Texas CHAOS (Texas Heroes Book 2) (17 page)

BOOK: Texas CHAOS (Texas Heroes Book 2)
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The day was waning and Jenna was anxious to get settled into her new home. No, there wasn't a baby to plan for – but there was a marriage and she had to pinch herself in order to remember it was all real. She'd left as Jenna Travis and returned as Jenna Gray.

The drive to the foreman's cabin was momentous for Jenna, she cataloged the route, noting the passing of trees. Everything looked different because her perspective had changed. She belonged now. She belonged to Logan.

“When we get there, I want you to make yourself at home. I need to check on a few things, make sure the stock got back from Oklahoma okay and call down to the fire station and see how they're faring.” Logan continued to speak as he drove through the double wide gates and crossed the iron cattle guard. “The cupboards are probably bare, but I'm sure I can whip up an omelet or two.”

“Uh-uh, that's my department, Mr. Gray,” Jenna teased as her eyes stared straight ahead at the foreman's cabin. Her new home. “You take care of your business and I'll take care of you.”

Once they were parked, upon his direction, she waited for him to come around to her side. To Jenna's happy surprise, Logan carried her across the threshold and tenderly kissed her before he sat her down. “Welcome home, Mrs. Gray.”

Joy filled her heart – that's the only way she could describe it. The hour was getting late, they'd driven back from Oklahoma, seen the doctor, checked in on his parents and now they were home. As he carried her through the door, she felt warm and wanted. The whole place smelled like him. Warm colors and sturdy furniture welcomed her. “You got a new TV,” she noted the flat screen that almost covered an entire wall.

“Yea, I did.” He kissed her cheek. “But now, I'll have you to entertain me instead of watching reruns.”

“I accept the challenge,” she assured him.

Gently, he set her down and returned to the truck for their things. “I'll take your bag to our room.” Together they walked down the hall, his hand at the small of her back. “Tomorrow I'll rearrange the closet and make sure you have plenty of drawer space.”

“No problem, I don't have that much,” she said with a giggle when he rolled his eyes.

“Don't forget, I know you pretty well,” he said with a smirk. As he set her luggage on the end of the bed, Jenna couldn't keep from studying her surroundings. This was his bedroom, their bedroom now. She moved around the room, running her hand over the rich wood of the dresser. None of the furniture was ornate, but it was classy and sturdy – suitable for a man like Logan.

He stood and waited for her to discover it for herself and when she did, Jenna froze.

“You have pictures of me.”


Photos of holidays, her riding, graduation – candid shots. Pictures that she'd had no idea he'd taken. “Yes, this was my private space. I didn't have to hide how I felt here.”

Jenna moved the few feet toward him, launching herself in his arms. “I did the same thing,” she confessed. “Mine were a little more hidden since I lived with your parents, but I had photo albums and even a big poster size shot of you on the inner door of my closet.” Giving him a tender kiss, she whispered. “You've always been 'it' for me, Chief. My heart belongs to you.”

Logan held her tight. For some reason he kept expecting to either wake up or have some type of boom lowered on his head that would make him realize none of this was real. “Give me just a few minutes and we'll christen this bed. We'll make some of those fantasies I had about you come true.” With another kiss, he left her to settle in while he checked up on his responsibilities.

Jenna opened her suitcase and stared at the selection of lingerie. What did she have that would make her new husband happy? Rummaging through the small pile, Jenna found a red baby-doll top and some matching boy shorts. The find made her smile. She remembered the day she bought these in Austin. In her mind's eye, she imagined Logan's face if he saw her in them – the heat in his eyes, the way he chewed on his lower lip when he was considering something. Holding the silky items in one hand, she fanned with the other. All she wanted him to consider was how he was going to make love to her.

