Read The Bargain Online

Authors: Julia Templeton

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Historical, #General

The Bargain (19 page)

BOOK: The Bargain
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And all for the sake of a woman.

Weak, he would say, his voice heavy with disappointment. "My lord, I am sorry to disturb you."

Shocked he had not heard Galeran's approach, Renaud turned to find his vassal and Elena, and directly behind them, Aleysia, who stepped out from behind the two.

His heart gave a fierce tug. How fragile she looked, dressed in the pale yellow gown that emphasized her full breasts, the bodice too tight. Her hair shone brilliantly under the moon's rays, recently washed and falling in curls to her hips. Lavender with a hint of vanilla drifted to him, and he smiled. He would always associate the scent with her.

"May I have a word with you, my lord?" Aleysia asked, taking another step toward him, looking nervous yet determined as she lifted her chin and made direct eye contact.

Renaud glanced at his vassal, who dropped his gaze between them, then up to his sister, who watched him intently. He knew his sister well enough to know she had coerced Galeran into bringing Aleysia with him. "We will be nearby, brother, if you have need of us." Taking Galeran by the hand, the two left.

Aleysia shifted on her feet and looked ready to bolt. "Where is my brother?"

How exasperating this woman was. "I do not know."

Her brows furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"I mean just that. I know not where Adelstan is."

"Do you jest?"

"I never jest, Aleysia. You should know that by now."

"You never found him?"

"Nay, I found him."

She crossed her arms over her chest. "I do not understand."

"Do you not?" How beautiful she was, even with her brows drawn together, confusion written all over her face. Though his better judgment told him it would be best to walk away from her here and now, he could not help himself. He brushed his fingertips along her jaw, over her lips, his thumb caressing the fullness there. "I let him go, Aleysia."

She gasped, and pulled away as though he'd pinched her. "Why?"

"In truth, I do not know, especially when I had every intention of bringing him before King William. He was at the border, and he did not try to outrun us. I think he was as surprised as you are that I released him."

She looked bewildered. "He lives?"

He dropped his hands to his sides. "I pray it is so."

"Aye, as do I." Tears filled her eyes, and then she shocked him when she took the step that separated them and hugged him tight, her arms encircling his neck, her cheek flush against his chest. "Thank you, Renaud. Thank you."

He shook with the need to embrace her in return, but he didn't trust himself to. She sniffled and looked up at him, her cheeks stained by her tears.

"Why do you cry? I thought this news would please you."

Her lips curved into a smile that made his heart miss a beat. "Because I am happy that my brother is well and free. I will forever be indebted to you, my lord."

She went on the tips of her toes and kissed him. 'Twas a gentle kiss, soft, swift. To his shock, her fingers wove through his hair and she deepened the kiss.

The blood coursed hot through his veins, his body completely aware of the woman kissing him, her fingers tightening in his hair. His cock strained against his braies, hard, throbbing. He brushed against her stomach and she felt it, for she gasped against his lips.

But she did not pull away.

In fact, she deepened the kiss, her tongue thrusting against his lips, seeking entry. And when he opened, she moaned low in her throat, her arms tightening about his neck.

Knowing he could wait no longer, he pulled away from her. "What do you want, Aleysia?"

"I wish to go to your chamber, but only if the woman is gone."

He frowned, not sure what she meant by such a remark, then he remembered the servant who had scrubbed his back when he had bathed earlier. The woman, twenty years his senior, was beautiful, yet happily married to the blacksmith, but Aleysia need not know that. Her jealousy rather pleased him. "I assure you, my lady, there is no one there now."

"Yet what of later? Will she return after I have gone?" she asked mockingly.

"Gone where, my lady?"

"To my new quarters. Is it far enough away from you, my lord? If not, mayhap I could find a room in the barn with the horses. Or perhaps in the armory, or even in the hall with your knights. At least that way they could keep an eye on me."

"Do you wish to return to my chamber, Aleysia?"

Her gaze searched his, as though she did not trust herself to answer.

"Do you want me to?"

