The Alpha's Virgin Possession (7 page)

BOOK: The Alpha's Virgin Possession
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She hadn’t gone swimming in such a long time. Would it
be so bad to take the time now?

Lifting the shirt over her head, she climbed into the
water trying not to create too much of a ripple.

Kicking off she did the width of the pool before
swimming lengthways.

The feel of the water was amazing. She did several
lengths before lying on her back staring up at the ceiling.

Time passed, and Clara realized how happy she actually
was. When she was with her family she spent all of her time being scared in
case she said something out of line to upset them. Constantly watching what she
said or the way she looked had been exhausting. Nick didn’t want anything from
her, apart from her body. He wasn’t making any demands.

Was it really so bad to be bought?

The anger she clung to
as she thought about how good her life could be away from her family and the
pack. They never loved her or cared about her. She’d been a thing of ridicule
to them.

Something grabbed her around the waist. Screaming,
Clara panicked and kicked out at the person who held onto her.

Kicking to the surface she spun to face him, and she
saw Nick breaking the surface. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, and her gaze wandered
to the expanse of flesh on display.

“If I knew showing you the pool would get you naked
I’d have done so this morning,” he said, pushing hair off his face.

“You fucking scared me.” Finding her anger, she
slapped out at his chest. Her heart was racing, and it had nothing to do with
wanting sex. Nick had scared her.

He must have seen her fear as he held his hands up.
“I’m so sorry. I thought you’d hear me.”

She’d been so lost in her thoughts she hadn’t heard
anything. He held her arms pulling her closer. Hitting him one final time she
wrapped her arms around him.

“Shit, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you at

When she got her bearings back, she swam away, going
to the other side of the pool.

What the hell was all that about?

“How did you know where I was?” she asked.

“I followed your trail of crumbs. Those chocolates are
expensive,” he said.

“I was hungry.”

“I’m not surprised. You should have eaten more this
morning.” He was close.

His hands went to either side of her blocking her
against the side of the pool and his large body. She wouldn’t turn around to
look at him.

“If you let me get a job I can replace your

“Not a chance. I don’t care about the chocolates.
They’re yours. Everything in this house is yours.”

Glancing over her shoulder, she saw him lean closer
kissing her shoulder.

“I was bored,” she said.

“What would stop you being bored?”


He chuckled. “You’re not getting a job, Clara. Try

Rolling her eyes she thought about what would keep her


“I’ve got plenty of books for you to read.”

“Your taste in books is boring. I’m a woman, Nick.”

“I know.” His hands cupped her breasts making her

“I like romance books.” Trying to focus on anything
while he cupped her breasts was hard. Romance books, she needed romance books.
Focus on them.

“Do you want paperbacks, or should I organize an
e-reader?” he asked.


“I can give you an account for your books, or I can
have an e-reader in your hands by the end of the day and you can order whatever
the hell you like.” He kissed her neck, sucking on her pulse once again.

Heat flooded her pussy.

“You’d do that for me?”

“I can’t have my woman bored, now can I?” he asked.

She shook her head getting a thrill at his attention.

“Turn around and kiss me.”

Clara spun around, wrapping her arms around his neck
holding on. Pressing her lips to his she moaned at the contact.

His hands moved to her hair, tugging on the strands.
She broke away from the kiss, closing her eyes as his lips descended. His lips
and teeth bit her nipples.

She wanted more.

The sound of the doorbell going echoed around the

“How can we hear that?” she asked, jerking up
expecting to see a lot more people entering the room.

“The house is big, and I need to be able to hear
everything.” His gaze fell back to her.
“Saved by the bell.”

He kissed her lips before climbing out.

Clara accepted his hand and got out alongside him. She
wondered who was at the door. Her curiosity was the only reason. She refused to
accept that she hated Nick being interrupted.

Grabbing her shirt, she followed behind him. Her emotions
were all over the place. She didn’t know what she liked or not.

Chapter Seven


Nick grabbed his trousers tugging them on as he walked
out of the pool. He’d forgotten all about the delivery of Clara’s clothes.
Taking her hand they walked toward the front door. He left the gate open on his
way inside.

The moment he entered the pool seeing her naked all of
his plans left his mind. The only plan he had
get Clara wrapped around him. Fuck, his cock was rock hard and causing him no
end of trouble.

He opened the door and ushered the people toward the
sitting room. “I want you to pick out whatever you want,” he said.

His money spoke volumes, and he had been able to get
the woman who owned a boutique in town to bring plenty of outfits for Clara to

“Where are you going?” she asked, nibbling her lip.

Shit, she was going to be the death of him.

“I’ve got to see a guy about an e-reader,” he said.

Her smile was beautiful. Kissing her head, he ordered
her to have fun. Going into his office, he dialed Dean’s number.

“What can I do for you now?” he asked. “I gave you the
means of getting a woman. What more could you possibly want?”

“I need you to pick up an e-reader and bring it to my
house,” Nick said, eating one of the chocolates left in the box. They really
were tasty. He wondered if she liked them or not. There were not many left in
the box. Sipping at the juice he stared out of the window.

“What the fuck for?” Dean was a lazy ass. He only ever
did what was necessary and never went out of his way.