A thrill rushed through her heart. She was still sad about the baby, but that was useless. It wasn't like she had miscarried, the test results had just been misinterpreted. Pushing aside that emotion, Jenna smiled. She was married to the man of her dreams and the most pressing issue at the moment was to make herself desirable for him. Taking her night clothes and bath gel in hand, she headed to Logan's restroom. There was a guest bathroom off the living room that she'd used before, but she'd never been in his private quarters. Pushing open the door, she gasped. This was a surprise! The space was modern, immaculate and inviting. Done all in stone, the shower was large and there was a tub big enough for two. With anticipation, Jenna undressed and turned the water on to warm. Opening the linen closet across from the vanity, she extracted a fluffy brown towel. Knowing that Logan would be joining her in bed, she smiled as she stepped beneath the cascading spray.

In the den, Logan listened as his foreman brought him up to date on the stock contract. All of the animals had fared well in Oklahoma and were home for a few days’ rest before heading to Amarillo. He wouldn't be making this trip, he had more important things to attend to – like a new wife. Hearing the shower running in his bedroom was a heady reminder that he wasn't alone. The next phone call was quick. Checking in with the station, Logan assured himself all was well. “I'll get down there tomorrow and we'll do an equipment check,” he promised.

As soon as he'd hung up the phone, Logan stood up and eyed the shaft of light coming from his bedroom. The sounds coming from his bathroom were unusual ones. Since he'd moved to the cabin after Jenna came to live with them, he'd never had a woman stay over. After his parents had moved in with him, his sex life had taken an obvious turn. If he wanted sex, he stayed over with whatever woman he was seeing at the time. But after Jenna had come into his life, he'd stopped doing that. At first he'd attributed his lack of interest and celibacy to the changes in his life, afraid to admit he'd lost interest in other women because of his infatuation for a sixteen-year-old. Over time, he'd been able to be honest with himself, while attempting to hide the truth from everyone else. Logan hadn't wanted anyone but Jenna – and now, she was here and she belonged to him.

So, what the hell was he waiting for?

Shedding his clothes as he walked, Logan entered his bathroom with his eyes going automatically to the shower door. Her back was to him, but he could see her easily through the clear glass. Jenna was a goddess. Her petite frame was perfectly formed. She raised her arms as she rinsed her hair, droplets of water glistened on her smooth tanned back. He couldn't wait. Opening the door, he entered. Logan didn't give her time to turn around, he pressed himself to her, his hands coming around to cup her tits. The firm mounds filled his hands to overflowing. She let out a small cry as his palms enclosed her soft, sweet flesh and he began to mold and knead, tweaking the nipples between his fingertips as the water sluiced down over them both. He'd learned how sensitive her breasts were, so he set out to give her pleasure – shaping, rubbing, massaging her tits as she leaned back against him, raising her arms to come around his neck. Blindly, she turned her head to him seeking out his lips.   

“I'm glad you decided to join me,” she murmured.

“Me too.” He kissed the side of her neck, sliding one hand down to pet her pussy.

The dual sensations took Jenna's breath away. She stood on tiptoe, pushing her weight back against him, riding his hand. “Feel good?”

“Oh, yea,” she answered.

Wanting more, Logan turned her in his arms and lifted her slight weight.

Jenna's eyes widened, but she held on. In a few moments, he had her raised to shoulder height. “Hold on to the side of the shower.”

Jenna had been holding on to him like a lifeline, but one hand at a time, she obeyed. It was hard to focus on anything other than what he was doing. Logan shifted her, arranging her knees over his shoulders to give him access to...

“Oh my God, Logan,” she panted as he began to eat her out. Jenna tried to hold on to the top of the shower and her sanity as he consumed her feminine flesh with gusto. Tingles abounded on her body and all she could do was hang on and enjoy.

Even as he licked and sucked between her pink folds, Logan had the presence of mind to realize he was fulfilling another of his long time fantasies starring Jenna. In a week, his world hand changed. What were once just dreams, was now an amazing reality. Holding her slippery little body steady, he took her delicate clit in his mouth and laved it until she stiffened in his arms. Slowly he allowed her to slide down his body knowing that his rock hard erection would be evident between them.

Jenna was a bit unsteady on her feet. Rapture can do that to a woman. “Towel,” she whispered. With a masculine chuckle, he handed it to her and she began drying him off. “Bed.”

Logan's chuckle changed into a hearty laugh. “I didn't think I'd live to see it. A woman of few words.”

