Read Temptation (Club Destiny) Online

Authors: Nicole Edwards

Temptation (Club Destiny) (8 page)

BOOK: Temptation (Club Destiny)
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Once inside the hotel, he headed straight for the concierge desk, doing his level best to get his mind out of the gutter. He wasn’t surprised to see that Sierra had stayed back a considerable distance with Cole.

“Checking in.” Luke told the friendly woman who eyed him with a questionable look. Giving the woman all three of their names, advising that they needed three rooms, Luke added a few instructions of his own.

If things went the way he hoped, one of those three rooms would go unused anyway, but he wasn’t going to predict the future just yet. If he knew anything about the mysterious woman he’d just spent three hours with, he knew she would give him a run for his money.

The woman was a firecracker, and when he had pulled her onto his lap in the limo, the way she had lost all of her inhibitions had nearly been his undoing. He was secretly drawn to her unbridled fascination, yet apparent innocence, regarding his lifestyle. If he wasn’t mistaken, she was intrigued by his dominant nature, though Sierra Sellers was anything but submissive.

The thought of a woman who wanted to be dominated, yet didn’t want to hand him the reins was compelling, and still so far outside of his realm of experience Luke was almost at a loss. Submissives were a dime a dozen back at Club Destiny, some of the actual D/s variety, so finding a woman who went up in flames when he took control, but in the same sense didn’t give in easily, was new for him. She was a challenge that Luke looked forward to.

He was inherently attracted to a woman who wasn’t afraid to go after what she wanted, but in his world, they were few and far between. Most of the women he came into contact with wanted to be told what to do and bowed their heads, diverting their eyes because they thought that was how it worked. Maybe that was the case for some men, but not Luke.

That was a significant part of his attraction to Cole. The underlying hostility that was on constant simmer in Luke’s bloodstream wasn’t satisfied with a simple submissive. The temerity that both Cole and Sierra possessed struck a tense, sensual chord inside of him, and Luke looked forward to the challenge.

His initial apprehension had immediately been thwarted when Sierra easily molded to him in the limo, her hands reading him like a book while her soft, sweet tongue dueled with his, searching, pleading for more. She didn’t make excuses for her desire, nor did she back down when she was just as overwhelmed by the sexual tension as he had been.

Luke’s natural inclination to dominate, to control, was stronger than even him, and having her so pliant and willing in his arms had been a temptation he was barely able to resist. Although he sensed that Sierra forgot Cole was even there, she hadn’t been intimidated when realization dawned.

The woman in front of him clicked away at the keyboard, and ran a few plastic key cards through some gadget before turning her attention back on him. A moment later, she handed him a small paper folder containing the room keys as a genuine smile tipped her lips when she sweetly said, “Enjoy your stay, Mr. McCoy.”

He intended to.

“I’ll send someone over for your luggage, sir.”

Luke nodded his head, then dared a quick glance behind him. He found Cole and Sierra standing beside one another only a few inches between them. They were smiling, not an ounce of awkward tension as he had initially anticipated.

Yes, he fully intended to enjoy his stay.

A few minutes later, Luke was walking Sierra to her room and handing over her key card. The air sizzled between them as he waited momentarily before kissing her lightly on the lips, then urging her inside of her room. Alone.

He’d give her a few minutes. It’s the least he could do… considering.

Once her door clicked shut, he turned his attention back toward the man whose mere presence filled Luke with a foreign sensation. Something he couldn’t pinpoint. Animal magnetism maybe.

It was almost as though that constant, overwhelming aggression that filled his bloodstream had found an outlet, which explained the way his body reacted to Cole’s heated stare.

 “We’ll talk, but not right now.” Luke told Cole, turning to walk down the hall where the other two rooms were located.

Overheated or not, Luke wasn’t ready to deal with this... this attraction in its simplest form. That didn’t mean he could ignore the unwavering desire to include Cole. To include the one man who had detonated a pleasure of atomic proportions within Luke, the one man he trusted implicitly, and knew from experience would help him to fulfill every one of Sierra’s sexual fantasies. 

