Read Taunting the Dead Online

Authors: Mel Sherratt

Tags: #Fiction, #Mystery & Detective, #Police Procedural, #Traditional, #Romance, #Contemporary

Taunting the Dead (27 page)

BOOK: Taunting the Dead
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‘I bought her that for our twentieth wedding anniversary,’ he said. ‘We went to Las Vegas. I surprised her while I was there.’

Allie wished Mark would surprise her with a watch costing that much when they reached twenty years. Next, she passed Terry an evidence bag containing a purse.

He took it from her. ‘Where did you find these things?’

‘The bag was hidden in the front garden of an empty house in Baddeley Green,’ Allie told him. ‘The estate agent was showing someone round when she found it tucked in the hedge. Said she’d seen Steph’s details on the news, saw the inscription and the photograph on the driver’s licence in the purse and handed it in.’

‘Other things?’

‘There’s a diary, a gym membership card and a set of keys. Did these belong to Steph?’ She held up another bag containing the items.

Terry nodded but he didn’t take this bag from her. She watched as he seemed to drift off into the distance for a while. She left him to it for a moment. A few feet away, she could hear Carole clattering around in the kitchen, determined to make them realise that she was still there.

‘She was such a looker, at one time,’ Terry said. ‘Still was to some extent, but much better before the booze took hold of her. Do you drink a lot, sergeant?’

‘We also found this.’ Allie ignored his question and moved on to the final item. It was a Blackberry Touch smart phone. Apart from a spot of mud, it was intact and in good condition. She held it up in another clear evidence bag.

‘We know this is Steph’s because it has photos of you and Kirstie on it,’ she told him. ‘We’ve got a lot of numbers from it and from the calls stored. Steph seemed to use the same ones with frequency. We’re checking them out at the moment. I’ll let you know if we see any that need identifying.’

Terry reached for the bag that contained the mobile phone. Allie paused. Had he deliberately touched her hand? She looked at him but he was staring at the phone through the plastic covering.

‘She never had this bleeding thing off.’ He shook his head. ‘Always texting someone or other. Arranging appointments. She lived her life by this phone. Do you think it will hold any clues?’

Allie nodded. ‘Yes, it could. Sometimes we find vital information.’

‘How?’ Terry gave it back and pointed to the settee. Allie sat down, and then became a little uncomfortable when he sat next to her in the vast room. He crossed his legs and turned his body slightly towards her.

‘It will tell us when she last used the phone,’ she replied, trying not to notice. ‘Who she spoke to, where she might have been over the last few days that could prove relevant, and there are emails we can check, too. Yes, you’re right. It can often help us with the bigger picture.’

‘By that you mean what she gets up to when she isn’t with me?’

Allie felt the heat of his stare. ‘We all need to spend time alone,’ she responded.

‘I should have been there for her, don’t you think?’ Terry leaned forward. ‘I should have been a better husband. If I had, maybe she would be here now.’

‘Why do you say that?’

‘I worked too much. I never gave her the attention she needed when we were together.’

‘What is it, exactly, that you do?’

Terry smiled. ‘You know what I do, Sergeant Shenton. You’ve done your homework on my wife, so you must surely know all about me.’

I know all the legitimate things you do.

Allie reached into her bag for her notebook. Terry sat forward and, before she had time to react, she felt his fingers in her hair, moving it away, tucking it behind her ear. She looked up quickly.

‘What do you think you’re doing?’ she asked.

‘Your hair seemed to be in the way. I thought I’d move it for you. Besides, I like to see your face.’

He reached his hand out again. Allie moved her head back.

‘Drinks!’ Carole marched into the room and slapped a tray down onto the coffee table.

For the second time, Terry ignored Carole, not even turning to look at her. But Allie was glad that she’d come over when she did. She could feel herself colouring again. Christ, how must this look to her? She smiled her thanks and reached over for a cup. Terry leaned over too.

‘I’ll get it for you.’ He passed it to her.

Allie refused to meet his eye. Instead, she shuffled to the front of the settee. Most of the time she dressed smart-casual for work, but today she wore a pencil skirt, and a fresh lilac blouse underneath a grey pinstriped suit. Black knee-length boots with a high heel, despite it being slippery underfoot. She crossed her legs at the ankle and rested the cup and saucer on her lap. Carole, still standing in front of them, wore black trousers and a white shirt. The neck was undone far too low for Allie’s liking.