Jenna was still trying to get her breath. “Now.”

Anxious to meet her erotic demands, Logan swung her up and carried her to bed where he carefully dried her off. He was about to join her when she held up a hand. “I remember what you said yesterday.”

“What did I say?” The sight of her lying on his bed stole all coherent thought. He was lucky he could remember his name.

Jenna gave him a mischievous smile. “You said when you watched how well I performed on Stormy, you wondered how well I could ride a man.”

Logan felt his blood pressure rise. He'd made love to her over and over the night before, but never gave her a chance to take the lead. “Do you want to ride me?”

“So much,” she whispered as she watched him recline, buck-naked and fully aroused. “Lord have mercy, look at you.” For a few luscious moments, Jenna let herself play with him. Sitting at his side, she ran eager hands over his body – celebrating how perfectly he was created. “You're so beautiful, there is no part of you that's not masculine and sexy.” Slabs upon slabs of muscles, ridges and valleys of lickable hard-body. “I could just touch and admire you all day.” She ran her fingers through the hair on his chest, then bent her head to rub her cheek against the light dusting of fur. “I could just eat you up.” She nipped his pec with her teeth, then smiled when he jumped. “Want more?”

“God, yes,” he panted.

So far, she'd ignored the prominent erection, rising high between his thighs. There was so much of him to appreciate, she'd save the best for last. “I want to make you glad you married me,” Jenna confessed breathlessly.

Her heartfelt admission made his heart turn over. “Nothing could have made me happier.” Unless it was this... Logan held out his hands to steady her as she straddled him, bending over to capture his lips. Jenna kissed him with her whole being, slanting her mouth over his, teasing the seam until he opened to allow her in. With a hand on either side of his head, she sank into the kiss, mating her tongue with his. He couldn't keep his hands still, letting them roam over her back, shoulders and down her arms. Touching her was imperative. He felt as if he were starved and was now able to receive nourishment, being skin on skin with his beautiful wife.

Jenna moaned as Logan kissed her back. He'd raised his head, eager to drink from her lips. Needing more, she pulled back slightly, smiling at his growl of protest. “Patience,” she cajoled, palming her breasts as she offered them to him.

Seeing his Jenna lift her breast to his lips, Logan felt his cock twitch and harden even further. Was there a more beautiful sight than a woman presenting her lover with the gift of her body? When she rubbed her pebbled nipple across his lips, he opened his mouth and drew it in. “God, Logan,” Jenna whimpered as he swirled his tongue around the distended bud. She loved this, the pressure, the suction. As he pulled at her nipple with long draws, she kissed the top of his head, working her hips on top of him in the same beat as he suckled at her breast. “Um-um-um-,” she muttered, the pleasure overtaking her. “I need you now.”

Logan didn't argue, he steadied her with hands at her waist as she lifted herself over him, taking his cock in hand. Holding his gaze, Jenna lowered herself slowly, taking his shaft inside of her.

Letting out a long breath, Logan closed his eyes. The ecstasy of being enveloped in her wet heat was mind-blowing. This was home – not the house, not the ranch – this woman was his place, his sanctuary. Opening his eyes, he watched her face as she worked her way down over him. She was tight, yet adorably determined. Placing her palms on his chest, she wiggled, spreading her legs – endeavoring to relax and accommodate his girth. The more she moved, the better it felt for him. Logan had to steel himself to not cum so fast. He wanted to be the instrument of her pleasure, and from the look on her face, she was enjoying every second of it.

After Jenna had fully impaled herself on his cock, she let out a long breath. “Ready?”

“For whatever you have in mind, gorgeous.” Logan couldn't take his eyes off of her. How in the world was he going to keep men away from her? She was growing more beautiful, more desirable every day. And she was his!

Jenna set herself to give them both what they needed. Finding her rhythm, she moved up and down on his cock, rising and falling, her body writhing and undulating over him. The sensation of him filling her – the burn, the stretch was exquisite. With mounting excitement, she threw herself into the act – riding him, pleasing him, making love to him.

BOOK: Texas CHAOS (Texas Heroes Book 2)
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