The Beginning After The End (Early Years Book 1) (19 page)

BOOK: The Beginning After The End (Early Years Book 1)
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Moments passed and everyone outside of the
cloud had no idea what was happening, only sounds of battle being heard until a
strong torrent of wind completely blows away the cloud.
I was in a lot worse shape than her, but
I did manage to wound her a bit, even drawing blood.


“Whew! I must say that I’m thoroughly
You pass Arthur
She pats my shoulder but
it felt more like my shoulder was sucked into her palm.

The scarce wounds that I did manage to draw on
her were already disappearing and so were mine, leaving the audience
dumbfounded at what just happened.


“Sorry Mom, sorry Dad for hiding this from you
guys.”  I became a little worried that my parents might be angry that I
had so many secrets from them, but fortunately, my father took it pretty well.


“BAHAHAHA My son is the first ever Quadra
Elemental!”  He picks me up by my armpits and swings me around like he did
when I was an infant.


Ooh, the traumatic memories are popping back


“Please Art, no more secrets.”
My mother just wryly smiled, concern
still etched unto her face.


I couldn’t promise her that, but I’d like to
believe it was for her protection, not my benefit.


“Forget a Quadra Elemental, in this continent,
there aren’t even any Tri Elementals but you Art…” She doesn’t finish her
sentence, just shaking her head again.


“Is Brother strong?” My sister chimes in, still
clutching unto Sylvie.


Patting her head, the Director nods, “Your
brother is very strong little one.”


“Heehee!”  She has a proud look on her
face, as if she’s the one getting complimented.


Vincent’s face is still a picture of disbelief
as he’s still processing everything, as Lilia is making sure he’s all right.
 She’s looking towards my direction with a mixture of astonishment and a
little fear in her face.


I don’t blame her.


My father sets me down and I turn to Director
Cynthia, giving her a stern gaze, a gaze that doesn’t fit an eight-year-old.


“Director Goodsky.  There’s actually a
reason I didn’t hide my capabilities today.”


Picking up on the seriousness in my voice, she
nods in understanding.  “I had a hunch that you weren’t just brazenly
showing off your skills Arthur.  You seem too sharp for that.”


Agreeing with her, I respond, “There are only a
few benefits I can gain from attending your school.  One is learning how
to utilize my Lightning and Ice elements.  However, that is something I
can learn on my own with due time.  No.  The main reason I would
attend your academy is for protection.  Right now, I’m not strong enough
to protect everyone.  However, you hold a position of power and influence
that can provide safety for my family and I, at least until I gain the strength
to protect them myself.”


“Arthur! You’re being rude to Director Cynthia!
How can you…”


“Kukuku! No it’s fine Alice.  I completely
agree with Arthur.” The Director interrupts my scolding mother.


“I don’t plan on flaunting my abilities to gain
everyone’s attention but I also can’t abide to hide and cower in front of
anyone who disrespects me or my family.  I also am striving to become
someone of great power.  For that, I need your protection from those who
would do me harm until I accomplish what I aim for.  If you can provide
that for me, I am more than willing to attend your academy and have you as my
benefactor.”  I finish off, getting the crying Sylvie from my sister.


“Hahaha! I never thought that in my years of
being a Director as well as a Silver Stage Conjurer, someone would audaciously
propose such a one sided deal to me.  There are nobles that beg me for a
spot in my academy for their children but you speak as if it would be my honor
for you to attend.  Kukuku I accept! I accept your proposal 100%!” She
continues laughing.


“I apologize for sounding so conceited but this
matter is of upmost importance to me so I do not wish to hide anything from
you.”  I just scratch my cheek.


My parents just shake their head in defeat, as
if saying, ‘what are we going to do with our child.’


Giving her a sincere smile, I continue, “Of
course, this matter will not officially start until I choose to enroll at your


“Oh? Were you not planning on enrolling into my
Academy anytime soon?”  This time, the Director as well as every other
adult had looks of puzzlement on their faces.


“I don’t plan on entering Xyrus Academy until I
would be of a normal age to actually attend.  No.  I’ve decided to
enter your academy on my twelfth birthday, a very average age for one to enter
your Academy.  I assume that would be no problem?” I just tilt my head.


“Goodness! That’s in a little over three years.
 Arthur, do you have any plans on what to do until then?”  I figured
Director Goodsky wouldn’t be so accepting on prolonging my education for over
three years.


