Teach Before You Fuck (Before You Fuck #1) (4 page)

BOOK: Teach Before You Fuck (Before You Fuck #1)
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“I feel powerful in them, that’s for sure,” I replied, “But you don’t look so shabby yourself.”

The black suit slimmed Alex and he had his wonderfully curly hair tamed for the event. We both looked surprisingly employable.

We continued walking in silence. Today’s event had the potential of changing our lives. Our future employer could be in that room. We both had a lot riding on the day. We opened the double doors to the room and found it packed. We looked at each other, fist-bumped, and walked in different directions.

The most popular districts had long lines behind their tables. They were in the wealthy areas with real money and resources for their schools. The worst school districts, or better said the school districts with the high numbers of students living in poverty had just a few people hanging out at their tables. Then there were the school in the middle. They had a mixture of “good” and “bad” schools, but had resources for all of the students. Even though I wanted to give every district my resume, I narrowed my focus to those schools because I think they had what I needed to be successful as a new teacher.

Chapter Fifteen

After I left Alex, I started working the room. I waited in some short lines, but I walked straight up to tables where there were no people waiting. It felt strategic.

Alex and I didn’t have a moment to break for lunch. We expected to at least have a moment to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. There were too many schools to visit and lines to wait in. We both didn’t want to risk missing out on a potential interview. Every moment we had a chance to get face time and we knew we had to maximize it.

Towards the end of the day, I excused myself to use the restroom. Thankfully there was a lounge inside the bathroom and I quickly wolfed down my PB and J. I looked at my nail polish and I noticed it was chipping. I was getting a little shaky and I was ready to have this whole day over with.

I walked in and started waiting in one of the lines for a table right at the front. I had passed it many times as I went back and forth, but there was never a moment that was right to stop and get in line.

I stood in line and looked at my phone. I’d gotten no calls while I’d been at the event, but I did get a couple emails.


I looked up and found that I was first in line. My gaze reached up and I fell into the dark blue eyes of a man.

“Oh hi, I’m Laura,” I said reaching my hand out to this tall blonde stranger, who stood up to shake it.

“Hi Laura, I’m Nick Bloomgren, principal of Whispering Pines Elementary School and this is Joan Baxter another principal from South Brooke School District in South Brooke, Illinois,” he looked back into my eyes, “We’re happy to meet you.”

Nick’s eyes drew me in, but when I saw his face, I was captivated. When he smiled, his whole face invited me. He leaned in when I looked at him and I could tell he cared about what I was about to say. Instantly, I felt more nervous than I had felt the whole day and I was grateful that I had had a bite to eat or I would have felt a little woozy. I sat down in a metal chair in the modified ballroom and handed over my resume.

“I just wanted to share a little bit about me. I’m graduating in May with an endorsement in K through 6
as well as my special education and ESL endorsements.”

“Sounds great,” Nick looked at me and then grabbed a pen and started scanning my resume. “Can you tell us about your student teaching experience?” His biceps bulged in his blue oxford shirt.

I started talking and, luckily, everything just flowed. I noticed that when Nick smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkled up. I felt warmth from him that just radiated towards me. He kept looking at me and staring into my eyes. My heart lurched every single time.

Nick asked me questions and I had answers. I couldn’t stop smiling. Teaching was a passion for me and I had a lot to say about my student teaching experience. It didn’t hurt that he was a beautiful man who leaned in to hear what I had to say.

When we stopped talking, there was this pause. Then Joan said with a laugh, “You guys never let me have a turn to ask a question!”

Nick looked down to my resume. Then he looked up and our eyes locked. For a second, it felt like he could read my mind.
He knows I think he’s hot

Joan continued, “That’s fine, Laura. What I heard today is that you are very prepared for your first year teaching. Laura, you really would make an excellent addition to the South Brooke School District. I’d like to pass your resume to our HR Director.”

I felt butterflies in my stomach all over again. I could be looking at my new boss.