“I’ve got to find some way to keep my woman
interested. I didn’t buy her to remain on her back at all times.” He took
another chocolate waiting for his friend to answer.

“I can’t stay for dinner. Pack is having a meeting and
is requesting my presence.” Dean’s pack didn’t like their friendship. Nick
wondered if it was going to cause the other man a problem and asked. “It
shouldn’t. None of the packs should have any influence in being friends.”

He heard Dean sigh. Their friendship was strange. They
were both wealthy businessmen. Dean worked for him as well when it came to
business with other wolves. They also had many ventures together making money.

“If it does let
me know.
I doubt you could handle exile.”

“Fuck off, Nick. I could more than handle exile. I’ve
got a string of willing women who’d come with me.”

Laughing, Nick turned back to look through the door.
Clara was turning in a pair of jeans that did nothing for her figure and pissed
him off. In fact they were horrid. They made her look large without any curves.
“I’ve got to go. Don’t forget the e-reader, or I’ll never forgive you.”

“Whatever. See you soon.”
Dean rung
off first.
Snapping his phone shut, Nick went toward the other room.

“You’re not having them. They’re fucking horrid.”

For the next hour he stopped Clara from taking clothes
that were awful. When she made no move toward the dresses or skirt, Nick picked
out the colors he liked. He stood watching her as she changed into the skirts.
The women were sniggering, but he didn’t give them any of his attention. His
focus was entirely on the woman in front of him.

“Nick, please, turn around,” she said, begging him.

“This is my hard-earned money. I’m not going anywhere,
honey. You’re going to change into the clothes I like.” Tapping his chin, he
waited for her to wriggle into the skirt. Staring at it with a critical eye, he
picked out three pencil skirts along with ten dresses. “We’ll go shopping soon
for more clothes.”

He packed the women out of his house leaving him alone
with Clara. Turning around he saw Clara wasn’t standing behind him. Nick found
her folding up clothes and placing them in a neat pile. She tugged off the tags
hanging from the neck of each item.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“I’m putting my new clothes away,” she said. Her
agitation was easy to read.

“Why do I get the feeling you’re pissed at me?” he

She stood up, glaring at him but not saying a word.

“Am I supposed to guess what’s going on in your head?”

Clara picked up the clothes and brushed past him.
Staring up at the ceiling, Nick wished they were back in the pool when she was
softer against him, loving what he did to her body. Checking his watch, he saw
it was only a little after three. Dean wouldn’t be arriving ‘til six, and then
they had the rest of the night. There was no way he’d be spending the rest of
the day dealing with her mood.

Following upstairs, he found her putting clothes in
the walk-in wardrobe. “What’s your problem?” he asked.

“Nothing,” she said, brushing him off. She pushed past
him to grab another item of clothing. For several minutes she busied herself
ignoring him at every turn. His anger was increasing. She was supposed to be
thankful to him. Not only had he bought her but he’d also given her a far
better life.

He grabbed her arm as she tried to pass him.

She stared at the ground, not giving him the time of

“For fuck’s sake, stop being a baby and tell me what
your problem is.”

Her eyes sparkled, shooting him with a glare. He found
her anger incredibly cute.

Not good. She’s pissed.

“I’m being a baby? I’m not the one who has to be in
control of everything.” She growled out her frustration. Tugging her arm out of
his hold, she finished putting away her clothing.

His frustration was piqued. “What the fuck are you
talking about?” he asked.

“You have no idea, do you?”

“I’m not a bloody woman. I can’t read minds either.”
Running fingers through his hair he was confused by what went wrong.

It’s all right for you being used to being this fucking god to all
women, but people like me are not.”

“What the hell are you getting at?” he asked.

None of her words were making sense. Why couldn’t they
go back to the pool where she was more than happy to give a part of herself to


Nick was going to make her say it. Clara folded her
arms underneath her breasts aware the shirt she wore rode up her thighs. She
had spent the last hour listening to the women laugh and giggle. Every noise
made her aware of how she stood out like a sore thumb. He could have any woman
he wanted. Instead he’d bought her.

Why would anyone want anything to do with her? The
women were gorgeous and didn’t have a single ounce of excess fat on them.

“What are you trying to say?” he asked, repeating his

“Why me?
Why did you pick me?” She opened her arms wide feeling all the years of
insecurity clawing up on her.

His eyes looked up and down her body. “Whatever you’ve
got to say, Clara, just come out and say it,” he said.

She knew he was angry, but so was she.

“I’m not like other women. I eat food, and I’ve got
extra weight on my bones. I’m not beautiful at all. Why me? Why did you pick
me?” she asked, glaring at him.

When she finished, she was panting for breath.

“You didn’t learn anything from your punishment, did
you?” His hands rested on his hips waiting.

“This morning wasn’t about punishment. You were just
looking for any excuse to get me naked. You’re like them.” She pointed
downstairs thinking about how the woman left her feeling. “You only want to
humiliate me.”

Clara stared at him accusing him at every turn.

“So you think I only want to hurt you, humiliate you?”
he asked.

“We don’t know each other. What am I supposed to

BOOK: The Alpha's Virgin Possession
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