I turn to face my parents this time, since it
was up to them to allow me or not.


I look up at the night sky, stars shining.
Unlike my old world, the lack of bright
lights truly makes the nighttime beautiful.
Turning my gaze back to where my family
was, I answer.


“I’d like to become an Adventurer.”

Chapter 20:
Everybody Wins

Absolutely no way! Arthur! Do you know how dangerous it is to become an
Adventurer?  You’ve just gotten back after we all thought you were dead
and now you’re saying you want to go get yourself killed out there?  No
way! Absolutely not.”


mother was on the verge of tears while saying this.  She’s never been good
at controlling her emotions.  Eleanor is besides her, clutching onto her


don’t be angry.  Brother not bad a person! Uuu… Mama, don’t cry.”


Goodsky left the manor after my announcement.  I could tell she still
wanted to ask me a lot of questions but we excused ourselves to have a family
talk.  We were currently inside my parent’s room with my mother standing
up in front of me, forbidding me to even think about doing anything remotely


was a bit more rational.  I could tell he didn’t like the idea as well,
but he couldn’t really see any reason for me not to be an Adventurer besides my


wasn’t going to debate with my mother.  She was saying all of this because
she was worried and I don’t blame her.  It was something I expected and I
wanted to slowly ease her into the idea but I guess that plans out of the bag


being silent the whole time, my father finally speaks up.  “Honey, let’s
hear Arthur out at least.  I’m not saying I agree to him becoming an
Adventurer but don’t you think we should at least listen to what he has to




mother stops her protest and just quietly sniffles.


I grab
my mother’s hands.  “Mom.  I wasn’t planning on leaving tomorrow.
 I was looking forward to spending a couple of months at home with you
guys anyhow.”


face softened at that and I just gave her a warm smile, Sylvie following suit
and licking her hand.


I meant by becoming an Adventurer was so that I can get some experience.
 After being in the Elf Kingdom for three years, I missed a lot about what
I should know about this world of ours.  I just thought that becoming an
Adventurer would be the best way to gain some practical experience.”
I say, not letting go of Mother’s hands.


understand where you’re coming from Arthur.  Although I was a bit older, I
was also itching to get some real life experience in fighting as soon as I
awakened as a mage.” He reminisced.  “But your mother is also right in
that it is dangerous.”


mother nods her head vigorously at this.


think for a little bit.


 Mom.  What if I were to have some sort of guard or supervisor with
me?  Would that make you feel a bit more at ease with this whole idea?”




You know, that’s not a bad idea.” My father’s head winds as he starts thinking
of different ideas.


I still won’t be able to see you for months!” My mother begins to protest


my head, I say to her.  “Mom, I’m not going to go on long trips or go on
dangerous missions to faraway places.  I’ll try to come back every so
often, maybe even more frequently than that, depending on what I do.”


are you leaving?” My sister looks at me as if she was just told that Santa didn’t


start to panic. “Nono Ellie I’m staying here.  You’ll be seeing your
brother a lot from now on okay?”


both my mother and father have told Eleanor a lot of stories about me and how
strong and smart I am.  One of Ellie’s favorite bedtime stories was how I
saved her from a bunch of bad guys on top of a cliff and that I got hurt so
it’ll take me some time to come back home.  Eventually, I became a sort of
hero figure to my sister.


I look
back at my mother.  Her face was considerably more at ease after talking
about this.  I guess she just assumed the worst-case scenario and thought
I wanted to slay the world’s strongest evil at the age of eight or something.


did you want to be an Adventurer before even going to school anyways? Isn’t it
usually the opposite?”  My mother softly mutters.


reason was a part of it in that, I want to test my skills out in real life
situations.  Also, Mom, I want to at least try to fit in with everyone
when I go to school.  It will be a lot harder to fit in if I begin school
at the age of eight.  I don’t think I’ll be able to make much friends with
such a big age difference.”


once, Mother gives me a look of approval.  A mother’s worst nightmare is
her child becoming a loner.


I say
this while thinking of Sylvia’s dying wish.  She wanted me to enjoy life
and have a life not just of training.  This was a promise that I planned
on keeping no matter what.


I’m going to be here for a couple of months anyway.  Who know, maybe
you’ll get sick of me by then and throw me out before I even get the chance to
leave.”  I wink at Mother.


earns me a thump on the head but she chuckles as well.  “You! You’re just
like your father at times like these.  Thank God you at least have my
intelligence.” She gives me a big hug, leaving me with a warm feeling inside.


