Read The Awakening, Zuleika and the Barbarian Online

Authors: Bertrice Small

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Historical, #Historical Romance

The Awakening, Zuleika and the Barbarian (19 page)

BOOK: The Awakening, Zuleika and the Barbarian
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"I am superior to you, barbarian," she snapped, but she found she was somewhat mollified, especially when she focused on his tight leather pants. He was the most breathtaking man.

"Do you wish me to spank your round little rump again, you wildcat?" he asked pleasantly, but there was a look in his eyes that she did not like.

"I am hungry," she told him. "Do you mean to starve me, my lord? And what of my poor Bahira?"

"I am hungry, but content otherwise," Bahira said mischievously.

The khan clapped his hands, and immediately two elderly male servants appeared bearing trays of food. There was roasted lamb, and to Zuleika's surprise, fresh fish from the sea. There was a bowl of saffroned rice with plump raisins and almonds. There was yogurt, and a platter of peaches, melons, grapes, pomegranates, plums and oranges. There were small honey cakes. The khan motioned them to the pillows that were set about a low and square ebony table banded in polished brass. They sat, and their cups were filled with a sweet heady wine. They ate, and when they had finished the servants brought bowls of scented water in which to wash their hands and faces, handing them linen cloths to dry with.

"You are more civilized than I had anticipated," Zuleika said.

"Do you call all people not of Dariyabar
he asked.

"Yes," she answered him simply, and he laughed.

"Why do you want a window on the sea?" she wondered.

"For trading purposes," he told her. "It is trade that brings a people their wealth. There is much in the interior lands, especially furs and gems, that are desired by those beyond your shores. And then, too, a seaport offers us the chance to easily go forth and conquer other lands that can be of value to us. I intend to build a navy."

She nodded. "You are an intelligent man, Amir Khan."

"Are you still angry with me?" he asked her.

"No, but that does not mean I trust you either," she told him candidly. Her gaze turned to Bahira, and she smiled. "It would appear that Bahira is content to give herself to your general. Sabola is a most impressive man."

"You find him attractive?" the khan said.

"Of course I do. He is. I have been taught to admire all beauty in all of its forms. So has Bahira. We have been companions and friends our entire lives."

"How old are you?" he asked.

"We are sixteen," she answered him. "We were born but two days apart. Bahira is the elder," Zuleika explained.

"And she is a virgin too?" he inquired.

"Of course," Zuleika told him.

"Good. I would have Sabola gain the same pleasures this night as I will gain from you," the khan replied. "I would have you both remove your robes for us now."

The girls' eyes met, surprised, but then they both arose, and divested themselves of their silken robes. Where Zuleika was tall, and slender but for her plump breasts, Bahira was pleasingly rounded with full breasts, full hips and thighs. They kicked their slippers off almost in unison.

"Undo your hair," the khan ordered them.

The two girls complied, laying the jewels from their tresses upon the table and fluffing out their long hair so that it showed to its best advantage. Each had hair that fell to just below their hips.

"Now you must both disrobe for us," Zuleika told the two men.

They complied without question, and Bahira could not help but admire both men quite openly.

Amir Khan said softly to his friend, "She is eager. She must be first with us, eh?"

Sabola agreed, nodding. "Your princess is so in control of herself that she will need more priming."

"We shall see that she has it," the khan said with a grin. Then he turned to the two girls. "It is known that girls who are close to one another, sisters or friends, it does not matter, toy with each other as their curiosity grows. I think it is so with you two despite your excellent education in the amatory arts. Certainly you were not satisfied with a simple tutorial in passion. Surely you have played with each other's breasts, and other succulent parts."

Neither Zuleika or Bahira said a word, but their cheeks were warm with their blushes.

"You did not learn to kiss so well, my princess, by merely pressing your lovely lips to a sheet of beaten gold. Sabola and I would be entertained now by the sight of you both kissing, and touching each other as you have undoubtedly done many times in the past."