“Thank you so much,” I replied.

“Well, Laura, to be completely honest, I’m also blown away by what I’ve heard today,” Nick continued, “Joan, I know this is unconventional, but I’d like to offer Laura the opportunity to come and visit Whispering Pines in person and decide whether she thinks it’s a school where she could see herself.”

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.

“Anytime you want me to visit would be wonderful,” I said, trying to hold in my excitement.

“How about next week?” Nick asked with a big smile.

“Anytime over the next couple weeks would be great,” I said, standing up noticing that people all around us were breaking down many of the tables. My knees felt wobbly. I shook Joan’s hand and then I turned to Nick.

“My contact information is on my resume,” I said as I shook Nick’s hand. He held onto it a second longer than Joan and then he quickly found his business card.

“Here’s my card, too,” he said, “But I will call you.”

I nodded, taking the card.
I need to find Alex pronto.

Chapter Sixteen

A few weeks later I was able to take a trip to Whispering Pines Elementary. Forget butterflies, elephants leapt around in my stomach as my heels clicked their way up to the front door. I didn’t even know what force propelled me through the doors and into the office. The truth was simple: I wanted to see Nick again. Had the feelings I felt during the interview process been real? Was it simply a schmooze session where he pretended to be interested in me? I couldn’t deny the attraction I felt for him.
It’s probably dangerous for me to be around him

I went up the secretary’s desk and introduced myself. The secretary immediately brightened to my presence, “Oh hi Laura, I’m Mrs. Pinckney. Mr. Bloomgren has told us so much about you. We’re so happy you were able to find time in your schedule to visit today. I’ll tell him you’re here.”

I said thank you and I wondered what he could have said about me.

And then, just like that Nick was just standing in front of me. I was reminded that Nick was tall and there was that smile. He came walking up to me with his hand held out.

“Laura, I mean Ms. Roland, it’s such a pleasure to have you at our school,” he said while he leaned in.

I shook his hand lightly and looked into his blue eyes, “Thanks so much for the invitation. The place looks great,” I said looking around to escape his gaze.

“Why don’t I take you around the school and you can tell me what you think?” he opened the door out to the hallway and we started walking down the hallway together.

Even though he was leading the tour, he took his time, walking slowly along the corridor and bending his head towards mine to ask me a question or to listen to my response. We passed a classroom and he said, “That’s Mrs. Martinelli. She is retiring this year and we’re so excited for her. I’m hiring for that position. It’s a first grade classroom,” he looked quickly out of the side of his eyes to check my response. I wonder if he thinking about me and if I’m interested in the position.
I’m interested in the position because I want to see you every day.

“That’s great. It’s a loss for the school to have a veteran teacher retire,” I paused thinking,
here goes nothing
… “But I feel comfortable leading a first grade classroom.”

I could see some tension leave his body after I said that.

“Laura, I’m happy to hear that you would consider that position,” then he stopped in the hallway, “As I’m sure you’re aware, any school would be lucky to have you.” The pause was awkward as he looked into my eyes and quickly looked away. I could hear my heart beating in my ears.
Do I take a job to work under this man? The attraction I feel towards him is almost more than I can bear.

We moved towards the stairs and as we descended, my heel caught the second step when I stepped down. The stumble turned into a fall and I reached out in front of me in a futile attempt to grab the railing, but Nick was there. With my left hand, I grabbed his arm and my body crashed into his. He was able to grab the railing and steady both of us. I looked up and in his face I saw an expression of concern.

“I’m fine, I just lost my balance for a second,” I said, blushing.

“These stairs are terrible,” he said as he let go of my arm, after making sure I was ok, “Why don’t we go to my office to continue our discussion. I think you’ve seen enough of the school.”

We walked over to his office and he motioned for me to sit in one of the chairs at a small table in his office. As I sat down, I noticed that my resume was sitting on the table. Nick sat down and picked it up.

“Laura, is it okay if I call you that?”

“Of course.”

