Read Tessa's Redemption Online

Authors: Josie Dennis

Tessa's Redemption (8 page)

BOOK: Tessa's Redemption
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Tessa sat at the small desk in the parlor, sheets of paper spread on the surface in front of her. Her little sister’s name was carefully written across the page, a girl who would never get this missive. Over the past months Tessa had written so many letters to her sister. She’d left the family to go to Alex’s estate two years ago, only to return to the family’s tiny home after her ruination. The baby had been a shock, one her father never acknowledged. Her mother had been the strong one during the quiet tragedy of the baby’s birth and death, yet Tessa could never contact her now. Not while she still lived in sin with Alex…and Angel.

They knew she lived with Alex but still believed he was her cousin. They did not know about her betrothal to Angel nor the abrupt end to it.

She wrote feverishly now, pouring out her heart to her sister in the letter. She didn’t confess all of the sinful acts she performed with the two gentlemen keeping her. Their visit to Angel’s office two days earlier had been amazing, but she could never admit that she’d reveled in everything they did to her. She couldn’t bear for her sister to know the true depths of her fall.

It was vexing, for she didn’t feel like a fallen woman when Alex and Angel were loving her. In Alex’s arms she felt like the woman she was supposed to be. With every one of Angel’s kisses she felt a piece of her heart mend. It seemed like her heart and her body both reveled in the company of the two of them. She’d come to sense a tenderness in Alex she’d never seen before and a passionate side to Angel she’d never expected.

“Tessa?” Alex said from the doorway.

She stacked the pages and spread her hands on the desk. Turning, she smiled at her first lover. “Hello, Alex.”

He stepped closer. He was dressed well today as always, handsome and smooth and so Alex. Her body gave a twitch, and she suddenly longed to feel his hands on her flesh.

He closed the door and came near to her. She could smell his spicy scent now and imagined she could feel his heat from across the few feet separating them.

“What are you about, love?” He eyed the sheets of paper and gave a shake of his head. “Writing another letter you will not permit me to see sent?”

She nodded, then slowly and methodically tore the papers until no words written were whole. “My family cannot know more than where I reside now, Alex. I couldn’t bear it.”

“Are you ashamed of what we share, Tessa?” His face was creased with worry lines as he stepped near. “What we now share with Angel?”

She nibbled her lower lip. Oh, if only she could lie to him! “No, Alex.” She sighed. “I am not.”

A smile teased his lips, but the worried frown only eased a bit. “I do not wish to see you upset, love. When you came to me after Angel…”

“Don’t speak of it.”

He let out a breath. “As you wish. And before that? Tessa, before that your tears stayed with me.”

She blinked at him. He had never spoken of that first time, when he’d taken her against her will. She’d tried to say no, had sobbed and begged until his potent sensuality overwhelmed her. He had seemed unmoved, and it had taken all of her nerve to go to him a year and a half later when the promise of her marriage to Angel was dead and gone.

“I don’t like to think of that time, Alex.”

“I know.” He took her hand and she rose. He led her over to the settee and they sat. “Tell me of the child.”

Pain stabbed at her. They’d never spoken of him. “I cannot.”

“Please.” His eyes bore into hers. “Please, love.”

She licked her lips and gave a nod. “He looked a bit like you.”

He blinked rapidly, then nodded himself. “How you must have hated me then.”

“No,” she admitted. “I thought of nothing but getting through the ordeal. He came early and was so small and sickly. As horrid as it is to admit, it is a blessing he did not live.”

“Darling Tessa.” He pulled her close. “I regret everything that happened at my family’s estate. Everything that happened between you and Angel as well.” He kissed the top of her head. “I regret everything but finding you.”

She leaned back and searched his face, seeing sincerity there. He was usually so smooth, so unruffled. This evening, however? This evening he wore an expression of concern she’d rarely glimpsed on his face before. Could he really regret all that happened to bring her to this?

“I do not know what you wish me to say,” she admitted.

He smiled that Alex smile and stroked her cheek. “Tell me you will no longer feel ashamed, Tessa. Not about the past and not about the present.”

“How can I do such a thing?” She shook her head. “This is all very new to me.”

“And to me,” he said softly and lost his smile.

She stared at him for a beat. “You are very worldly, Alex.”

“I have never had a woman live with me, Tessa.”

Her mind boggled at that admission. “Never?”

“Never.” Thankfully, he smiled again. “Nor the man that was very nearly that particular woman’s husband.”

She laughed despite herself at his words. He brought his delicious mouth to hers, and she opened hers to taste him. Soon her pulse sang and her body trembled in his arms. The sound of throat clearing broke through to her, and Alex chuckled against her lips. He pulled away from her and she glimpsed Angel over his shoulder. Her heart tripped, and she feared she was indeed falling in love with him again.

“Ah, dear Angel,” Alex said.