Bahira did not hesitate. She slipped an arm about Zuleika, and kissed her mouth even as the princess began to fondle her friend's lovely full breasts. For several minutes they kissed and caressed one another, and then they fell upon the pillows embracing. Bahira was the aggressor of the pair. She laid her length atop Zuleika's, and pressed her mons hard against her friend's. Together the girls moved in rhythm, their little pants of desire quite audible, their lush bodies entwined as the two men watched and became quickly aroused by the sensuous sight of the virgin duet at play. They seemed to know exactly when to stop the girls, Sabola leaning over from where he was seated to push Bahira off the princess. The khan then pulled the princess up. His finger pushed between her nether lips, and he smiled. Then, to Zuleika's shock, he tied her to a tent pole with soft silk bonds.

"Wh . . . what are you doing?" she gasped.

"It is all right, my princess," he told her, and his big hand caressed her face tenderly. "You must not be afraid, but Bahira needs our attentions first. We will get to you soon enough. You will watch us as we play together, and then you will play with us." He kissed her lips softly, and then turned back to Sabola and Bahira.

It was disturbing, but it was also exciting, Zuleika thought. She was not at all afraid of losing her virginity, but she had never considered that she would lose it in such a manner. She focused upon Bahira and her lover, fascinated by the erotic tableau that they presented sprawled upon a coral-colored silk mattress upon a raised dais across the tent. Bahira lay between Amir Khan's long legs while he played with her full breasts and murmured in her ear, leaving little kisses upon her face now and again. Sabola slowly licked Bahira's widespread legs, murmuring with pleasure at the delicious taste of her.

Zuleika felt her heart beat faster as the man moved slowly, slowly, until his fingers pulled Bahira's lips apart, and the fleshy tongue began to lick at Bahira's most private place. Bahira's little cries of delight sent her friend's pulses pounding even harder. Zuleika's lips felt dry. She licked them several times, and then she felt the khan's eyes upon her. She met his gaze, and Amir Khan smiled knowingly. Then he bent to kiss Bahira's parted lips.

"She is marvelous," Sabola's rough voice ground out. "You must taste her before I have her, Amir. Virgin juices are always wonderful."

The two men switched places, and Bahira's cries grew greater in intensity. "Ohh, do it!" she begged.
"Please do it!"

Sabola chuckled. "Such an eager little maiden," he murmured, and he nibbled on her ear. "Let the khan have the pleasure of your juices, Bahira. You will soon enough be impaled upon my lance."

"I want it!" Bahira gasped. "The Gods, I want it!"

Zuleika could barely breathe now. The sight of the two men making love to her best friend was proving incredibly arousing. Then the khan was arising from the mattress, and Sabola's great body was covering Bahira, who moments later cried out as if in pain. Then her cries turned in an opposite direction. Amir Khan now stood behind the pole where Zuleika was tied. His hands fondled her plump breasts, and he whispered in her ear.

"Soon, my princess, you will suffer your friend's fate. Are you as eager for it as she is?" He gently but firmly pinched one of her nipples, and a thrill of excitement raced down her spine.

she managed to say, straining against her bonds.

He laughed. "We shall both have her, Zuleika, and we shall both have you as well." The tip of his tongue teased at her ear.

"But if one of us should have a child?" she asked him. "How can either of you be certain as to the babe's paternity, or don't you care, my lord?" The Gods! His hands were now on her belly, and she had begun to ache with her need for him.

"The wine Sabola and I were served had an herb in it that has destroyed the life in our seed this evening. It will revive tomorrow," he explained. "We barbarians like to share our women now and again. It is a hospitable thing to do. But we would have our sons be ours." His lips brushed the side of her neck. "You and Bahira are just too beautiful and too delicious not to share this night."

"Will you share me after we are married?" she asked him.

"Only if you desire it," he promised her.

Bahira now shrieked a cry of such intense pleasure, while Sabola roared like a lion, and the khan laughed as his best friend collapsed atop his lover.

"The Gods," Sabola said as he came to himself again. "The wench is insatiable, Amir. Come and enjoy yourself. She is ready, I have not a doubt, for more cock, eh, my beauty?"

Bahira demanded.

The barbarian general lay sprawled by Bahira's side as the khan mounted her, and used her fiercely until she begged him to cease. When he withdrew from her she noted that he was still hard, and she raised a questioning brow.

