Read Tarnished Online

Authors: Becca Jameson

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

Tarnished (5 page)

BOOK: Tarnished
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People still milled about in every direction. It was dinner time. The sun was setting. Scott and Daniel approached him immediately when he came through the door. Scott swatted him on the back. “Hey, d’you go for a run? You’re missing all the fun.”

Drake lifted a brow. Sure. If only Scott knew that all the fun had just been sucked out of Drake’s life and bottled up in a glass jar. He’d never see “fun” again as long as Mackenzie Davis sequestered that jar for safe-keeping and didn’t return it.

“You okay?” Dan asked. “You look … strange.”

“Fine. Just hungry.” He trotted toward the cafeteria. “You comin’ or what?”

If he acted natural, would anyone notice? After spending a half hour with Mackenzie, would he ever have a “natural” again? He doubted it. His thoughts would always be consumed with her. There would be no escaping her, even in sleep. Her sexy smile. Her soft, brown curls he’d wanted to wrap his fingers in. Her blush when she’d been embarrassed.

He got in line with many other hungry shifters. “You guys seen Jerrod?”

Dan nodded. “Yep. He’s eating with the others in his group. Made friends with several guys.”

“Mom and Dad?”

“They’re over there.” Scott pointed clear across the room. “With some other old folks.”

Drake shook his head. Old folks? His parents were in their early fifties. They were hardly what he would consider old.

Drake made quick work of grabbing a tray and loading it with a hamburger and fries. He didn’t know if he could eat, but he hadn’t had lunch. He’d barely eaten anything before they’d arrived this morning, either. Just a quick breakfast sandwich from a local drive-through.

As soon as he took a seat, he spotted Mackenzie’s family. They sat at a table not far from him. He recognized them from this morning. She’d been traipsing along behind them when he’d collided with her.

One of her sisters made eye contact with him. She smiled and turned to say something to her parents. Seconds later she stood and headed his way. When she slid into the seat next to him, he swallowed the bite in his mouth without chewing.

He glanced across the room. Scott and Dan still stood in the food line. They’d stopped along the way to talk. Thank God.

The brown-haired girl, who had to be Mackenzie’s sister, spoke first. “Hey. Have you seen Kenzie lately?”

“Um, no.” How did she know he’d seen her at all? Had she mentioned her time spent with him to her family already?

She drummed her fingers on the table and tipped her head, eyeing him knowingly. “I saw you with her earlier. You two were walking across the parking lot all cozy-like a few hours ago.” She grinned.

“That’s true. But I haven’t seen her since then. She was…”

“Not receptive to your advances?” She giggled. “Shocking.”

He stared at her. What should he say? Did she know anything that could help his case?

“Mackenzie is … how shall I say…?” She tapped her fingers on her chin and glanced at the ceiling for answers. “Stubborn.”

“Ya think?” The words slipped out before he could rein them in. He cringed.

She laughed again. She was so much freer than her sister. Not nearly as closed off. She had the same long curls and dark eyes, but she didn’t do anything for him. Now, why on earth did fate have to go and match him up with a woman who would rather send him to the guillotine than be mated?

“Is she yours?” she asked. The woman had no restraint. She was an open book.

He swallowed, his mouth dry, and nodded. “Though I don’t believe that matters to your sister. I’m Drake, by the way.” He wiped his hand on his jeans and held it out.

“Kathleen.” She smiled and took his hand. No sparks. She was similar to Mackenzie in so many ways, but not the ones that counted. She nodded toward the table she’d come from. Everyone was looking their way. “That’s my sister, Cassidy. She’s the youngest. And my parents. I’ll spare you the introductions for now.”

Drake gave a sort of wave in the direction of Kenzie’s family.
God. I should be with her. Where is she?

“So, let me guess, she gave you about two minutes of her time and then fled as though her pants were on fire?”

“That’s about right. Why?”

“No idea. She has it in her head she’s going to marry a nice human man and settle down in a human neighborhood and have half-babies without anyone being the wiser.” She shrugged. “No one gets her, but I’m glad you’re here. Please don’t give up on her. She’s difficult, but she’s a good person.”

“I know. I can tell.” That much he was sure of.