Chapter 9

Angel looked from Alex to Tessa, almost seeing the invisible connection between them. He pushed aside his irritation when he glimpsed Tessa’s face.

It was clear to him that she was upset. Her eyes looked moist and the tip of her nose was red. His stomach clenched and he hurried over to her. It would have been a close squeeze to insinuate himself beside her with Alex on the settee with her, so he simply fell to his knees before her and grasped her hand.

“Tessa, what is it?”

“Are you concerned with her now, Angel?” Alex asked.

He glared at Alex and focused once more on Tessa. “Something is clearly wrong. Tell me.”

She shook her head, but when she pulled away from Alex by increments, he allowed himself to feel a touch of satisfaction.

“Alex and I were just talking, Angel. About the past.”

He felt the blood drain from his head. “I was so wrong, Tessa. Last spring, when I—”

“We spoke of earlier,” she cut in. “The time before.”

In an instant he knew she spoke of Alex’s assault. And of the lost child. “Tessa, I…” He couldn’t form the words.

“This doesn’t concern you, Angel,” Alex bit out.

“Ah, but it does. In a fashion.”

Tessa lifted her head to face him. “How?”

He took in a breath. “When you told me of that, I only thought of myself,” he said, his throat thick. “I should have comforted you. Not condemned you.”

“But condemn her you did,” Alex snapped.

Tessa closed her eyes and Angel felt the full impact of what he’d done to her in the spring.

“Forgive me,” he said.

She opened her eyes again. “Angel, I…” She said nothing more as she caught Alex’s eye.

Something passed between her and Alex, and he could not ignore it at present.

“Tell me what I can do,” Angel said.

She shook her head. “It is all in the past. As sharp as the pain of everything that happened was…” She looked at Alex again. “Matters have seemed to set themselves to rights.”

“I do not understand.”

“What happened between Alex and me two years ago,” she said, closing her eyes briefly. “What you did to me last April…Everything brought me here.”

“Then you’ve forgiven Alex?” he scoffed. “Of everything he did to you?”

“Angel, see here!” Alex said.

Tessa placed her hand on Alex’s arm, and the man calmed.

“Please, love,” Angel implored. “You’ve forgiven Alex, and I have no right to speak against that. Say you will consider according me the same consideration? God knows I do not deserve it, but I must know you will at least consider granting me such a boon.”

She searched his face, but he would not guess what she looked for. He would pray, however, that she could see the sincerity. He was wholly and completely sorry for what he’d done.

At last she inclined her head. “I shall consider it.”

Unable to stop himself, he grabbed her and kissed her sweet lips. Her mouth opened to his tongue, and everything he’d felt since he’d walked into the parlor, guilt, anger, and frustration, seemed to dissipate. In the next moment his body went rigid, his cock beginning to throb with need.

“Easy, Angel,” Alex said.

“I cannot,” he answered, all but dragging Tessa onto the floor with him.

Alex cursed. He rose and crossed to the doors, sealing them tight. “Then at least allow me to lock out the staff.”

Angel waved a hand as he sat on the settee, Tessa all but in his lap. “Do what you must. I have to taste Tessa now.”

He made quick work of her bodice. He freed her amazing breasts to his hands, his mouth. “Ah, love,” he murmured, dragging his tongue over one nipple.

“Angel,” she gasped, clutching her fingers in his hair.

She arched against his mouth, and he settled his aching cock between her thighs. He worked her skirt up to her waist, stroking her hot, wet pussy through her drawers. “You want me,” he whispered. “In spite of everything, you want me.”

“She wants both of us,” Alex said. “We are two lucky bastards.”

Angel lifted his mouth from her sweet breast and saw Alex watching intently. “Both of us?” Angel asked.

Alex grinned. “What do you say, Tessa?”

Her eyes widened. “Surely such a thing isn’t possible?”

“Ah, but it is,” Alex said. He opened a drawer in a side table near a window and lifted a jar into the air.

Angel had no notion of its contents, but Tessa apparently did.

“Oh!” she cooed.

Alex threw his head back and laughed. “Ah, Tessa! That’s our girl.”

Angel felt a touch of satisfaction at the man’s words. She did belong to both of them, and Alex at last acknowledged that fact. “Wait,” he began. “What is the import of that jar?”

“Balm, Angel,” Alex said. “It shall ease my way into Tessa’s lovely ass.”

He knew in a flash what Alex meant. He would take her bottom and Angel would take her pussy. “At the same time?” he had to ask.

“Trust me, Angel,” Alex said. He lifted Tessa to her feet and began to undress her. “Sit up and take your clothes off. I’ll show you how perfectly we all shall fit.”

Angel scrambled to a seated position, and a wondrously naked Tessa settled in his lap. He tore at his jacket and shirt, stripping down to his trousers. He was on fire now, his cock so heavy it was almost painful. He freed himself with a groan. “Do hurry,” he said, sucking her breasts once again. “I’m full to bursting.”