“Laura, I’m going to call HR today and tell them that I’d like them to interview you for our open position in first grade. I’m also going to tell them they had better hire you because I think you would fit right in with our staff,” Nick said.

I looked up into his eyes and he made eye contact and we both looked away.

“I’m so flattered. I think this school is terrific and I would love to work here.”

“Phew, I’m relieved because I didn’t want to have you leave this building without me knowing when I would get to see you again,” Nick said, “you know, as part of the staff.”

I looked down and smoothed out my skirt. I didn’t know what to say to that.
Had he just showed me his cards?

“Thanks again, Mr. Bloomgren. I can’t wait until the fall.”

Chapter Seventeen

Walking into my classroom the first day was a dream come true. Rows of little desks, a large rectangular carpet, and a sturdy wooden teacher’s desk in the back of the room. I’d inherited lots of materials from the previous teacher who had retired so I rolled up my sleeves and jumped right in to organize the space according to everything I had learned from my student teaching position.

“Knock, knock.”

It was Mr. Bloomgren, the principal.

“Oh hi,” I said turning to look at him. He was wearing a dark pinstripe suit and looked impeccable as he walked slowly up to me.

“Do you like your new digs?”

“This room is fantastic, Mr. Bloomgren. I love that Mrs. Martinelli left me so much stuff, too,” I replied.

“I have total faith in you, Ms. Roland,” Mr. Bloomgren leaned against the cinderblock wall and smiled, “You blew us away during your interview. You are very well prepared for the 22 first graders walking in here in a week.”

I noticed that when he crossed his arms in front of himself, his biceps were bulging. He was ripped under that suit.

“I have your class list right here and I want to go through all of these students with you since I remember them from last year and we have all of their end-of-the-year benchmarking results. Do you have a moment to sit down with me right now and talk about your students?” Nick asked, locking his dark blue eyes on mine.

“Of course, I’m looking forward to it,” I smile and look away from his piercing gaze.

We sat down and start digging in to the details of my students, their strengths and weaknesses and how they did the year before. Nick made me feel a part of the team by starting this conversation about my students. I noticed that he was very involved in their educational progress. When he shared information about the students, he was smiling and had a lot to say about almost all of the kiddos. I could tell he really liked kids, but also he really wanted them to do well in school.

Nick was telling me about some deficiencies of certain students and I just started laying out ideas that I came to mind to help them. It was a great brainstorming session, going back and forth riffing off each other.

“Mr. Bloomgren, I’m feeling so energized now!”

“Please, call me Nick,” he said looking into my eyes.

“Laura – that is okay if I call you that, right? – I think you are perfectly positioned for a fantastic first year.”

I blushed from the compliment.

“Laura, I want to make sure that you have a great work/life balance during your first you. I don’t want you staying late and working too hard,” he cautioned me, “We want to avoid burnout and increase enjoyment. Do you have any hobbies?”

I laughed, “Yes, I won’t burn out. One of my favorite things to do is cook.”

“That’s really cool, Laura. I used to be a waiter and then a bartender at a high end restaurant for a few years in college.” Nick leaned back in his chair.

“I waitressed in college, too.” I said, “But it’s hard imagining you waiting tables!”

“Yeah, that was a while ago. I think it’s been few years since I last worked at a restaurant. I actually bartended during my first years as a teacher, to make some extra money. It was also a completely different from teaching and I needed that at first. That’s why I want to make sure you have a hobby. It’s healthy.” He looked over at me and I looked away. Every time we made eye contact it felt like he could read my mind.
I’d love it if he could be my hobby


Chapter Eighteen

One day I went into his office well after school was out. I’d stayed late to get my room ready for parent-teacher night later in the week and I was finally wrapping up. The main office was dark, but in the back I could see the window of his office was illuminated. Nick was still here.

I knocked on his door lightly with my knuckle and he came to the door.

BOOK: Teach Before You Fuck (Before You Fuck #1)
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