The Balkanization of America (6 page)

BOOK: The Balkanization of America
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“Mr. President, not President Obsma, he’s too unstable, even if we help him, he will most likely turn on us and use his strategic weapons against the motherland.”


“Minister, I agree. If we support their patriots we have to locate a leader we can work with and one we can trust. So far a national patriot leader hasn’t surfaced. If we support the so-called patriots and we continue our plan to take over Europe will the patriot leader become our friend or enemy?”


The Director of the FSB, the replacement for the old KGB, addresses the group, “Mr. President, Ministers, there is a potential leader waiting and watching. We know that ex-US Marine four-star General Brownstone is still leading the US Marines, he’s calling the shots. The FSB thinks he’s the patriot leader in waiting.”


The Defense Minister smiles saying, “Director if what you’re saying is correct, we may be able to work with the General, our General of the Army knows General Brownstone very well. They forged a working relationship over twenty years. They started as young officers, staring across the line in Germany as their careers advanced they got to know each other. They became friends. We can ask the General to contact his American friend. I would suggest we move our timetable on Germany up. We don’t want to be attacking anyone if Brownstone is in any position of power. He’ll be worse than Reagan.”


President Puten replies, “Minister, a very good idea. Ask our General to contact the American. We need to know if Obsma has control of their strategic weapons. I don’t trust the man. He’s a political animal who’s going to break America and rebuild it as a socialist nation. He’s going to run America into the trash pile of history. Once he’s done with America, he’ll turn to his real goal which is world control. Something we can not allow. If we have to destroy America to save the Rodina, I will. Defense Minister I want you to increase the alert status for our strategic forces. I want to have all of our options available if things go very poorly in America. Permission is granted to accelerate our conquest plans.”


“Yes, Mr. President.”


President Puten looks around the room before beginning, “While America is distracted this is the perfect time for us to take back our breakaway states. Crimea and Ukraine will be first. We’ll arrange civil uprisings so we can move troops in to help preserve the peace. We’ll claim we have to move in to protect Russians who are being harmed. We have to protect our own people. We’ll encourage them to vote to rejoin Mother Russia. How can the UN say anything if the people vote to rejoin the Rodina? It’ll be the people’s choice. We won’t be an invader; we’ll be seen as helping the people express their will.”


The foreign minister says, “Mr. President, there’s a clause in the international agreement signed, that if the Ukraine asks for help, both the United Kingdom and America are supposed to come to their aid, we could end up in World War 3.”


“Trust me, no we won’t, the UK is too weak to do anything without the Americans and Obsma is 100% focused internally. We can reconquer all of the breakaway states before Obsma figures out or even cares what happened.”


“Mr. President, we can start causing the civil uprising in Ukraine within two hours.”


“Minister go ahead while our General reaches out to the American; we will keep them unbalanced. If the Americans do fall into civil war, we should plan a bold move to take control of Alaska.”


Four of the ministers, look surprised, “Mr. President, Alaska? Won’t that incite and unify the Americans?”


“By the time they learn of it, we’ll be there to stay. Their only response will be to go nuclear, something President Obsma just announced to the world he will never do.”




Premier Xing, of the People’s Republic of China, calls the central military council together, “We've crushed the rebels on Taiwan; next I suggest we absorb Korea. The North struck the south with a nuclear weapon, we'll bomb the North's command bunkers, and since we built them for the child king, we know how to breach the bunkers. After the idiot teenager is gone we'll send three million of our troops over the border completely crushing the north, we'll tell the south we've come to offer them aid, once our people are in their positions we'll wipe out their military. We should be able to bring all of Korea under our control in less than two months. When we do, Japan will kiss our ass to keep us from attacking them. The American's are too consumed in their internal mess, even if they weren't the American President doesn't care what we do as long as we buy their worthless bonds. We'll tell them; we’re studying if we can continue to buy their bonds while we absorb all of Asia, the Americans won’t do a thing to upset us on the hope we’ll lend them money.”


General Jung replies, "Yes, Premier, we can do this, we'll present a plan to you in 24 hours."


Premier Xing replies, "We have waited two thousand years to rule the world, this is our chance."


"Premier, what about the Russians? Won't they try to stop us?"


"No, I've already spoken to President Puten, we have worked out an agreement, we’ll take Asia, and they’re going to absorb Europe."


"Premier, we understand, we'll let Russia swallow too much while we stand by and watch as they try to digest Europe, they'll be tied up in riots and civil unrest for years. In the end, we'll rule the world."




“Brad, Kathy, what did you think of King Obsma’s speech?”


“Ron, we’re so screwed. He’s opening the borders; millions will flood into the country, he’s going to bankrupt the country in less than a year. While at the same time disarming us, he invites the Chinese and Russians to walk in or at least dictate terms to us, they’ll have nothing to fear from us again.”


“Brad, I got a text from Joshua, he asks all of the cell leaders to meet tomorrow, the coded message means we’re close to being activated for action.”


“Ron, we’re ready.”




“Admiral Zander, the communications line has been set up as you requested,”


“Thank you, Captain, I’ll be right there, please take a roll call.”