When she eventually looked up, Allie couldn’t believe Carole’s reaction. Her skin had drained of colour and her hand shook as she reached for a cup. Something then made her pull it back and she stood there awkwardly. Allie looked at Terry and swallowed. No wonder the woman had been spooked. Flashes of evil tunnelled from his eyes. Yet in an instant, Terry turned back to Allie with a smile.

What the hell was going on? Had she walked into a lovers’ tiff? Or worse, was Terry trying to include her in some kind of love triangle? Either way, she wasn’t joining in with his games.

‘Actually, I don’t have time for coffee.’ She put the cup and saucer down on the tray, smoothing down her skirt as she stood up. ‘I’ll be in touch soon, I’m sure.’

‘I do hope so,’ Terry replied.

When she hit the cold air outside, Allie gulped it in as if she were drowning. Had she really been a part of that? Oh, God, what a creep. Half an hour ago, she’d seen his eyes fill with tears when he’d caressed his dead wife’s watch. Now she realised that that might have been for her benefit. Maybe she’d been given a true taste of how powerful Terry Ryder really was.

She got in the car and once again looked back at the house as she put her car into reverse. This time it was Terry Ryder who watched from a window.


As Terry stood watching Allie leave, Carole wiped away a tear that had fallen, hoping he wouldn’t turn round and notice. Humiliated yet unable to voice her feelings, she wondered how he’d explain away his actions. He’d made a pass at that bitch. She was sure of it. And after all she’d done for him… It was a good job she’d walked in when she did.

She blinked away more tears threatening to fall and tried to smile for when he turned round. Terry didn’t like his women weak. She quickly gathered herself together and held her head high. But he continued to stare out of the window. What was he thinking about? More to the point,
was he thinking about? Her, Steph or Sergeant Shenton? She hadn’t anticipated any competition.

‘Are you okay?’ she asked moments later when she began to think he’d forgotten she was there.

‘Clear that stuff away,’ he said.

At his harsh tone, she did as she was told. Once she’d loaded the dishwasher, she joined him. By now he was seated again on the settee. He looked deep in thought.

‘Penny for them,’ she giggled and sat down next to him.

He looked at her with such disgust that she thought she was going to cry again.

‘I was thinking about you,’ he said.

She smiled. That was better.

‘A glorified waitress, that’s what you are.’ Terry nodded. ‘That’s what you’ll always be. Ready to clean up after someone else.’

‘Don’t be so nasty.’ Carole tried to laugh the remark off. ‘I do have other uses.’ She placed a hand on his thigh but he smacked it so hard that she drew it away. ‘What’s wrong with you? You’re never usually this hostile.’

‘I’m rather amazed that you think you can be a substitute for Steph.’

‘No. I –’ Carole flinched at his accusation. ‘What a horrible thing to say.’

‘Okay, then. I’ll say this instead. I think it’s best if we cool things.’

‘Of course. I understand.’ She touched his forearm gently, praying he wouldn’t slap her hand again. When he didn’t, she continued. ‘There’s too much heat at the moment and, as much as I long to be with you, I can wait.’

Terry said nothing. Carole mistook his silence for emotion and smiled encouragingly.

‘It’ll be okay,’ she said. ‘Things will get better once that nosy bitch has completed her investigations. We’ll be able to be together again then. I’ll be more of a wife to you than Steph ever was.’

Terry pushed her back onto the settee. He held both her arms up beside her head, squeezing her wrists until she cried out in pain.

‘Whore!’ he shouted, his face so close she could see the hate in his eyes. ‘A fucking whore. You’ll never be any more than that. I only ever fucked you when I wanted to and how I wanted to. Do you understand?’

‘My wrists!’ Carole cried out, her heart pumping out a drum beat. ‘You’re hurting me.’

‘You need teaching a lesson on respect, Mrs Morrison.’ Terry pulled her onto the floor.

‘Ow!’ Carole caught her back on the corner of the coffee table.

‘Take off your clothes.’

‘No!’ Immediately Carole’s arm moved to cover her chest.

‘But you want me to fuck you, right?’ Terry pulled her nearer. ‘Either you take off your clothes or I will rip them off. Then how will you explain that to your precious husband?’

Crying openly, Carole flipped off her shoes, pulled off her trousers and her shirt. Terry watched her every move. She was down to her underwear.

‘Take off the rest,’ he said.

