Read The Architect Online

Authors: C.A. Bell

Tags: #Contemporary, #London, #Fetish Club, #Revenge, #Humour, #Erotica, #Erotic Fiction

The Architect (8 page)

BOOK: The Architect
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Chapter Eleven

“So, you're the owner, are you?” I bat my lashes and move in closer to George.

“That I am, my darling.” He looks down at me and slides his arm, snake-like, around my waist.

I twirl his tie. “I guess that means you're a little kinky then, huh?”

He smiles and bares his perfectly straight, gleaming teeth. “That's an understatement.”

I smile and he pulls me closer. I glance over his shoulder to where Heath was, but he's gone, and so has the woman that was all over him.

“Mr Randall?” A female voice from behind him calls.

He turns his head and asks her what she wants, at the same time as pulling me even closer and sticking his hard-on against my pelvis.

“You're needed on the phone.”

“Take a message,” he barks.

The lady comes closer and whispers in his ear.

His expression drops, along with his erection. “Ah, okay, I'll take it in the office, Marie.”

He apologises, and tells me to wait right here because he will be right back. I watch him walk away. Suddenly a hand rests on my shoulder. I know who it is; I know that touch. I swing around and meet his eyes with a black look.

“What are you doing with that old fool?” His eyes are sharp and cold.

I mirror his demeanour. “I could ask you the same thing.”

He looks clueless. “What are you on about?”

“Don't give me that crap! I saw you with that old tart in the red dress, she practically had her tongue down your throat,” I yell, not caring if anyone overhears.

He grabs my arm and pulls me nearer to him. His aroma fills my head. I so desperately want to slap and kiss him all at the same time, but I wriggle away. “Get off me!”

“Are you frigging nuts, woman? It's your fault!”

“My fault?” I laugh sarcastically. “Oh yeah, that's right, I told you to cop off with her, didn't I? Just leave me alone, please.” I turn my back to him.

Confronting me head on, he continues. “Not a chance, until you tell me why you told me you would be in red, and then turn up in fucking black.”

I frown. “What?”

“Why did you tell me you would be in red, with your hair up, and to come and find you, and then turn up in completely the opposite?”

Red dress, hair up
. That's what Liz said. I'm confused.

My voice becomes less aggressive. “When did I say that?”

“Are you having me on?” He starts to walk away before shouting back at me, “Check your phone.”

Snatching my phone from my clutch I check through it.
Liz texted him, masquerading as me.
What? When?

When I hid my mobile at work, that's when
. I grab my belongings and follow Heath, breezing across the dance floor and through Reception until I catch him up outside the club.

I pant. “I'm sorry, let me explain. Please.”

He leans against the wall and lights his cigarette, taking a long drag and gesturing with his hand to go on. I explain what happened, and what the mix-up was, and that tomorrow morning I am going to kill Liz.

He laughs and smoke bursts from his mouth.

I relax and take him in for the first time tonight.

He's modelling a stylish plain black suit with shiny black shoes. A black tie hangs perfectly central against his white shirt. His hair is, as usual, shaggy yet neat, and his eyes have changed from darkness to a starry night.

“I wasn't trying it on with that woman, you know. I thought she was you so I-”

I cut him off. “Oh charming, you thought I was some old woman?”

He looks at me sideways. “No. From the back she looked like you, slim, dark hair and in a red dress.”

“Well, that wasn't me. And, like I've already said, that doesn't explain why she was all over you.”

He chuckles. “Do I detect a hint of jealousy?”

I remain silent and stare him out until he puts me out of my misery.

“When I thought it was you I grabbed her waist, but when she turned around and I saw it wasn't you, I apologised and well... She just got a bit friendly, that's all.”

My expression must have darkened, because Heath pulls me close and reassures me. “I was just trying to make an excuse to get away and not be rude.”

The unattractive emotion starts to drain away as he holds me close and kisses my head.

“Are we all right now?” he questions, clearly concerned.


“Good.” He kisses me again. “Do you want to go back in?”

I do want to, but I'm a bit worried about bumping into the lecherous owner again, so I tell Heath I'd rather not.

