Read Tempting His Mate Online

Authors: Savannah Stuart

Tempting His Mate (8 page)

BOOK: Tempting His Mate
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Ella went completely still against him, but finally spoke. “I’m so sorry, Asher…Is it okay if I ask what happened?” Her breath was warm against his chest.

His throat tightened for a moment, but he pushed past it. It had been a long time ago and he’d come to terms with his loss years before. As well as anyone could. But he’d never thought he’d be interested in another female for something long term. Not until he’d met Ella. It was like his wolf had woken from a century long coma. “We hadn’t been mated long, we were both pretty young and…” Damn it, maybe he shouldn’t have brought it up now.

Ella stroked a hand down his chest before raising her head to look at him. In the dimness he could see the kindness shining from her dark eyes. “You don’t have to tell me.”

“I want to.” And he did. The realization jarred him. He
to tell her. Wanted her to know everything about his past. “We were up north then, around Montana, roaming the mountains one winter. I’d joined up with her pack after we mated and we were living there. Anyway, we came upon a few jaguars. They’re rare that far north, even shifters, and I still don’t know what the hell they were doing on her pack’s land. One had gone feral and…” He shook his head and glanced away, unable to meet her gaze. Every time he thought of the way he’d failed his mate, shame filled him.

Ella laid her head back down on his chest and for that he was grateful. He started stroking down her spine again. “Two of them rushed me. I managed to kill them, but by the time I was done the feral one had killed her. I…put him down too, but it was too late.” He closed his eyes, but it didn’t do much to dull the memories.

“I’m sorry, Asher,” she whispered, the sincerity in her voice wrapping around him with warmth. “Do you…has that affected your view on jaguar shifters?” she asked carefully.

He understood what she was tiptoeing around and automatically tightened his grip. “No. I was angry for a long time, but I never hated all jaguar shifters because of what a few did.” That kind of thinking was just ignorant and he’d never allowed himself to get sucked into that darkness. That kind of hate would have eaten him alive.

Ella slightly relaxed. “Is that why you’ve been a lone wolf for so long?”

He nodded, his chin brushing against the top of her head. “Yeah, I was so ashamed—”

Her head popped up at that, her expression surprised. “Ashamed?”

“I couldn’t protect her. It was my fault.” God, he’d been too young, too weak, a failure. It was part of the reason he’d gone into the military, to train himself so that he’d never fail his loved ones again. All those fucking insecurities surged back up after years of keeping them locked down. The thought of something happening to Ella made him go cold, the iciness cutting him bone deep.

“Did her pack blame you?” There was an unexpected bite of anger to her question.

Surprised, he shook his head. “No.” There had been no blame or rage from them. But he wished they had blamed him. Unable to take their pitying looks, he’d left and had never stopped roaming. Until now.

Ella watched him intently and for a moment he thought she was going to give him a speech about how it wasn’t his fault. Taking him by surprise again, she kissed him. Hard.

Moving lightning fast, she slid over him so that her body was stretched out over his, her knees settling on either side of his hips as her lips and tongue tangled with his.

Groaning, he arched into her. He’d wanted to tell her about his past so she knew where he was coming from, but he hadn’t wanted her to feel sorry for him.

Abruptly, he pulled his head back, though it pained him to do so. His wolf clawed at him, demanding he claim Ella’s sweet mouth again. “Is this out of pity?” he demanded.

At that, she laughed once, the sound sharp and loud. “Are you kidding me? Can’t you scent how much I want you?”

Yeah, but he’d needed the confirmation. Growling low in his throat, he fisted her hips and flipped them so that she was underneath him. “I can,” he murmured, rocking his erection against the softness between her thighs. “And now you can feel how much I want you.”


Chapter 8


Ella looked up at Asher, who was poised above her, his expression almost fierce. His green eyes seemed to glow in the dark room. She’d known he wouldn’t let her ride him. Not this first time. Her experience with him in the hotel had told her that. The man was just too alpha.

His pants were still on as he straddled her, something she wanted to change immediately. After getting a taste of him in that hotel room, she’d known once with him would never be enough. And she desperately wanted to see what she’d been fantasizing about since running out on him.

“Lose the pants,” she murmured.

His head tilted slightly to the side, his eyes narrowing a fraction. “Are you ordering me around?”

She grinned. “Maybe.”

“Put your hands on the headboard,” he said softly, the dominating note in his words reaching all her nerve endings.

If he ever tried to boss her around anywhere else she’d claw him up, but between the sheets—or in the shower, on the floor, wherever—she loved how dominating he was.

Doing as he ordered, her top automatically slid up when she grasped the cool metal of the vintage headboard. Air rushed over her.

His gaze tracked over her body as he lifted slightly off her. For a moment she wondered what he was doing until he grasped the edge of her pajama pants and started tugging them off. Since she’d known he was coming over to her place, she’d decided to go commando again. Heat automatically built between her legs.

He sucked in a deep breath as he dragged the soft cotton pants completely off. “Do you know how many fantasies I’ve had about you since you ran out on me?” His voice was unsteady as his gaze landed on the juncture between her legs.

“Probably as many as I have.” Her nipples tightened when he slid his big hands up her legs and inner thighs. The need that had already started to build grew in leaps and bounds at the feel of his callused fingers on her.

“Not possible,” he murmured before bending down and swiping his tongue along the length of her slit.

The abrupt action surprised her in the best way possible. She’d assumed he would work up to it more, but this was perfection. She loved having his mouth and hands on her. He licked her again, his tongue teasing and taking. Her legs trembled, but he kept his hands firmly pressed against her inner thighs, keeping her in place.

Her hips arched off the bed and she automatically went to take her top off, but Asher stopped, pinning her with his intense gaze. “Did I say you could move your hands?”