What about my intelligence! He was gifted with my adept abilities in fire too!”
My father protests.


MY son got his deviant powers from me.” Mother just turns me away from my
father and just sticks her tongue out at him.


too! Bleh!”  My sister copies my mother and sticks her tongue out at my
devastated father.


No ones on my side.”  He just playfully cries, trying to hug his my


leaves us all in a fit of laughter.


next day is a Sunday, leaving my father with the day off.  Both the Leywin
and Helstea family are dining together for breakfast.


did you guys settle on what to do about Arthur?” Asks Vincent, half chewing on
his omelet.


shakes her head; “I swear.  Sometimes, I have such a hard time believing
you’re a noble with your horrible dining habits, dear.


don’t worry.  At least your husband’s better than mine.  Remember
that one dinner party where Rey spit out his food from laughing so hard? I had
to use Ellie as an excuse to leave the table because I was so embarrassed.”
 My mother just sighs.


 Anyways! Yes, after talking about it yesterday night, we agreed to let
him become an Adventurer under some conditions, Vince.” My father just lightly
blushes as he tries to switch back the topic.


 What conditions?” Responds the curious Tabitha as she’s cutting the
omelet into smaller pieces for Lilia.


not going to become an Adventurer until after his birthday, which is in 3
months.  We also decided on having a guard with him on his missions.
Besides that, I feel like he’ll be smart enough to manage the rest on his own.
 Of course, the last condition is that he’ll be visiting as often as
possible.” My father explained, working on the rest of roast beef.


you have anyone in mind for who his guard is going to be? Heck, is there even a
guard that is capable of guarding him?  I feel like Arthur is going to be
the one protecting the guard!” He just chuckles at the ridiculousness of an
eight year old protecting a grown, veteran Adventurer.


mother answers him, looking at my father, “We haven’t really thought of a
person that fits the criteria.  Rey and I thought we could use one of the
Helstea Auction guards, but we couldn’t really come up with anyone right?”


“Can I
have more omelet please?” My sister chimes in with her fork raised in the air.


“I got
it!” My father stands up from his sudden revelation, making me almost choke on
the piece of meat that was in my mouth.


Twin Horns will be coming back from an expedition in a dungeon soon.  I
received a letter from the Adventurer Guild Hall that says they should be back
within two months!  It’s perfect! Why did it take so long for me to think
of this?  We can just have one of the Twin Horns to look after you.
 Arthur! You still remember them right?”  My father’s eyes shine in


That’s not a bad idea!” My mother says from the kitchen, her voice implying the
rarity in my father having a good idea.


a piece of meat to Sylvie who’s perched on my lap with her front two paws on
the table, I respond too. “Of course I remember them.  That sounds like a
great idea Dad.  Do they know I’m back?”


unfortunately, I haven’t had the chance to send a mail to them yet.  I was
planning on doing that today.” My father sits back down, scratching his head.


chimes in on the conversation after finishing off his breakfast.


you said to Director Cynthia yesterday about not showing your powers to anyone
until you enroll into Xyrus Academy right?  How are you planning on doing
that while you’re an Adventurer?”


yes.  I’ve been meaning to get to that.”  I say wile I pick up a
strawberry with my fork.  “I plan on keeping my identity hidden as an Adventurer.
 I’ve read that there are many members of the Adventurer’s Guild that go
by aliases, not revealing their identities to the public.”  Unfortunately,
since there is no way of masking the appearance of Sylvie, I’ll just have to do
a good job of hiding her.  Thankfully, she’s small enough to fit inside a
cloak if the pocket is big enough.


 I see.”  Both Vincent and Tabitha nod at this.


that, breakfast ended and we all separated.


went to the Guild Hall to send a letter to his old party members while my
mother and Tabitha went shopping, taking Ellie and Lilia along with them.
 They asked me to come as well but I politely declined the offer to endure
the suffering they call a pastime event.


washed up and headed towards the right wing of the manor, where Vincent’s
office was.






Arthur.” I respond.


door opens and I see a curious look on Vincent’s face.  “Ah come in! What
brings you here Arthur?  You’ve never really come into my office before.”


yes.  There is a certain matter I wish to talk to you about today, which
is why I visited.”  I said while looking around.  He had piles of
documents on the floor and on his desk.



BOOK: The Beginning After The End (Early Years Book 1)
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