Alex stepped behind Tessa, naked now. “That is why
taking her ass and
taking her pussy.”

Angel glanced down at his straining cock and knew there was a good chance he’d hurt her if he tried to penetrate her bottom. However, when Alex fingered that secret hole she let out such a purr of delight he wished for a heartbeat that he was less generously endowed. She arched toward him, her thighs squeezing tight as Alex probed her. Angel caressed her buttocks, feeling every ripple of sensation that trembled through her body.

“Oh, Alex,” she urged. “Don’t tease me.”

Alex laughed low in his throat and began to press closer. When Tessa closed her eyes in rapture, he knew Alex was inside of her now.

“That’s it,” Alex said, moving in and out of her ass. “Take me, Tessa.”

She nodded wordlessly, clutching at Angel’s shoulders.

Slipping one hand underneath her, Angel touched her pussy. She was scalding hot, dripping wet, as Alex thrust inside her. He fingered her clit, earning a cry of sheer need. “Angel!”

She was so hot between them now, writhing as he teased her from beneath. He shoved two fingers into her pussy, stunned to feel Alex moving in her ass from within. What would that feel like when his cock was high inside her?

“Are you ready, Tessa?” he asked, flicking his thumb over her clit.

Alex grunted then let out a growl. “Fuck her, Angel,” he commanded. “Take her pussy now.”

Tessa nodded again, moving in rhythm to Alex’s thrusts. Angel wanted to join them in perfect accord.

Positioning the head of his cock at the lips of her pussy, he shifted so that she slipped closer. Inch by inch he lowered her onto his shaft as Alex followed her without missing a stroke. In one thrust she engulfed him.

“Oh, my God!” she cried. “So much!”

Angel stilled. “Are we hurting you?” he managed to ask. His cock throbbed in protest as her pussy pulled tight around it. “I’ll stop if you wish it.”

“No, no,” she whispered, shaking her head. “Take me, Angel.”

He began to move again. He thrust inside as Alex withdrew and then they reversed the movement. The effect on his cock was astounding, her pussy clenching tight as Alex stroked within her from behind. Tessa made the most delicious sounds as they both roused her to a fever pitch.

“I can feel you, Angel,” Alex groaned. “You’re so bloody big inside of her.”

“I feel you,” he rasped, squeezing his eyes shut as his climax neared. “I never…Christ!”

In a moment of clarity he fingered Tessa’s clit and was rewarded with her sweet scream of release. Her pussy drank him in as he began to come. Again and again he thrust up into her as Alex let out a shout of completion.

Angel was lost in sensation as Tessa collapsed against him. He was still in her, could still feel Alex in her as they settled in a satisfied heap. Alex slipped out of her and collapsed at Angel’s side.

Tessa cuddled in Angel’s lap and kissed them both. “I have never…Oh, to have both of you!”

Angel couldn’t stop grinning if he tried. Alex gave a nod, his eyes slipping closed.

“What we just shared…The three of us. It was amazing,” Alex said, breathing hard around his words. “We belong together, Tessa. Admit it.”

Tessa said nothing for a long moment, and Angel began to fear that Alex had said too much.

“Yes, Alex,” she whispered at last. “We belong together.”

Alex sighed in obvious satisfaction, but Angel heard something else in Tessa’s voice. He had very nearly become a man of the cloth, after all. To his ears, her admission sounded very much like a confession, and with it something more. Remorse or shame or guilt, he couldn’t guess.

Trepidation filled him. Loving her as Alex moved inside her as well brought him more pleasure than he could have imagined. He’d felt every stroke of Alex’s cock as they both made love to her. Something had indeed changed between the three of them tonight. More than that, however, their dear Tessa had changed as well.

Angel feared that change would not bode well for the three of them. He held Tessa close as their bodies lost the heat of passion and a chill danced over his flesh.

“Come, Tessa. Let us get you dressed.”

Alex roused as well and the two of them clothed her with far more care than the manner in which they’d stripped her earlier. Once dressed, she wore a contemplative expression on her face, mirroring the note Angel had caught in her voice earlier. The languid satisfaction that had filled his limbs not five minutes earlier fled as unease soured his belly.

He and Alex dressed as well, and the three of them climbed the stairs to their chambers to ready for dinner. Long after dinner, after they had licked and kissed and fucked her again in Alex’s big bed, Angel could not shake the worry that had gripped him since their explosive encounter in the parlor.

Had it been too much for her? Was she coming to the realization that she does not need two men in her life? In her bed? He might have almost been her legal husband, but Alex was her rescuer. Angel would have to discuss the matter with him. He had said there was no way he would lose Tessa. Well, there was no way in hell Angel would either.

He only prayed that Tessa wouldn’t make the decision for them.

BOOK: Tessa's Redemption
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