"I asked if you wanted to."

She lifted her chin a fraction. "Aye, I do."

Everything within him screamed to be wary of this woman, who had tricked him time and again, but his heart won out. Taking her by the hand, they hurried down the steps, passing by Galeran and Elena, who were kissing in a small alcove but jumped apart the moment Renaud and Aleysia were upon them. Elena did not look embarrassed by the indiscretion, but Galeran's cheeks were considerably darker than they'd been moments before. He cleared his throat. "May I be of assistance, my lord?"

"You are free of your duty this night, Galeran. Enjoy. I shall speak to you on the morrow."

Impatient to reach his chambers, Renaud lifted Aleysia in his arms. They passed by two servants, who quickly got out of their way. The two women giggled and Aleysia hid her face in the crook of his neck.



Renaud opened the chamber door, then set Aleysia on her feet. The fire had died a little, the flames not as fierce, yet the room was warm. Aleysia smoothed her gown, her fingers trembling.

How nervous she was! Kicking off his boots, Renaud made quick work of his tunic, chausses, and braies. Her gaze fell from his, drawn slowly downward. His body responded, as though she touched him. The fire in her eyes could not hide her desire and he reveled in it, his cock lengthening, thickening with the need to possess her.

She walked toward him, lifting the gown up and off, tossing it aside. With a growl, he pulled her against him, kissing her, his tongue parrying with hers as his hands slid down the smooth skin of her back, cupping her buttocks, pulling her up against his erection.

He buried a hand in her hair, holding her by the back of the neck, kissing her harder as his need grew stronger. She sighed as his other hand caressed her breast, his ringers playing with the hardened nipple before moving lower, over the soft swell of her stomach, and finally through the curls of her womanhood.

Her breath hitched as he parted her, his thumb stroking her clit, his fingers finding her moist, heated center. He inserted one finger, following with another.

"Renaud," she whispered against his lips.


"I want..."

He pulled away just enough to look into her eyes. The light green orbs were dark with passion and desire. "What is it you want?"

She licked her lips, her breathing growing shallow as his fingers and thumb continued to stroke her. "I want to feel you."

Her hand slid from his ass to his cock, her fingers caressing him in a practiced rhythm.

Soon he was the one breathing hard, right along with her.

He brought her down on the rug, pushing open her thighs as he settled between them. She lifted her hips, coaxing him to take her.

He leaned down, kissed her, his tongue stroking hers, rubbing his cock against her weeping core as she wriggled beneath him.

He could feel her frustration. Just as she would find him, he would pull away, teasing her, wanting her to ache as he did.

Bending over her, he took a nipple into his mouth, and her fingers threaded through his hair, holding him tight to her breast, as though she would never let go.

Aleysia looked down at Renaud, watching as he pleasured her, his lashes thick against his cheekbones, his tongue long and so skillful as he suckled her, using his teeth just enough to have her panting. She arched against him, urging him to take her, to bury his long, thick length within her. She burned for it. And he knew it.

Her fingernails scraped along his shoulders as she released a loud sigh.

His cock brushed against her bud, and that slight pressure had her body throbbing, pulsing. A delicious sensation, making her wetter and hotter. She groaned low in her throat.

"That's it, my love," he said, knowing she was ready to climax, knowing she still ached for him.

When she had had her release, she coaxed him over onto his back. He frowned a little, but said nothing as she went on her knees between his thighs, lowered her head and took his length into her mouth.

His satisfied moan filled the chamber, bringing her intense pleasure. He was so large she could only take so much of his impressive length in her mouth. She suckled lightly, taking care, just as he had with her nipples, being sure to not use her teeth or to hurt him in any way. Instead, she licked, stroked, sucked, learning as she went, gauging her progress with each sigh, intake of breath, and satisfied moan. She found she enjoyed being in control.

He reached out to her, taking her breasts in his hands, but she pulled away, wanting him to receive pleasure for once.

She spread her fingers on his thighs, her thumbs drawing little circles on the sensitive flesh there. "Ride me, Aleysia," he said, the words torn from him.