Taking my arm, he leads me away from the club. “What would you like to do, then?”

“I'm not sure, really. I don't know what's around this end of town.”

“Okay, let's head back to my car and have a cruise around. See if anywhere tickles your fancy.” He grins.

My lips curve. “Sounds like a plan.”

How can he do this to me? Two minutes ago I was furious with him and didn't want him anywhere near me. Now I'm besotted and never want to leave his side. When I'm with him it just feels so right. I forget about life and all the horrid memories that haunt me. It's as though he is slowly mending me or something. Taking away the bad and replacing it with him.

We walk through a couple of alleyways and down a road until we reach the car park where his Audi is waiting.

We hit the road in search for something that takes my fancy.

“Your car is so smooth,” I say.

He waits for a junction to clear before shifting to first gear. “Yeah, it's quite a nice car to drive.” He pauses for a few seconds. “Do you want a go?”

“At driving?”


“Oh no, I'd scratch it or something. It's much bigger than my little car.”

“No you won't, you'll be fine,” he says as the car bumps slowly up the curb.


He doesn't answer, just unbuckles his seat belt and gets out.

Oh my God, he is serious. Well, if he insists

I exit the vehicle and walk to meet him at the boot of the car. “Now, promise you won't tell me off if I scratch it.”

“I can't make promises like that.” He winks.


“Because if you do scratch it, I'll be making sure you know you've been a naughty girl.”

We both walk to opposite doors and I call over the roof, “Oh, I see.”

Bringing the seat forward and altering the mirrors, I then pull off with such speed that I leave half the rubber from the tyres on the road.

My word, this car is fast. If I'd applied the same pressure as I just did on the accelerator in my car I would have pulled off slowly. But not this beast; this sexy hunk of metal practically roars at the slightest touch of a foot.

“Okay, bad girl, easy on the gas,” he chuckles as he jokingly grips the door handle.

I swerve purposely. “Don't worry, I've got it under control.”

Getting used to the pressures of the pedals, I tour the roads as we both search for an inviting venue. I can see him watching me and grinning in my peripheral vision.

“What?” I smile.

His hand touches my thigh as I tense my leg on the clutch to change gear.

“Nothing. I just like watching you concentrate.”

I smile, but keep my eyes on the road ahead.

Suddenly, Heath rubs my leg a few times, before slipping his hand up my dress and stopping at my underwear.

I gasp as he touches my clit through the material. “What are you doing, you bad man? You'll make me crash!”

He curls his finger inside my knickers. “At least we'll die happy.”

Reaching out, I squeeze his cock through the expensive fabric of his trousers before clumsily searching for his buttons and zip in between changing gear. Eventually releasing his erection from its enclosure, I take it in my hand and grip it firmly as I begin to toss him off, praying I won't have to stop or change gear for a while.

His finger stops circling my clit and slips down to my hole, where he prods and probes at it until he finally buries his whole finger inside me. His touch causes my juices to flow and heat up for orgasm.

I spin the car around at the first chance I get and head back to a part of town that I know, where there is a dark car park. The entire journey there he has me on the edge of climax, and I too, in between changing gear, try to keep him on the edge with my vigorous hand movements and breathy moans of pleasure.

I steer the car onto the gravel, and hear the dust settle on the car as we undo our seatbelts and tumble to the backseat. Heath's hand searches, and pulls my thong to one side while the other's in his jacket pocket. Pulling out a blue foil packet, he rips it open and rolls the protection onto his long, rough and ready cock. Then he settles into the middle of the back seat and guides me onto his lap, and down his shaft.

Feelings of joy and warmth penetrate my body, and I rock back and forth on him as he grips my waist and lifts me up until only the head of his cock is inside me. Holding me in the air with his strong arms, he bucks and thrusts speedily away at my body, and every now and then hits me so deep it's almost painful.

Bringing me back down, short of breath, he pants, “Outside, get outside.”

Holy shit, is he for real? Outside? Anyone could drive in
. I hesitate for a couple of seconds before slipping off of him and stepping outside.

