew
Miguel was in complete control. Despite the situation, she trusted him to keep
her safe in the bedroom. Sydney had no illusions about what could and would
happen outside the closed door, but she knew inside he was the master of
everything that happened to her and he would look after her.

Her nipples hardened. Her pussy moistened again. Pleasure
still coursed through her body, every nerve ending standing at attention.
Anticipation trembled in her core. This time she could see what he was doing.
She could see the flogger coming.

And he didn’t hesitate for even a moment. Instead he swung
the heavy flogger hitting her upper thighs, her stomach and her hips. Once in a
while one of the many tails trailed up her torso and hit her small breasts or
between her thighs, but never with the intensity she wanted.

She curled her hands around the chains and tugged. They had
no give and that excited her.

She wanted to rub her legs together, to drive the friction
higher, but cold chains had wrapped themselves around her ankles, locking her
in place.

Excitement and fire spread through every single cell in her
body, pushing her closer to that peak, that heart-stopping pleasure of release.

But she couldn’t go over.

He kept her on the edge, on the brink, but no further. Her
moans and whimpers turned to groans. “Do it! For Jade’s sake, do it!”

His eyes darkened, but he didn’t respond and continued to
flog her. Heat gathered in the spots he kept hitting. Soon the heat would turn
to pain, but she welcomed that. It would give her a way to release the pleasure
surging, racing, and frothing through her.

BOOK: Tangled Redemption
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