He lifted her, and with knees on either side of his hips, she sat down on his huge cock, taking him within her, inch by delicious inch. He groaned, caressing her breasts, teasing her nipples as she started to rock.

Making no move to help out, he lay back, watching her through lowered lids. "You're so hot, Aleysia. So wet."

The words excited her, and the more he played with her nipples, the wetter she became, sliding along his hard rod, her pace increasing with each stroke. "You make me wet, Renaud."

The sides of his mouth lifted, and he leaned forward, laving her nipple with his silky tongue.

She rotated her hips, and he bit down the slightest bit, the sensation not at all unpleasant.

Renaud's blood coursed through his veins, his balls tightening with each down stroke. As he continued to suckle her, her rhythm increased. Her fingers bit into his shoulders, and her sheath contracted hard, pulling him in deeper as her climax rocked her body.

He held her hips tight as he thrust deeper, filling her with every last drop of his seed.


Aleysia watched Renaud, who had left the bed moments ago to stoke the fire. She stared, memorizing every detail of his beautiful strong, body. The fire had cast his form in shadow, the planes emphasized, the muscles bunching beneath the golden skin she longed to touch again. She would never tire of looking at him.

She knew he was to leave for York in the morning, and hated the thought of parting, especially since she felt they had come so far this night. He did not trust her, and with good reason, but she hoped in time that would change.

Perhaps they could have a future together? She still could not believe he had let Adelstan go—and at what cost? How would William react when Renaud arrived at York without Adelstan?

From what she had heard of William, and from her experience, she knew he would be disappointed in Renaud. He had been such a loyal vassal.

As though sensing her perusal, Renaud glanced over at her. He smiled, flashing white teeth, and she could not help but grin. How safe she felt with this man who weeks ago she had not even known existed. How strange fate was.

He climbed back into bed, and she snuggled against his hard length, her fingers wandering over his chest, a finger sliding over a long scar there.

She was accustomed to men and their scars, knowing that in a time of war there would be many battle wounds. But now she yearned to know the story behind each of Renaud's scars. "How did you get this?" she asked, before she could stop herself.

He glanced down at her, and then at the scar. "At the Battle of Hastings. A Saxon about twice my age came at me with a battle axe. I had never seen such a weapon, particularly at such close range."

She laughed at his expression. "You must have been terrified."

"Yes, though I struck him before he could do further damage," he said with a cocky grin.

She looked down along his ribs. "And this one?"

He seemed amused by her curiosity but humored her. "I was quite young. Still a page, and in my haste to bring my knight his armor, I slipped on horse dung and fell. The shield left a nasty, jagged wound, as you can see."

Aleysia's heart clenched envisioning a young Renaud so eager to please, much like Galeran still was. "You jest."

"I never jest," he said, repeating his words of earlier that day. "Though I wish it had never happened, particularly in front of nearly fifty men."

She laughed softly, and kissed the scar on his chest before pulling the blanket aside to find more battle wounds. Lower, along his belly, next to his navel was a short scar, about an inch in length. "And this one?"

"I was two and twenty. A battle along my father's lands. The other man suffered far more than I."

"What did you fight about?"

"They grazed their cattle on our lands."

"Such a silly reason to fight."

"Many battles are fought over things that seem frivolous. But if you allow such acts, then people will push you further. You must stand your ground, always."

She kissed the mended wound and moved down his thigh, to a long scar. "And this one?"

"While hunting a boar."

"I am surprised the boar got you."

He grinned. "Aye, but I got him back."

She kissed the scar and moved to his other leg. "And this?"

"That would be compliments of Galeran."

"Galeran?" she asked, shocked that his friend had maimed him.

"Aye, he was practicing bow and arrow, and I apparently had been standing too close to the target."

"I bet he was horrified."

Renaud laughed, the sound making her smile. "Aye, he was. He turned as pale as the bed linen. I do not think he will ever forget it, or forgive himself."

"He is a loyal vassal."

"Aye, he is."

BOOK: The Bargain
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