Amir Khan laughed again. "I would save my passion for my princess, but you, my darling, are quite wonderful." He gave her a kiss upon her ripe, bruised lips.

The trio bathed themselves in basins of water that had been left out for them earlier. The khan arose from the silk mattress. His dark brown eyes met those of Zuleika's.

"Now, my princess, it is your turn to be fucked. Bahira is a most proficient lover. You must be even better." He went to the pole and untied her. Then he led her to the dais where both Sabola and Bahira awaited her, smiling.

Chapter Three

It was like the most incredible dream, Zuleika thought. She lay between the two men, amazed that such hardened, fierce warriors could be so tender with a woman. They bathed her body with their tongues, licking with long strokes across her torso and breasts. They turned her, and the fleshy organs moved down her back, and over her buttocks. She was rolled again onto her back. Bahira now sat cross-legged upon the mattress, an alabaster vial in her hands. The two men cupped their hands, and she poured a pale lavender cream into the upturned palms. Now Amir Khan and Sabola began to massage the fragrant cream into Zuleika's soft skin. She sighed with delight, and they smiled down at her. Their combined touch was both sensual and gentle.

"They did not teach us that men made such delicious love," she murmured, and she sighed again.

"You are not afraid then, my princess?" Amir Khan asked.


"And you will trust us to offer you pleasure such as you have never imagined?" he said. He bent and brushed her lips with his own.

"I thought I should please you," Zuleika responded.

"In time you will show me all you have been taught, Zuleika, but your first encounter with passion must be at our hands, for we are skilled in making love," Amir Khan told her.

"Having seen you with Bahira, I am convinced of it," Zuleika answered him. "Perhaps you should have sought another way to conquer Dariyabar than the one you chose."

Sabola laughed aloud. "I can see my friend will have no easy time with you, princess," he teased her. Then, he too bent to kiss her, and she found his hard mouth exciting, his lips far different than Amir Khan's. So, all men's mouths were not the same. She kissed him back, running a naughty little tongue across his lips to his surprise. His warm brown eyes met her gaze, and then he winked, leaning by her ear to whisper, "You are a very bad girl, princess."

Zuleika giggled. "I think I could be," she whispered back.

Together the two men now played with her plump breasts. They caressed the flesh, drawing their fingers across the sensitive skin. They nuzzled her. Their tongues licked at her nipples, encircling them slowly over and over again until she was squirming. Sabola's mouth closed over the nipple he had been entertaining. Bahira began to very gently nip at her other breast, alternating with little laps of her tongue, and soft puffs of blowing. Zuleika's breasts felt swollen, and almost sore with their attentions.

She felt the khan's big hand cover her mons, pressing down to send a bolt of excitement through her. His fingers brushed the pale mound of her flesh, noting its shadowed slit which was long and showed the distinct signs of moisture. He ran a finger down it, and the finger slipped between her nether lips, deep into the creamy dampness. He smiled to himself. Then he pushed a single leg up, and lowered his dark head so he might taste her at his leisure.

Her leg lay partly over his shoulder and neck. She forced her mind and her senses away from the mouths at her breasts, and when she did she almost swooned with the feeling of his mouth on her most private place. His tongue tasted, teased, and drove her to near madness. She felt a hand beneath her buttock so he might avail himself of her even more. His tongue pushed itself slowly into her love channel. She gasped audibly as it moved back and forth for a time. Then it withdrew, and he began to flick the fleshy organ over her lovebud, which responded in the most amazing way. She was overwhelmed with the sensations they were pressing upon her. The three mouths were giving her such intense pleasure.

In the name of all the Gods, please stop!" she begged. "I can bear no more! It is too wonderful! I shall die!"

"No you won't," the khan said, and he was now looking into her eyes. "It is just your first time, my princess. Sabola, have her sweet juices for yourself now." Then he began to kiss her, and Zuleika's head spun with the excitement engendered by his kiss, Bahira's mouth at her breasts, and Sabola's mouth lapping at her juices.

"You will kill me!" she cried, pulling her head away from him.