Cole nodded his head slightly, his eyes backlit with that hint of defiance Luke was drawn to, yet the underlying willingness was still there.

Cole wasn’t the reason for the heated aggression that boiled just beneath the surface, but he was one of the reasons for the driving hunger that sought an outlet for release. Luke couldn’t define it, nor could he ignore it.

“Meet us downstairs in twenty.” Luke demanded, locking eyes with Cole. A quick nod was Cole’s acknowledgment before he disappeared inside of his room.

A heavy sigh escaped Luke as he slipped into his own room, leaning against the door. Taking a look around the empty hotel room, partly dazed by the events of the last hour, Luke exhaled deeply. He had a brief reprieve from the overwhelming urges that Sierra seemed to inspire within him, urges that Luke hadn’t realized until now.

For two months he’d managed to abstain from the pleasure he’d built his life around. Managed to ignore the lust that sizzled hot and wild through his veins, with the hope that he could come to terms with what he wanted.

He’d invested hours of thought trying to understand what that even meant. It wasn’t even until that one night, the night he’d taken Cole with savage intensity, given himself over to the primal needs he’d always managed to keep a lid on, that Luke had realized he was searching for something. Something more than the frequent release that never seemed to go deep enough.

For the first time, Luke had felt a momentary reprieve from the yearning and here he was, smack in the middle of a temptation that defied imagination. There was Sierra, a mystery he wanted to unravel. The mere sight of her overwhelmed Luke with urges he hadn’t expected. Add Cole into the mix and the possibilities were endless, all of the pieces seeming to fall into place.

The mystery that was Sierra Sellers was going to require some restraint, but Luke sensed she was the woman who could sate those needs. The needs that weren’t just physical. Bold and open to the desires that most people tried to ignore, Sierra made him ache. On top of that, she was slowly breaching a barrier that he had erected unknowingly, a barrier that slowly crumbled each time he was near her.

She was the answer to the confusion Luke had been wrought with after that one night with Cole.

He was man enough to admit his sexual urges weren’t the same as most men, but he wasn’t naïve enough to believe that one woman couldn’t satisfy those urges. He might revel in sharing, the combined pleasure that could be found when two men focused on the needs of one woman, but Luke was possessive by nature and Sierra had ignited that instinct.

Maybe it was too early to admit, but Luke wanted something from Sierra. Everything, actually. The thought had occurred to him that maybe Cole hadn’t been the one to make Luke realize he was missing something in his life; maybe it was Samantha who had done that. Samantha and the way she looked at Logan, the way the two of them seemed to be more complete when they were together.

Either way, Luke felt something stronger than mere physical, sexual attraction when he looked at Sierra. And if he had anything to say about it, after the next four days, either the two of them would walk away from one another, the time they spent together just a pleasant memory, or they would move forward.

Luke walked to the windows and threw back the heavy curtains, taking in the concrete jungle that was the Las Vegas strip. The view was so different during the day when the tall resorts were bathed in sunlight; the stunning mountains a backdrop to the energy that flowed steadily even in the early morning hours.

Turning back to the room, Luke took in the king sized bed, complete with a thick beige comforter and rows of oversized pillows and a surge of lust thumped through his veins. Picturing Sierra sprawled out on that bed, her long, silky black hair fanning out around her, wearing nothing but a smile, had his dick throbbing.

The rest of the furniture, all nondescript and miniscule in the small space mirrored that of any other hotel room he’d ever stayed in. A small couch, two wooden nightstands, a desk, and a cabinet that housed the television completed the room. The smell of stale cigarettes was faint in the air, likely embedded into the walls and the dark maroon carpet.

Luke didn’t care about the room, as long as he had a place to sleep; though sleep was the last thing on his mind at the moment. This was Vegas, and there were things to do, places to go, eccentricities to take in, and of course, Sierra Sellers.