“She thinks she has this boyfriend, but he’s gay. Not sure he knows that yet, but it’s obvious to the rest of us.” She was blunt.

“He knows now.”

“What?” She startled and nailed him with her stare.

“He called, just before I introduced myself to Kenzie. He broke things off with her.”

“Oh, God. Is she mad?”

“I don’t think she was too pleased, but I get the feeling her reasoning had nothing to do with him and everything to do with her conviction that wolves are evil creatures to be avoided at all costs.” He tried to smile. Had it worked?

Kathleen sighed. “I’m sorry. Please give her a chance. Or at least force her to give you one.”

“Trust me. I’ll do my best, but she made it clear this afternoon she wasn’t interested. I needed to give her space to think. Kinda hoping she’ll come around on her own. It’s … not easy.”

“What’s not easy? Convincing her?” Kathleen leaned forward, her elbows supporting her on the table.

He chuckled. Kathleen wasn’t mated, obviously. “No. Not that. It’s … um … difficult…” Was that the right word? “…the attempt at denial. Does that make sense?”

“Not one bit.” She grinned. “I assume you are stumbling over the attraction?”

“Yes.” He exhaled.
Please don’t make me explain my stiff cock to Kenzie’s sister.

“Listen, I’m sure she’s hiding somewhere. We’ll find her eventually.” She slid him a piece of folded paper. “I doubt she’ll be willing to come back tomorrow. This is our address. Why don’t you go encourage her while the rest of us are here?”

Drake stared down at the paper and glanced back up at Kathleen. He hesitated and then stuck the slip of paper in his back pocket. A thin piece of gold.

As Kathleen stood, Scott and Dan arrived. Their expressions were quizzical, but Drake didn’t introduce them. He let Kathleen walk away without a glance.

Her address. He both rejoiced and shook inwardly. Would she let him in if he showed up at the door?

It didn’t matter. He had to try. Any other choice was unimaginable. Leaving town tomorrow afternoon and driving back to Texas without Kenzie was … not an option he could stomach.

Chapter Four

Drake turned on the shower after ten the next morning. His brothers and parents had all left for the second day of the gathering. Luckily, a few other shifters staying in the hotel were able to help transport his brothers. His parent’s truck was too small for that many people, and Drake was a man with a mission. Finally, he was alone with his thoughts. The only thing worse than spending the night tossing and turning, consumed with visions of the brown-haired goddess of his dreams, was his inability to do anything about his physical predicament while sharing the room with his eleven-year-old brother.

Drake had provided vague explanations about his time with Mackenzie, enough to assuage their curiosity and get them out of his hair for the day. His parents had kindly not badgered him about his peculiar plans. It was time to pull out all the stops.

He stepped into the cascade of water and sighed as the warmth encompassed him. Perhaps cold water would have been better for his current predicament, but he had no intention of staving the fellow off any longer. No way could he head to Mackenzie’s house without providing himself with some release first. He’d burst the front of his jeans out if he didn’t take the edge off.

Before he even reached for the shampoo, he had his cock in his hand. He’d been hard for hours. The stiff length in his firm grasp sent a chill down his spine. Finally. He closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against the fiberglass wall, the coolness a contrast to the hot water. A moan escaped his lips as he stroked his dick from the base to the tip and back down.
Slow or fast? Oh, fuck it. There is no slow today.

Mackenzie’s smile filled his mind, her dark curls framing her round face. He thought about what her lips would feel like against his—slow, soft, gentle nibbles. Then he moved down and considered wrapping his mouth around her nipples. Would they be pink or a darker rosy shade? Lower still and he considered her clit, her pussy. He wanted to taste her so bad.

He stiffened. His painful erection needed release immediately. Hastily, he jerked his hand back and forth, struggling between the desire to prolong his daydream and the deep longing to come immediately with her image filling the back of his eyelids. Pent-up frustration from hours of lying in bed biting his tongue won the battle for a quick orgasm.

Drake squeezed his cock tighter and arched his neck as he came, his cum pulsing out of him in forceful streams against the shower wall. Heaven. He shuddered as his release came to an end. His limp arms hung at his sides as he held himself up by his forehead on the wall. He was in so much trouble. He seriously doubted the brief interlude had done anything but make matters worse. His imagination sent his yearning need to claim Mackenzie Davis into an urgency.