"More than likely you will kill me," he replied. "Do you want my love rod deep inside you, Zuleika?" He licked at her throat and face. "I will fill you full, my princess. In your wild and virgin dreams you cannot imagine the heights we will attain together!"

she sobbed, and then she cried out as Sabola's vigorous attentions caused her little love bud to break with pleasure.

"She is ready," the general said, moving back up by her side. "Take her, my friend, and enjoy!" Then he reached out to Bahira, and began to kiss her again.

Zuleika closed her eyes. She felt Amir Khan covering her slender body with his big one. Her heart was pounding wildly. She wanted him desperately!

"Open your eyes!" he commanded her.

"I can't. Not this first time. Not until I really know," she half-sobbed. She felt the head of his lance just touching her.

"We proceed no further until you open your eyes," he growled. "I want to see your soul when I take your virginity, Zuleika!
Open your eyes for me!"

She couldn't. She just couldn't. And then he moved ever so slightly upon her. She felt his length, eager to enter her. She felt the ruby tip just barely lodged within her, and throbbing with its need. Or was it her need? Zuleika opened her violet-colored eyes to meet those of her lover.
was all she said.

He smiled down at her, and slowly, slowly, slowly he began to enter her fevered body. "Wrap your legs about me now, Zuleika," he told her. He pressed forward again when she had obeyed.

It was a feeling unlike anything she had ever experienced. He filled her, and she wanted to weep with the completeness of it.
"Ohh, yes!"
she said, and then she gasped as a sharp pain knifed through her.

"Your virginity is gone, my princess, and now the pleasure begins in earnest," he told her. He began to thrust and withdraw. Thrust and withdraw, until Zuleika's head was spinning, and every inch of her young body both ached and resounded with the pleasure he was offering. It seemed impossible that he could go deeper, and yet with each thrust he seemed to plunge himself in further and further until she thought he would touch her racing heart. "Do you like it?" he murmured in her ear, kissing it.

"Yes! Oh, yes, my lord Amir! I like it very much!" she told him, and then remembering the lessons she had been taught she decided she would offer him a bit of enjoyment too. Forcing her own pleasure back she concentrated, and then she began to squeeze the great lance that drove itself within her.

The khan groaned, but his eyes lit with appreciation at her efforts.

They labored together for some minutes, and then Zuleika began to lose control of herself. Her heart was beating too rapidly. She could no longer focus, nor could she barely breathe. She cried out as a wave of intense enjoyment washed over her. She clung to the khan with all her strength, her nails raking down his long back. He laughed, and then he groaned, crying out as he exploded his juices into her body. He collapsed upon her, and they lay, limbs entwined, for some long minutes. Finally he rolled off her, placing a kiss upon her lips as he did so, and brushing an errant strand of hair from her pale forehead.

Zuleika blushed as he washed her free of their passion.

"Sabola must have his turn, my princess," he told her softly.

"I am ready," she said as softly.

"May I take her other virginity, my lord Amir?" the general asked. "I hesitate to go where my lord has already been, for the princess will soon be your wife, and my sultana."

"Yours is a thick tent peg, Sabola," the khan replied. "We must prepare my princess for your entry first." He looked down at Zuleika. "Do you know of what we speak?"

She nodded. "We have been taught to accept a lover in that manner, my lord, using the dildo."

"Good! We shall begin that way while you make Sabola ready," Amir Khan told her. He then accepted from the bedside basket a long, smooth ivory dildo. He dipped it into a wide-mouthed vial of thick oil that Bahira held up for him. "Take the proper position, Zuleika," he told her.

She knelt, her buttocks raised, directly over the general's groin area, taking his flaccid manhood into her mouth as she bent her head. She began to suckle upon him as the khan inserted the dildo carefully into her bottom. He was gentle, and painstakingly careful. He moved the dildo warily forward, then drew it back, working it guardedly until the entire length of ivory was sheathed within her. Sabola groaned as Zuleika's skillful lips and tongue aroused his lance to stand hard.

his rough voice finally growled.