“Over the bonnet,” he demands, as he follows me out of the car.

I do as I'm instructed and bend over the car's warm metal, while he stands behind me and leaves my body aching for what feels like forever. Then he rips my dress up and slaps my right arse cheek.

I gasp, and with the same force and style he evens up the left cheek before pushing himself inside me and attacking my body again. My arse heats at the aftermath created, and as he pushes me forward, my legs scrape against his number plate, and my clit crushes against the hood.

Decelerating his movements and leaning down towards my ear, he whispers, “I want you to come on my car.”

“Oh God,” I murmur, as he starts to pick up the pace again.

“You'll do that for me, won't you?”

My eyes roll to the back of my head in ecstasy. “Yes.”

“Good girl.”

Concentrating, I get my positioning right on target and it's not long before my core is dripping and my climax is building again. With every rub I'm closer, until that no-turning-back moment comes, and I'm there. My body almost gives way as the rush of warmth and peace pulses through me. Lowering my head down to the car and resting it there, I feel his movements quicken. His groans become deeper until he comes, letting out a low growl that any pack animal would be proud of.

Leaning across my back again, he whispers, “You're amazing.”

Smiling, I tell him that he is too. After a moment, he lifts his weight from me and I push myself up from the bonnet.

Tugging my dress down, I watch him pull the rubber off and discard it discreetly.

With my feet now firmly on the ground, I remember where I am, and search worriedly for any spectators. Relieved to see no one around, I get back in the car and rub the bottoms of my legs to conduct some heat. A sharp heated pain urges me to yelp.

“What is it?” he asks, sounding panicked.

“I'm not sure.”

He switches the interior lights on.

“Oh shit!” He reaches out to touch my legs. “Are you okay? How did you do that?”

“I think I did it on your number plate.”

“Bloody hell, why didn't you say something?”

I caress my sores. “I didn't realise.”

He pulls a deliberately over-the-top sad face, kisses his fingertips, and lightly presses them against each injury.

After adjusting his seat, he looks my way. “Where to then, beautiful?”

“Do you want to come back to mine for a drink?” I raise my eyebrows before continuing. “Since you know where I live now.”

He beams. “I would like that very much indeed.”

Chapter Twelve

He skims the pictures hanging on the wall as he follows me to the kitchen. They're mostly photos of me, my sister, and my dad. There are also a few arty ones scattered about that took my fancy a while ago, that I now detest, but have never found the time to replace.

“Coffee?” I ask, while filling the kettle.

He picks my book up from the island. “Please.”


“One, and no milk, thank you.”

I feel awkward with him here in my home. I didn't even think about the state of the place before I asked him back. It's not messy, but there's underwear drying on the radiator in the hall, and dirty dishes from earlier.
He must think I'm a slob.

“You like to read?” he inquires, skimming the rest of my books at the island.

“Yes.” I spoon the coffee into two mugs. “I've always loved reading. My dad used to call me Belle.” I turn towards him as I push the coffee jar back in its place next to the kettle.

His look says it all as he stands there with a puckered brow, so I explain. “Belle from
Beauty and the Beast
, you know?”

His lines ease away. “Oh right, the girl with her head always in a book?”

“That's the one.” I turn back to the boiling kettle and smile to myself as I finish making our drinks. He's so lovely. He even knows
Beauty and the Beast
. I sigh in my head, then turn and hand him his coffee; black, one sugar.

“Thank you.”

“You're welcome. Shall we go through to the lounge?” I ask in a posh accent.

He mimics me. “That sounds like a splendid idea.”

I laugh and lead the way to the sofa, where we both take a seat and place our drinks on the coffee table. He glances around the room, taking it all in, until he glimpses at my poorly legs and says, “How are they now?”

“They're stinging a little, but I'll be fine.” I pull an upside down smile at him and then giggle.

“Do you have any Savlon or anything like that?”

“I do, but honestly, they will be fine.”

“I'd feel a lot better if you would let me soothe them for you.” He tries not to grin. “After all, it was my doing.”