Three minutes later, Admiral Zander sits down at the conference table in front of the radio speaker and microphone.  The Admiral aide connects all of the parties together. “This is Admiral Zander on the USS Lincoln, please sound off in order of commissioning.”


“Captain Smith, USS
Henry M. Jackson
, SSBN 730.”


“Captain Richards, USS Alabama, SSBN 731.”


“Captain, Jackson, USS Nevada, SSBN 733.”


“Captain, Randers, USS
, SSBN 735.”


“Captain Monroe, USS West Virginia, SSBN 736.”


“Captain Wilson, USS Maryland, SSBN 738.”


“Captain Allen, USS Maine, SSBN 741.”


“Admiral, seven boats of the nine that made it to sea under the emergency alert order have contacted us. Two boats didn’t respond to the request, they might not able to communicate or they may not have their tails out, they might not have received the coded message. None of us think we should worry about these two yet, we’ll send them another coded message requesting they contact us.”


“Thank you, Captains, if you haven’t heard, the President announced he’s planning on making America a nuclear-free country. He plans to deactivate our strategic forces.”


here, Sir, he can’t, that would leave us defenseless. The Russians and Chinese will take advantage of our weakness.”


“Captain, that’s the reason for this call, unusual as it is, I’m sure you know we can’t allow the President to dry dock your boats. I’m asking you to stay at sea, not return until I give you the RTB (return to base) code. I know what I’m asking is going to be very difficult. Nevada, I know you were at the end of your tour and preparing to return to port, we’ll get a supply ship to you, lots of fresh fruit, milk and meat, we’ll even toss in a bunch of new movies.”


“Admiral, Nevada actual here, Sir, we’re staying on station for the duration, thanks very much for the food, I’m sure the crew appreciates the movies, and Sir, please try to round up our mail. Family grams are very limited in the amount of information exchanged.”


Smiling, the Admiral responds, “Captain, the mail was the first thing we loaded on the tender. All of your requested parts are also already loaded if you require anything else, please let us know we’ll get you everything you need.”


“Admiral, Maryland actual here, Sir you’re committing treason. The President will arrest you when he finds out.”


“Captain, who says he’s going to find out. He doesn’t follow our comings and goings. I’ll report to him how many boats are in port and that we’re in the process of decommissioning them. That process takes a long time with nuclear-powered boats. I think I can keep him away from the truth for a long time.”


“Admiral, that’s good to hear, what about the attack boats?”


“Captain, we’ve had a similar discussion with the attack boat captains, they’ve all signed on for the duration. Two attack boats are going to rendezvous with each of you; they are going to be your nursemaids for the duration. They’ll make sure no one gets a sniff of you.”

“Admiral, West Virginia actual, happy to hear that. We’ve had a couple of Russians sniffing for us the last four days; we were able to hide from them, it’ll be good to have some friendly company.”


“All, I don’t know how this is going to turn out, I have faith in our people. I have faith they’ve not gotten so fat and lazy they only care about which star is sleeping with the other, or the newest smartphone. We’ll transmit a code for another conference call in ten day's time, good luck to all of you. Run silent, run deep; you may be our last hope. Zander out.”




Miami Florida is torn apart in a multi-race war; African American youth attack the Latinos, who are just about to attack a local mostly white upper-class high school. All three groups clash a block away from the school. Knives, broken bottles, bricks and baseball bats are used to beat each other. When the police arrive they find fourteen youths dead, and thirty-six seriously wounded. The families of the young decide to get revenge for their children, they start fighting with each other. 48 hours after the first punch was thrown Forty-two people are dead one hundred, and two are seriously wounded. The emergency medical services mistakenly brought the various groups to the same hospital, which results in the fighting to continue in the emergency room. The fighting soon spreads through the hospital drawing in visitors, patients plus some medical staff. Nurses and doctors try to get away from the fighting, only to be caught up in it. One security guard uses the hospital's fire hose to break the fighting up; both sides grab the security guard, throwing him out of a second story window breaking both of his legs. The fighting continues until a fire breaks out in the hospital kitchen. The flames spread through the hospital killing 75.


Similar fights break out in Atlanta, Memphis along with twenty-eight other cities. The President is silent about the fights. He doesn’t say a word about the dead or to ask for calm.




“President Lawson, we can break into the Atlanta Federal Bank Branch. The gold is stored in the secure basement. We know we can break in and get the gold out. The issue we haven’t been able to answer is how we’re going to get the gold home.”


“Can we truck it back?”

“It’s 782 miles while carrying a ton of gold. We’ll attract every criminal in the country when the word gets out. We can’t afford to strip a large enough force to guard the convoy while it travels 782 miles. If we send a large enough force to provide security on our return, the Feds are sure to figure out what's happening. They’ll strengthen the defense at the bank; the Feds will surely attack us before we even arrive in Atlanta. We could end up fighting our way to Atlanta and then back.”


“I understand, what else can we do to force the feds to give us what’s ours?”


“We have to have something they want very badly, something they want more than our gold in order to make them trade with us.”

BOOK: The Balkanization of America
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