He’d be lucky if he got any sleep at all.

Luke dropped a couple of dollars onto the bed for when the bellhop delivered his bags and opted to go down to the casino. Sitting in the room with Sierra so close was a distraction he didn’t need.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Thirty minutes later, Luke was back on the twenty-seventh floor knocking on Sierra’s door. He had somehow managed to pass the time by attempting to rein in his feelings, his needs, those dark desires that fueled his hunger.

Now he wanted to see Sierra, and to get on with what would come next, though he wasn’t sure what that was. For the first time in his life, Luke didn’t have a plan, he didn’t know what to expect, but he knew what he wanted and he was never one to sit idly by without going after it.

The door cracked open, Sierra’s beautiful face stared back at him, spurring his heartbeat to a full gallop once again. It was odd how one woman, still such a stranger to him, had him so riveted. He vowed to himself that he would take the next four days to explore her in ways she had never imagined, ignoring the trepidations that still lingered.

“Come in.” Her voice was low, seductive, yet he could see the purity and confusion in her eyes.

Sierra didn’t know what to expect from him, but that was ok because he wasn’t quite sure either. She probably expected him to pounce on her the moment he walked in the room.

As attractive as that idea was, Luke wasn’t built that way. He would go after what he wanted, but part of the lure was the anticipation. Oh, he would have her if he had anything to say about it, but it would be on his terms.

“Are you ready?” He asked as he stepped into the room that looked exactly like his own.

Sierra had pulled the curtains back, the view of the Las Vegas strip the same from where he had stood only minutes before. Not nearly as appealing as when the night bathed the streets with dark energy and the lights of the casino’s flashed bright, but it was Vegas nonetheless and not another place in the world felt the same.

Sierra grabbed her purse from the desk and turned toward the door.

Never one to let an opportunity pass him by Luke crowded her against the wall, halting her midstride. The confusion he’d seen in her eyes was now replaced by pure ecstasy, causing the blood that pumped hard and fast through his veins to make a sudden detour to his cock.

“I want to taste you, Sierra.” Luke growled, pushing her flush against the wall, his body pressing against her much smaller one. “Have you changed your mind?”

He had to know the answer to that question before he allowed this to go any further.

“No.” The word was exhaled on a breath as she stared up at him; the silver striations in her blue eyes glowing, her lips parting slightly.


Not wanting to push this further than a simple kiss – though the way Sierra kissed him was anything but simple – Luke had to tamp down the hunger.

Brushing his lips lightly against hers, Luke relished the soft, sweet taste of her; his body heated from the way she pleaded for more. Pushing things a little farther, Luke cupped her ass, lifting her so she had to wrap her legs around his waist, aligning their bodies perfectly. Pressing her into the wall, her breasts crushed against his chest, Luke fused his mouth with hers in a passionate kiss to rival all others.

He barely registered her soft moans over the roaring in his ears. The sweet pain that ignited in his scalp when she plunged her hands in his hair had Luke needing more, but he forced himself to stop.

“Woman, you’re going to be the death of me.” He fought for breath as he rested his forehead against hers. “You don’t know what you do to me.”

“Tell me.”

The eagerness he detected in her voice was overwhelming; she was just as willing to see where this would lead as he was.

“I want to strip you naked, run my tongue over your luscious curves and bury it deep inside your pussy.” He felt her body tense as his blunt words lingered in the air between them. “I want to watch as you take my cock deep inside that sweet mouth of yours.” Luke brushed a finger over her swollen bottom lip, enjoying the way she fought for breath, the way her legs tightened around him.

“And I will, I promise you that.”


~~  **  ~~  **  ~~  **  ~~

Sierra moaned as she crushed her breasts against Luke’s hard muscled chest, pressing closer, wanting nothing more than for him to do the wicked things he said, but she felt his control, felt the way he held himself back.

BOOK: Temptation (Club Destiny)
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