“Hmm, well I suppose it was. I'll grab it then, if it makes you feel better.”

Loving the fact that he cares, I go and retrieve the antiseptic cream from the medicine cabinet, and hand it to him to administer before slumping down on the couch again.

“Come on then.” He pats his lap. “Put your legs up here.”

I smile, kick off my shoes, and present him with my grazed lower legs. He squeezes a good amount of cream onto his fingers, then smears it over my leg. I yelp as the lotion irritates my open skin. “Ouch!”

He pulls a face. “Sorry, darling.”

“It's okay.” I judder and bounce around as he circles my sores lightly. “Talk to me while you do it, to take my mind off the pain.”

He chuckles. “Okay, what would you like me to talk about?”

“I don't mind; your job or something, tell me how to build a house.” I giggle, half in amusement, and half in discomfort.

He squeezes more cream on his fingers and starts on the other leg. “Okay. Well, first you would find the perfect spot and have it surveyed.” He looks me up and down, then gives me that sexy half-smile before continuing. “After that, you would come and see me to help you design your perfect home. Then you would have to get all sorts of permissions and insurances.” He forgets himself and starts to rub hard at my leg.


“Oh God, sorry.” He lightens his touch before going on. “But to build the actual house, you would start with the footings.” He moves his hands to my feet and I sigh as he starts to knead and rub circles with his thumbs. He purrs before carrying on. “After you have filled your footings,” he pushes his fingers through the spaces in between my toes, “you start on the framing.” He slips his hands up my legs to my hips, where he stops and positions himself on the floor. “At the same time as the framing, the electrical wires and plumbing pipes are put in.” Now he sneaks his hand between my legs.

“You're terrible.” I giggle.

“And well, after that's complete, there's an inspection.” He raises his eyebrows and licks his lips as he hovers above my crotch. I let my head flop back onto the arm of the sofa, and I lay myself out like a sacrifice.

“What kind of inspection?” I quiz, as he grips either side of my underwear.

“Just one to make sure everything's up to scratch.” He pulls my thong off and looks at my bare pussy. “And in the right place.” He winks.

I crank my neck up to look at him. “And so far?”

“And so far, so fucking good,” he reports before covering my pussy with his mouth. He sucks on my clit, triggering my hips to jerk, and my breasts to heave high. He flicks his tongue at lightning speed over my sensitivity. As he continues to jab and circle continuously, he brings me closer to orgasm with every stroke, until I'm right at the peak.

“Stop.” I pull my hips down into the sofa.

He looks up at me. “What's the matter?”

I close my eyes as the climax fades away. “I don't want to come yet.”

He grins as he takes his jacket off, and pulls his tie from his shirt collar. “Oh really?”

“Yes, really.” I smile at him as he stands and looks down at me. Somehow I feel that this is where I belong. Below him, at his beautiful feet, admiring and showing gratitude for the happiness he has brought to my life.

“Stand up,” he orders.

Practically jumping to his command, I stand. He twists me by the shoulders so my back is at his chest, and I watch in the mirror hung over the fireplace as he steals my sight from me with his tie.

“Now, trust me, and give me your hand.”

I do trust him. I trust him with everything that I have, and not just because I need him right now, because I know I'll need this man forever.

I give him my hand, and he guides me upstairs, then takes a left to the bathroom before coming back on himself and heading for my bedroom. I feel the footboard of the bed hit my thigh and I have my bearings exactly as he walks me to the en-suite and turns the shower on.

Deprived of sight, and with some loss of hearing through the water hitting the tiles, I reach out to find him, but I can't.

“Don't worry, I'm here.” His voice at the back of my neck sends shivers down my spine.

“What are you doing?”

His finger touches my lips. “Shh.”

I shush and wait eagerly for his touch, until his hands are on me again; undressing me, loving me, and making me feel safe. He peels off my shrug, along with my dress, and then, unclasping my bra, he drops it to the floor. I stand there naked, embarrassed, and totally unaware, until he grabs my hand and tells me to step into the shower.