Carole unclipped her bra and then pulled down her pants. She stood in the middle of the room trying to muster as much dignity as she could.

‘Now lie down on the sofa – here, this one – on your back.’

Carole frowned. Terry grabbed her arm and pushed her down. ‘Hurry up!’

When she looked round he was gone. But in a moment he was back, with a digital camera.

‘No!’ She grabbed for her blouse.

‘I wouldn’t do that if I were you.’ Terry covered her hand with his foot and pressed down hard.


When she didn’t, he yelled.

‘I said fucking SMILE!’

In that split second, Carole realised she had no choice but to go along with him. She tried to look happy but how could she when inside she was dying. He took three photos and reviewed them before undoing his trousers.

‘Now you can do your stuff.’

Carole kneeled in front of him and took him in her mouth. If panic weren’t shooting through her veins she would have bitten the end of his cock off but she knew she wasn’t a hard bitch. That was Steph’s way, not hers. Steph had often told her how rough their sessions had been, often shown her bruises and welts. It hadn’t seemed exciting to her then and it wasn’t exciting to her now. She quickened her pace. The sooner she got this over and done with, the faster she could get out of the house.

Wiping her mouth afterwards, she looked up to see a look of satisfaction on Terry’s face. Of course she had known that it would always be one-sided. She knew he’d never love her. She knew he’d never leave Steph for her. But right now she’d give anything to be inside The Orange Grove, waiting on tables, with Shaun out the back cooking Spaghetti Bolognese. What a fool she’d been to ever think she was what Terry wanted. She dressed quickly so that she could be on her way.

‘I fantasised you were her,’ he said as she tucked in her shirt.

Carole’s teeth started to chatter. Oh, how could he say that to her now? After what she’d just done. After
they’d done.

‘Not Steph,’ Terry continued. ‘Detective Sergeant Allie Shenton.’

Carole gagged but tried to keep it hidden.

‘I could see her when you made me come.’ He grinned. ‘Fuck, it’s making me horny thinking about it.’

‘If you start anything with her,’ Carole snapped without thinking, ‘I’ll show the police the text messages you sent to me.’

Terry grabbed the collar of her blouse and pulled her within inches of his face. ‘Then I’ll show everyone those photos, including that spineless bastard of a husband of yours.’

‘Please, Terry.’ Carole felt the ability to stand being taken away from her.

‘I took one while you had my cock in your mouth,’ Terry continued, eyes glazed with rage. Then he pushed her away.

Looking back, Carole was never quite sure why she antagonised him when she was so scared, but she said the only thing she thought she had to stop him in his tracks.

‘Then I’ll tell everyone about Phil and Steph.’


‘They were having an affair. If the police knew about that, they’d know you had a motive to kill her. I know you didn’t murder her, but what would they think?’

Terry lost it. He punched her in the face.

Carole staggered and then dropped to the floor. Blood gushed from her nose. The pain was like nothing she’d ever experienced.

‘If you say anything to anyone,’ Terry came at her again, grabbing her hair and pulling her to her knees. ‘If you say… if …’

Carole grimaced as he held onto her. She could feel the blood pouring down her face, onto her shirt. Oh, God, he was going to kill her!

‘Don’t you ever think that you can threaten me or there’ll be plenty of what you’ve just had,’ he went on. ‘Treat that as a warning. If you open your mouth again, I’ll cut out your tongue. Do you understand?’

Ye – yes.’

‘I said do you UNDERSTAND?’

‘Yes!’ she cried.

Terry let go of her then and she fell back onto the floor. He grabbed her bag, searched through it and found her phone. With a press of a few buttons, she knew the text messages had been deleted. He threw everything to the floor and walked away, only turning at the door to say one last thing.

‘Get yourself cleaned up, fuck off out of my home and don’t ever come back.’


It took all the strength Carole had not to crawl into a ball and sit in a corner crying. Had that really happened or would she wake up in a minute? Find out it was all a bad dream, that she hadn’t been punched head-on by a man.

But fear of Terry returning and hitting her again propelled her unsteadily to her feet. Throwing back her head, she pinched the bridge of her nose to stem the bleeding. Then she retrieved her clothes, dressed as quickly as she could and ran out of the house. In her panic to get away, she struggled to get her keys into the door and to start the engine. Crying openly, she finally managed and sped off, wanting to put as much distance between them as possible.

BOOK: Taunting the Dead
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