Unable to stop herself, she took the top off anyway. From experience she knew that his form of ‘punishment’ just meant she’d get another orgasm. He might draw it out longer, but he’d make sure she came multiple times. The man was bossy and liked to be in control, but she had pretty much no self control where he was concerned. The past few days not touching him had been torture. Her inner jaguar had been going nuts, wanting to know why she was holding back from Mr. Tall, Dark and Sexy. The male just made her feel so safe and cherished. When he looked at her, she knew he wasn’t thinking about anything or anyone else. Right about now she was having a hard time remembering the stupid insecurities that had been holding her back.

Especially when Asher was watching her with such heat in his eyes, she felt as if she could go up in flames any second. His gaze landed on her naked breasts and he let out a low growl before his head dipped back between her legs.

Yeah, she so didn’t care what he said because she knew he’d take care of her needs either way. And the need to touch him was too great. Her fingers slid into his dark hair, holding onto him as he started pleasuring her. She barely understood the incendiary attraction between them, but she couldn’t fight it anymore. Being with him, touching him, it felt right in the deepest way.

He stroked his tongue along her slit, up and down, before settling on her clit. With enough pressure to push her over the edge, he teased her sensitive bundle of nerves but stopped right before she got too close. Then he repeated the process all over again.

She was shaking with the need to orgasm by the time he finally slid a thick finger inside her. “More, Asher.” She couldn’t stop from moaning out his name.

“More what?” he murmured against her sensitive folds.

“You. Your cock.”

His big body jerked at that. Probably because she’d never said it to him. While she’d been free with her body as they’d explored each other before, she’d never talked dirty. Saying cock wasn’t exactly dirty, but she liked the way it sounded on her tongue. And she wanted to feel his hard length on her tongue very soon.

“What do you want me to do with it?” His voice was a wicked whisper.

“Inside me.” She could barely think as he stroked one finger, then two, in and out of her. The rhythm was perfect yet somehow not enough. She needed his thickness inside her. “Tease later,” she somehow managed.

His response was a growl as he lifted up from her.

Before she had time to mourn the loss of him, he’d shucked his pants and boxers and grabbed onto her hips as he settled between her spread thighs.

She drank in the sight of him as she pushed up. Running her hands over his ripped, muscular abs and chest, she savored the feel of all that strength under her fingertips. She barely had time to appreciate his hard length before he pushed into her.

She was already wet, but she instinctively clutched onto his shoulders as he buried himself balls deep. He didn’t give her a chance to adjust as he crushed his mouth over hers and began thrusting.

His kisses were harsh and demanding, in perfect sync with each drive inside her. She met him stroke for stroke, taking all he had to offer. When he reached between their bodies and tweaked her clit, she lost it.

She’d wanted to hold out just a little longer, to savor the feel of him filling her, but he pushed her over the edge. The pressure on her sensitized nub was too much. Burying her face against his neck, she raked her canines against his skin as she came. She didn’t pierce the skin deep, but she needed to mark him, to stake her claim so everyone in the pack knew this male was hers.


She wanted to punch all her stupid insecurities in the face for holding her back from
. From Asher. Because this was a male worth fighting for. Something she’d known all along, but had been too scared to admit—even to herself.

“Oh, God, sweetheart,” he growled as she continued to climax around him.

As she came down from her high, he let out a loud shout, one she was sure the entire complex could hear, as he emptied himself inside her. Just as she’d done, he buried his face against her neck, nipping and teasing with his teeth and mouth as he came. His teeth raked over the sensitive area where her neck and shoulder met as he made a claim of his own.

His orgasm seemed to go on forever as he slammed into her, over and over, murmuring her name like a prayer.

Once he was done, he collapsed on the bed, rolling their bodies so that she was splayed on top of him. He was still buried inside her. Though he was half-hard, she knew it wouldn’t be long before he was ready for round two. And something told her that this time he wouldn’t have a problem teasing her until she was ready to scream. Now that he’d taken off that initial edge, he’d want to torment her in the best way possible. Yeah, he’d probably ‘punish’ her for her defiance earlier. She couldn’t wait.

Propping her chin up on her hands, she looked down at him. His green eyes were slits as he watched her, the pleasure in his expression so clear it warmed her everywhere.

“You’re mine Ella,” he growled and she felt the rumble go through her. “I know it’s probably too soon to say it, but it’s true. I’m not letting you go. I want to let this thing between us build and get to know each other but…I’m in this for the long haul. My wolf knows it and I know it.”

Elation like she’d never imagined filled her and she didn’t bother fighting the grin spreading across her face. “I’m not letting you go either. The connection I feel with you, it feels like…” She trailed off, wondering if she was insane. It didn’t seem to matter that he was a wolf and she was a jaguar. Her heart knew what it wanted.

“The mating call,” he murmured, no hesitation in his voice.

His words set something free inside her. She was so glad she wasn’t alone in feeling that crazy intense pull. She’d heard about the pull before, but never imagined it would be so strong. Now that she’d stopped fighting her own stupidity and embraced it, she knew exactly what it was. “Yeah,” she whispered, knowing she was ready to commit to this male. She wasn’t walking away from him. They might have a lot to learn about each other, but what she did know, she liked. A lot.

Giving her a seductive smile, he met her mouth in a slow, erotic kiss that left no doubt in her mind that they’d only gotten started for the night.

* * *

Asher opened his eyes and immediately tensed. A quick glance at the clock told him he hadn’t been sleeping for even twenty minutes. Ella was curled up next to him, sleeping soundly. He should be too after the last three hours they’d spent in her bed, but with her next to him, he was in protective mode.

Especially after what had happened at her office.

BOOK: Tempting His Mate
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