Kenzie lay sprawled on the living room couch, aiming the remote at the TV. She’d scrolled through all the channels more than once but couldn’t remember a single one. She finally clicked the off button and tossed the lazy-man’s gadget on the coffee table. She stared at the ceiling. She was exhausted. After running, she’d waited in the car for hours for her family, hunched in the back seat so no one could see her sulking.

It wasn’t as though she could keep Drake from finding her if he wanted to. She knew better than that. He’d be able to follow her scent anywhere. After dark, while she’d sat there alone with her thoughts, she’d waffled between relieved and miffed. She didn’t want to see him ever again. On the flip side, what the hell was so wrong with her that he’d let her go without a fight and hadn’t even tried to hunt her down?

If he’d been half as horny as she was, he wouldn’t have been able to choose compliance. Wasn’t the male species supposed to be even more magnetically drawn to the female than vice versa?

She’d suffered in that car the entire evening. She’d attempted to play mindless video games on her phone to no avail. She’d find her mind wandering to the achy spot between her legs and glance down to find she’d lost the game again. Her fingers hovered over the keys but rarely moved to avoid defeat. She tried squeezing her legs together to make the pulsing stop, but nothing worked. Each beat of her heart made her clit throb.

Remembering the time spent in that warm car last night, Kenzie moaned in frustration. Her voice filled the silence of the house, and she didn’t care. Thank God her parents hadn’t put up a fight over her disappearance yesterday and her intention to stay home today. The entire family had been oddly zip-lipped about her solitude.

They’d arrived home after ten, and Kenzie had gone straight to her room, where she’d proceeded to toss all night without sleeping more than a few minutes at a time.

She closed her eyes again now. A nap would be welcome. But every time her eyelids closed, a film reel ran on the backs of them. The sexy god of a man named Drake starred in every episode. She kept coming back to the time he’d leaned his forehead against hers and added ten thousand possible conclusions to that scene as though she were living life inside one of those childhood books where you chose your next path and then switched to a future page to continue.

In the last twelve hours, she’d read every page of that book over and over and hadn’t been able to shake it from her mind. She was now angry and sexually frustrated.

She hadn’t had sex before. Hell, she hadn’t been kissed, either, except for that blasted excuse for a wolf who’d sucked on her face two years ago.

Her parents weren’t openly demonstrative. They kissed each other sometimes, a simple peck on the lips, but they didn’t climb all over each other in front of her and her sisters. She’d always thought that was a good thing. But had it been?

She knew she was rather naïve. At least she would have been if she’d not been to the gathering four years ago…

Kenzie had consciously sidestepped almost everything with sexual connotations in her adult life, even romance novels. She tried to avoid anything that would make her crave the unattainable. It did no good to make herself sexually frustrated if she had no interest in mating.

Still, even with as little experience as she had and as few conversations as she’d involved herself in over her twenty-three years, she couldn’t believe the responsive path her body had decided to drag her down all night.

She’d slept in her normal attire of T-shirt and cotton shorts, but her nipples had pebbled and remained hard and achy under the covers. She’d even resorted to pinching them to squelch the need for pressure against the tips. She’d gripped the entire globes with both hands and squeezed, only to make the need more intense.

And that was just her breasts. The pressure low in her abdomen had been worse. Unidentified feelings that made her crush her legs together and grip her pussy at nothing.

She’d had to stuff her face into her pillow numerous times to keep from moaning into the night. When she’d opened the window to let in the cool air, it did nothing to keep the feelings at bay. Wetness leaked into her panties and distracted her thoughts.

Now she lay on the couch, frustrated on so many levels, flinging her hand over her face. She was frustrated at herself for allowing some wolfman to control her body’s reactions. But she was equally frustrated on a sexual level, the need driving her to distraction, making her want to scream.

A knock at the door dragged her from her lounging.
Who the hell could that be?
She hoped it wasn’t Darrell, wanting to explain himself further. She was so over him already she didn’t want to hash things out anymore. The thought of how long she’d been “dating” him in total denial embarrassed her to no end. She’d rather leave that episode of her life in the past and not think of it again.

BOOK: Tarnished
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