She raised herself just enough so he might move from beneath her. Zuleika then again assumed the submissive position that was expected of her. Behind her, he moved the dildo back and forth, and then she realized that he had replaced it with his own manhood. Carefully, he pushed inside her as Zuleika arched her back and raised her buttocks high to accommodate him better. He was very big, but he was gentle, she had to admit, his big hands tightly grasping her hips. Back and forth. Back and forth. She felt her rear channel widening to accommodate him even better. He groaned suddenly and his lust exploded inside her. "You have the ass worthy of a God," he told her as he finally and reluctantly withdrew.

She was pulled again onto her back, and before she might say anything else the khan was filling her with his hot and eager love rod.
"Did you enjoy him?"
Amir Khan snarled in her ear. "Did you like it when he shoved himself into your beautiful little ass,
my princess?"
He thrust hard, and she cried out.

"'Tis your custom to share!" she replied.

"You enjoyed it," he accused her.

"It had a certain piquancy about it," she admitted. "Are you jealous, my lord? Then do not offer to share my favors with your friends again. I was trained that the sharing of one's body with another is to be enjoyed. If you make me your wife, and ask it of me, I shall never allow another to have me.
But you must ask!"

He drove deeper and deeper into her soft flesh as if he were trying to punish her. "I will kill you!" he threatened.

"Then you will not have Dariyabar!" she taunted him, and the muscles of her love sheath tightened about him hard as she leaned forward and sank her teeth into his shoulder.

"Ohh, bitch!"
he cried, and his hot juices once more flooded her interior.

"You will love me, Amir Khan, and I will love you," she told him, her tongue now soothing the shoulder she had bitten.

"The lion of Khanistan has found his lioness," Sabola said. "Marry her quickly, Amir. She is perfect for you, and her belly must be filled with your sons as soon as possible if you are to hold Dariyabar," the general chuckled. "Now, I would take my beautiful Bahira and seek my own tent, my brother. With your permission, we withdraw."

"Go! Go!" the khan said impatiently, and he turned back to Zuleika when they were gone, and said, "You are mine, and mine alone, my princess. Do you understand what that means?"

She laughed. "I understand, my lord, but I will admit the evening was a stimulating one. Will you not agree?"

"The Gods! How well Sabola knows me. I have not been able to erase you from my mind since we met last night, Zuleika. Had he filled your love sheath with his manhood, I do not think I could have ever forced that picture from my mind. My length is the only one that shall ever fill you, my princess."

"I am content with that, my lord," she told him. "I hope that Sabola will be as generous to Bahira."

"I suspect that your Bahira will have my general fully compliant to her will by the dawn, my darling," the khan laughed.

Zuleika nodded with a smile. "My cousin, Haroun, thought her a meek little ewe sheep to be managed and directed. Now, my lord, tell me how we are to take the city?"

"Wait until tomorrow when Rafa arrives with genie and his bowl," he said. "I think your Kansbar will want a say in our plans."

"You must treat him with respect," Zuleika advised. "He is a very old genie, and sometimes apt to be impatient. When you want to dump his bowl of water into the sea you must recall his power."

"I have never met a genie before," the khan said with a smile.

But when Rafa arrived the following day from the city she brought bad news. The sultan had taken ill in the night. It was not likely that he would recover. "What will become of us among the barbarians!" she wailed piteously. "The gods curse the evil Haroun!"

"Get the bowl!" Zuleika said. "We must consult with Kansbar."

A look of horror suffused Rafa's face. "Oh, the gods! I have forgotten the bowl! Ohh, my princess, you must forgive me!" She threw herself at the princess's feet. "I was about to fetch the bowl and pack it among your possessions when the vizier and his wife arrived with the lady Bahira's things. Both of them were weeping, and it took me forever to get rid of them. I was distracted. I forgot."

Zuleika's first instinct was to order her faithful servant beheaded by the khan's guards, but instead she swallowed back her anger. "I will have to go back into the city," she said. "If my father is ill, and thought to be dying, even Haroun will not refuse me entry. Rafa and Bahira will come with me. No! Bahira must remain here," she decided in an afterthought.

BOOK: The Awakening, Zuleika and the Barbarian
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