The warm water hits my hip as I enter and reach out for the familiar wall. Gripping my wrists, he pulls them behind my back and ties them tightly with something silky. All of a sudden I become claustrophobic.

With eyesight and hands restricted I call out, “Heath, stop it, I'm scared.”

His hands squeeze my naked waist, and I feel his bare chest against my back. “It's okay, Ruth, I'm here.”

I calm as I lean back onto him. He kisses my forehead. “Relax, darling, I'm not going to hurt you, not ever.”

My heart rate quickens at his words, and I smile as his hands leave my skin. I feel him move to the front of me. Telling me I am beautiful and that I have a stunning body, he showers me down with the shower head. I chuckle when he moves the water over the area between my legs.

“Oh, you like that do you, bad girl?” he asks playfully.

I nod, and he does it again, this time at maximum power.

An ‘mmm' escapes my throat as I feel his erection poke me in the hip, and the jetting water hits my clit. Desperate to reach out with my entwined hands and grab him, I struggle, and he laughs as he holds me in place using my restraints.

“Is there something you want?” He asks as he rubs the head of his cock against my leg.

Teasingly, I reply, “No.”

“Nothing at all?”

“Well, there's nothing that catches my eye,” I joke.

His tone turns deviant as I hear him turn the shower dial. “Nothing at all, huh? We'll see about that.”

The water turns icy cold and knocks the breath out of me as goose bumps rise over every inch of my body. Trying to step back away from the freezing water, I'm met by Heath and his hard on. As I try to wriggle away from the Antarctic storm that's making my clit shrink, his cock presses against my arse, and he moves the prickling water up to my nipples. He coaxes the pink buds out to play with the spray against the sensitive tips. My clit aches, and I push back against him, tip-toeing a little to drop his cock to the entrance of my pussy.

His hot breath against my neck ripples through my body and cancels out the coldness as he murmurs in my ear, “So, have you found something you want?”

I push back against him. “Yes, I think I have.”

He releases my restricted hands, and finally graces me with my eyesight again. As my eyes adjust to the room, lit only by the light pouring in through the half-opened bedroom door, he slips his wet unprotected cock inside me, and hits me high, right against the spot that makes me melt. Automatically, I bend at the hip and reach out for the glass wall for support as he drops the shower head back to my clit, and slowly fills me to the brim.

Reaching for the dial, I turn the temperature back up and sigh with relief as the warmth cascades down my bottom half and heats my clit.

He rocks back and forth inside me with his lengthy, thick erection, hitting my core with every thrust. I let out a moan, and feel my climax increasing. But the water pressure isn't enough. I take the shower head from him, grab his hand, and guide it to my clit. He gets the message and begins to rub circles against it, helping me along, until the feeling is too intense, and I give into my selfish needs.

I feel my body clench around his cock, and my mind spins as I cry out with, ‘yeses' and, ‘oh my Gods', and flick my wet hair back. Suddenly I feel my body empty. Twisting my head to see what he has planned next, I watch as he pleasures himself for a few seconds, before shooting his load all over my arse. I watch as his climax fades and his facial expression eases. He opens his eyes and looks at me. “Wow.”

Standing upright, I turn to face him head on. He pulls me close and holds me for a while, before walking me back under the shower, taking my sponge and cleaning me, before doing the same to himself.

Clean, dry and in my dressing gown, I watch him get dressed as I sit on the end of my bed. It's past midnight, so I ask him if he wants to stay the night. He declines, explaining that he has to be up early for a meeting and wouldn't want to disturb me. I feel somewhat used and downhearted, but I suppose he has got to work, and it's not like we are an item or anything. In fact, I'm not sure what we are.

I walk him to the front door, kiss him, and watch him drive away, still pondering on what this arrangement is.
Are we fuck buddies? Friends? Do I want to be just friends with benefits

I head back upstairs and fall into bed after switching off the light. Lying here, once again alone, I stare into the darkness with an ache in my heart. An ache that's becoming stronger every time I see him. An ache that I know is love, but don't want to admit. An ache that I will tell him of the next time I see him.

BOOK: The Architect
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